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á, to, at, on, by, with, from, in, within, according to; sign of the object after transitive verbs before a personal object, and often before any animate object; — impulsos de, moved by, overcome by; — lo largo de, along; — mas de, besides; — más y mejor, the best they could; the most possible; vying with one another; a — la media hora, within half an hour; — medias, half; — medio abrir, half open; al parecer, seemingly; — poco, in a little while; — poco de, shortly after; —los pocos minutos, within a few minutes; estar al ponerse, to be about to set; — propósito, suited, suitable, desirable; by the way; apropos; — lo que, as far as; from what; as; ¿— que? why? wherefore? al revés, backwards; — no saber, had I not known; — no ser, unless it be; — no ser por, were it not for; — solas, alone; — tientas, groping; stealthily; — través de, across, through; — vida, alive; al vuelo, flying; on the wing.

abad, m., abbot.

abadesa, f., abbess.

abajo, under, below; de arriba —, from top to bottom, from end to end.

abalanzarse, to rush upon.

abandonar, to abandon, desert, leave, let go, give up.

abandono, m., abandonment, abandon.

abanico, m., fan.

abarcar, to embrace, take in.

abatido, -a, adj. pp. of abatir, blown down, dimmed, dim.

abatir, to lower, take off, strike down; — el vuelo, to alight.

abeja, f., bee.

abierto, -a, adj. pp. of abrir, opened, open.

abigarrado, -a, adj. pp. of abigarrar, flecked, variegated, motley.

abismo, m., abyss, deep, depth.

abofetear, to buffet, slap, strike.

abogado, m., intercessor.

aborrecer, to abhor, hate.

abortar, to eject, abort, give untimely birth to.

abrasador, burning, ardent.

abrasar, to burn.

abrazar, to embrace.

abrazo, m., embrace.

abrevar, to water.

abrigo, m., shelter, protection.

abril, m., April.

abrillantar, to light up, make sparkle, cause to shine.

abrir, to open, open up; — paso, to clear the way, make room;

á medio —, half open; subst., opening; en un — y cerrar de ojos, in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant; refl., to open (up), be disclosed; to burst, swell.

absolución, f., absolution.

absolutamente, absolutely.

absorto, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of absorber, absorbed, amazed; engrossed, spellbound.

abstracción, f., abstraction, separation.

absurdo, -a, absurd; subst. m., absurdity, nonsense.

abuela, f., grandmother.

abuelo, m., grandfather.

abultar, to enlarge, increase.

abundancia, f., abundance.

abundante, abundant, luxuriant profuse.

aburrido, adj. pp. of aburrir, tired, impatient.

aburrirse, to be bored, be perplexed grow impatient.

abusar, to impose (de, upon).

acá, here; de — ... de acullá, here ... there; de — para allá, from point to point; hither and thither por —, in this direction.

acabar, to finish, end, close, succeed in; — de, to have just; lo que acababa de suceder, what had just happened; lo que acabamos de escuchar, what we have just listened to; ¡Acabáramos de una vez! well and good! quien (en) mal anda, (en) mal acaba, a bad beginning makes a bad ending.

acaecer, to happen, befall.

acalorado, -a, adj. pp. of acalorar, heated, hot.

acariciar, to caress, fondle, delight.

acaso, m., chance; por —, perchance; adv., perhaps, perchance.

accidentado, -a, broken, rugged.

accidente, m., accident, property, peculiarity, roughness, irregularity.

acción, f., act, action.

acecho, m., ambush.

aceite, m., oil.

acento, m., tone, accent, voice, word, expression; decía aún su —, his accents kept repeating.

acerca: — de, about.

acercar, to approach, bring near; refl., to approach.

acero, m., steel; sword.

acertado, -a, adj. pp. of acertar, ascertained, accurate.

acertar, to succeed, be able; -con, to hit upon, find, be certain of.

acicate, m., spur, rowel.

aclimación, f., acclamation.

aclamar, to acclaim.

acoger, to receive; refl., to resort, take refuge.

acometedor, m., undertaker, one who undertakes.

acometer, to attack, seize.

acomodar, to accommodate, lodge, quarter, furnish with lodging.

acompañamiento, m., accompaniment.

acompaiiante, m., companion.

acompañar, to accompany.

acompasado, -a, adj. pp. of acompasar measured, regular.

aconsejar, to counsel, advise.

acontecer, to happen.

acordarse, to recollect, remember; — de, to remember.

acorde, m., accord, harmony.

acortarse, to slacken, abate, diminish.

acosar, to molest, harass.

acostar, to lay, place; refl., to lie down, go to bed.

acostumbrar, to accustom; to be accustomed.

actitud, f., attitude, posture; colocarse en — de defensa, to fall on guard.

acto, m., act, occasion, incident; — continuo, straightway, immediately, immediately afterward.

actor, m., actor.

actual, present.

acuático, -a, aquatic.

acudir, to go, come, repair to, run up, hasten, gather, flock, rush.

acuerdo, m., agreement; ponerse de —, to come to an agreement; to agree.

acullá, there; ... de acá ... de —, ... here ... there.

acurrucarse, to conceal oneself; to crouch down.

acusar, to accuse; — de, to accuse as (or of) being.

adarme, m., half a drachm (or dram); minute quantity; mite; dos —s de imaginación, the least bit of imagination.

adelantar, to advance, proceed; refl., to advance, proceed, approach, go, hasten.

adelante, forward, further; desde allí en —, from that time on; hacia —; forward; más —, further on, later; ¡—! forward!

ademán, m., attitude, gesture, manner, action, motion.

adentro, within.

aderezar, to get ready, prepare, clean.

adiós, m., farewell; ¡—! good-by!

adivinar, to divine, guess, observe, note.

administrar, to administer.

admirable, admirable.

admiración, f., admiration, wonder.

admirar, to admire, esteem; refl., to be seized with admiration; to marvel.

admitir, to admit, receive.

adolescencia, f., adolescence.

adónde (and adonde), int. (and rel.) adv. and conj., whither, where; — quiera, wheresoever, wheresoe'er.

adoración, f., worship, adoration, devotion; pl., same meanings.

adorador, m., adorer.

adormido, -a, adj. pp. of adormir, drowsy, heavy with sleep.

adornar, to adorn.

adosado, -a, adj. pp. of adosar, placed (resting, standing, or leaning) against.

adulador, fawning.

advertencia, f., advice, information.

advertir, to notice, advise, inform, warn; pues es de —, and you must remember (know or bear in mind).

aéreo, -a, aërial, of (or pertaining to) the air.

afable, courteous, gracious.

afán, m., eagerness, eager desire.

afectado, -a, adj. pp. of afectar, feigned, affected.

afectar, to affect.

afilado, -a, adj. pp. of afilar, sharpened, sharp.

afilar, to grind, whet, sharpen.

afirmar, to affirm, assert.

afligido, -a, adj. pp. of afligir, afflicted, wretched, miserable.

afligir, to afflict, make wretched (or miserable).

afortunadamente, fortunately.

agarrarse, to grasp, clasp, seize, hold tightly.

agasaparse, to conceal oneself.

ágil, agile, fleet.

agilidad, f., agility, celerity.

agitación, f., excitement, agitation.

agitar, to agitate, move, shake; refl., to move restlessly, be agitated; to wave, flutter.

agolparse, to crowd, rush.

agonía, f., agony, act of expiring.

agotar, to exhaust.

agradable, agreeable, pleasant.

agrupar, to group, collect; refl. to come together; to assemble, collect.

agua, f., water; — bendita, holy water.

aguacero, m., shower, torrent of rain.

aguardar, to expect, await, wait for; hacerse —, to delay in appearing.

agudo, -a, sharp, acute, biting, piercing.

aguijonear, to thrust, impel, drive (or spur) on.

aguja, f., needle, spire.

agujero, m., hole.

¡ah! ah! oh!

ahí, here, there; por —, hereabouts.

ahogar, to suffocate, smother, drown; to be repressed (or confined).

ahora, now; desde —, from now on.

ahorcar, to hang.

aire, m, air, look, appearance, manner, tune, melody.

airoso, -a, airy, graceful; más airosa, with better grace; adv., gracefully.

aislado, -a, adj. pp. of aislar, isolated.

ajimez, m., ajimez, pointed (or arched) double window divided in the middle by a column.

ajorca, f. bracelet.

al = á + el; — salir, as I was going out.

ala, f., wing, pinion.

alabastro, m., alabaster.

alado, -a, winged, soaring.

alali, m., alali, a hunting cry.

alameda, f., grove of poplar-trees.

álamo, m. poplar, white poplar.

alargar, to extend, raise.

alarido, m., outcry, shout, howl, yell.

alarma, m. or f., alarm; poner en —, to alarm.

alazán, m., sorrel horse.

alba, f.: dawn.

albedrío, m., free will; con libre —, of (her) own free will.

albergarse, to take up lodgings.

albino, m., albino.

albor, m., (poet.) dawn.

alborotar, to disturb; refl., to be disturbed, be turbulent.

alboroto, m., disturbance, noise.

alborozado, -a, adj. pp. of alborozar, exhilarated, rejoicing, gleeful, joyous.

alborozo, m., joy, rejoicing, rapture.

alcaide, m., jailer, warden, governor (of a castle).

alcance, m., reach, range.

alcanzar, to succeed, be able; to overtake, reach, attain, come to; to comprehend; á la (gente) que sele alcanza, those (persons) who are good judges of.

alcázar, m., castle.

aldaba, f., bar, cross-bar, knocker.

aldea, f., village, hamlet.

aldeano, m., peasant, villager.

alegar, to allege, adduce.

alegrarse, to rejoice, exult, be glad.

alegre, pleasant, joyful, bright, joyous, merry.

alegremente, joyfully, merrily.

alegría, f., joy, gladness.

alejar, to remove, take away; refl., to go away, disappear.

alerce, m., larch, genus of coniferous trees.

alfombra, f., carpet, rug.

Alfonso, m., Alphonso.

alga, f., seaweed, alga.

algarabía, f., jargon, babble, clatter, hubbub.

algazara, f., rejoicing, shout(s), shouting.

algo, something, anything, some what; — es —, something is better than nothing; that is something.

algodón, m., cotton.

alguacil, m., constable, alguazil.

algún. See alguno.

alguno, -a, some, any; — que otro, here and there one; a very few; some.

aliaga, f., furze, a thorny evergreen shrub with beautiful yellow flowers.

aliento, m., breath.

aligerar, to lighten, ease.

alimaña, f., (obs.) animal.

aliviar, to alleviate, mitigate, relieve.

alma, f., soul, spirit.

almena, f., turret.

almohada, f., pillow.

alojamiento, m., lodging, quarters.

alojarse, to lodge, find lodgings (or quarters).

alondra, f., lark.

Alonso, m., Alonzo, Alphonso.

alquería, f., farmhouse.

alrededor, around; — de, about, round; á su —, around him; subst. m. pl., environs, neighborhood.

altanero, -a, haughty, proud.

altar, m., altar; — mayor, high altar, chief altar.

alterarse, to be disturbed.

alternado, -a, adj. pp. of alternar, alternating, intermittent, recurrent.

alteza, f., highness.

altisimo, -a, abs. super. of alto, very high, lofty.

altivo, -a, haughty.

alto, -a, tall, high, deep, lofty; important, late, loud; en la alta noche, in the dead of night; late at night; subst. m., height, summit, top.

alto, m., halt; mandar hacer —, to give orders to halt; ¡—! halt!

altura, f., height, summit.

alucinación, f., hallucination.

alumbrar, to give light to; to enable to see; to light up.

alzar, to raise, lift up; refl., to rise, heave.

allá, there; más —, farther; beyond; on past; — al filo de la media noche, just about midnight; — por ..., back there in...; port —, in that direction, thither, there; de acá para —, from point to point; hither and thither.

allegados, m. pl., friends, allies.

allegar, to collect, get together.

allí, there; desde en adelante, from that time on; ya —, (when they had) arrived there.

amado, -a, adj. pp. of amar, beloved, loved.

amaestrar, to break in; to train, teach

amalgama, f., amalgamation, mixture

amanecer, to dawn; all —, at dawn; at break of day; hasta el —, till break of day; until dawn; nos amanecía llorando, doawn found us weeping.

amante, subst. m. or f., lover, beloved, loved one.

amar, to love.

amargo, -a, bitter, painful.

amarillo, -a, yallow

ambición, f., ambition.

ámbito, m. confines, inclosure, body, compass.

ambos, -as, both.

amenaza, f., threat, menace.

amenazador, menacing, threatening.

amenazar, to threaten.

amigablemente, amicably, pleasantly.

amigo, m., friend.

amigote, m. great friend, intimate friend.

amistad, f., friendship.

amonestación, f., advice, admonition, warning.

amontonar, to pile up, heap up, crowd together.

amor, m., love; sweetheart; — propio, self-love, conceit, vanity.

amoroso, -a, amorous, loving, dear.

amortiguar, to temper, soften.

amparar, to protect, aid, assist, help.

amparo, m., succor, protection, refuge.

amplio, -a, full.

analizar, to analyze.

anciano, -a, old, aged, ancient; subst. m. or f., old man, old woman; m. pl., old people, elders.

ancho, -a, large, broad.

anchuroso, -a, spacious.

andar, to go, walk, act, be; á más —, at full speed; como se las entrase á más — el día, as the day went on; as the day passed (for them); — penando, to suffer torment; — por, to go about, be current in; — más de sobra, to be more in excess; á los talones, to follow closely; de algún tiempo á esta parte anda, (who) for some time now has been; quien (en) mal anda, (en) mal acaba, a bad beginning makes a bad ending.

andas, f. pl., bier (with shafts), stretcher, litter.

andurriales, m. pl., by-roads, retired spots, out-of-the-way places.

anegarse, to be inundated (or submerged).

anfiteatro, m., amphitheater.

anfitrión, m., amphitr-yon, host.

angel, m., angel.

angosto, -a, narrow, close.

ángulo, m., angle, corner.

anguloso, -a, angular.

angustia, f., anguish.

angustioso, -a, full of anguish, heartrending, desperate, terrible, agonizing.

anilla, f., ring.

anillo, m., ring, coil.

ánima,f., soul; en Dios y en mi —, in very truth; God knows (that it is true).

animación, f., animation.

animado, -a, adj. pp. of animar, animated, enlivened, heated, moved, encouraged, heightened.

animadversión, f., censure, reproof, hostility.

animal, m., animal.

animar, to animate, encourage, urge on.

ánimo, m., mind, thought, intention, spirit; recobrar el —, to recover one's senses; to come to oneself.

anoche, last night.

ansia, f., anxiety, agony; eager desire, love, longing.

ansiedad, f., anxiety; con —, anxiously.

ansioso, -a, anxious, eager, desirous.

ante, before, in the presence of.

antemano: de —, beforehand, previously.

antepasados, m. pl., ancestors.

antepecho, m., breastwork, balcony, balustrade.

anterior, former; la noche —, the night before.

anteriormente, previously, before.

antes, formerly, before, first, rather, once; — de, before; — de tiempo, prematurely; before it was ripe; — que, before; rather than, sooner than; far from; las — losas sepulcrales, the once sepulchral slabs.

antiguo, -a, old, ancient, former.

antojarse, to have a fancy (or desire) (used only in the 3rd person sing., with me, te, le, etc.); antojábaseme, it seemed to me; I fancied.

antojo, m., whim, fancy, caprice.

anublar, to cloud, darken.

anudarse, to become choked; to die away.

anunciar, to announce, foretell.

anuncio, m., announcement.

añadidura, f.; addition; por —, besides, in addition.

añadir, to add.

año, m., year; el — que viene, next year; allá por los —s de mil trescientos y pico, back there in the year thirteen hundred and something.

añoso, -a, old, ancient.

apacible, placid, quiet, pleasant, peaceful, serene.

apaciguarse, to be (or become) calm; to be appeased.

apagar, to put out, extinguish, quench; refl., to go out, die out, be extinguished; to become calm (or silent).

apalear, to beat, cudgel.

aparecer, to appear.

aparición, f., appearance, apparition.

apariencia, f., appearance.

apartar, to take away, remove, put aside, separate; — la vista, to look away; refl., to depart, swerve.

aparte de, aside from.

apasionado, -a, adj. pp. of apasionar, passionate.

apearse, to alight, dismount.

apedrear, to stone.

apelar, to appeal.

apellidar, to call.

apenas, hardly, barely; — sí, hardly, barely; — sí pudiera, I could scarcely.

apercibir, to prepare, get ready; to warn.

apilar, to pile (or heap) up.

apiñado, -a, adj. pp. of apiñar, pyramidal, heaped up, crowded, closely pressed, dense; —os grupos, dense crowds, closely packed groups; -as matas, tangled (or dense) shrubbery (or under-brush); -as olas, tossing waves.

apiñar, to heap up, press (or crowd) together; to mass; refl., to a crowd.

aplastar, to flatten, crush, weigh down, smash, destroy.

aplauso, m., applause; pl., applause.

aplicar, to apply.

aplomo, m., assurance, self-possession.

apoderarse, to take possession (de, of).

aposentador, m., quartermaster; sargento —, quartermaster-sergeant.

apostarse, to post oneself, take up a position.

apoyado, -a, adj. pp. of apoyar, supported, leaning.

apoyarse, to rest, be supported, support oneself, bear upon, lean (en, on, upon).

apreciar, to value, appreciate.

aprecio, m., esteem, regard.

aprehender, to take; to capture.

aprender, to learn; — de memoria, to memorize, learn by heart.

aprensión, f., apprehension, imagination, groundless fear (de, on the part of).

aprestarse, to make preparations.

apresurar, to hasten, quicken; refl., to hasten, make haste.

apresurado, adj. pp. of apresurar, quickened, hasty, rapid, in haste, convulsive; adv., convulsively.

apretado, -a, adj. pp. of apretar, crowded, dense, difficult.

aprisionar, to confine, imprison.

aprobar, to approve, show one's pleasure.

apropósito de, about, with regard to.

aprovechar, to take advantage of, profit by, avail oneself of, seize..

aproximación, f., approach, proximity.

aproximarse, to approach, draw near; ir aproximando, to approach.

apurar, to exhaust, clean up, drain; to try, test.

apuro, m., difficulty, straits.

aquel, —la, —lo, that.

aquél, —la, —lo, the one, that one, the former.

aqui, here; pasar de —, to go (any) further (or farther); por —, here, hereabouts, hither; he —, here is (or are); behold.

ara, f., altar.

árabe. Arabic, Moorish.

aragonés, Aragonese, of (or pertaining to) Aragon.

araña, f., spider.

árbol, m., tree.

arbusto, m., shrub, bush.

arca, f., chest, coffer.

arcada, f., arcade, arch.

arcángel, m., archangel.

arco, m., arch, archway, entrance

arch, niche, recess; —iris, rainbow.

arder, to burn, blaze, glow.

ardid, m., cunning, trick.

ardiente, ardent, fiery, burning, glowing.

ardor, m., ardor, fire, heat.

ardoroso, -a, burning, glowing.

arena, f., sand.

arista, f., straw; fiber (of plants).

arma, f., arm, weapon; el haz de —s, panoply; hacer sus (primeras) —s, to learn fencing.

armada, f., fleet, armada.

armadura, f., annor

armar, to arm.

armario, m., wardrobe, cabinet; no tener su alma en su —, not to have one's soul in the right place; to have one's soul in an abnormal condition.

armonía, f., harmony.

armónico, -a, harmonious, without discord; melodious, with sweet sounds.

armonioso, -a, harmonious, regular, beautiful.

aroma, m., aroma, odor, perfume.

arpa, f., harp, lyre.

arpón, m., harpoon, javelin, shaft.

arqueólogo, m., archaeologist.

arquero, m., archer, bowman.

arrancar, to pull off, snatch away, pull out, tear, wrest, draw, obtain, deprive of; to produce; to awaken suddenly.

arrancharse, to camp; to mess.

arranque, m., passion, burst of passion.

arrastrar, to trail, drag along the ground, draw on, attract, bring up, take, carry, drag, touch, draw away; refl., to drag oneself; to creep, crawl, drag along the ground, trail; to be convinced, be induced.

arrebatar, to carry off, snatch away.

arrebato, m., transport.

arrebolar, to redden.

arrebujarse, to wrap oneself up.

arreglar, to regulate.

arremolinar, to whirl; to heap (or pile) up.

arrepentido, -a, adj. pp. of arrepentirse, repented, repentant.

arrepentirse, to repent.

arriba, above, over, up; de — abajo, from top to bottom; from end to end.

arriesgarse, to venture, risk oneself (por, through, in).

arrodillado, -a, adj. pp. of arrodillarse, kneeling, on one's knees.

arrodillarse, to kneel.

arrogante, handsome, commanding.

arrojar, to throw, cast, fling, hurl forth; to shed, pour, emit, utter; refl., to cast oneself; to fall.

arrostrar, t