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dado, -a, adj. pp. of dar, given, granted; considering, in view of.

dado, m., die, cube; pl., dice.

daga, f., dagger.

¡dale! the deuce! come! again! el — que le das, the persistent efforts.

dama, f., lady.

danzar, to dance.

daño, m., harm, injury.

dar, to give; — crédito á, to believe; — de firme, to beat firmly (or lustily); — en, to rush (or fall) headlong into; — en la flor, to take into one's head; to fall into the habit; — fin, to die, perish; —le á los fuelles, to pump the bellows; — lugar, to give rise; — gusto, to gratify; — de palos, to beat, give a beating; to cudgel; — un paso, to take a step; — por, to consider, regard (as); — principio, to begin; — que hacer, to give trouble; — que reir (con), to ridicule, make sport (of), make a laughing stock (of); — razon de, to give an account of; to inform regarding; — á alguno en el rostro con, to cast in one's face; — por seguro, to assert, assure; — susto, to frighten; tanto os da de, you think as highly of; — tumbos, to tumble; to whirl head over heels; — vista á, to come into view of; — una gran voz, to call out loudly; — una vuelta, to take a turn, take a walk; — vueltas, to turn, whirl, revolve; el dale que le das, the persistent efforts; como Dios me daba á emender, to the best of my ability; — se cuenta de, to realize; — se de ojo, to conspire, have a secret understanding.

de, of, to, from, at, with, by, in, on, as, than; el bruto Esteban, that clownish fellow Stephen; — improviso, unexpectedly, suddenly; — modo que, so that; — nuevo, again; anew; — por si, by himself; — prisa, rapidly; — pronto, suddenly, abruptly; — repente, suddenly; —seguro, assuredly; — no ser, if not; — sobra, over and above; — tarde en tarde, seldom; — un todo, once for all; del todo, wholly, quite.

debajo, underneath, below; por — de, beneath, below, under.

deber, to owe, be (destined) to, must, ought.

débil, weak, feeble, faint.

debilisimo, -a, abs. super, of débil, very weak (feeble or faint).

debilitarse, to be (or become) weak (faint, dim, or soft).

débilmente, faintly, softly.

decidir, to decide, determine; refl., to decide, determine.

decir, to say, tell, speak; se dice, it is said; dicen, they say, people say; al — de, according to; es —, that is; por —lo así, so to speak; por mejor —, in other words, rather; ¿no os le dije? didn't I tell you so? no se ha de —, it cannot be said; o mejor dicho, or rather; querer —, to mean.

decisión, f., decision.

dedicar, to dedicate, consecrate.

dedo, m., finger; dos —s de luz, a thin streak of light.

defender, to defend, guard, protect, shield.

defensa, f., defense, guard.

deforme, deformed, formless, shapeless, misshapen, hideous.

dejar, to leave, let, allow, cease, leave off, abandon, fail; Como dejo dicho, as I have said; según dejamos dicho, as we have said; — entrever, to show slightly; — escapar, to utter; — lugar, to give place; — paso, to let pass, make way; no — titers con cabeza, to destroy everything, put everything in disorder; — se ver, to appear, show oneself; — la vida, to die; déjase de decir, fails to be said, is not said, is left unsaid; — se sentir, to make itself felt.

del = de + el.

delante, before; — de, before, in front of, in (the) presence of.

delgado, -a, thin, slender, delicate, flexible, gaunt.

deliberar, to deliberate.

delicado, -a, delicate, light.

delicioso, -a, delicious, exquisite, delightful.

delincuente, m., delinquent.

delirio, m., delirium, madness.

delito, m., crime.

demacración,f., emaciation.

demandadera, f., convent servant, woman who attends at the door of a convent to run errands.

demás, further, besides; los —, the others, the rest; por lo —, for the rest, moreover, besides.

demente, mad; adv., madly.

demonio, m., demon, devil.

demostrar, to show, manifest, demonstrate, evince.

dentellado, -a, dentated, dentate.

dentro, within; — de, within, inside of, in.

deparar, to offer, provide.

departir, to speak, converse, chat, talk, dependiente, m., dependent, servant.

depositar, to deposit.

derecho, -a, right; á la derecha, at (or to) the right; á derechas, straight, straight ahead; subst. m., right, claim, privilege; feudal right (or privilege); adv., straight.

derramado, -a, adj. pp. of derramar, scattered, ranging.

derramar, to shed, cast, pour, plash, scatter, emit, pour out; refl., to fall, be scattered (cast or shed).

derredor, m., circumference, circuit; en —, around; en — suyo, around him, about him.

derretir, to melt, dissolve.

derribir, to demolish, destroy, fell, throw, cast.

derruido, -a, adj. pp. of derruir, demolished, ruined, in ruins.

derrumbadero, m., precipice.

derrumbar, to fall with a crash.

desacato, m., disrespect, insolence.

desafiar, to defy, challenge.

desafío, m., challenge, duel.

desaforado, -a, disorderly, discordant, loud.

desagradable, disagreeable.

desalmado, -a, soulless, inhuman.

desaparecer, to disappear.

desarmar, to disarm, unload, discharge.

desarreglo, m., disorder, confusion, derangement.

desarrollarse, to unfold, be disclosed (or developed).

desasido, -a, adj. pp. of desasir, detached, divested (of the body).

desasirse, to free (or extricate) oneself.

desastroso, -a, disastrous.

desatar, to untie, unleash; rfl., to break loose.

desbandarse, to disband, scatter.

desbocado, -a, wild, unbridled, unrestrained.

descalzo, -a, barefoot.

descansar, to rest, repose, recover.

descargar, to unload, discharge, cast, direct.

descarnado, -a, fleshless, emaciated.

descender, to descend.

descifrar, to decipher, unravel.

descomponerse, to break up, fall apart.

descompuesto, -a, adj. pp. of descomponer, altered, changed, harsh; apart, in disorder.

desconfianza, f., distrust, suspicion, diffidence, fear.

desconocido, -a, adj. pp. of desconocer, unknown, foreign, strange, unfamiliar.

descorrer, to draw (as a curtain).

descortés, uncivil, discourteous, rude.

describir, to describe.

descubrimiento, m., discovery.

descubrir, to lay bare, disclose, uncover, discover; refl., to uncover oneself, take off one's hat (or helmet); to appear, be visible, be revealed.

descuidado, -a, careless.

descuido, m., carelessness; por —, from carelessness; inadvertently; con —, carelessly.

desde, from, since, after, to, even to; — donde, from where; — que, since; — lejos, from a distance; — luego, at once, straightway, thereupon, immediately.

desdén, m., disdain, scorn.

desdeñoso, -a, disdainful.

desear, to desire, long for, wish.

desechar, to expel, drive away, exclude, dispel.

desembarazarse de, to free oneself of; to throw off.

desembocar, to terminate, open (en, into).

desembozarse, to uncover one's face, throw open one's cloak.

desempeñar, to drag (or thrust) over; to perform, fulfill, fill.

desencadenado, -a, adj. pp. of desencadenar, unchained, wild.

desencajado, -a, adj. pp. of desencajar, disfigured, with distorted features: (with eyes) unnaturally wide open, projecting, bulging, staring.

desengañarse, to be undeceived, to undeceive oneself, not to deceive oneself.

desenlace, m., catastrophe, dénouement.

desenredarse, to extricate oneself.

desenvolverse, to unfold.

deseo, m., desire.

desesperación, f., desperation, despair.

desesperado, -a, adj. pp. of desesperar, driven to despair, desperate, in despair; subst. m., desperate man, one in despair.

desesperante, maddening.

desesperar, to drive to despair.

desfiladero, m., defile, pass.

desfilar, to defile, pass by, file past.

desgajar, to break (or lop) off.

desgarrado, -a, adj. pp. of desgarrar, rent, torn.

desgarrador, piercing, heartrending.

desgarrar, to rend, tear; refl., to tear, be torn.

desgracia, f., misfortune; por —, unfortunately.

deshacer, to destroy; to mutilate; refl., to dissolve, vanish, be dissolved.

desheredar, to disinherit.

desierto, -a, deserted; subst m., desert, waste.

designio, m., design, plan.

desigual, unequal, uneven, abrupt.

desistir, to desist, cease, abandon.

desligarse, to free oneself, get loose.

deslizarse, to glide, move slowly, slip through, pierce, go cautiously (or furtively), slide, flow, fall.

deslumbrador, dazzling, brilliant.

desmantelado, -a, adj. pp. of desmantelar, dismantled, dilapidated.

desmayado, -a, adj. pp. of desmayar, depressed, dispirited, drooping, pale, wan.

desmayar, to lose heart, be discouraged; refl., to faint, swoon.

desmentir, to contradict; to deny.

desnudar, to strip; to unsheathe; refl., to take off, strip oneself.

desnudo, -a, bare, naked, stripped.

desorden, m., disorder.

despacio, at leisure, leisurely, slowly, deliberately.

despacharse, to set out, make haste.

despacho, m., haste, dispatch.

desparecer, to disappear.

desparramarse, to scatter.

despavorido, -a, adj. pp. of despavorir, terrified, in terror.

despecho, m., despair.

despedida, f., farewell.

despedir, to discharge, dispatch, emit; to take leave (á, of); refl., to take leave, depart.

despegar, to open.

despeñadero, m., precipice.

despeñar, to hurl, fling, hurl over a precipice.

despertar, to arouse, awaken, awake, wake up; to break (of day); refl., to awake, wake up.

despierto, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of despertar, aroused, awake.

desplegar, to unfold, uncoil, open, display; refl., to display, unfold.

desplomar, to fall; caer desplomado, to fall in a heap, fall flat; refl., to fall, fall flat (or in a heap).

despojar, to despoil, strip; refl., to strip oneself; to take off.

despojo, m., spoil; pl., spoils, remains, mortal remains.

despreciar, to scorn, despise.

desprecio, m., scorn, mockery.

desprenderse, to issue forth, be launched, be shed; to fall; to free oneself, escape, depart.

desprendido, -a, adj. pp. of desprender, unfastened; (of leaves) loosened from the stem (or frond); broken, separated.

despreocupación, f., unconventionality, recklessness.

despreocupado, -a, adj. pp. of despreocupar, unprejudiced, liberal, unconventional; reckless.

después, afterwards, later; since, then; —de, after; —que, after.

despuntar, to break; al —la mañana, at break of day; at dawn.

destacar, to detach, be detached, stand out (sobre, against); refl., to stand out (sobre, against).

destapar, to uncover, uncork, open.

destartalado, -a, huddled (together), incompact, promiscuous, without order.

destemplado, -a, adj. pp. of destemplar, untuned, harsh, discordant.

destiuado, -a, adj. pp. of destiuar, destined, designed, intended.

destinar, to destine, design.

destino, m., fate, destiny.

destrozar, to destroy.

destructor, -a, destructive.

desunir, to separate, sunder, disunite.

desvanecer, to cause to vanish; to clear up, unravel, dissipate; — su cabeza, to make one giddy, affect with dizziness, make one's head swim; refl., to vanish, evaporate, disappear; to faint, fall fainting.

desvanecido, -a, adj. pp. of desvanecer, vanished; unconscious.

desvencijado, -a, adj. pp. of desvencijar, broken, dilapidated.

detalle, m., detail.

detener, to hinder, restrain, stop, keep, detain; refl., to stop, halt.

determinación, f., determination.

determinado, -a, adj. pp. of determinar, determined, resolved, determinate, definite.

determinarse, to determine, resolve, decide, make up one's mind.

detestar, to detest.

detrás, after, behind; — de, after; per —, behind; por — de, behind.

deudo, m., parent, relative.

devauar, to rack; — se los sesos, to rack one's brains.

devoción, f., devotion, ardent love.

devolver, to return, restore.

devorar, to devour, absorb, consume.

devoto, -a, devout, pious; subst. m., devout (or pious) person.

dia, m., day; al otro —, the next day; aún en el —, to this day; de noche y —, night and day; en otros —s, in other (or former) days; formerly; un — y otro, day after day; constantly.

diablo, m., devil, rascal, fellow.

diabólico, -a, diabolic.

diáfano, -a, diaphanous, transparent, pellucid.

diálogo, m., dialogue.

diamaute, m., diamond.

diantre, m., deuce; ¡qué —! the deuce! ¡(en) qué — (or —s)! what the deuce!

dibujar, to draw, sketch; refl., to be drawn (or sketched); to appear.

diccionario, m., dictionary.

dicha, f., happiness, felicity, pleasure.

dichoso, -a, happy, fortunate.

diecinueve (more commonly diez y nueve), nineteen.

diente, m., tooth; como que echó los —s en, he was, as it were, born to (or into); eutre —s, between (my) teeth; cantar entre —s, to hum (a song).

diestro, m., halter, bridle; elevar del —, to lead by the halter (or bridle).

diez, ten; — y nueve, nineteen.

diferencia, f., difference; pl., differences; quarrel, disagreement.

dificil, difficult; que no será —, which it easily may.

dificultad, f., difficulty.

difunto, -a, defunct, deceased.

dignidad, f., dignity, self-respect.

digno, -a, worthy.

digresien, f., digression.

dilatacien, f., dilation, expansion.

dilatar, to dilate, expand, enlarge, spread (abroad); refl., to dilate, spread out, expand, extend, swell.

diminuto, -a, diminutive, very small.

dinero, m., money.

dintel, m., lintel; threshold (incorrect use).

Dionis, m., Dionysius, Dennis.

dios, m., god.

Dios, m., God; ¡—! Lord! Goodness! en — y en mi ánima, in very truth; God knows (that it is true); estar de —, to be God's will, to be inevitable.

dirección, f., direction; con — á, in the direction of.

dirigir, to direct, guide, cast; — la palabra, to address, speak; refl., to turn, face, be directed, direct one's steps, make one's way, take one's course; to address (oneself).

dirimir, to adjust, settle.

discordante, discordant.

discorde, discordant.

discrete, -a, discreet.

disculpa, f., excuse, exculpation.

discurrir, to pass; to talk, discourse; to ramble, run about.

discurso, m., discourse, speech.

diseminar, to scatter; refl., to scatter, be scattered.

disensien, f., strife, dissension.

disforme, deformed, misshapen, monstrous.

disfrutar (de), to enjoy.

disgusto, m., disgust, ill humor, displeasure.

disimular, to dissemble, conceal, veil.

disipación, f., dissipation.

disipar, to dissipate, dispel, displace, cause to vanish; refl., to vanish, scatter, be scattered (or dispelled).

disolverse, to dissolve, separate, breakup.

disparar, to fire, shoot, discharge; al —la, upon firing (or shooting) at it.

disparatado, -a, inconsistent, absurd.

dispersarse, to disperse, vanish, scatter.

disponer, to dispose, order, direct, arrange, prepare, get ready; refl., to prepare, get ready, proceed, be about to; to be arranged (or projected).

disposición, f., disposition, arrangement, position, natural fitness.

disputa, f., dispute.

disputar, to dispute, argue, quarrel; refl., to vie with one another.

distancia, f., distance; como á — de, something like a distance of; at about the distance of; distant about.

distante, distant, remote.

distar, to be distant.

distinción, f., distinction, favor.

distinguir, to distinguish; refl., to be distinguished, be visible.

distintamente, distinctly.

distintivo, m., distinction, badge, order.

distinto, -a, distinct, different, various.

distraction, f., diversion, amusement.

distraer, to divert; refl., to divert (or amuse) oneself.

distraido, -a, adj. pp. of distraer, distraught, diverted, absentminded, lost in thought, vacant.

diversiÓn, f., diversion, entertainment, sport, amusement.

diverso, -a, different, diverse, various.

divertido, -a, adj. pp. of divertir, diverted, amused, pleasant.

divino, -a, divine.

divisar, to perceive, see, recognize, descry; to divide, separate; refl., to be visible (at a distance).

divisorio, -a, dividing; línea divisoria, boundary.

divulgarse, to be divulged; to spread.

do (poet. for donde), where; á —, whither.

doblar, to double, pass round; to bow.

doble, double; más —, most double.

doce, twelve; al punto y hora de las —, exactly at midnight.

docena, f., dozen.

doctor, m., doctor, physician.

doler, to grieve; refl., to grieve.

doliente, sorrowful, plaintive.

dolor, m., grief, pain, sorrow, anguish.

domar, to break, tame, subdue, master, dominate, overcome.

dominar, to master, dominate, overcome, overlook, obtain a clear view of.

domingo, m., Sunday.

dominio, m., possession, domain.

don, m., Don (a title used beforeChristian names of men).

donaciôn, f., donation, gift.

donaire, m., grace, courtesy.

doncel, m., youth, young nobleman.

doncella, f., girl, young lady, maid, maiden.

donde, where, in which; en —, in (or on) which; hasta —, how far; por —, where, through which; ¿Dónde va Vicente? Donde va la gente (lit., "Where is Vincent going? Where the crowd goes"), it comes easy to follow the crowd.

¿donde? where? ¿á —? whither? ¿de —? whence? doña, f., Lady, mistress (a title used before Christian names of women).

dorado, -a, gilded, golden; brilliant.

dormido, -a, adj. pp. of dormir, slept, sleeping, asleep.

dormir, to sleep, lie dormant; — á pierna suielta, to sleep soundly (or deeply).

dos, two; los —, both.

doscientos, -as, two hundred.

dosel, m., canopy, dais.

dosis, f., dose.

dotar, to endow.

dragón, m., dragoon.

ducado, m., ducat (a gold coin of variable value).

duda, f., doubt, suspicion; sin —, doubtless.

dudar, to doubt, hesitate.

dudoso, -a, doubtful, uncertain, hazardous.

duelo, m., duel.

duelo, m., grief, mourning; funeral procession.

dueña, f., duenna, mistress, lady in waiting.

dueño, m., master, owner.

dulce, sweet, pleasant, soft, gentle, mild.

dulcisimo, -a, abs. super. of dulce, very (or most) sweet (soft or gentle).

dulzura, f., sweetness, gentleness.

duque, m., duke.

durante, during, for.

durar, to last, continue.

duro, -a, hard; á duras penas, with great difficulty; subst. m., dollar.