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This empiric study appeared as a consequence of my need to solve certain medical issues through other ways, different from allopathic medicine, which in my case was unable to do anything.

My interaction with allopathic medicine left me with a bitter taste. I could only find its incapacity in the case of problems which did not fit into standard illnesses.

“The experience I accumulated while working in this community for 15 years, make me believe that any disease which an average doctor did not come across with, at the university courses, does not exist for them.”

SHIRLEY TRICKETT:  How do we treat candida
(Cum tratăm candida, Ed. Antet, 2005, pg. 15)

Here, we obviously cannot speak about only one cause, but about several, which put together show its impotence: the great volume of work due to the big number of patients, few physicians, limited time granted to the sick men for making a correct diagnosis, the lack of research.

Personally, I think that each branch of medicine has its own place in our life, but the big mistake of people is their impotence to integrate all these branches into a universal medicine and people prefer for each person to try various “precise” therapies based more often than not, on healing just one organ instead of treating man as a whole.

That is why, in a world in which classical medicine fails more and more often, homeopathy seems to be a much more viable solution with lasting effects.

That is how I came to have contacts with this branch of alternative medicine, which is Homeopathy and I was surprised to find the lack of information that exists in this field, especially that from my point of view homeopathy treats almost all diseases.

The only condition is to begin the use of homeopathic remedies as early as possible, particularly because homeopathy can be practiced even from the first signs that something is wrong with our body.

Treat imbalances in your body with homeopathic remedies from the very first symptoms and you will be protected from the possible escalations in the degradation of your body which might endanger your very life.

My experience with homeopathic medicine in Romania was, from the very beginning, not exactly beneficial, when I found out its completely wrong application by some homeopathic physicians towards the old norms of homeopathy.

Thus, forced by circumstances, I personally came to study this field of alternative medicine, like homeopathy, as I did not find a homeopathic doctor who was practicing classical homeopathy. And after I studied it, I came to consider it the most viable therapy having the greatest chances of success.

Classical homeopathy is that therapy as part of which you are given a unique remedy and it is allowed to acts enough time for its effect to be maximum. A physician who practices classical homeopathy has to recommend one, or at most two remedies, after which the patient must go back to the doctor for another check-up.

Homeopathic remedies work no matter what the religious or spiritual orientation people have and they work even for those who do not believe in them, including for babies, children or animals.

The method, having close ties with homeopathy, will refer to the basic principle of homeopathy and to the manner in which homeopathic remedies are made.

A homeopathic remedy is obtained by taking a substance which, by progressive dilution into an alcoholic solution and by intensification/amplification (stirring the vessel), acquires therapeutic qualities of different powers according to the dilution level. This process called intensification makes the substances from which we started out to acquire new therapeutic properties. In this way, while it is swallowed, the homeopathic remedy commands the body to generate a certain frequency specific for the respective remedy. If it finds in our body another frequency of a reversed phase (specific to a certain disease), the both frequencies are mutually cancelled.

It is known from physics that when two identical waves, but of opposed phases, are being superposed, they annihilate each other, disappearing. From the therapy discovered by Dr. Rife at the beginning of the 1920’s, and from the long-lasting experiments with bio-resonance, it has been long ago proved that each pathogenic element as well as each disease, shows a certain typical oscillation. If we superimpose an identical oscillation as to its frequency, but of a reverse phase with that of the disease or of the pathogenetic element present in the patient, the respective disease will be “wiped out” and shortly the symptoms of the disease will disappear.

The art of healing by using the homeopathic doctor method therefore lies in finding exactly the necessary substance and the proper dilution which, once it is swallowed, should find the exact frequency (of inverted phase) necessary in stopping the disease. For more details related to homeopathy, read chapter 5.

Since most people are not initiated in this field of homeopathy and understand certain terms more difficult, in this study we will use just the term of “power” when we will refer to the potential/dilution of a homeopathic remedy.

In the wake of profoundly studying the field of homeopathy, in my search, I learned about the existence of a method by which homeopathic remedies can be achieved very simply, by using just a little piece of paper, a pencil (ballpoint pen), a glass and a bit of water. Thus, I was curious to see if this method works.

Mention should be made of the fact that this method is not mine. I did only get to know it and by using it, to convince myself of its truthfulness and efficiency and to discover all its functional variants.

It is possible that very many of those who read about this possibility to “prepare” homeopathic remedies using just a glass of water, to wonder if there was any reason to further read this book, as they were unable to conceive that there is such a simple method.

This method is difficult to assimilate by people just because of its simplicity. Human nature has this tendency to complicate things and that is why, in a first stage, they vehemently reject the possibility of such a method to exist, which really works, entering into a real kind of “intellectual withdrawal” which blocks them, automatically leading to the impossibility of analyzing this new idea. In this case, the mental automatism has its say.

Albert Einstein said: “There are things we know, that are impossible to achieve, until there is someone who comes and does not know this and accomplishes them.”

Why this quotation?

Even if everybody learned at school that a certain thing could not be done, I want that those who read this book, before labeling it in a negative way, would try to be open-minded and personally study this method, even if, for many it might seem to be some hallucinations or inventions of the mind (particularly because for verifying this method, you need just 10 seconds a day).

 I hope that it will be not hundreds of years until man will learn that the earth is not a square.

How does this method work, by which a homeopathic remedy materializes itself in a glass of water? Nobody knows. It is only certain that it works and was developed due to the remarks made in the wake of putting it into practice.

It might have a connection with:

  • the high level of electromagnetic radiations in the atmosphere (particularly in towns);
  • the oscillations of the Schumann Resonance, which show that something is going on at a global level and millions of people experiment this thing;
  • the morphic resonance theory which says that once an impossible thing becomes by chance possible, it becomes permanent from that moment on, thus no longer being an impossible thing;
  • the memory of water –which shows that water receives and registers any outer influence, remembering everything that happens in the space surrounding it (any substance that comes in contact with water leaves its mark on its structure);
  • the present position of the Earth in the Universe – it is known that our solar system is constantly moving and that at present it is passing through a photonic belt;
  • etc.

Nobody knows. But it is sure, that the water prepared in this way, after it is swallowed, has the same effect as the homeopathic remedies which we find under the form of granules in homeopathic drugstores.

Why does this method work?

It is not that hard to understand, because it was scientifically proved by the Japanese Masaru Emoto that water takes over the vibrations of a word and if that word consists of the name of a homeopathic  remedy, then the water is programmed with the same vibration as the one of the homeopathic remedy. The paper is just a copy of the homeopathic remedy and has the same vibration which informs the water, impregnating it with the vibration of the remedy written on paper.

The Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto, who studied and photographed the formation of frozen water crystals, came to the conclusion that the crystalline structure of frozen water changes due to exposure to external factors: words, music and even prayers. These photographs were made with the help of a microscope placed in a room at -50 degrees C. These amazing results were presented in his book “The Hidden Messages in Water”, which outlines the effect of human conscience on water. In this book he showed that, by spoken or written words or by music to which the same sample of distilled water had been exposed, it changed its structure according to the received energy.

In his book, Dr. Emoto presents concrete arguments which demonstrate that the energy of thoughts, that is spread by words and music, all this influences the molecular structure of water, the same water which makes up 70% of a mature person’s body and which, at the same percentage covers our planet.

The general conclusion was undeniable: water easily takes over the vibrations and energies of the surrounding environment. The outstanding discoveries of Dr. Masaru Emoto are an incontestable proof which can transform the perception on ourselves and on the world we live in. We now have the proof and explanation of the fact that water can cure and transform our life for the better, through the thoughts we choose to keep in our mentality and through the ways in which we apply these thoughts.

It is our recommendation for you to read this book by the Japanese Masaru Emoto, which will be much more than a captivating reading and which will show us the concrete manner in which he came to these discoveries that impose  reassessing all scales of value we already have about our world.

The reading of the book “The Hidden Messages in Water” may help you to more easily accept the method described in this book as it brings indisputable proofs about the changes in the structure of water after the use of words like love or gratitude. It clearly shows the fact that those words bear a vibration which is transferred into the water’s structure.

“We next thought about what would happen if we wrote words or phrases like “Thank you” and “Fool” on pieces of paper, and wrapped the paper around the bottles of water with the words facing in. It didn’t seem logical for water to “read” the writing, understand the meaning and change its form accordingly. But I knew from the experiment with music that strange things could happen. We felt as if we were explorers setting out on a journey through an unmapped jungle.

The results of the experiments didn’t disappoint us. Water exposed to “Thank you” formed beautiful hexagonal crystals, but water exposed to the word “Fool” produced crystals similar to the water exposed to the heavy-metal music, malformed and fragmented.”

Masaru Emoto: The Hidden Messages in Water,
September 2005 by Beyond Words Publishing

It is on these changes, which appear in the structure of water, when certain words are uttered, that the “Glass of water” method described in this book, is based. Thus, we notice that: “Man is just a small energetic particle in an ocean of energy.

Those who do not believe in the method of this study, might, if they have the possibility, make photographs of the ice crystals as Masaru Emoto did it, before and after influencing the water by using a paper on which the name of a remedy had been written. Obviously, one could notice changes in the ice crystals. I myself am convinced that this will happen.

Subsequently, Masaru Emoto wrote, on the same subject of water research, the books “Messages from Water”, “The Secret Life of Water”, ”The  True Power of Water”, which are more than recommended reading for those who want to fully understand the way in which water can change according to external factors that act upon it.

But for most people, this method is hard to believe and the theory behind it is even harder to comprehend. For some, it is hard to believe that it works, even after they noticed that it worked when they used it for their pets (with various medical problems), which shows that it had no connection with the placebo effect.

I can only convey my thanks to the “Universe” that I heard about this method at the most “timely” moment of my life, which, if I had not heard about it, might have ended.

Maybe you wonde how this study was made possible, the findings that the remedies have materialized as well as the various reactions of the body depending on certain remedies?

Why was I able to do this and not someone else?

The answer is quite simple and it refers to a disturbance of my hearing, that I had “acquired” some time ago.

This kind of derailing refers to the fact that a few years ago, my ears started buzzing all the time. For those who do not know what this disease means, its medical terminology is tinnitus. This noise which appears in one’s ears, is nothing else but an alarm signal for a problem that appeared in our body, and it might have an unlimited number of medical reasons. That is why it is extremely hard to treat this disease, as it is not related exclusively to the hearing apparatus.

No matter what I might have done to solve this problem, I had no success whatsoever, I had only failures and remained with this permanent kind of whistling in my ears, with which I had to get used to.

Later, when I started using homeopathy, I noticed that the tingle in my ears changed its tonality and amplitude, always when I took homeopathic remedies, no matter what their type was, there was a change that appeared almost instantly. When these acoustic changes were not instantaneous, it took no more than two or three minutes before they appeared. There was no case in which I took a homeopathic remedy that this acoustic change should not appear, and this before the respective remedy should start working effectively and its effects on my body should really appear.

This was my trump which proved to be a real help in discovering various functional variants of the glass of water. This quality gave me the possibility, when I tried the variant by which homeopathic remedies can be made with the glass of water, to immediately know, if they materialized and transmitted their information to the body, thus proving that the method is real and not just mere words.

A contribution to this study was the fact that I am an analytical person and very attentive with details, which is quite important when you are to make a study, and not at last the “professional shortcoming” which I developed while I was in office.

This “professional shortcoming” refers to the capacity of logical analyses, developed at my old working place and which was of a real help in the moment I started studying the glass of water method. I can say that the 12 years I spent at that company made their presence fully aware in the most difficult moments of my life, when they helped me cross that negative period. When I was in a very bad status with my health, being in a status of deep degradation, part of my mental capacities was so much affected that I even had to give up driving my car, my logic was the only thing that remained unaffected. The fact that the logical part of my brain remained unaffected, allowed me to realize that, if I had continued with the allopathic medicine (which according to analyses said I was perfectly healthy), I would have remained with no more time.

Yes, even time is just as important as the therapy itself.

It is very simple for anyone who has medical problems to realize how he relates to his time. It is enough to use the graphic representation in mathematics, labelling one axis as being the time, and the other axis will be the level of wellness of the body (state of health). In this chart we write how we felt yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month etc. We draw a line uniting all these points. Thus, we notice if nothing intervenes to improve the situation, what the future holds in store for us and how we will feel tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next month etc. If this line of the graphic tends to cross the time axes at point 0, it means that it is time for a change. It doesn’t take any more than five minutes a day to do this.

Of what help can this mathematic analysis be?

Everybody knows that a positive state of confidence in the future helps a lot when a person has medical problems.

The Dalai Lama even said: If the problem can be solved, you should not worry. If the problem cannot be solved, there is no point to worry.”

Notice how, no matter what the situation is, we must have as much a positive attitude as possible.

But without these 5 minutes a day, in which an analysis of the health problems and the various therapies made until that moment, are made, it is possible not to pay attention to the existing situation, which might be much more serious than it seems at first sight. Thus, in case that the human therapies yield no result, we will know that it was high time to try other alternative therapies.

I must tell you that unfortunately this also happened to my mother, who, being seriously ill of a disease which began affecting most people in the last few years, because of this permanently positive attitude, people do not realize what the future has in store for them, not even three days before having a coma and then die. One can see that extremes are not good, not even in this case and how, a permanently positive attitude might be like a fog which wraps up our sight and thinking. All my attempts to draw her attention on the situation in which she was, fell against the wall she had raised with her maternal vanity which finds it hard to accept the fact that she might receive advice from her child, who in the meantime became a grownup. I regret that I could not help my mother, this study having been made a few years after this sad occurrence.

To come back to what I was saying earlier and finding that I was running out of time, I began studying various alternative therapies, that might get me out of the trouble I was in.

This was the beginning of my search and the result was this book in which I described “the glass of water” method and its functional variants.

That is how this empirical study of the “glass of water” has appeared, which might be a help for the people who do not find a solution in classical (allopathic) medicine and who want to try alternative medicine and homeopathy.

All that is written in this empirical study refers to the personal interaction noticed while I used the “glass of water” method, to the practical experience of the method and to the effects noticed during the time when this therapy was used.

As I wanted this book to arouse interest from the start, I chose to begin with the direct presentation of the stages that have to be followed as part of this method, and also to speak about homeopathy, all the more so as the present method is based on homeopathic rules that should be strictly observed in order to have maximum benefits from this therapeutic variant .

I considered that it is better to begin the direct presentation of the glass of water method and the stages of its application, and then to bring details in a quite simple form for being understood by all readers of this book.

It is my request for, however impatient you might be to begin using the method described in this book, not to undertake anything before having read the whole book and to have understood it. As it is a free therapy, you might be tempted by it, but just like any new thing, before using it, all details should be known about how it works.

I am not a doctor, I am just licensed in marketing, but maybe this contributed to getting me out of trouble, helping me to find an alternative variant of treatment that should work and be rather cheap. In this case even free of charge.

In this book you will discover the principles on which homeopathy is based, how homeopathic remedies are being taken, when they are taken, at what intervals, what is being treated first, what dilution (power) is recommended according to the moment when the illness appeared etc.

Only after having completely understood the way in which homeopathy works, you will be able to benefit from the help this method could bring you.

Homeopathy and allopathy (the classical medicine) are not excluding each other. It is advisable to know both variants and use one or another, according to the given situation.

This book was printed with personal expenses and offered as a gift to friends, the author thus wanting to show his gratitude to the “UNIVERSE” for the given present.

It was written with the hope that it might help other people in their quest for a better health and will make the suffering I experienced to be the best thing that happened to me in life, next to the family I was blessed with by the “Universe” and which I love with all my heart.

It is possible for the “UNIVERSE” to have its own contribution to achieving it, many of the ideas I presented in this book have come to me in the morning when, being in a half awakened state, I started putting down in a copybook – permanently held near my bed – line after line, idea after idea. Many times, I found it quite difficult to understand what I had written, since I kept just one eye open, not being used with daylight or, if it was still dark with the light I put on.

Thus, with every passing day, ever more lines and ideas added up, which in the end became what you are reading now.

My thanks to the “UNIVERSE” for its help.

Ever since I wrote this book, I found an interesting thing: no one around me is complaining that he or she has medical problems.

How wonderful is this energetic SILENCE!

It is so marvelous not to be obliged to listen to the complaints of people who do not want a real settlement of their problems and not to get filled with negative energy (All those who know about this book, but do not want to read it, will avoid starting discussions about medical topics).

I am sure that the sicker people will be, all the more so will they refuse to read this book, even if it is offered to them for free. This shows their mental blockage and their incapacity to assimilate new information,

“Nobody is able to overcome a health problem
if he uses the same thinking cliché
which started the disease.”
                                                                 Thomas Edison


In order to have a better image of the text used in the requests toward "Universe", the author chose to keep also their original   variant, the one in Romanian language, which will be framed in brackets (…).

If you lack the impulse to continue reading this book, I recommend that you pass directly to the last part of it, where more arguments are brought, and after that you should properly read the chapters.