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ó, or, either; — bien, or, or else; bien ... —, whether ... or; either ... or.

obedecer, to obey, yield to.

obediente, obedient.

obispo, m., bishop.

objetar, to object, oppose.

objeto, m., object, purpose.

obligación, f., obligation.

obligado, -a, adj. pp. of obligar, obliged; necessary, unavoidable, indispensable, natural.

obra, f., work; matter; — de, at (or of) about, about; como — de, a matter of; about; poner por —, to carry out, execute.

obscurecer, to obscure, blind, darken, grow dark; refl., to grow dark, be (or become) dark; to go out.

obscuridad, f., obscurity, gloom.

obscuro, -a, dark, obscure.

observar, to observe.

obstáculo, m., obstacle.

obstante: no —, nevertheless, notwithstanding.

obstinado, -a, adj. pp. of obstinarse, obstinate, obdurate.

obtener, to obtain, secure, bring about.

ocasión, f., occasion, opportunity, juncture.

ocaso, m., west.

occidente, m., west.

océano, m., ocean, sea.

ocio, m., leisure.

ocioso, -a, idle, unoccupied, bored.

octava, f., octave, eight-day celebration of a religious festival.

ocultar, to hide, conceal.

oculto, -a, hidden, concealed, secret.

ocupación, f., occupation.

ocupar, to fill, occupy, take possession of, busy; refl., to busy oneself, be busy.

ocurrencia, f., sally, flash of wit.

ocurrir, to happen, occur.

ofender, to offend.

ofertorio, m., offertory.

oficial, m., official, officer.

oficiar, to officiate.

oficio, m., trade, business, occupation, service, office, craft, profession.

oficioso, -a, officious.

ofrecer, to offer, present; refl., to present itself, appear.

ofrenda, f., offering.

¡oh!, oh!

oído, m., hearing, ear; prestar el —, to pay attention; to listen (carefully).

oir, to hear; — á, to hear from; estuve oyendo, I kept hearing; que no haya más que —, that nothing else can be heard; refl., to be heard, be audible.

ojeada, f., glance, look.

ojeo, m., battue, beating for game; que hacían señales de —, which were blowing to start up the game.

ojiva, f., Gothic (or pointed) window.

ojival, ogival, characterized by the pointed arch.

ojo, m., eye; darse de —, to conspire, have a secret understanding; en un abrir y cerrar de —s, in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant; hacer mal de —, to cast the evil eye; medirse con los —s, to scan each other.

ola, f., wave.

olmo, m., elm.

olor, m., odor; tener en — de santidad, to hold (or consider) as a saint.

olvidar, to forget.

olvido, m., oblivion, forgetfulness.

omnipotencia, f., omnipotence.

onda, f., wave.

ondina, f., undine, water-sprite.

ondulante, rolling.

ondular, to undulate.

operación, f., operation, act.

oponerse, to oppose.

oprimir, to oppress, press, clasp.

opuesto, -a, opposite.

opulento, -a, rich, opulent.

ora, now; — ... —, now ... now (or again).

oración, f., prayer, orison, adoration; á la —, to prayers.

orden, m., order, regularity, decorum; f., order, command, insignia.

ordenar, to order, command, lay upon; to organize.

oreja, f., auricle, ear.

organista, m., organist.

órgano, m., organ.

orgía, f., orgy, revelry, revel.

orgullo, m., pride.

orgulloso, -a, proud, haughty.

origen, m., origin, cause, birth, descent.

original, original; subst. m., original.

orilla, f., bank, shore.

orín, m., rust.

orla, f., border, fringe, edge.

orlar, to border.

ornar, to adorn.

oro, m., gold.

os, you, to you.

osar, to dare.

oscilar, to oscillate, hover, sway.

ostracismo, m., ostracism.

otoño, m., autumn.

otro, -a, other, another, else, next; alguno que —, here and there one; a very few; some; el — día, the next day; un día y —, day after day; constantly; en —s días, in other (or former) days; once, formerly; una noche y —, night after night; (el) uno y (el) —, both; otras tantas (veces), as many (times); otra vez, again; una vez y otra, again and again.

ovalado, -a, adj. pp. of ovalar, oval.

oveja, f., sheep, ewe.