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é, and (before i- and hi-).

ébano, m., ebony.

ebrio, -a, drunken, intoxicated, drunk.

eco, m., echo.

echado, -a, adj. pp. of echar, thrown, cast; lying.

echar, to throw, cast, put, place, utter, dismiss, put out; — la bendición, to give the benediction; — á broma, to take (or consider) as a joke (or jest); — en busca, to go (or set off) in search; -se algo al coleto, to swallow at a gulp; — los dientes, to cut one's teeth; como que echó los dientes en, he was, as it were, born to (or into); — el guante, to arrest; hasta — los higados, with all (your) might; — mano de, to lay hands upon, take possession of; — pestes de, to storm at; — pie á tierra, to get down, dismount; — en saco roto, to be heedless of; not to take advantage of; to forget; — un trago, to have a drink, take a dram.

edad, f., age.

edificio, m., edifice, building.

efectivamente, indeed, in fact, in reality, effectually.

efecto, m., result, effect; en —, in fact, indeed.

efluvio, m., effluvium, exhalation, emanation.

efusión, f., effusion, tenderness.

egoísmo, m., selfishness, egoism.

¡eh! eh! say!

eje, m., axis, axle.

ejemplar, exemplary; subst. m., example; sin —, unprecedented.

ejemplo, m., example.

ejercicio, m., exercise, practice.

ejercitar, to exercise, drill, train.

ejército, m., army, array.

el, la, lo, the.

él, ella, ello, he, him, she, her, it.

él, la, lo, that.

elaborar, to elaborate, develop, unfold.

elargar, to stretch out, raise.

elegante, elegant, fine, graceful.

elegir, to elect, choose.

elemento, m., element.

elevado, -a, adj. pp. of elevar, elevated, lofty.

elevar, to elevate, raise, lift up; refl., to arise, rise up.

Elvira, f., Elvira.

ella, she, her, it.

ello, it; — es que, the fact is.

embargar, to hold in subjection, restrain, control.

embargo, m., hindrance; sin —, nevertheless, however, notwithstanding.

embebecido, -a, adj. pp.of embebecer, enraptured.

embellecer, to embellish, adorn.

emblema, m., emblem.

embocadura, f., mouth, entrance.

emboscada, f., ambuscade.

emboscarse, to lie in ambush.

embozado, -a, adj. pp. of embozar, wrapped (or muffled) up; disguised, covert.

embozar, to muffle the greater part of one's face.

embriagar, to intoxicate, delight, transport; reft., to become intoxicated, get drunk.

embriaguez, f., intoxication, stupor, torpor.

embrollo, m., intrigue, liaison.

embrujar, to charm, bewitch.

emisario, m., emissary.

emoción, f., emotion.

empellón, m., push, shove, shoving, blow.

empeñarse, to endeavor, persist in.

empeño, m., aim, purpose, desire, eagerness; tener —, to desire earnestly.

empequeñecerse, to be (or become) small.

emperador, m., emperor.

empero, however.

empezar, to begin.

empinado, -a, adj. pp. of empinar, raised, elevated, lofty, steep.

empinarse, to raise oneself; to rise.

emplear, to employ, make use of.

emponzoñar, to poison.

emprender, to undertake, take, take up, set out on.

empresa, f., enterprise, activity, undertaking.

empujar, to drive, impel, force along, push, stir.

empujón, m., push, violent shove.

empuñadura, f., hilt.

en, in, on, to, upon, at, into; as (a); — contra mía, against myself; against my interests; — cuanto, as soon as, when; — cuanto ó, as to, as for, as regards; — pos de, after, behind, in pursuit of; — lo posible, as much as possible; — tanto que, while; — torno, round about; — torno de, about, around.

enamorado, -a, adj. pp. of enamorar, enamored, in love, loving, tender, lovesick; subst. m., lover.

encadenar, to chain, bind.

encajarse, to join, be united, come together.

encaje, m., lace.

encaminarse, to proceed, take the road, betake oneself.

encanijar, to weaken, cause to pine away.

encantar, to delight, enchant, charm.

encanto, m., enchantment, charm, spell.

encapotar, to cloak, muffle.

encaramarse, to climb.

encarar, to aim; — se con, to face, confront.

encarcelar, to imprison.

encargar, to charge, recommend.

encenagar, to mire; to trouble, disturb.

encender, to kindle, light; refl., to be kindled.

encendido, -a, adj. pp. of encender, lighted, inflamed, burning, glowing, aflame, aglow, blazing, passionate.

encerrar, to confine, imprison, enclose, embody; refl., to shut oneself up, seclude onself, retire.

encima, upon; — de, upon, on top of; por — de, over, above.

encina, f., evergreen oak.

enclavar, to nail.

encoger, to shrug; refl., to draw back, shrink.

encogido, -a, adj. pp. of encoger, contracted, shrinking.

encogimiento, m., timidity.

encomendar, to recommend, commit.

encomienda, f., badge, the embroidered cross worn by knights of military orders.

encontrar, to meet, find, encounter, see, reach; refl., to meet each other (or one another); to be found, be met with; to be; to meet, join.

encorvado, -a, adj. pp. of encorvar, bent, crooked.

encubierto, -a, adj. pp. of encubrir, covered, concealed, veiled, hidden.

encubrir, to cover, veil, conceal.

encuentro, m., meeting, encounter; á su —, to meet him (her, you, or them).

enderezarse, to enter, plunge into.

endiablado, -a, adj. pp. of endiablar, corrupted, devilish, vile, diabolical.

endriago, m., monster, dragon.

enebro, m., juniper, common juniper.

enemigo, -a, hostile, inimical; subst. m., enemy.

enérgico, -a, energetic.

enfermo, -a, sick, ill.

engañarse, to be mistaken.

engañoso, -a, deceitful, deceptive.

engarzar, to enchase, encircle, set.

engendrar, to produce, engender.

engendro, m., offspring.

engolfar, to engross, engage, occupy.

engreído, -a, adj. pp. of engreir, elated, lofty, haughty.

enigma, m., enigma.

enigmático, -a, enigmatical.

enjaezado, -a, adj. pp. of enjaezar, caparisoned.

enjambre, m., swarm.

enjugar, to dry, wipe away.

enlutado, -a, adj. pp. of enlutar, in mourning.

enmarañado, -a, adj. pp. of enmarañar, entangled, perplexing, confusing, intricate.

enmudecer, to be (or become) silent.

ennegrecido, -a, adj. pp. of ennegrecer, blackened, black, burnt.

enojoso, -a, vexing, disturbing.

enorme, enormous, mighty.

enredar, to become entangled; to catch, entangle, entwine, coil refl., to entwine (around); to entangle oneself, become entangled (or ensnared); to coil.

enrojecer, to redden, heat red-hot; refl., to become red-hot.

enroscarse, to twist, curl, coil, writhe.

ensancharse, to widen, broaden.

ensangrentar, to stain with blood, be blood-stained.

ensayar, to practice.

enseñar, to teach.

ensordecer, to deafen.

ensueño, m., sleep, dream.

entender, to understand; como Dios me daba á —, to the best of my ability.

enteramente, entirely, quite, just, right.

enterarse, to inform oneself.

entero, -a, entire, whole.

enterrar, to inter, bury.

entonar, to sing, begin singing.

entonces, then; — que ..., then, while ...; then, when ...

entornar, to turn; to close.

entrada, f., entrance.

entrañas, f. pl., entrails, heart.

entrar, to enter, come, arrive; á to begin; refl., (of the night) to come on; to fall; como se les enttase á más andar el día, as the day went on; as the day passed (for them).

entre, between, among, in; por —, between, among, in, through; mirarse — sé, to look at each other (or one another); sí, to himself, etc.

entreabierto, -a, adj. pp. of entreabrir, half opened, ajar, gaping.

entreabrir, to open slightly.

entrecortado, -a, adj. pp. of entrecortar, interrupted, broken, broken.

entregado, -a, adj. pp. of entregar, given over, devoted.

entregarse, to yield, give way, give oneself over (up. up), abandon oneself.

entrelazar, to interlace, intertwine.

entremezclar, to intermingle.

entretener, to keep (in order); to entertain, divert; refl., to delay, tarry, amuse oneself.

entrever, to get a glimpse of; dejar —, to show slightly.

entrevista, f., interview, meeting.

enturbiar, to disturb, trouble.

entusiasmo, m., enthusiasm.

envejecer, to grow old.

enviar, to send.

envidioso, -a, envious, invidious.

envilecer, to debase, debauch.

envio, m., remittance.

envolver, to envelop.

enzarzarse, to be (or become) entangled (as among brambles or briars).

epidermis, f., epidermis.

epigrama, m., epigram.

época, f, period, epoch, time.

equivaler, to be equal to, be worth, be equivalent to.

equivocadamente, inadvertently, by mistake.

eremita, m., hermit.

erguirse, to straighten up; to rise.

erizado, -a, adj. pp. of erizar, bristling (de, with).

erizar, to cause to stand on end; to bristle; refl., to stand on end; to bristle.

ermita, f., hermitage.

ermitaño, m., hermit.

errante, wandering, rambling, roving.

esbelto, -a, tall, slender.

escabel, m., seat, stool; pedestal; resting-place.

escala, f., ladder.

escalador, m., scaler, one who scales walls.

escalar, to scale, climb.

escalera, f., stairs, staircase.

escalinata, f., steps.

escalón, m., step, jut, projection.

escandaloso, -a, scandalous, disgraceful, opprobrious.

escaño, m., bench, chair.

escapar, to escape, fall; refl., to escape, fall.

escape, m., flight, speed; á (or al) —, at full speed; á todo —, at full speed.

escapulario, m., scapular.

escarabajo, m., scarab.

escarcha, f., hoar-frost, frost.

escasear, to give sparingly (or grudgingly).

escaso, -a, slight, scanty.

escena, f., scene.

esclarecimiento, m., dawn.

escoger, to choose, select.

escogido, -a, adj. pp. of escoger, chosen, select, choice, fine.

escombros, m. pl., debris, rubbish.

esconder, to hide, cover up; refl., to hide, be concealed; (of the sun) to set; to disappear.

escondido, -a, adj. pp. of esconder, concealed, hidden, secret.

escondite, m., concealment, retreat, hiding-place.

escondrijo, m., concealment, hiding-place, retreat.

escribir, to write.

escrito, -a, adj. pp. of escribir, written; subst. m., writing, work.

escuadra, f., squadron.

escuáilido, -a, weak, miserable.

escuchar, to listen, listen to, hear; refl., to be heard, be audible.

escudero, m., squire.

escudo, m., shield, buckler; escutcheon.

escudriñar, to search, examine, scrutinize.

escueto, -a, free, open.

esculpir, to sculpture, carve.

escultor, m., sculptor.

escultura, f., sculpture, statue.

ese, esa, that.

ése, ésa, eso, that one, that; ésa, your city (the city where you are staying).

esforzar, to reënforce, support, help on, applaud; refl., to make an effort; to exert oneself.

esfuerzo, m., effort, exertion.

esmeralda, f., emerald.

eso, that; por —, for that reason; hence, therefore; ¿que es —? what is it? what is the matter?

espacio, m., space; pl., space.

espacioso, -a, spacious.

espada, f., sword.

espadaiia, f., spire, tower; campanario de —, single-walled belltower; belfry of a single wall with openings for the bells.

espalda, f., back; pl., shoulders, back; á mis —s, behind me; vuelto de —s, with (his) back turned.

espaldar, m., backplate (of a cuirass).

espantado, -a, adj. pp. of espantar, frightened, terrified, astonished, wondering, in terror (or astonishment).

espantoso, -a, frightful, dreadful, horrible.

español, -a, Spanish.

especial, special, peculiar, particular, uncommon.

especialmente, especially, particularly.

especie, f., kind.

espectáculo, m., spectacle.

espectador, m., spectator.

espejo, m., mirror.

esperanza, f., hope, expectation.

esperar, to hope, expect, wait for, await, wait; refl., to expect.

espesisimo, -a, abs. super. of espeso, very (or most) dense.

espeso, -a, dense.

espesura, f., thicket, wilderness.

espiral, f., spiral.

espíritu, m., spirit, mind, heart, soul.

espiritual, spiritual; spiritualized; unworldly; ethereal.

esplendor, m., splendor.

espontáneamente, spontaneously.

espontáneo, -a, spontaneous.

esposa, f., wife

espuela, f., spur.

espuma, f., foam, froth.

espumoso, -a, sparkling, effervescent.

esqueleto, m., skeleton, corpse.

esquililla, f., small bell, sheep bell.

esquilón, f., bell, church bell.

esquina, f., corner, angle.

esquivar, to avoid, evade.

ésta. See éste.

estacionarse, to station oneself, take up a position.

estado, m., state, condition, rank.

estancarse, to stop, fall.

estar, to be; — de Dios, to be God's will, to be inevitable; para, to be about to; — á punto, to be ready; to be on the point of, be about to; — viendolo, to see it; to be present; estuve oyendo, I kept hearing.

estatua, f., statue.

este, esta, this.

éste, ésta, esto, this one, this, the latter; á éste quiero á éste no quiero, without asking permission; without choice; willy-nilly.

Esteban, m., Stephen.

estela, f., wake, track, streak.

estéril, sterile, barren.

esto, this;—es, that is; namely; de la solfa, the art of music.

estómago, m., stomach.

estoque, m., sword, rapier.

estrado, m., platform (on which the royal throne is placed).

estrambótico, -a, strange, odd, queer, eccentric.

estratégico, -a, strategic.

estrechar, to press, clasp, constrain.

estrecho, -a, narrow, close.

estrella, f., star.

estremecer, to shake, make shudder, cause to tremble; refl., to tremble, start, quiver, be startled, vibrate, shiver; (of the flesh) to creep.

estremecido, -a, adj. pp. of estremecer, shaken, trembling, quivering.

estremecimiento, m., trembling, start, shiver.

estrépito, m., noise, clamor.

estrepitoso, -a, noisy, boisterous.

estribo, m., stirrup.

estridente, strident, shrill, harsh.

estruendo, m., noise, rumor.

estruendoso, -a, noisy, clamorous.

estrujar, to press, clasp.

estudiante, m., student.

estudiar, to study.

estupendo, -a, wonderful, stupendous, marvelous.

esthpido, -a, stupid, dull, dazed.

estupor, m., stupor, torpor, amazement.

éter, m., ether.

eternamente, eternally.

eternidad, f., eternity.

eterno, -a, eternal, everlasting, endless.

Evangelio, m., Gospel; pl., Gospels; buenos —s, some holy sayings; some of the Holy Scriptures.

evaporarse, to evaporate, vanish.

evasivo, -a, evasive.

evitar, to avoid, escape.

evolución, f., evolution, change.

exabrupto, m., outburst, excess, violence, abruptness, abrupt (or unexpected) remark.

exagerar, to exaggerate.

exaltación, f., exaltation, sublimity; exaggeration, fanaticism, imagination, mere fancy.

examinar, to examine.

exasperar, to exasperate.

exceder, to exceed, surpass.

excepto, except.

exclamación, f., exclamation.

exclamar, to exclaim.

exclusive, -a, exclusive.

excursión, f., expedition, incursion, raid.

excusar, to excuse, exempt, release, spare.

exhalación, f., exhalation; (here) flash of lightning.

exhalar, to exhale.

existencia, f., existence.

existir, to exist, live.

expedición, f., expedition, journey.

experimentar, to experience, feel.

expiación, f., expiation.

expiar, to expiate, atone.

expirar, to expire, vanish, die away.

explicación, f., explanation, explanatory remark.

explicar, to explain; refl., to express oneself.

explosión, f., explosion, burst.

exponerse, to expose oneself, be exposed, run the risk.

expresar, to express.

expresión, f., expression; pl., regards.

exquisito, -a, exquisite, extreme, perfect, supreme.

éxtasis, m., ecstasy.

extender, to stretch out, extend, lengthen; refl., to spread.

extenso, -a, vast.

extraño, -a, strange.

extraordinario, -a, extraordinary.

extravagancia, f., extravagance, madness.

extravagante, wild, extravagant, odd, strange.

extraviado, -a, adj. pp. of extraviar, distracted, bewildered, wild, wandering, roving.

extravío, m., disorder, irregularity.

extremidad, f., extremity.

extremo,m., end, extremity, limit, corner, angle.