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la, the.

la, her, to her; that, that one; pl., them, those; (one's) tricks; (one's) doings (or deeds); como las gasta, how he acts; how he comports himself; what his tricks are; las relataban, would tell of his deeds.

laberinto, m., labyrinth.

labio, m., lip.

labrador, m., farmer.

labrar, to till, cultivate.

ladera, f., declivity.

lado, m., side, direction; por su—, on one's own account; for one-self; as far as he (or she) is (or was) concerned; por todos —s, in all directions; al—tuyo, at your side.

ladrar, to bark.

ladrido, m., bark, barking.

lago, m., lake.

lágrima, f., tear.

lagrimón, m., large tear.

lamentación, f., lamentation.

lamento, m., lament, moaning, plaint, complaint.

lamer, to lap.

lámpara, f., lamp, light.

lance, m., case, incident, occurrence, critical moment.

languidez, f., languor, torpor.

lánguido, -a, languid.

lanza, f., lance.

lanzar, to hurl, cast, emit, dart; re f., to rush forth, dart out, be cast (or hurled); to jump, spring, swing oneself.

largo, -a, long, prolonged, large, broad; á lo—de, along, the length of; adv., long.

larva, f., larva, hobgoblin, sprite.

lástima, f., pity, compassion; ¡ ! what a pity! it's a pity; too bad! es (una)—, it is a pity.

lastimero, -a, piteous, sad, doleful, mournful.

latido, m., palpitation, beat.

latin, m., Latin.

latir, to beat, palpitate; to bark, yelp; subst. m., bark(s), barking.

laudable, laudable, praiseworthy.

lava, f., lava.

lavar, to wash, lave.

Lázaro, m., Lazarus.

lazo, m., tie, bond, fetter.

le, him, to him, to her, you, to you, it.

lebrel, m., greyhound.

lección, f., lesson.

lector, m., reader.

leche, f, milk.

lecho, m., bed, couch.

leer, to read.

légamo, m., mud, slime.

legión, f., legion.

legua, f., league, about four miles.

lejano, -a, distant, remote.

legos, far, afar, far off; á lo —, at a distance, afar, far off; in the distance; desde —, from a distance.

lengua, f., tongue, language.

lenguaje, m., language, speech.

lentamente, slowly.

lentisco, m., lentiscus, mastic, a low, shrubby tree, growing upon the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean.

lentitud, f., slowness; con —, slowly.

lento, -a, slow.

letra, f., letter; pl., letters, words.

levadizo, -a, raisable; puente —, drawbridge.

levantar, to raise; — el vuelo, to rise in flight, refl., to arise, raise oneself, rise, get up.

leve, light, slight, trifling, gay.

ley, f., law; cartas leyes, summons.

leyenda, f., legend; inscription.

liar, to tie, bind; refl., to entwine about, to bind oneself.

libación, f., libation.

libélula, f., libellula, dragon-fly.

libertad, f., liberty, freedom.

libertar, to free, liberate, protect.

librar, to deliver, preserve.

libre, free.

libro, m., book.

licencioso, -a, licentious.

licor, m., liquor, wine.

lienzo, m., linen, linen cloth (or veil); curtain.

ligar, to render impotent by charms or spells.

ligeramente, lightly, slightly.

ligereza, f., lightness, agility.

ligerfsimo, -a, abs. super. of ligero, very (or extremely) light (trifling or insignificant).

ligero, -a, light, slight, thin, quick, swift, fleeting.

lima, f., file.

limbo, m., border.

limitar, to limit, confine.

limite, m., limit, confines, bounds, boundary.

limosnero, -a, charitable.

limpiar, to wipe.

limpidez, f., limpidity.

limpido, -a, limpid, clear, pure.

lindo, -a, handsome, pretty, nice.

linea, f., line; — divisoria, boundary.

lino, m., canvas, linen.

linterna, f., lantern.

lira, f., lyre.

lirio, m., iris, lily.

lisonjero, -a, flattering.

lista, f., shred, patch.

litera, f., litter.

literario, -a, literary.

lo, the.

lo, it, him.

lo, that; — que, that which, what, whatever; —s que, those who (or which).

lobo, m., wolf.

lóbrego, -a, dark, obscure, gloomy.

local, m., place, site.

loco, -a, wild, hilarious, mad, foolish, subst. m. and f., madman, mad woman (or girl); cada — con su tema, everybody (lit. every fool) has his hobby.

locuela, f., madcap.

locura, f., madness.

lograr, to bring about, succeed.

loma, f., hill, hillock.

lomo, m., back; pl., back; á —s de, on the back of.

longanimidad, f., longanimity, long-suffering, long-sufferance.

lonjista, m., grocer, shopkeeper.

lontananza, f., distance; en —, in the distance; afar (off).

loor, m., (poet.) praise.

Lope, m., (Span.) Lope (from Lupus).

losa, f., flag, flagstone; slab.

lóbrico, -a, lewd, vile.

lucido, -a, adj. pp. of lucir, brilliant, magnificent.

luciérnaga, f., glow-worm, firefly.

Lucifer, m., Lucifer, Satan.

lucir, to shine, be (or become) bright; to display, wear.

lucha, f., strife, struggle, contest, battle.

luchar, to strive, struggle.

luego, then, presently, immediately, now, at once; desde —, at once, straightway, thereupon, immediately.

luengo, -a, long.

lugar, m., place, town, village, spot, region, area; time, opportunity; dar —, to give rise, give place; dejar —, to give place; tener —, to happen, take place.

lugubre, mournful, lugubrious.

lujo, m., luxury.

lujosisimo, -a, abs. super. of lujoso, very (or most) luxurious.

lujoso, -a, luxurious, lavish.

lumbre, f., fire.

luminoso, -a, luminous, of light, with a halo of light.

luna, f., moon; noche de—, moonlight night.

luto, m., mourning.

luz, f., light; dar á la—, to give birth to; dos dedos de—, a thin streak of light.