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For those who say that they do not believe in this therapeutic method, I can bring a few arguments in its favor. As people are generally divided into atheists and believers, I will first speak about those atheists who, the moment they learn about this method of making

homeopathic remedies using a glass of water bring negative arguments by saying that it has a connection with the placebo effect and not with something concrete and tangible.

My question is: why shouldn’t they try a method which might bring benefits for their health, even if it has connection with the placebo effect?

Are those 10 seconds necessary to test the method so important… that they cannot spare them to test a new theory?

Or, supposing that you are a person that does not believe in this method, my question is: what keeps you from orienting your thoughts towards it if this thing brought just benefits to your health?

Researchers use the placebo effect during their studies to understand exactly what effect a new medicine or treatment might have in relationship with a certain medical status. Thus, in these scientific studies they use a “witness” lot which is “hoaxed” with placebo treatment. It was found that up to 45% of these participants have answered positively at the placebo effect.

I do not say that the present method – the glass of water – is placebo, but supposing that it is, would you not be delighted to be among the almost 45% who succeeded in solving various problems using the present method?

When this book was written (2019), the hospitals in Romania, no matter if state owned or private, they are overcrowded with patients. Do you realize the number of people we speak of when we say 45% of them? I let you give the answer.

What I can tell you is how many people practice homeopathy at present (in Romania). FEW, very few. How come that the present medical architecture, which blames by all means and all ways HOMEOPATHY, can do nothing to change the present trend of increased medical illnesses… especially the incurable ones.

Why are there so few people practicing homeopathy? It is quite simple. You merely make a mathematical calculation and add up:

- people who live in the countryside have never heard about homeopathy;

- people who are negatively influenced by homeopathy being blamed by the allopath medical system;

- people that had homeopathic doctors who, by not practicing classical homeopathy, gave them in a short time, very many remedies, worsening their suffering. Thus, they started to think in a negative way about it;

- people who have had negative reactions, but normal ones, at the taken remedies and who, getting frightened, gave up continuing the homeopathic therapies instead of coming back to the homeopathic doctor in order to counteract them by using other homeopathic remedies;

- people who resort to it in the last moments of their life as a possible solution and for which homeopathy is most of the time too late, when their relatives say “see, he tried homeopathic remedies and they did not help him”- a true thing taking into account that homeopathy needs time to be able to repair the body;

- the lack of homeopathic doctors in the countryside;

- the lack of official statistics which should show the efficiency homeopathic remedies have.

The result shows that just a very small number of people remain faithful to homeopathy.

I can hardly wait for the day when people will practice homeopathy on a large scale, a day which will show if I am wrong or not.

It is my opinion that from the start there will be up to 45% less people that will go to hospitals, and this if we have in view that people think that it is a placebo effect.

But I tell you that it is no such effect, homeopathy works with animals too, and that the percentage will be much higher… maybe even 80% ?

It remains up to you to practically demonstrate if I am wrong giving this percentage, but not by negative feelings spread by our medical culture, turning us  against homeopathy from the start.

Please, do no longer give negative answers before you study documents about this method.

“Unfortunately, in today’s society, things are reversed. The child comes with love and energy, is honored, but notched by the behavior and teachings and education of the parents.”

Prof. Dr. Liviu ANDRONOVICI and Florentina GIONEA

"You say it is up to parents to teach these things. Yet parents can only pass on what has been passed on to them. And the sins of the father have been visited upon the son. So you are teaching in your homes the same stuff your parents taught you in their homes."

"CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD - An Uncommon Dialogue", Book 2
by Neale Donald Walsch

In his book “Conversations with God – An Unusual Dialog”, Neale Donald Walsch shows the fact that that the ignorance of the parents is transmitted to the children, who are nothing else but their copy.

Do not educate your child, educate yourself, he will anyhow resemble you”, said once a wise man.

For those of them who say that they are believers, I can tell them that I too think of “Divinity” when I put those words on paper. So, what is the difference between what they do when they go to church and pray for health and what I do? Don’t they expect the creation of a connection between them and Divinity just like I do… in order to receive healing remedies on behalf of “Divinity”.

Why, the moment you tell such a person that he can ask “Divinity” for a remedy for his or her health through a piece of paper and a glass of water, he or she refuses with stubbornness to believe such a thing?

We must just think of “Divinity” and wait for its energy to materialize.

Of course, according to people’s beliefs, instead of Divinity we may also use other appellatives such as: Creator, Universe, according to everybody’s belief.

Why do the words we use have such a great importance? We might bring arguments even from the Old Testament which says: “At the beginning there was the Word.” This means that, before creating the Universe, there was “THE WORD”. We notice thus that even the religion teaches us the importance that "The word" has.

If several hundreds of years ago man would have been presented with the image of a TV set, he might have said it was something paranormal and nevertheless today the TV set is something quite normal. More paranormal is the fact that though we are the creation of the “Universe”, we always avoid being grateful and consider ourselves His real children.

I can use as an argument the fact that I am not the only one who uses this method to materialize a remedy in water. It so happened that I saw on television a program about a cult where I noticed a great similarity about what they did and the method I described in this book, namely:

As part of their meetings, several people were meeting in a room where they were praying for health having near them bottles with water that they were drinking at the end of their prayers.

Thus, some people said they were healed or feeling better after they had drunk that water. I am quite convinced that what is happening within that cult is perfectly valid and correct.

The explanation which to me seemed logical, would be that:

“The moment when those people were praying for health, in that water a remedy (at random) was materializing, which, having in view that at those rallies hundreds of people were participating, it might have happened that it could have  fitted very well for certain diseases of some participants. In this way, the few persons for whom the respective remedy fitted, they felt much better.”

The difference between those prayers and the method described in this book is that, instead of letting a random remedy materializing in water using prayers, we ask the “Universe” to give us a certain remedy which should perfectly match to the disease (pain) which we want to cure.

I must admit that there are people for whom this method has no effect. Few, but they still exist. I estimated this ratio to be approximately of 10 to 1. More exactly, out of 10 persons, for one of them, the method does not work.

From my studies, I found that the functioning of the present method has no connection with the fact that someone believes or does not in this method, but just with the wish of healing. Even the person about whom I write in the chapter about psoriasis came to no longer believe, as the first two remedies we tried had no effect whatsoever. But there were a few persons who, in spite of wishing that the method should have an effect, it did not work no matter how many attempts they made.


Even if with the persons for whom the glass of water method does not work, they however may benefit from homeopathic therapies using the granules to be found in drugstores.

Hundreds of years ago, people did not know that the world was surrounded by all kind of frequencies, the first and most visible one being the light which, from the physical point of view, is nothing else but an electromagnetic radiation. Even this one has certain characteristics that do not allow man to notice them completely. The term of “light” may also be used for electromagnetic radiations that are invisible for men, such as for instance the infrared light or the ultraviolet one, and the fact that it could not be visually noticed by man in the past, did not mean that it was not present in their lives.

We may use as an argument what happened in the case of the “aura”, which is by no means a novelty, as its existence was known already by the Egyptians, but only in the 1930's years, was it photographed by the Kirlians and thus its physical existence was proven.

What is an aura?

The aura is an electromagnetic field of man which propagates radiations under the form of vibrations associated with energy quanta. These vibrational informational energies are part of the entity which man is. At present, man developed devices which identify and measure these energies which make the “aura”. We can notice that, with the development of technology, many of the things that we just presumed in the past, can be demonstrated in a scientific way as well.

This book does nothing else but finds the existence of a relationship between our thoughts and the surrounding universe and the fact that we do not discover anything new, we just get to acknowledge the continuous existence, of some phenomena in the nature.

Many people would hurry to quickly write on the little piece of paper “REMEDY FOR CAN_ _ _”, which is the biggest disease of our times, but I draw your attention that it will not work (excuse me for not writing the whole word, but I would like to use in this book only nice words).

This disease is a derangement of the body’s functionality and that is why, if you noticed, even if people resort to operations and then the effect of this dysfunctionality is removed, in most cases the cause of the derangement, remains and will continue to create problems for the human being.

It will not be enough to create just one remedy aimed at the respective organ. Many more remedies will be necessary, taken at intervals over a lengthier period of time, in order to come to a correct regulation of the body’s functioning.

You will have to be patient in this case and that is why the recommendation is for the homeopathic treatment to begin as early as possible, no matter if you use granules or the method presented here.

Delaying, that is not undertaking anything from the health point of view, is in fact one of the main causes which brings medicine in the impossibility to do something for them, no matter which medical alternative we choose.

All the more so in homeopathy, which needs time to act and repair the body, this delaying being its very failure.

I am not a doctor, but I am quite convinced that any homeopath who will subscribe to this idea will say that: if you learn that you have only two weeks to live because of your disease and having no solutions you will use as a last resort homeopathy, in 99,999 % of the cases nothing else could be done.

People have the habit of not correctly analyzing the situation in which they are and have the impression that, in case of serious diseases, it matters what they did for their health just the last year, the year previous to finding out the diagnosis.

A completely wrong thing.

      Most of the times, these diseases evolve along many years or even tens of years.

We may mention Mother Teresa, a personality loved by many people, who in her turn was very attentive with the words she used. She never said she was fighting against the war, but she used to say that “she was fighting for peace”. Notice how she avoided using negative words and she used just positive words, full of love, even if she referred to the same thing.

It is not in vain that the Bible says: “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

It is my opinion that the text in the Bible which says “Love your neighbor as yourself”, is today overpassed by events. Why so? If you are a person who is self-destructive by what you do, this means that if you also love the others as you love yourself, you do nothing else but also destroy those around you.

It would be much better if that text sounded like this:

“Love your neighbor much more than yourself.”

This wording, which I consider much closer to the present reality, becomes, with each passing year, an ever more correct wording because of the people that self-destruct themselves due to the fact that: they do no longer have time.

This argument, used by them to justify the lack of interest for their neighbor or for all that surrounds them, as simple as it seems at first sight, it is in fact all the more important.

They have no more time to take care of their health, they have no more time to relax, they have no longer time for their children, no more time for their education, they have no longer time to look around to see if someone needs help, and in our case, if we strictly refer to the method described in this book, they do not have time to take 10 seconds of their life to verify if it is real and see if might work even for them.

To be frank, I wonder how do they have enough time to live?

If we came to talk about time, you know that, being at the university and going to the economy classes, we were told that if we make a profitability calculation and that of the cost of a product, we must take into account the time that we “spend”  making a product, as it is the element with the biggest weight in the equation… because, once it is used it can never be regained.

Thus, we notice that time is the most precious thing we have and it must be used wisely and for our benefit. Once we use it, it can no longer be bought, no matter how much money we have.

Reading the book written by Masaru Emoto “The Hidden Messages in Water”, I learned a very interesting thing about glycerin:

“For the first forty or so years after glycerin was discovered, it was generally accepted that it didn't form crystals. Then one day at the beginning of the nineteenth century, a drum of glycerin en route from Vienna to London suddenly started to crystallize.

A short time later, in a completely different location, another batch of glycerin also crystallized. This crystallization began to spread, and now it is generally accepted that glycerin forms crystals when temperatures drop below 17°C (63°F).

So what should we make of this?

When the crystals first formed (for whatever reason), a morphic field was created, and eventually all glycerin, in compliance with the morphic field, started to form crystals. This type of phenomenon has occurred in many other substances as well. Despite all the randomness in the world, once a substance begins to form crystals, then it often becomes common for it to form crystals thereafter.”

Masaru Emoto: The Hidden Messages in Water,
September 2005 by Beyond Words Publishing

From this fragment of history, if we draw a parallel with what happened with the crystallization of glycerin, we come to the conclusion that this method too may take part in the theory of morphic resonance, which can be translated (formulated) like that:

If there is at present at least one person who can ask the “Universe” to materialize homeopathic remedies through a glass of watter, from that moment on any person can do it in turn, hence it is not an impossible thing to do.

Thus, just like waves, this information can be distributed to other people as well, and who, in their turn, may use this Method, if they want.

Nothing can be done without making a minimum effort, and so it is in the case of this method, if we do not succeed in making a correct wording from the start, we can try a second and a third time, until we succeed.

All we need is perseverance. Nothing can be done without effort and thorough study.

The great difficulty is to overcome the psychological barrier created by years of indoctrination which strengthened our belief that certain things are not possible, which would hinder our spiritual development.

To deceive us all by ourselves that we are moral persons would not do anything, but make us follow a wrong path which, according to many specialists, is leading towards negative feelings of frustration and anger, which bring a state of stress to our body and which, finally, lead to the appearance of diseases.

As long as we won’t not succeed to change the negative feelings into positive ones, we’ll be trying in vain different therapeutic methods because it is quite possible that none of them will function, the diseases being nothing else but the transposing of negative feelings from the spiritual to the physical level.

To love unconditionally and be grateful
are indispensable things for a balanced life.

Life is nothing else but a succession of experiences that can be both positive or negative. If you can not easily overcome the negative experiences, this means you are not enough prepared for it.

Notice how learning and studying constantly does nothing but develop the spirit - the only thing that goes with us.

I wanted this book to be a study, written in most simple terms, with exact descriptions of the method, with practical and functional examples, which should show how these requests can be made towards the “Universe”. It is everyone’s right to choose what they want from life.

“If you are not prepared to change your life,

I cannot help you.”


This is a book written with the help of friends – for friends!

It underwent a metamorphose and it grew together with the number of friends.

I would like to thank them once more for the help they offered in achieving it, for their advice, corrections ant notices about the book’s text.

“If the human body is being addressed every day by food and the toxicity of the surrounding environment (chemical, electromagnetic), it is recommended to use homeopathic remedies or elements prepared through the glass of water method, by periodic therapies and whenever any medical problem appears – even if a minor one – to counteract it while in an incipient stage.”


The author would like for the persons that succeeded in overcoming a health problem with the help of the glass of water method,

to be grateful to the “Universe”

as it happened to he who sign this book, and in their turn, inform others who suffer, but do not know about the existence of this therapeutic method.

Thus, they will prove love for the neighbor who is suffering.

With much warmth,



Any donation is welcome and will help promote the glass of water method. The donation can be made via PayPal to  ionescumihairo@yahoo.com

Please write "donation" as you make the payment.

Love and Gratitude



Specialist in the “Glass of water” method

LICENSED in Marketing

Bucharest Faculty of Economic Sciences

SPIRU HARET University


Facebook: mihaiionescuro


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