Assorted Brain Teasers by Kundan Pangtey - HTML preview

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Two  computers  C1  &  C2,  with  identical  capabilities  are  pitted against  each other in a game of  chess. If  C1 starts with white pieces first and both make no mistakes, who will win match in a best of 5 (five) games ?




Theoretically,  the  game  should  end  in  a  draw  as  both  have  equal capabilities   and   both   make   no   mistakes.      However,   simple commonsense logic proves it otherwise.

The game of chess in its present form is highly complicated. There is multiplicity of pieces and there are tens of moves and whole game thrives on mistakes committed by opponents.

It is a well known fact that in the game of chess, the balance is tilted in favor of white. This aspect is   very  difficult to see in complicated and  long  winding  moves.  Therefore  in  order  to analyse  game  of  a chess in a transparent and convincing manner, the chess board and pieces can be scaled down to: a) 36 squares (6 x 6) with 24 pieces or to b) 16 squares (4 x 4) with 8 pieces.


36 SQUARES                           16 SQUARES

24 PIECES                                 8 PIECES

The simplified version will have less complicated moves and will be easily understandable even to a layman. This is required to see and magnify  the  inherent  flaws  in  a  game  of  chess.  In  the  strip  down version the positions and movements of each piece remain same.

As  the  number  of  moves  become  very  less  and  short  it  becomes easy to foresee future best moves. Any body can easily understand the move and see himself whether game ends in a draw or in favor of either of one. Let us imagine that C1 with white and C2 with black pieces play the game:

(a) First move by white:   White Queen to  B3


(b) First move by black:   Black Queen to  B2.


(c)  Second move by white: White rook to D1 (Game is over)


In this simplified game, it is very evident that C1 (white) attacks from the word go and is always one step ahead of C2 (black).

It is evident here that C1 (white), getting the first opportunity to move always goes for best move and inflicts maximum damage and if no mistake is done, as would happen in case of competing machines, C2  (black)  would  never  win.  C1  (white)  would  en-cash  best  move and will go for a kill. C2 (black) is left with no option but to be content with second best move and is always busy defending C1(white) and never gets to attack The game of chess is unique in the way that it is like a battle field where  every  move  kills  pieces  (soldiers)  and  reduces  opponent’s ability to fight from the word go. Unlike many other sports where both opponents are allowed to fight at same time, in chess opponents are allowed  to  hit  alternatively  and  white  getting  first  opportunity  it unleashes  best  move.  Black  is  left  with  second  best  move  and always remains behind white. Black receives the first lethal blow and never recovers thereafter.

For  that matter  any one who starts (attacks) first  in any game has some   advantage,   but   in   chess   white   starting   first,   has   100% advantage.
