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In a world in which classical medicine backfire ever more often, homeopathy seems to be a much more viable solution with lasting effects. It is my opinion that this is the only therapy oriented towards treating people, with lasting effects or even permanent ones in most cases. Having studied this domain of alternative medicine which includes homeopathy, I was quite surprised by the lack of information. Obviously, there is the internet, but there is so much information, that it is very difficult for an uninformed person to form a correct opinion.

This is how this chapter appeared, being an informative synthesis of the various texts of homeopathic medicine and of the works written by various homeopathic doctors, who want to be of help to the people that wish to orientate towards the alternative medicine and homeopathy.

As part of this chapter we shall learn about the principles on which homeopathy is based, things which everybody should know before he or she would go to a homeopathic doctor. I introduced this synthesis of the texts from the specialty literature with the hope that you will get easier familiarized with the homeopathic domain or it might be helpful in your steps to look for a good homeopathic doctor. The fact that you will have knowledge about the basics of homeopathy can be of real help in order to make a distinction between the various homeopathic doctors with inherent talent or without and to consequently make your choice.

The basic principles of homeopathy, formulate since the time of Hippocrates, as they were enunciated by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) and as they were handed down until today, contradict an important part of elements of the “classical”, non-homeopathic medicine, as well as of science, a reason for which homeopathy, though more and more liked by the public at large, remains at the level of scientific communities a controversial issue.

Homeopathy, as a science, is based on well-defined principles, conceived by Hahnemann and his followers.

The similarity principle asserts that “a substance which produces a set of symptoms when it is given to a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms for a sick person, when it is used in very small doses.”

In Hahnemann’s conception, the homeopathic products (called remedies) have no action in a physical, material manner on the body, but through an immaterial action, which influences the vital force, counteracting the work of its disturbing agents. The vital force is an immaterial force which guarantees the life of the organism and is receptive to the action of the diluted remedy and dynamized according to homeopathic laws, which thus confers an energy similar to the vital force.

The homeopathic perspective is a holistic one, of healing the person as a material and spiritual whole, healing supposes to remove the symptoms together with the removal of the changes in the “vital force.”

To the objection that homeopathy still has no theory to explain it, A. Jacobs answered: “this is not a reason in itself, to deny homeopathy as being useless, because the history of science is full of discoveries that went against the current of thinking at that moment, as was the idea that the Earth is not flat.”

The homeopathic remedies are healing by presenting the body an energetic model that is mimicking the energetic model of the disease. This is certainly launching the correct reaction of healing. The remedy does not bring chemicals into the body. It rather holds information about how it should be healing (the remedy gives the body instructions about healing).

Homeopathy treats the sick person, not the disease. Two patients with the same diagnosis will receive different remedies according to each of the person’s symptoms. The treatment is done with one single remedy, that one which best suits the present pathological state.

The experiments made on volunteers were done with each remedy apart, never with more remedies at the same time and this rule is also used during the treatment.

Homeopathy does not treat physical, psycho–emotional or mental problems separately, but all of them together, the patient being looked upon as a unitary whole (entity). Thus, homeopathy is a holistic therapy. In order to find the suitable remedy, the homeopath must learn not just the exact character of the symptoms, but also the way in which the patient inter-acts with the environment and the people around.

The homeopathic remedy acts on the vitality of the patient stimulating the defense mechanisms of the organism. If the disease is looked upon as an imbalance appeared at a certain level of the body, the remedy tries to re-establish this lost equilibrium.

The healing takes place from the inside towards the outside, from the more important organs towards the less important ones. Thus, in the case of bronchial asthma and eczema, the asthma will be first improved, and during this time the eczema persists or even gets worse. If the eruption disappears from the skin (by using for instance a cream with cortisone) and the asthma persists or gets worse, this means we have a suppression. The skin disease was pushed inside the body, but not healed. The state of health on the whole is less good, the asthma being a more serious disease.

Approaching the case of the patient as a whole, the homeopathic doctor does not treat the problems he has to deal with, separately but as a unitary whole.

The principle of similarity – “similia similibus curentur” says that:

“A substance which in ponderal dose causes disorders with a healthy person, in infinitesimal dose, may heal the same disorders with a sick man.”

S. Hahnemann – Organon, par.22:

„The therapeutic properties of medicine reside exclusively in their power of provoking pathological symptoms with the healthy man and of making them disappear with the sick man”

S. Hahnemann – Organon, par.26:

“Experience teaches us that all drugs heal, with no exception, the diseases whose symptoms are closest to their own.”

Hahnemann insists on the fact that homeopathic interactions does not involve any kind of material particle and reproaches to the possible contesters of this idea their materialistic conceptions. The invisible specific medical force of these highly potentiated remedies does not depend on their material atoms or on their physical properties. On the contrary, what is found in the tiny impregnated corpuscles or in solutions is just the invisible energy of the raw substance freed and amplified at the most.

The remedies are being given in infinitesimal doses. Thus, the substances out of which the remedies are prepared, lose their possible toxicity and the potential to produce adverse reactions. Moreover, by the specific process of dilution and dynamization, the remedies acquire new curative properties which were present only in a latent form in the crude substance.

Along the years, three homeopathic therapeutic orientations have been formed:

1. Unicism – the administration of only one single remedy in a given case.

Samuel Hahnemann – Organon par.273:

“There is no treatment in which it would be necessary, consequently it is inadmissible to do it, to use more than one simple medicinal substance for a single patient. In the unique and true medicine, the only medicine in conformity with nature, homeopathy, it is forbidden to give the patient two medical substances at the same time.”

As part of this school we can differentiate:

- rigorous unicists – Kent and his pupils – ask for the similimum remedy to be looked for with an attentive observance, a hierarchization and repertorization of the symptoms, and this remedy to be left to act without other interventions.

- eclectic unicists – those who give a single remedy, maybe in increasing dilutions as Hahnemann himself recommends. In case of failure the remedy should be changed until you obtain the wanted effect.

2. pluralism – administrating several remedies in a certain order.

The sick persons are less capable of analyzing exactly, they do not notice the ways of the symptoms, give contradictory information from one consultation to the other. The solution is either to wait for the outlining of a precise symptomatic picture to give the remedy if the patient has the necessary patience or to prescribe several remedies, which should cover the disturbances claimed by the patient.

3. complexism the administration of mixtures of remedies which can be prescribed for a given disease, in a considered nosological framework, with the hope that the remedy is one of those present in the cocktail and that the other will not cause new disturbances.

The recommended and most efficient variant is the classical homeopathy (unicism).

It is my recommendation to avoid the other variants used by some homeopathic doctors. I hope that this book, which explains the way in which the homeopathic remedies work, will show you why the unicist (classical) homeopathy is the best variant (in which a unique remedy is given and which is left to take sufficient action for its effect to be utmost).

A doctor who is practicing classical homeopathy should recommend one, maximum two remedies, after which the pacient has to return to the doctor for a new consultation.

My advice: If you go to a homeopathic doctor and he recommends you more than two homeopathic remedies, you'd better get up and leave.

The use of multiple remedies or of complexness, even if for a short period of time, may bring benefits, for a longer period, various problems might appear because of the interaction of the various remedies taken at the same time. That is why it is recommended to avoid their use.

From my personal practice, and only in certain circumstances, you can make combinations of only two homeopathic remedies but on condition that they have the same potency (the same CH). The combination of three or more will make it that in the first 12 hours since swallowing them (the first phase of homeopathic remedies – see chapter II), the sensibility of the respective person to increase very much, having the possibility for the appearance of unwanted effects which might continue even after the first stage ended.


The exact way of preparing and the concurrent administration of two remedies using the present method is to be found at the end of chapter 5.

The homeopathic remedy is that substance capable of creating for the healthy person a suffering (pathos) similar to (homeo).

The homeopathic remedies are prepared by starting from natural substances, mostly plants, but minerals too or products of animal origins (even some venoms used in other therapies).

By dilution and progressive dynamization (agitation) in an alcoholic solution, various potentials of a remedy can be obtained. This procedure called intensification or strengthening, make the crude substances from which we started out, to acquire new therapeutic properties. That is why the remedies are more efficient than, for instance, the teas made from the same plants. The dilutions are made by successively diluting the respective substance, and the intensification is made before each dilution by agitating the receptacle (hitting it against the palm or a book 10 times), this being the moment when an energetic transfer between all water molecules is taking place, so that every molecule will contain the information of the respective substance.

Hahnemann could not explain the principle of intensification, he only found that it existed.  Not even today is it easy to accept, though the new discoveries in quantum physics, biology, genetics and chemistry are facilitating the understanding of these phenomena quite a lot.

Any disease, acute or chronic, can be approached homeopathically. The remedies can be used even in cases in which administrating medicine must be avoided: pregnancy, breast feeding, allergies to medicines etc.

Homeopathy can be used no matter of age, from babies to elderlies. The improvement or complete healing depends on many factors: vitality, age, lifestyle, food, used medicines, length of disease etc.

When an improvement of symptoms occurs, that does not mean that the healing is complete, but that it has just begun.

The homeopathic recipes are made on clinical indications, symptoms; it is holistic (it adresses the sick persons as a whole, not by segments, such as for instance the: head, eyes, stomach etc.) strictly individualized. The homeopathic remedy acts at the energetic level, rebalancing the disturbed energies in our body; it is a piece of information, a quality, not a quantity.

Homeopathy and allopathy are not excluding one another. It is a good thing for both methods to be known and used, one or the other, according to the respective situation.

In order to find the most suitable remedy for the patient, the doctor has to find out as much as possible about the patient. As to the problems he or she has, the doctor is interested to get a maximum of details: for instance, the exact place of the pain, the type of pain, the moment when it appeared, its extension, the accompanying symptoms, the cause, the situations when you are better or worse (a thing valid for all symptoms) the personal and family medical history, the appetite, food preferences and aversions, thirst, reactions to temperature, sleep, the general level of the patient’s energy, the psycho-emotional and behavioral aspects, characteristic for the patient being also important.

In the weeks of treatment that follow, it is quite possible for certain changes to be perceived: a better energy, quiet sleep, optimism, improvement of physical problems. Sometimes certain symptoms might worsen for a short period of time, after you take the remedy. Some other times, the organism resorts to a method of “cleansing” manifested through a secretion (nasal, vaginal etc.), diarrhea, sweating, skin eruption etc. Sometimes, previous symptoms may reappear. All this shows that the remedy works.

Such a reaction must not be fought back using other medicine. Take advice from your doctor. The acute situations that appeared during the treatment, apparently without any connection with the basic affection, have to be told to the doctor. No medicine will be taken without talking to the homeopathic doctor. With children the reaction to a homeopathic remedy just as the healing are more rapid. The same thing can be seen with the people who eat simple things and do not smoke, do not drink, do not use coffee and do not have sexual excesses. The older a patient is or lives more unnaturally, the slower are the healing processes and the effects of the remedy.

In general, when a remedy has been well chosen, some of the symptoms are worsening for 1 to at most 3-4 days. With some diseases, this worsening of the symptoms may last more time. After that time, generally speaking, a major improvement should appear. Sometimes this appears even after a few minutes or hours.

This worsening of the symptoms shows that the remedy was well chosen and that it has the desired effect. In case the dilution is low, the worsening of the symptoms is bigger, with higher dilutions it is almost unnoticeable. If no improvement of the state of health takes place after that time, then the remedy has not been chosen correctly and you have to try another. For instance, a patient who has pains in his joints will feel greater pain in the first 24 hours after the administration of an adequate remedy, after which the pains will stop or gradually disappear. In case the remedy does not fit the patient, he will not feel a worsening but neither will he feel an improvement.

In case the symptoms are getting worse for a longer period of time after taking a homeopathic remedy, you have again to consult the homeopathic doctor.

The homeopathic remedies can have an effect from a few seconds to a few months, but it must appear in maximum 30 days.

In principle, the following rule is valid: the more acute a disease is, the more rapid is the reaction. In acute situations – birth, accident – the reaction should appear in seconds or minutes.

In chronic cases, with older or weaker patients (with weak vital force), the reaction to the remedy will be slower and hence, recommended are low dilutions (CH 5, CH 7, CH 9). With children the reaction is the quickest.

In principle, the homeopathic remedies do not have side effects. But they may be used in a wrong manner and then they can have negative effects. The homeopathic doctor is capable of making a difference between the temporary worsening of the symptoms as a consequence of an adequate remedy and the negative effects of an inadequate one. This cannot be done by a patient who treats himself. That is why I recommend you to be seen by an experienced homeopathic doctor.

Homeopathy does not interfere with other medicines. However, it is influenced by certain medicines in the sense that it might slow down its action or even stop its effect.

The chemical medicines can however contribute to the fact that the influence of the homeopathic remedy should be annihilated by the coarse and powerful frequencies they contain (such as the Cortisone which annihilates the effects of the homeopathic remedies). Many chemical medicines contain so powerful inhibiting substances that the effect of the homeopathic medicine can no longer be guaranteed.

That is why the association of homeopathic remedies with other powerful medicines, such as antibiotics, the medicines with cortisones, the hormones, neuroleptic sedatives etc., significantly diminish the action of homeopathic remedies and should be avoided as much as possible. There are situations when they have to be given in parallel and, if possible, the homeopathic remedy has to be repeated more often, until the dose of allopathic medicines can be reduced.

In many cases it is impossible to give up vital medicines, as long as the organism is weakened. In case the disease and the symptoms are improving, the doctor has to be again consulted for possibly stopping the chemical medicines, if they really are no longer needed. A collaboration between the homeopathic and the allopath doctors would only bring benefits for the sick.

Because of habits and particularly of the patient’s and the doctor’s fear to be held responsible, generally speaking, the patients go on taking chemical medicines, though they would no longer be necessary, after the disease was cured or at least improved.

The homeopathic dilution represents a diluted form of a substance obtained from chemical, mineral substances, plants or animals. In homeopathy there are several types of dilutions. The decimal dilution 1/10 marked by the letter D, centesimal 1/100 marked by the letter C (in Romania noted with CH – the Hahnemann centesimal) or even 1/50000, noted with Q or LM.

The way of preparing the dilutions is quite simple. For instance, in the case of centesimal dilutions (CH) which also are the most frequently used, is done like this:

- you take one part (one drop) from a basic substance which is added to 99 parts (drops) of solvent, after which you powerfully shake the obtained mixture (a process called “dynamization”). Thus, we obtained the first centesimal (Hahnemann) dilution - CH 1;

- Part of this CH 1 solution is mixed in another bottle with 99 parts of solvent and then dynamized, by powerfully shaking the bottle this time too, and the result is dilution CH 2;

- The process continues likewise until you reach the wanted dilution.

Achieving homeopatic dilutions


Without the dynamization process (powerful shaking) of the homeopathic remedies, they are not having any effect. In homeopathy a remedy has all the more so a greater effect, the more it was diluted and more “shaken”, therefore more amplified.

     Thus, the result is that dilution in itself, taken by itself, has no effect on the body, but only the combination of the dilution of the original substance and the manual “stirring” of the substance creates the effect of intensifying the remedy.

In Hahnemann’s time there was no dilution D, but just dilution C. The CH dilutions have a more powerful effect and create fewer initial symptoms than the D ones (the initial worsening of the symptoms is a sign showing that the remedy was well chosen, but the dilution is too low).

From the material point of view, dilution D corresponds to half of dilution CH. For instance CH 6 is equivalent to D 12, though dilution CH 6 has a slightly different effect than D12, because solution D 12 is dynamized 12 times, while CH 6 just 6 times.

The choice of the dilution was and still is a great controversy in homeopathy. Some use dilutions up to D 6, others use medium dilutions, while others use just high dilutions, from D 30 upwards.

Dr. Arthur Lutze for instance, used only dilution D 30. In his book “Characteristic Symptoms in Homeopathic Therapy” you may find many examples and many cases of downright miraculous healings.

Samuel Hahnemann himself, the one who founded modern homeopathy, used initially low dilutions but, later he passed on to higher dilutions, beginning with C 30.

Choosing the dilution depends on the case and patient, each homeopathic physician makes the choice according to his own experience and preference.

For the choice of the dilution, you may use the following rule: “you may choose the dilution which, without creating damages in your body, has clearly a visible influence on a sick body.”

There are certain rules for the choice of the fitting dilution which might be studied, but the choice of the fitting dilution is an art mastered only by a talented master in the art of homeopathic cure. Besides the choice of the fitting dilution, a role is played by the age and personality of the patient, his food, the climate etc.

The factors determining the choice of a certain dilution (potency) are:

  • The vitality of the patient; a good vitality bears high dilutions; diminished vitality requests lower dilutions.
  • The degree of damage; the organic diseases guide us towards lower potencies, the physiological ones towards medium potencies, the psychical ones towards higher dilutions.
  • The degree of similarity; the bigger the similarity between the patient’s symptoms and the remedy is, a more powerful potency is allowed.
  • The level of profoundness referred to by the treatment: the more profound and more lasting action in time is desired, the higher you climb on the scale of potencies.

We shall also have to take into consideration the Arndt-Schultz law, in connection with reversing the effect according to the dose. Thus, the low dilutions are stimulating; the medium dilutions are modulatory, and the high dilutions are downers.

The dilutions which are higher than C30 or D30 are reserved for the homeopathic doctors because their effect is long lasting and deeper. For personal use, you can generally resort to low dilutions – D 1 up to D 30 or from C 1 to C 15.

The remedies made out of poisoning substances should be taken from at least D 12 or C 6, depending on the power of the poison. Generally speaking, the low dilutions out of noxious substances can be obtained from drugstores only with a recipe from a doctor, therefore, a patient cannot be treated by himself with dangerous dilutions.

Remedies made out of healing plants, used in phytotherapy, are generally taken in low dilutions – (D0) or D1 tincture, because with this kind of healing plants, it is requested for the entire spectrum of the plant’s frequencies to make its effect.

Hahnemann shows us in Organon, that:

”Not quantity but quality is the one which is healing. The selection of the fitting remedies is much more important than the quantity which is given.”

A great problem for the full acceptance of homeopathy is the fact that the infinitesimal homeopathic doses, no longer preserve, beyond the 12th centesimal dilution, none of the molecules of the initial substance; that is why they are called in the scientific world ultramolecular doses. The problem which homeopathy raises is a most provocative one for the entire modern medical thinking; how is it possible for the ultra-molecularly diluted substances to still have effects on man’s life, as long as such a dilution does no longer preserve, from the chemical point of view, anything but the solvent?

Though clinical results prove that homeopathic remedies have an effect on live organisms, from theoretical point of view, it is an almost unconceivable thing. For the time being, this is the most important conceptual deadlock for accepting homeopathy, and solving it, will probably represent the change of the present biological and medical paradigm.

To overcome this deadlock, several theories have been suggested, the most frequently suggested one being that about the memory of water, which it is said to permanently keep, in the wake of complex interactions between molecules of solvent and solvit, during successive dilutions and intensifications, information on the disolved substance.

Homeopathic remedies are not just diluted substances but also intensified ones; with every dilution, the support which keeps the information is again and again intensified, so that the initial information can be repeated. During the intensification, the molecules of the remedy make contact and leave the “information imprint” on all the molecules of the solvent, so that each of them, at a new intensification becomes transmitters of the initial information.

What however is obvious about homeopathy, is the fact that: the phenomena are informational, implying the successive sending of information on behalf of the dissolved substance against a (solvent) support and implicitly a memory that can be stored and reactivated. Moreover, this memory can pass on from one support to another, without affecting its major qualities.

Besides choosing the proper remedies and dilutions, an important role is played by the period in which we have to take the respective remedy and the interval between the given doses. We can choose between a multitude of variants which will not make this choice easier, not at all simple. Here too, there are a lot of rules but also many exceptions.

But, generally speaking, the following rules are used by most homeopathic doctors:

- In acute cases of disease, the remedies are given according to the seriousness of the disease at intervals of a quarter or half an hour. As compared to the allopathic (chemical) remedies, the administration of homeopathic remedies is either stopped, or the intervals are increased or the dilutions are changed, as soon as you notice an improvement;

- with very dangerous forms of disease (for instance heart attacks, sepsis, poisoning etc.) homeopathic remedies are given at even smaller intervals of 5-10-15 minutes + emergency call;

- When an improvement is noticed – a sign that the remedy has been chosen correctly – the intervals are increased and the potency that worked is being kept;

- With chronic diseases a low potency (CH 7 or CH 9) is given daily, for a month, and then slightly increasing.

However, we could mention some of the most important rules of homeopathy which being used by various homeopathic doctors who were successful in applying homeopathic theories:

  • As soon as an improvement of the disease appeared, the remedy is no longer taken in order to give it time to take effect in the body. This break is kept until the healing or stoppage appear when either the treatment came to an end, or should be continued with the same or another remedy.
  • The same thing is valid also when a worsening of the symptom appears, which are a proof that the remedy was well chosen, but that that the “power” had been chosen too low. In this case you no longer give the remedy until the symptoms created by the remedy had not completely disappeared, after which you give the same remedy with a higher “power”.
  • With old chronic diseases, you do not give the same remedy often. You have to give each dose enough time in order to have effect. This has been strictly observed by Dr. Arthur Lutze who gave a dose at an interval of at least 3 months to give it time to have an effect. With this method Dr.Lutze performed incredible healings, which are presented in his books.
  • With chronic diseases – where the vital force is low, you give daily a low dilution for a gentle stimulation.
  • The older the suffering is, the higher has to be the dilution. The higher the dilution, the longer has to be the break when the doses are given.
  • If an improvement appears, the same potency is kept until the healing occurs or until it no longer gives any result.

Hence you can see that the choice of the fitting “power” as well as the interval between the remedies is not an easy task.

There are no strict rules, but you can follow a general rule:

The older a suffering is, the higher has to be the “power” of the remedy. The higher is the “power” of the remedy, the longer has to be the break at which the doses are given (an exception are the persons with a low vital force).

The choice of an adequate break between the given doses or remedies, account as much as its type or “power”. All these factors are of a major importance for a successful homeopathic therapy.

There is a variant in which the time between the doses can be much reduced by changing the remedy’s potence:

If the potence is changed, the doses can be repeated more quickly than if we keep the initial potency. This has been tried and confirmed by experience. It seems that it does not matter too much if the potence is grown or decreased, as long as it changes. For instance, if the potency of 200 was taken, it does not matter if you go up to 1 M or down 30C; it is important for the potency to be modified.”

D M Borland: Digestive Drugs, 1940, in EH 2.2.

If the remedy was well chosen and the healing process is not stopped as a consequence of using noxious substances (coffee, powerfully flavored substances), of certain medicines (cortisone, antineuralgics containing caffeine) or of losing sexual liquids (sexual contact), then healing will be brought to an end even with only one adequate dose (a rule valid with patients with great vital force).

The rule that one remedy may be antidoted (with coffee and mint) is not always valid. It may happen that the remedy can be very well chosen and, finding in the body a frequency opposite to it, might start the healing process, and thus it can no longer be antidoted. That is why it is very important not to take remedies without consulting a homeopathic doctor who, in the case of new, negative reactions appearing, should be able to be fought back with other helpful remedies.

In order to heal with homeopathic remedies, certain substances will have to be avoided for at least a few weeks (at least 2, but ideally between 8 and 12 weeks) for the remedies to have an effect and, while this period of time, strengthened by remedies, the immune system to be able to repair the body. Otherwise, the healing will be incomplete or in the best case only the symptoms of the disease are being eliminated, the cause still remaining present.

In homeopathy, the most harmful substances are caffeine (coffee, cola, black tea, antineuralgics), followed by the toxins in pork-meat as well as hot spices such as pepper, mustard, red hot pepper, chili etc.

One cup or several cups of coffee may be an antidote or immediately weaken the effect of a homeopathic remedy. How quickly this effect appears varies a lot from one patient to another, according to the sensitivity of each person, but, earlier or later, the effect appears.

It is very important not to drink coffee during the treatment, thus the remedy does not act at its maximum potential. This does not mean that you should not drink coffee only in those few days while the remedy is taken, but as long as the homeopathic doctor recommends; one dose of the remedy may act for days, weeks or whole months, according to the pathology, constitutional type, remedy, potency etc.

The restriction for tea (black, green, Russian) is not absolute, as it is for coffee; nevertheless, it is recommended not to be drunk daily, in big quantities, “strong” (concentrated) tee.

During the healing process, which lasts for several weeks, up to 2 – 3 months or even more, you have to avoid first and foremost these toxins.

Ointments, liquids, pills, sweets, chewing gum with such a content should be avoided as much as possible (not even the toothpaste should contain menthol). The mint (or chamomile) tea is not recommended during the treatment nor are other teas of plants used daily and in big quantities, over a period of time.

Moreover, a complete sexual abstinence should be observed, as the healing force is immediately dispersed when the body looses its sexual liquids, particularly when the symptoms we complain about are those of tiredness and lack of power. Unfortunately, the body has no separate forces for sex and healing, and once it is dispersed, the vital force is remade only after a certain time.

This is the 3-rd main rule which we must observe for the homeopathic remedies to have an effect. If we cannot give up completely, recommended is the limitation of sexual “losses” by increasing the periods of pauses very much. Nor is it recommended to make abuses or refusals. At 40 – 50 years, one or two discharges a month are all right.

Why is this rule as important as the first two? Because, when the sexual fluid is lost, the action of the remedy is shaded off for a period of at least one or two days, until the body’s lost energy is recovered by this action.

Why is this not a good thing?

Because it might happen exactly as in the case of antibiotics when, if the treatment is stopped, even temporarily, the disease we suffer from has time to be able to get accustomed with it and in this way the antibiotics (in our case – the homeopathic remedy) might no longer have an effect, even if its administration is resumed.

Thus, even if the body’s energy is remade and the remedy resumes its action, the disease we suffer from might not answer positively to the remedy we took, thus another homeopathic variant has to be found (another remedy).

Because of the ignorance or non-observance of these factors, many patients cannot be healed with the help of homeopathic remedies (many times the problem is of blocking, not of the lack of vital force). As to the allopathic remedies, they are not curing at all, they only remove, for a short time, just certain symptoms. The allopathic (chemical) remedies, although they seem more comfortable, because the doctors do not recommend any abstinence or diet, do not bring to the body but supplementary diseases. Each patient must choose the true path if he wants to cure his suffering and unfortunately this needs willpower and knowledge, as there are no pills which make wonders without willpower to get better.

A well chosen remedy can make the symptoms disappear for good. For a change, with chronic diseases, there may appear new symptoms in spite of the well- chosen remedy.

And this because many diseases are superimposed, because they have not been cured at the proper time, being eliminated either with chemical medicine or “covered” at the psychic level. For these new symptoms, a new remedy, rightly chosen, is needed.

When a remedy has been properly chosen, more often than not, a brief worsening of the symptoms appears, particularly with low dilutions, after which the symptoms disappear making room for the healing. If nothing happens after taking the remedy, it is possible that the dilution is not the right one and you have to try another.

The patient has the same contribution for healing just as the doctor, because he has to keep a certain diet and a way of life for the healing not to be stopped and for which it has to be manifest in the material plane. In vain does the patient receive the proper remedy from the doctor, if he stops the healing process with coffee and sexual abuse. Excess is the keyword! ...not abstinence.

The curative action of the remedies can be diminished if the reactions that might appear during the treatment are fought back. The remedy tries to clean up the body from toxins, a fact that may be exteriorized by excessive sweating, nose or vagina secretions, expectoration, diarrhea, abundant urinating, even mucus or skin eruptions. Such a reaction should not be necessarily fought back, because it is part of the healing process, and if it appears, it is a sign that the treatment is efficient.

Such reactions, even if they are unpleasant from the physical point of view, they are usually accompanied by a general state of well-being and are limited in time, that is they go away by themselves in a few days.

Many times, people think that a difficult situation they are faced with, is hopeless, but the appearance of the state of desperation or hopelessness is in fact their greatest enemy. That is why they always have to avoid being taken by such negative states.

Many times, the chosen attitude or psychic state determine the very help that is needed. A trustworthy and optimistic attitude, in spite of apparent misfortunes, is all that we need for the problems to be solved.

Unfortunately, many do not find the necessary force for this and abandon the fight even before beginning it. It seems almost incredible, but an adequate attitude attracts positive energies which later on can radically change a difficult situation in our life. But if you have a negative thinking, the solution of the issue will no longer appear, because it is the one which is blocking it.

Treating the changing/shifting, chronic or serious diseases on your own is quite difficult. The use of homeopathic remedies without presenting the symptoms of the disease, may create symptoms which the remedy generally cures, as the remedy does not find in the body a force on which it takes action.

In this case, when the patient has none of the remedy’s symptoms, instead of doing away with the oscillations by superposing, the remedy creates in the body, some oscillations which creates the disease, as there are no similar oscillations in the body. That is why the homeopathic remedies can be used only by people who are quite knowledgeable, only when the present symptoms correspond well with the remedy, with the corresponding dilution and dosage.

A wrong remedy will not be very harmful, if it is not given for a long time, it quickly loses its force. But if you insist daily for about 20 or 30 days, it might be redoubtable.

The method of “manufacturing” two homeopathic remedies using the “glass of water” method – that will be simultaneously given, is the following:

  • You take two pieces of white paper, the size of a visiting card (cut out of an A4);
  • You write with capital letters, using a ball point pencil, the full name of the remedies

and the dilution which has to coincide for the two remedies. A possible example might be: “OZONE” and “COENZIME Q10”;

  • The papers are put under two glasses which we filled halfway with clear water from the tap or with plain bottled water;
  • You let the glasses with water sitting on those papers for about 3 minutes for the remedies to be activated (there is no problem if you leave the glass sitting more time on the paper);
  • After the three minutes you take out the pieces of paper and the water from the first glass is poured into the second glass.
  • From this combined water you have to drink 3 mouthfuls, each gulp being held a few seconds in the mouth before swallowing it to be absorbed by the mucous membrane;
  • If there still is some water and you intend to use it later, you do not put any piece of paper;
  • If there is no more water in the glass and you want to continue taking the combination of two remedies, you resume from the start the way of their preparation, and you can use the same notes or write others, according to necessity;
  • Obviously, before and after taking the remedies, it is recommended not to drink, eat or wash your teeth for at least 30 minutes.

Taking into account that you cannot start therapies that can change something in a body which has not enough energy to uphold this, the two examples mentioned before might be a possible variant of remaking the vital energy of the body, an energy that in serious diseases is missing.

The remedy “OZONE” will contribute to increasing the oxygenation and the “COENZIMA Q 10” will make an energetic contribution. These two remedies can be taken once or twice a day, according to the seriousness of the disease. I could not give you a certain interval, but I heard that the therapies with ozone are made along a period of at least 21 days.


You should not take homeopathic remedies (granules), at the same time or the same day, with remedies made through the glass of water method, because they are functioning with the same principles and can be perturbed among them (only if the name on the bottle with granules coincides with the text on the piece of paper).