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Just as the universe does not exist without the two sides of existence, just as there is no Yang without Yin, so are in our life positive things and negative ones. Otherwise, …how could we be able to say about a thing that it is good if we do not know what its negative variant looks like?

So is man’s suffering an integral part of our existence which, to a certain extent, proves beneficial by helping us to further evolve. Obviously, if suffering proves to be too much as to its intensity, there is nothing else left for us but to seek other ways of overcoming the deadlock and balance the two forces. There are several therapies in the world for eliminating suffering from our body, the only problem is to discover that variant which best fits our person.

In this way, only a major suffering, taking one to a maximum value of pain, may change these programs that were inflicted upon our mind along dozens of years of indoctrination, being capable of making us see the world from a different perspective, appreciate our health, exactly as it has happened in my case, making me write this book.

Socrates said: “He who wants to move the world should first move himself”.

This study’s author wants to suggest a new variant of a possible therapy which, however simple it seems at first sight, the more difficult it is to be applied.

Simple, as it takes only 10 seconds of our time (as long as it takes to write down 5 words on a piece of paper) but difficult because of our laziness, which hinders us to overcome certain habits and comforts that are deeply rooted in our subconscious.

The method described in this book shows the importance of the words we use daily and how they may influence our way in life, according to their connotations – positive or negative.

This book should be read particularly when we are at the best of our health and we can correctly weigh the received information. If you think that the moment you are suffering you will be able to read it and correctly asses it, you are deeply mistaken in your illusions.

Having a vision about a certain scientific truth, this book makes the universal nature seem ridiculous, completely ignoring logical thinking so elementary for the human being, with its laws of decency, which say that you cannot create anything… out of nothing. Nevertheless, I can only hope that by reading this book there will be enough arguments in its favor.

Having in view that no less than 150 years ago, our modern technologies could have seemed unconceivable, it is naive to think that we have already learned all the lessons about the Universe. Our epoch’s paradox is that, in a society of information, man is ever more disinformed. Though we have access to a lot of information, we nevertheless do not know what is really happening around us.

The official scientific world clings to the old paradigms according to which the existence of our world may be fully explained through the mechanistic model of the Universe.

Do you remember how people used to laugh about electrical currents (and now they are used by the whole world). Getting to know the human being is only at the beginning” 
Albert Einstein


I want this book to make people learn primarily about the fact that there is a medical alternative called HOMEOPATHY, oriented towards the cause which produces suffering to the body.

Do not overlook chapter 5 which is a synthesis of various texts of homeopathic medicine and the works written by various homeopathic physicians.