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nácar, m., nacre, pearl, mother-of-pearl.

nacer, to be born.

naciente, rising, on-coming, falling.

nacimiento, m., birth, rise.

nación, f., nation.

nada, nothing; ¡—! not at all; by no means; no indeed; never mind; it makes no difference; ¡—, —! (an exclamation of denial or refusal), nothing else will do; no ... —, nothing; not anything; en —, in any respect; at all; — menos, nothing less; para —, in any respect; at all; pues —, but no; not so.

nadar, to swim, float.

nadie, no one, nobody; some one, somebody.

nariz, f., nose, nostrils; reirse en la —, to laugh in one's face.

narración, f., narration, story.

narrador, m., narrator.

narrar, to relate, tell.

natural, natural; native.

naturaleza, f., nature.

naturalmente, naturally, by nature.

navaja, f., knife, clasp-knife.

nave, f., nave; pl., nave and aisles.

nebuloso, -a, misty, cloudy.

necedad, f., stupidity, folly.

necesitado, -a, adj. pp. of necesitar, needed; needing, needy, in need (de, of).

necesitar, to need, be in need of, want, lack, be necessary.

negro, -a, black, dark.

nervioso, -a, nervous.

ni, neither, nor, not even, nor even; even, or; — aun, not even; — ... tampoco, nor .. either; no ... —, not ... even; — ... —, neither ... nor; — tan siquiera, not even, not so much as.

nicho. m., niche, hole, grave.

nido, m., nest.

niebla, f., mist, fog, cloud.

nieto, m., grandchild.

nieve, f., snow: pl, snow.

ninguno (or ninghn), -a, no, none; any, any one; either; — (de los dos), neither (of us); no ... —, none, not any.

niña, f., child, girl.

niñez, f., childhood.

niño, m., child, boy; muy desde—since (or from) early boyhood.

no, not, no; — más (for — más que), only; — poder (por) menos de, not to be able to help; — que, while, whilst; como — sea, unless it be; — sea que, lest, for fear; — ... ya (or ya ... —), no longer.

noble, noble; subst. m., noble, lord.

nobleza, f., nobility.

nocturno, -a, nocturnal.

noche, f., night, evening; en la alta—, in the dead of night; late at night; Noche-Buena, Christmas eve; mass of Christmas eve; de — y día, night and day; esta — pasada, last night; la — había cerrado, the night had come (or fallen); night had closed in (around him); ¡hasta la —! (good-by) till to-night; goodby; — de luna, moonlight night; de la — á la mañana, all of a sudden, when (you) least expected (it); media —, midnight; por las —s, in the night; at night; una — y otra, night after night.

nombre, m., name; sin —, nameless; boundless, indescribable.

noria, f., sakieh, a kind of machine for raising water from wells etc., consisting of two wheels, one horizontal and one vertical, and of an endless chain armed with cups (or buckets).

nos, we, us, ourselves, each other, one another; to us, to ourselves.

nosotros,-as, we, us.

nota, f., note, tone, tune. notable, remarkable.

notar, to note, notice, observe; refl., to be noticed (or noticeable).

noticia, f., notice, news, information; tener — de, to be informed of.

notificar, to notify.

novedad, f., novelty, news, fad, innovation.

novia, f., bride, newly married wife.

novicia, f., novice.

nube, f., cloud, film, crowd; — de sangre, bloody film.

nublar (for anublar), to cloud, darken.

nuestro, -a, our, ours; el —, la nuestra, ours.

nueva, f., news.

nuevamente, anew, again; montar —, to remount.

nueve, nine.

nuevo, -a, new, recently arrived, unacquainted; de —, again, anew.

número, m., number.

numeroso, -a, numerous.

nunca, never, ever; no ... —, never; not at all, by no means.