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bagaje, m., baggage; pl., baggage (of an army).

¡bah! bah!, nonsense!

bajar, to descend, lower, sink down, let fall, cast down, come down.

bajel, m., ship.

bajo, -a, low; adv., underneath, under, beneath.

balanceado. -a, adj. pp. of balancear, balanced, swayed, swaying.

balancearse, to sway, totter, reel.

balbucear, to stammer.

balcón, m., balcony, casement window, balcony casement window.

balde: en —, in vain, vainly.

balsa, f., pool, lake.

Baltasara, f., (Span.) Raltasara.

ballesta, f.;, crossbow.

ballestero, m., archer, crossbowman.

banda, f., band, gang, flock.

bandada,f,, flock, crowd, band, swarm.

bandido, m., bandit.

bando, m., flock, flight.

bandolera, f., bandoleer, hunting-belt (slung across the shoulder).

banquillo, m., stool, bench.

bañar, to bathe, wash.

báquico, -a, bacchanal, bacchanalian.

barajarse, to writhe.

barandal, m., balustrade, railing.

barba, f., beard; pl., beard; y se le rieron en sus —s; and they laughed in his face.

barón, m., baron, lord.

barra, f., bar.

barranco, m., gorge, precipice.

barrio, m., ward, quarter.

base, f., base, basis.

basta, enough, halt, stop.

bastante, sufficient, enough, sufficiently, rather, considerable; lo —, sufficiently, enough.

bastar, to be sufficient; baste, let that suffice; enough.

batallar, to disagree, battle, be at odds.

batir, to beat, strike, clap; — el cobre de firme, to be most diligent; — las palmas, to clap the hands; subst., beating; refl. to fight a duel.

beata, f., pious woman; lay sister.

bebedor, m., tippler, toper.

beber, to drink.

belleza, f., beauty.

bellisimo, -a, abs. supper. of bello, very (or most) beautiful.

bello, -a, beautiful, handsome.

bendecir, to consecrate, bless.

bendición, f., benediction, blessing; que era una — del cielo, in a surprising way.

bendito, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of bendecir, blessed, holy, consecrated.

benévolo, -a, benevolent, gracious.

besar, to kiss; to touch; llegar y — el santo, to succeed in a brief space of time; to find good fortune quickly.

beso; m., kiss.

biblioteca, f., library.

bien, m., good deed (or act), good, benefit; un — de caridad, a good turn, a benevolent favor; pl., property; adv., well, very; si —, although, even if; mas —, rather; pues —, well, well then, well now; ó —, or, or else; — ... ó, whether ... or; either, or; porque ... ó por ser, whether because ... or because it was; — que ... — que, whether ... or; either because ... or because.

bigote, m., mustache.

birrete, m., cap, barret.

bisojo, -a, cross-eyed.

bizarro, -a, gallant, brave, highspirited, generous.

blanco, -a, white.

blancura, f., whiteness, whiteness of complexion.

blancusco, -a, whitish, gray.

blandamente, softly.

blandir, to brandish.

blando, -a, soft.

blanquear, to whiten, shine white; to bleach.

blasfemar, to blaspheme, curse.

blasfemia, f., blasphemy.

blasón, m., blazon.

bobo, m., dunce, fool.

boca, f., mouth; de —, on (his) face; de manos á —, all of a sudden; unexpectedly; punto en —, silence, hush.

boca-calle, f., entrance (end or opening) to a street.

bocado, m., morsel, bite.

boceto, m., sketch, outline.

bocina, f., trumpet, horn, bugle.

bofetada, f., buffet, blow.

bofetón, m., slap, blow.

bondad, f., kindness, goodness.

bondadoso, -a, benevolent, kind.

bonito, -a, pretty, charming, good, fine.

borceguf, m., buskin.

bordar, to border, embroider.

borde, m., edge, border, brink, bank.

bordón, m., staff.

borracho, -a, drunk, intoxicated.

borrar, to efface, erase; refl., to be effaced (or blotted out).

borrascoso, -a, stormy, angry.

bosque, m., grove, forest, wood.

bosquecillo, m., coppice.

bosquejar, to sketch, paint.

bote, m., bound; boat; canister; box, toilet box, estar de — en —, to be cram full; to be completely filled.

botella, f., bottle.

Botero. See caldera.

botín, m., booty.

botón, m., button, bud.

bóveda, f., arch, vault.

bramar, to roar.

bramido, m., bellow, bellowing, belling; calling; clamor, noise, blast.

¡bravo! bravo!

brazo, m., arm.

brecha, f., breach.

breña, f., bramble, brambles, thicket.

breve, short, brief; en-s palabras, in a few words.

brevísimo, -a, abs. sapper, of breve, very (or most) brief.

brial, m., skirt, rich silken skirt.

brida, f., bridle.

brigada, f., brigade; general de —, brigadier-general.

brillante, brilliant, bright, radiant, clear.

brillar, to shine, gleam.

brillo, m., gleam, glitter, light, brilliancy, brightness.

brinco, m., leap, bound; dar un —, to leap, bound, jump.

brindar, to offer; to toast, drink a toast.

brindis, m., toast.

brisa, f., breeze.

brocade, m., brocade.

broma, f., rubbish; jest, joke; echar á —, to take (or consider) as a joke (or jest).

bromear, to jest, joke, banter.

bronce, m., bronze.

broquel, m., shield, buckler.

brotar, to bud; to gush, issue, flow, burst forth, gush out.

bruja, f., witch.

brujeria, f., witchcraft.

bruma, f., mist, fog.

bruñido, -a, adj. pp. of bruñir, burnished, polished.

bruto, m., brute, beast; clownish (or ignorant) fellow.

buen. See bueuo.

bueno, -a, good, kind, well, fine; una buena, a good one; a warm reception; Noche Buena, Christmas eve; mass of Christmas eve; —s evaugelios, some holy sayings; some of the holy Scriptures; de buen tono, fashionable; subst. m., good man, Christian.

buffet, m., (French) buffet, refreshment table.

bufido, m)., snort.

bufón, m., buffoon.

buho, m., owl.

bulto, m., bust, figure, form.

bulla, f., noise.

bullicio, m., bustle, noise, excitement.

bullicioso, -a, lively, restless, noisy, boisterous.

burla, f., joke, jest, jesting, scoffing, trick; hacer —, to play a joke (or trick).

burlado, -a, adj. pp. of burlar, cheated, deceived, mocked, made sport of, destroyed.

burlarse, to jest, mock, laugh at, make sport of.

burlón, jesting, joking, scoffing, mocking.

busca, f., search; echar en —, to go (or set off) in search; vamos en su —, let us look for her, let us go to her.

buscar, to seek, look for.

busilis, m., mystery.