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cabal, just, exact, quite.

cabalgadura, f., beast (of burden), steed, mount.

cabalgar, to ride; to parade on horseback.

cabalgata, f., cavalcade.

caballería, f., horse, mount, saddlehorse, chivalry; pl., chivalrous deeds.

caballero, m., knight, gentleman, lord, sir.

cabecear, to nod; to shake (or toss) the head.

cabecera, f., head, head-piece, top (of the cross).

cabellera, f., hair.

cabello, m., hair; pl., hair.

caber, to be contained; to find room; to be; no cabía duda, there was no doubt.

cabeza, f., head, head of hair.

cabezo, m., summit, peak.

cabo, m., end; al —, finally; llevar á —, to carry out; to execute; to terminate successfully.

cacería, f., hunting expedition, hunting party.

cada, each, every; — uno, each one; — vez, each time; ever, continually.

cadáver, m., corpse, cadaver.

cadena, f., chain.

cadencia, f., measure, beat, strain, cadence, cadenza.

caer, to fall; to strike (against something in falling); — á pedazos, to fall to pieces.

caída, f., fall.

calabozo, m., dungeon, cell.

calado, -a, of openwork; of fretwork; pp. of calar, (of the hat) pulled down, pressed down (over the eyes).

calamidad, f., calamity.

calar, to pull down, press down.

Calavera, f., skull; el Cristo de la —, Christ of the skull, the crucifix with a skull (carved) at the feet of Christ.

calcáreo, -a, calcareous.

calcinar, to burn, reduce to ashes.

cálculo, m., estimate, calculation, expectation, computation.

caldera, f., caldron, kettle; en las —s de Pero Botero, (coll.) in the devil's boiler; in hell.

calentar, to warm.

calibre, m., caliber, sort, kind.

calidad, f., quality.

caliente, hot, fiery.

calificarse, to qualify, be designated (or described).

caliginoso, -a, dim, dark, obscure, murky, dense.

cáliz, m., calyx.

calma, f., calm, composure, calmness, tranquillity, silence; con —, calmly, with composure.

calmar, to calm, appease.

caluroso, -a, heated, hot.

calzado, -a, adj. pp. of calzar, shod, with hair growing low; frente calzada, low forehead.

calzas, f. pl., breeches, trousers.

callado, -a, adj. pp. of callar, silent.

callar, to be silent; ¡calle! hush! silence!

calle, f., street.

¡calle! See callar. callejón, m., lane, alley, narrow street.

cama, f., bed; caer en —, to fall sick.

cámara, f., chamber, bedroom.

camarada, m., comrade, companion.

cambiante, m., iridescence; iridescent gleam, glint.

cambiar, to change, exchange.

cambrón, m., bramble.

caminante, m., traveler.

caminar, to go, walk, walk along.

camino, m., way, road, journey, march, course; — atras, back; down (or up) the road.

campana, f., bell, church bell.

campanada, f., stroke.

campanario, m., belfry, bell-tower; — de espadaña, single-walled bell-tower; belfry (of a single wall with openings for the bells).

campanero, m., bellman.

campanilla, f., small bell, hand-bell, bell; morning-glory.

campaña, f., campaign.

campiña, f., field, plain.

campo, m., field, camp.

canción, f., song.

candelabro, m., candlestick, chandelier.

candelilla, f., small candle.

candente, incandescent, red-hot.

cándido, white, snowy.

cangilón, m., bucket (or cup of an endless chain used in drawing water). See noria.

cano, -a, hoary, gray.

canónigo, m., canon, prebendary.

cansado, -a, adj. pp. of cansar, tired, wearied, weary.

cansarse, to bore oneself, be bored, be tired.

cantar, to sing, hum, buzz; — entre dientes, to hum (a song).

cantar, m., song.

cántaro, m., pitcher, water-pitcher.

cantazo, m., stone, blow with a stone.

cantera, f., quarry.

cantidad, f., quantity, sum.

cántiga, f., song, metrical romance.

canto, m., song, hymn, chant, canticle, canto.

cantueso, m., lavender, French lavender, spike.

cañada, f., glen, dale, glade.

caño, m., stream, jet.

cañuto, m., fluting; gorguera de —s, fluted raff.

capa, f., cloak, mantle.

capaz, capable, able.

capellán, m., chaplain.

caperuza, f., pointed cap, pointed hood, hood.

capilla, f., chapel; maestro de —, choir-master, one who composes and directs church music; — mayor, main chapel (containing the pulpit and high altar, and in most Spanish churches opposite the coro and separated from the transept by a railing).

capitán, m., captain.

capitel, m., capital.

capítulo, m., chapter, council, court.

capote, m., cloak, coat, greatcoat.

capotillo, m., mantelet, short cloak.

capotón, m., large cloak, greatcoat.

capricho, m., caprice, whim, fancy; á —, aimlessly.

caprichosamente, capriciously, fancifully.

caprichoso, -a, capricious.

capuchino, m., Capuchin monk

cara, f., face, countenance, expression, head.

caracolear, to caracole; caracoleando en sus corceles, on their prancing steeds.

carácter, m., character, disposition.

caracterizar, to characterize, describe.

carbón, m., charcoal; coal.

carcajada, f., laugh, burst of laughter.

cárcel, f., prison, jail.

carcomer, to corrode.

cárdeno, -a, violet, livid.

cargo, m., charge, office; hacer — de, to examine, inspect.

caricia, f., caress.

caridad, f., charity; un bien de -, a good turn, a benevolent favor.

cariiio, m., love, affection, tenderness.

Carlos, m., Charles.

carne, f., meat, flesh; pl., flesh; de-y hueso, of flesh and blood.

caro, -a, dear; adv., dearly.

carraca, f., rattle, an instrument used instead of bells the last three days of Holy Week.

carrasca, f., pin-oak, swamp-oak.

carrascal, m., plantation of pin-oaks; clump of pin-oaks.

carrera, f., race, course, speed.

carro, m., car, chariot.

carta, f., letter, card; tomar—en el asunto, to take a hand in the matter; cartas leyes, summons.

casa, f., house; —de Consejos (or —Consistorial), town hall, city hall.

casaca, f., coat.

Casca, f., (Span.) Casca.

cascada, f., cascade.

casco, m., helmet; hoof; outside (of anything);—s de las bote-llas vacias, empty bottles.

caserfo, m., houses, row of houses; village, small town.

caserón, m., edifice, dwelling, large house.

casi, almost, very nearly.

casita, f., small house, cottage.

caso, m., case, event, circumstance, effect, fact, matter, affair; es el —, the fact is; hacer—de, to pay attention to; to care about; to consider important.

castellano, -a, Castilian, of (or pertaining to) Castile.

castigar, to punish, chastise.

castigo, m., chastisement, punishment.

castillo, m., castle.

casto, -a, chaste, pure.

casualidad, f., chance.

casualmente, casually, by chance.

casulla, f., chasuble.

cata. See catar.

catar, to see, consider, notice; cátale aqui que asoma, why! (or lo!) here it (or he) comes. See ruin.

catástrofe, f., catastrophe.

catedral, f., cathedral.

catorce, fourteen.

cauce, m., drain, bed, stream, rivulet.

causa, f., cause.

causar, to cause.

caverna, f., cave, cavern.

cavidad, f., cavity, hollow.

cavilación, f., pondering, worrying, preoccupation.

caza, f., chase, hunt; andar á — de, to go in pursuit of; to go hunting (or seeking); salir de —, to go hunting.

cazador, m., hunter, huntsman; —es furtivos, poachers.

cazar, to hunt.

ceder, to yield, submit.

cegar, to blind, make blind; to fill up, obstruct.

ceja, f., eyebrow.

cejar, to relax.

celda, f., cell.

celebrado, -a, adj. pp. of celebrar, celebrated, famous.

celebrante, m., officiating priest.

celebrar, to celebrate; refl., to be celebrated.

celeste, celestial, heavenly.

celo, m., zeal, ardor, devotion; pl., jealousy.

celoso, -a, jealous; tener —, to make jealous.

cena, f., supper.

cenagoso, -a, muddy, miry.

cencerrada, f., charivari.

cendal, m., crape, gauze.

cenizas, f. pl., ashes.

cenobita, m., cenobite.

centella, f., lightning, lightning flash (or bolt), thunderbolt.

centésimo, -a, hundredth.

centinela, m., sentry, sentinel.

cerca, near, near at hand; — de, near; tan de —, so closely; muy de —, very closely, very well.

cercano, -a, near, close, next, neighboring.

cercar, to surround.

cerciorarse, to assure oneself; to ascertain.

cerco, m., circle.

cerebro, m., brain.

ceremonia, f., ceremony, service.

cernerse, to soar; to flit; to hover.

cerrar, to close, shut; la noche habia cerrado, night had come (or fallen); night had closed in (around him); subst., shutting; en un abrir y — de ojos, in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant; refl., to close, shut.

cerrojo, m., bolt.

cesar, to cease, stop, end; ir cesando, to cease, die out; sin —, incessantly, continually.

césped, m., grass, sod, grass-plot, turf; pl., grasses.

cicerone, m., guide, cicerone.

ciego, -a, blind, blinded.

cielo, m., sky, heaven.

cien. See ciento.

ciencia, f., science, art, knowledge.

cieno, m., mire, filth.

ciento, hundred.

ciertamente, certainly, indeed.

cierto, -a, certain.

ciervo, m., deer, stag.

cierzo, m., north wind.

cifra, f., cipher; written character; writing.

cima, f., summit, top; por — de, over; above the tops of.

cimera, f., crest.

cimiento, m., foundation.

cincelado, -a, adj. pp. of cincelar, carved, engraved, embossed.

cinco, five.

cinta, f., ribbon, band, girdle; estar en —, to be pregnant; to have conceived.

cintarazo, m., knock, thump, blow, slap (with something flat).

circular, to circulate, flow.

círculo, m., circle.

circunspección, f., circumspection, dignity.

circunstanciado, -a, circumstantial, minute, detailed.

circunstantes, m. pl.; bystanders, listeners, hearers, persons present.

cirio, m., (large) wax candle (by taper).

cisne, m., swan.

cita, f., appointment, rendezvous, tryst.

citar, to make an appointment (with), to give a rendezvous (to).

ciudad, f., city.

clamor, m., clamor, noise.

clamoreo, m., clamor, noise.

clarear, to grow light; to dawn.

claridad, f., light, shine.

clarín, m., trumpet.

clarísimo, -a, illustrious.

claro, -a, clear; adv., clearly.

clase, f., class, kind.

claustro, m., cloister, piazza, gallery.

clavado, -a, adj. pp. of clavar, fixed, brim. fastened, rooted, nailed.

clavar, to fix, fasten, nail; refl., to be fixed; to fix itself; to stick, strike.

clave, f., keystone.

clavo, m., nail; point.

clero, m., clergy.

cobarde, coward, cowardly.

cobertizo, m., small projecting roof; shed.

cocodrilo, m., crocodile.

codazo, m, thrust with the elbow.

codiciado, -a, adj. pp. of codiciar, coveted.

codicioso, -a, greedy, covetous.

codo, m., elbow.

coger, to catch, take up, pick up, pluck, collect, seize; cogerse, to be caught; to be trampled (or crushed).

coincidencia, f., coincidence.

cojín, m., cushion.

cola, f., tail.

colación, f., lunch.

colegio, m., college, school.

colegir, to gather, collect, deduce, infer

cólera, f., anger, fury, passion, rage, wrath

colérico, -a, angry, choleric, irascible, passionate.

coleto, m., doublet body; inside (or body) of a man; echarse (algo) al —, to swallow (at a gulp).

colgado, -a, adj. pp. of colgar, suspended, hung, hanging.

colgar, to hang, suspend; to hang from, be suspended.

colina, f., hill.

colmar, to heap up, fill to the brim.

colmo, m., climax.

colocar, to place, set up; —se en actitud de defensa, to fall on guard.

color, m., color, coloring, hue, complexion, shadings; de —(es), colored, stained; — de plomo, leaden, lead-colored; — de rosa, rose-colored.

colorado, -a, adj. pp. of colorar, colored, dyed, ruddy, florid, red; sorrel.

colorearse, to redden, become red.

colorín, m., showy (or vivid) color.

colosal, colossal, enormous.

columbrar, to discern, espy.

columna, f., column, body of soldiers; — volante, flying column.

columnilla, f., little column; — salomónica, little twisted column.

columpiarse, to swing.

comadre, f., a gossip.

comarca, f., district, border, country.

comarcano, -a, neighboring, of (or pertaining to) the neighborhood.

combate, m., combat, duel.

combatiente, m., combatant.

combatir, to fight, beat, strike, attack.

combinación, f., combination.

comedimiento, m., courtesy, civility, politeness.

comentar, to comment upon, discuss.

comentario, m., commentary, remark.

comenzar, to begin; reft., to begin, commence.

comer, to eat; que se ha de — la tierra, which the earth shall (one day) swallow up.

cometa, m., comet.

cómico, -a, comical.

comitiva, f,. procession, cortège, retinue, company, suite, escort.

como, as, like, as if, as it were, as though, so to speak, apparently, if, if only, provided that, as soon as; — de, at (or of) about; about; á distancia de, something like a distance of; at about the distance of; distant about; así —, as well as; as also; así ... —, both ... and; — no sea, unless it be; except; — para, as if to; — que, as; — as if; inasmuch as; it was as if; he was as it were; — quiera que, although; notwithstanding the fact that; tanto —, as much as; tal —, just as; tan —, as.. as; tan pronto ... — ..., now ... now ...; ¡— ha'de ser! that's the way of the world! what can you expect? what is to be expected? — pudo, as best he could; — las gasta, how he acts.

¿cómo? how? why?

compacto, -a, compact, dense.

compañera, f., companion, mate.

companero, m., companion, comrade, associate.

comparable, comparable.

comparación, f., comparison.

comparar, to compare.

comparecer, to appear.

compás, m., measure, time, accompaniment, rhythm, beat.

compasado, -a, adj. pp. of compasar, measured, regular.

compasión, f., compassion, pity.

compeudioso, -a, laconic.

complacerse, to take pleasure (en, in).

completamente, completely.

completar, to complete.

completo; -a, complete; por —, completely.

componer, to compose, repair, keep in repair; refl., to be composed; to consist. comprar, to buy.

comprender, to understand, comprehend; hacerse —, to make oneself understood.

comprimir, to restrain, compress, suppress.

comprometerse, to compromise oneself, risk one's reputation, lay oneself open to criticism.

comunicar, to communicate; refl., to communicate.

comunidad, f., community, order; en —, by ourselves; with only the members of the order present.

con, with, along with, by, among; para —, amongst; — que, therefore, wherefore, so then; — vida, alive.

concebir, to conceive.

concejo, m., council.

concepto, m., conceit, thought, fancy.

concertar, to hold (secret) council; to plan, concert.

conciencia, f., conscience, consciousness.

concierto, m., concert, arrangement, method.

conciliábulo, m., conventicle, secret council.

concluido, -a, adj. pp. of concluir, concluded; after.

concluir, to conclude, end, finish, complete, infer.

concurrente, m., person present; bystander, spectator; pl., assembly, congregation, audience.

concha, f., shell.

condado, m., earldom, county.

conde, m., earl, count.

condenación, f.; condemnation, damnation.

condenar, to condemn, damn.

condesa, f., countess.

condición, f., condition, circumstance.

conducir, to lead, conduct, convey, bear, bring in.

conducta, f., conduct, leadership, guidance.

confesar, to confess, acknowledge.

confesión, f., confession.

confesor, m., confessor, a priest authorized to hear confession of sins and to grant absolution.

confirmar, to confirm.

conforme, agreeable to; according to.

conformidad, f., agreement; state, condition.

confundir, to confuse, confound, mingle, unite; refl., to lose form (or substance); to blend, be confused (confounded or mingled); to mingle, intermingle, vanish, be lost, be lost to sight (en, in).

confusamente, confusedly.

confusión, f., confusion, complication.

confuso, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of confundir, confused, perplexed, indistinct.

congregar, to assemble.

conjunto, m., ensemble, collection, combination.

conjurar, to conjure, beseech.

conjuro, m., incantation, enchantment.

conmigo, with me.

conmoción, f., commotion.

conmover, to move, affect.

conmovido, -a, adj. pp. of conmover, affected, moved, in (or with) emotion.

conocer, to know, recognize, realize, be acquainted with.

conquistar, to conquer.

consagración, f., consecration.

consagrar, to consecrate.

conseguir, to succeed, obtain.

conseja, f., fable, story.

consejo, m., council, advice; Casa de —s, town hall, city hall.

consentir, to agree (or consent) to.

conservar, to keep, guard.

consigo, with himself, with herself, with itself, with oneself, with themselves.

consiguiente, m., consequence; por —, consequently, therefore, hence.

consistencia, f., consistency, coherence.

consistir, to consist, lie; no sé en qué consista, I do not know why.

consistorial. See casa.

constante, constant.

Constanza, f., Constance.

constelación, f., constellation.

consternado, -a, adj. pp. of consternar, dismayed, in consternation.

construcción, f., fortification.

consuelo, m., comfort, consolation.

consultar, to consult, ask, advise, consult about, ask advice about.

consumir, to consume, eat, cost.

consunción, f., consumption.

contacto, m., contact, touch.

contar, to count, recount, relate, tell; — con, to count (or rely) upon.

contemplación, f., contemplation.

contemplar, to contemplate.

contener, to contain, hold, repress, restrain.

contenido, m., contents.

contentamiento, m., satisfaction, pleasure.

contestatión, f., reply.

contestar, to reply.

continuamente, continually.

continuar, to continue.

continuo, -a, continual; de —, continually; acto —, straightway, immediately, immediately afterward.

contorno, m., form, waist, trunk, torso; circuit, radius; veinte jornados al —, within a radius of twenty days' journey.

contorsión, f., contortion; hacer una —, to bend one's body; to writhe.

contra, against, contrary to; en — mía, against myself; against my interests.

contraer, to contract.

contraído, -a, adj. pp. of contraer, contracted, rigid.

contraposición, f., contrast.

contrario, m., contrary, reverse, opposite, opponent, adversary; al —, on the contrary; por el —, on the contrary.

contraste, m., contrast.

contribuir, to contribute, serve.

convecino, m, neighbor.

convencer, to convince.

conveniencia, f., advantage, utility, expediency.

convenir, to agree, come to an agreement, acknowledge.

convento, m., convent, cloister, monastery.

conversación, f., conversation.

convertir, to change, convert, metamorphose.

convidado, m., guest.

convito, M., feast, banquet.

convulsión, f., convulsion.

convulsivamente, convulsively.

convulsivo, -a, convulsive, rigid, convulsed, trembling, shaking.

coordinar, to collect, arrange.

copa, f., cup, goblet, drinking cup; summit, crest, crown.

copia, f., copy.

copiar, to copy, reproduce.

copla, f., couplet; pl., verses.

copudo, -a, copped, crested.

coral, m., coral.

corazón, m., heart; hacerse de tripas—, to pluck up courage.

corcel, m., steed, charger.

cordero, m., lamb.

cornisa, f.