o ?
sECtION 2:
wHAt suBstAnCes do Kids use?
Section 2: What Substances Do Kids Use?
noTe: Please also see the Drug
use and experimentation with tobacco
Identification Chart at the end of
products have declined for middle
this publication.
school and high school students
Children today are exposed to compared to previous generations,18
drugs and alcohol because they
according to the Centers for Disease
see them used in movies, in
Control and Prevention (CDC). Even
music videos, and on television from a
so, over 19 percent of high school
very young age. They also learn about
students were cigarette smokers in
2009, as were 5.2 percent of middle
them on social networking sites, where
school students.19 In 2009, every day,
information is instant and available
about 3,800 teens began smoking and
24/7, and they learn from classmates.
1,100 become regular smokers.20 It
Exactly what they learn depends on
is illegal in all states to sell tobacco
what they listen to, read, or watch, and
products to persons under age 18.
who they hang out with.
Smoking continues to be the single
At the end of this publication is a
leading preventable cause of death
detailed Drug Identification Chart
and disease in the United States,21
that lists many drugs commonly
so it’s important to establish your
abused today, along with the side
household as one where tobacco use is
effects and “street names.” In this
NOT tolerated.
section, we’ll talk about some
Many tobacco products are eas-
commonly abused substances, the
ily recognized: a cigar, a pack of
risks they pose to children, and
cigarettes, or a container of smoke-
where children acquire them. Once
less tobacco (chewing tobacco or
you know that, the most important
snuff). However, some companies
thing you can do is to talk with
have developed products that you
your children rather than leave their
may not know about and that are
drug and alcohol education to a
specifically aimed at young people.
random website or television sitcom.
One tobacco product you may not
We’ll discuss ways to have those
be familiar with is called a bidi
conversations in Section 4.
cigarette, which consists of tobacco
wrapped in leaves of plants that
are native to Asia. Typically tied on
Whether smoked or chewed, nicotine
one or both ends with string, bidis
is one of the most highly addictive
come in flavors such as chocolate,
drugs used in today’s society—and
mango, vanilla, lemon-lime, mint,
the addiction is extremely hard to
pineapple, and cherry—flavors
break. The good news is that tobacco
that appeal to young smokers.
GrowinG uP druG Free: A PArent’s Guide to Prevention
the globe, including in the United
States. In recent years, there has
Why have we included alcohol in a
been an increase in hookah use
book about drugs? Alcohol is a drug.
around the world, most notably
It’s illegal for kids under 21 (in most
among youths.
states) to use it,25 and it’s dangerous.
Also, smokeless tobacco is not a
Kids who drink are more likely to
safe alternative to smoking, as it
be victims of violent crimes, have
contains 28 cancer-causing agents
serious problems in school, and be
( carcinogens), and adolescent
involved in drinking-related traffic
smokeless tobacco users are
crashes.26 Underage alcohol use is
more likely than nonusers to
more likely to kill young people than
become adult cigarette smokers.22
all illegal drugs combined.27
According to the 2011 MTF survey, As children approach adolescence,
3.5 percent of eighth-graders, 6.6
they want to fit in with their peers,
percent of 10th-graders, and 8.3
and alcohol is a common drug of
percent of 12th-graders reported
choice. You may think your child
smokeless tobacco use during
hasn’t begun drinking yet. You may
the past month.23 These products
be right, but by the time they reach
may be attractive because they are the eighth grade, nearly half of all
flavored and produce less saliva
adolescents have had a least one
than previous versions (so no one
drink, and over 20 percent report
has to know you are using them).
having been drunk. The trend
Regardless of the product, teenagers
continues as students enter high
who use tobacco are at risk of
school. A recent national study of
developing cancer, heart and lung
12th-graders showed that nearly a
third of these students binge drink,
disease, and many other diseases
Though not widely used (estimates
which was defined as drinking at
associated with smoking. The best
are that about 3 percent of current
least five drinks at one time within
ways to prevent your child from
high school students smoke bidi
the last two weeks.28
smoking are to (1) not smoke, and
cigarettes), they are especially
Using alcohol is a poor choice that
dangerous because they contain
(2) not allow smoking in your home.
likely leads to more poor choices for
more than three times the amount
Teens whose parents smoke are almost young people. Seventy-five percent
of nicotine and carbon monoxide
three times as likely to use tobacco
of teens reported that the teens they
as traditional cigarettes and five
themselves.24 And remember, teens
knew who drank alcohol or used
times as much tar as cigarettes.
who smoke cigarettes are much more
likely to use marijuana than those who illegal drugs were more likely to
❯ Another method of using tobacco
have never smoked.
engage in sexual activity.29
that you may not recognize is
Alcohol affects the mind and body in
with a hookah. Sometimes called
If you discover your children are
unpredictable ways, and teens lack the
a water pipe, hookahs are used to
already using tobacco, remind them
judgment and coping skills to handle
smoke specially made tobacco that that it is illegal for them to purchase
alcohol wisely. As a result30
is available in a variety of flavors
tobacco products, and let them know
(e.g., apple, mint, cherry, choco-
you expect them to quit immediately.
❯ Alcohol-related traffic crashes
late, coconut, licorice, cappuc-
Be firm but supportive, as breaking
are a major cause of death among
cino, and watermelon). Hookah
a tobacco addiction can be extremely
young people. Alcohol use also is
smoking is typically practiced in
difficult, but continue to emphasize
linked with teen deaths by drown-
groups, with the same mouthpiece that quitting is imperative. If
ing, suicide, and homicide.
passed from person to person.
necessary, your family physician may
❯ Teens who use alcohol are more
While used in Persia and India
prescribe medication to help break the
likely to be sexually active at
for centuries, today, hookah cafés
habit or direct your child to support
earlier ages, to have sexual inter-
are gaining popularity around
programs for quitting smoking.
course more often, and to have
U.S. DrUg EnforcEmEnt ADminiStrAtion • U.S. DEpArtmEnt of EDUcAtion
caffeinated drinks were reported in
The risk of alcohol poisoning is also increased
2009; nearly half the emergencies
when teens drink alcohol along with energy
occurred after beverages were mixed
drinks or consume energy drinks that contain
with alcohol or other drugs.33
alcohol. These drinks, which are on most grocery
Discuss the signs of alcohol poisoning
with your children. Those signs include
store shelves, are loaded with caffeine, other
❯ mental confusion
plant-based stimulants, and other additives.
❯ stupor
❯ coma (or inability to be roused)
unprotected sex than teens who
Alcohol Poisoning
do not drink.
❯ vomiting
Myth #2 at the front of this publication
❯ Young people who drink are more
mentioned that alcohol poisoning,
❯ seizures
likely than others to be victims of
which can happen the very first
❯ slow breathing or irregular
violent crimes, including rape, ag-
time someone drinks alcohol, can
gravated assault, and robbery.
cause serious brain damage or death.
❯ hypothermia (low body
❯ Teens who drink are more likely to A person (of any age) who drinks
have problems with school work
enough alcohol will eventually get
❯ bluish skin color and/or paleness
and school conduct.
sleepy and pass out. Particularly
troubling is that if the person
If you suspect someone has alcohol
❯ The majority of boys and girls
consumed alcohol rapidly, the level
poisoning, call 911 immediately.
who drink tend to binge (five or
of alcohol in the bloodstream (called
more drinks on an occasion for
blood alcohol content or BAC) will
HoUSeHolD proDUcTS:
boys; four or more on an occasion
for girls).
continue to rise even after the person
passes out. A high BAC suppresses
Items in your cabinets at home may
❯ A person who begins drinking as
natural reflexes, such as the ability to
be enough for your child to get high—
a young teen is four times more
gag, so a person who vomits while
even items that you might not con-
likely to develop alcohol depen-
passed out can literally choke and die.
sider “drugs.” Hundreds of products
dence than someone who waits
And a person who survives may suffer such as nail polish remover, cleaning
until adulthood to use alcohol.
irreversible brain damage.
fluid, hair spray, gasoline, spray paint,
What can you do? Well, you can
The risk of alcohol poisoning is also
and the propellant in aerosol whipped
restrict your child’s access to the
increased when teens drink alcohol
cream contain chemicals that youths
liquor stored in your home. In a 2011
along with energy drinks or consume
inhale to get high. Because these
survey,31 teens whose parent(s) had
energy drinks that contain alcohol.
inhalants are easily available, they are
consumed alcohol in the previous
These drinks, which are on most
often among the first drugs that young
30 days were more than twice as
grocery store shelves, are loaded with
adolescents abuse.34
likely to say they could get alcohol
caffeine, other plant-based stimulants,
in an hour or less (32 percent vs. 14
Why do children in this group
and other additives. They are very
percent). If you keep alcohol in your
experiment with inhalants? They’re
popular and regularly consumed by
home, keep track of the supply, and
cheap. They’re available. And most
31 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds and
lock it up if possible.
important, kids don’t understand the
34 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds.32 But
dangers of inhalant use—that these
Your disapproval of underage
when mixed with alcohol, caffeine
inhalants starve the body of oxygen
drinking is key to keeping your child
masks the depressant in the alcohol,
and can cause unconsciousness, severe
sober. Don’t underestimate your
and people feel more alert and sober
damage to the brain and nervous
power as a parent—let your kids
than they really are. They eventually
system, and even death.
know what you expect by talking with go to bed—not realizing they have
them and by setting an example for
consumed a lethal dose of alcohol. A
Inhalants generally fall into the
them. Keeping quiet may give your
person who appears to be sleeping it
following categories.
children the impression that you think off may be in real danger. More than Volatile solvents are liquids that
their drinking is okay.
13,000 ER visits related to the highly
vaporize at room temperature. They
GrowinG uP druG Free: A PArent’s Guide to Prevention
SHoUlD YoU Screen YoUr cHilD
when seth Bramley changed high
For DrUgS?
schools in 10th grade, his new
the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggested in 2011 that all
friends introduced him to alcohol
adolescents should be screened for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use at
and marijuana. that was also when
every office visit because their vulnerability to addiction is particularly high, he started to get into trouble. He
as are risk-taking and injuries related to alcohol, tobacco, and drug use.35
and his mom thought it would
screening may consist of the pediatrician simply asking your child about
be a good idea to change his
the use of alcohol, marijuana, or anything else to get high. depending on
environment and go to Arkansas
the answers, the pediatrician can provide positive feedback, advice, or a
to live with his dad. After a month,
treatment referral when needed. this type of screening is one indicator of
seth’s dad caught him smoking pot
whether you are on the right track with keeping your child drug free.
and sent him back home.
seth realized that he had a drug
are found in many easily available
Spraying aerosols directly into the
problem, and he went to rehab
products such as paint thinners
nose or mouth
(rehab means a drug abuse
and removers, dry-cleaning fluids,
Sniffing or inhaling fumes from
treatment facility). He did well,
degreasers, gasoline, glues, correction
substances sprayed or placed into
although it was very hard on
fluids, and felt-tip markers.
a plastic or paper bag (“bagging”)
him and he wanted a different
Aerosols are sprays that contain
program. He went to another
“Huffing” from an inhalant-
propellants and solvents, such as
rehab, graduated, and went to
soaked rag stuffed in the mouth
spray paints, deodorant and hair
a halfway house. But the grip of
sprays, vegetable oil sprays for
Inhaling from balloons filled with
addiction was still there. He told
cooking, and fabric protector sprays.
nitrous oxide
his mom, “Mom, i so much want to
live … i don’t want to get high, but
Gases include medical anesthetics
The lungs absorb the inhaled
(ether, chloroform, and others), as
chemicals into the bloodstream
i just can’t stop.” on Father’s day,
well as gases used in household
very quickly, and the user feels
seth came home for a visit and got
or commercial products. Nitrous
effects similar to those produced by
high with friends.
oxide—the most abused of these
alcohol (e.g., slurred speech, lack of
Giving up wasn’t seth’s way, so he
gases—is found in whipped
coordination, euphoria, dizziness).
told his mom he wanted to get his
But because the high lasts only a
cream dispensers and products
life back on track and go back to
few minutes, people often inhale
that boost octane levels in racing
southern California to live with his
repeatedly for several hours.
cars. Other products containing
grandmother. He was there for two
gases include butane lighters,
Inhalants can damage brain cells
days. He went to dinner with his
propane tanks, and refrigerants.
by preventing them from receiving
mom and grandmother on Friday
enough oxygen. Repeat abusers may
Nitrites, unlike most other inhalants,
night. on sunday morning, he died
have difficulty learning, carrying
act directly on the central nervous
after “bagging” a can of shaving
on conversations, and solving
system to dilate blood vessels and
gel. He was 19 years old.
problems. Long-term inhalant users
relax the muscles. Nitrites are now
can experience muscle spasms
prohibited by the Consumer Product
Would you have pursued further
and permanent difficulty walking,
Safety Commission but can still be
rehabilitation options in this case?
bending, and talking. Inhalants can be
found, typically labeled as video head
Rehab is often not a one-time
addictive and can cause heart damage,
cleaner, room odorizer, leather cleaner,
event. Do not give up hope if your
liver failure, and muscle weakness.
or liquid aroma.
child relapses after being in a drug
Prolonged sniffing of these highly
People who abuse inhalants breathe
treatment facility. Continue to work
concentrated chemicals can cause
in the vapors through their nose or
with your physicians, counselors,
irregular or rapid heart rhythms, and
mouth by
and other substance abuse
can lead to heart failure and death
professionals to seek appropriate
Sniffing or snorting fumes
within minutes. High concentrations
treatment and follow-up care.
from containers
of inhalants also can cause death from
U.S. DrUg EnforcEmEnt ADminiStrAtion • U.S. DEpArtmEnt of EDUcAtion
suffocation when the inhalant vapor
OTC medications. According to the
while.” But when used to get high,
takes the place of oxygen in the lungs
results of a Partnership for a Drug
prescription medications are every
and brain, causing breathing to stop.
Free America survey, more than half
bit as dangerous as “street drugs.”
of teens didn’t think using cough
Overdosing (especially on prescription
over-THe-coUnTer (oTc) medicines to get high was risky.38
pain relievers such as Vicodin,
Because OTC medications are so
Percocet, Loritab, and others) can be
An over-the-counter (OTC) medication widely available, it’s important
is a drug sold without a prescription,
to know which ones are stored in
Another reason for the rising rates
such as a medicine for a cold or cough. your home and their potential side
of use is that prescription drugs are
Many of these medications contain
effects. More importantly, keep all
so readily available. The majority of
dextromethorphan (DXM), and the
medications—particularly cough and
teens get prescription drugs from the
products are very effective when used
cold medicines—in a secure location
medicine cabinets of family, friends,
as directed. But sadly, young people
(such as a locked cabinet) where they
and acquaintances.42 Some young
are abusing this type of OTC drug by
aren’t accessible to young people.
people traffic among themselves—
drinking cough and cold medications
handing out or selling extra Ritalin
(e.g., Robitussin, Coricidin, and Ny-
or Adderall pills of their own or that
quil) either alone or with soft drinks or MeDicATionS
they’ve acquired or stolen; some
alcohol. Gelcaps and pills are swal-
get theirs illicitly from doctors,
lowed or crushed and put into drinks.
For decades, people have taken
pharmacists, or online.
prescription drugs—prescribed by
Products containing DXM are
a doctor or dentist and dispensed
What drugs in your medicine cabinet
available over-the-counter i