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Appendix J

Unit Environmental Standing Operating Procedures

This  appendix  provides  an  example  of  an Army  unit  environmental  SOP,  outlining the  command  environmental  program  within  a  unit.  Unit  environmental  SOPs  are described  in  figure  J-1,  page  J-2.  Figure  J-2,  page  J-16;  figure  J-3,  page  J-18;  and figure J-4, page J-20, further detail specific unit SOPs. Due to differing state, local, or foreign nation requirements, these SOPs must be modified based on consultation with unit  higher  headquarters  and  the  installation/base  camp  environmental  staff.  This sample  unit  environmental  SOP  is  divided  into  six  sections  (maintenance,  supply, CBRN,   communication,   field   mess   operations,   and   operations/training),   which correspond  to  a  typical  unit  organization.  Units  should  extract  the  information  in these  sections  and  incorporate  them  into  the  appropriate  section  of  their  SOP. Alternatively, a unit may  use these samples as a guide to developing a stand-alone environmental  SOP.  While  this  approach  elevates  the  visibility  and  importance  of environmental issues and procedures, unit personnel in specific functional areas may overlook  the  information  without  adequate  command  emphasis. The  environmental SOP should reflect requirements as they pertain to the unit's daily operations (such as installation or state regulations) and reflect requirements that may be in effect during deployments. The SOP should emphasize sustainable practices and the integration of environmental considerations into daily operations and should be flexible enough to accommodate    both    garrison    and    deployment    environmental    considerations. Additional information for specific requirements during deployments can be found in the mission OPORD/OPLAN or specific base camp SOPs.



Unit Designation Mailing Address Date

1.   References.

Installation Environmental SOP, Higher Headquarters Environmental SOP, and AR 200-1.

2.   Purpose.

a.   This appendix standardizes procedures for environmental compliance with federal, state, local, and HN laws and regulations.  Failure to comply may result in the following:

(1)  Endangerment of personnel health and safety.

(2)  Citations by federal and state regulating agencies. (3)  Civil or military penalties against offenders.

(4)  Delay or halt in mission accomplishment.

b.   This appendix is applicable to all assigned or attached personnel and governs the environmental aspects of all unit activities.

3.   Responsibilities.

a.   The commander-

(1) Establishes a unit HM and HW management policy.

(2)  Ensures that personnel comply with the provisions of referenced SOPs, regulations, and public law.

(3)   Ensures  that  the  environmental  compliance  officer,  the  HM/HW  coordinator,  and senior  personnel  have  received  the  proper  training  and  that  they,  in  turn,  train  their subordinates.

(4)   Ensures  that  all  personnel  who  are  exposed  to  HM  in  the  course  of  their  work receive  initial  training  within  90  days  of  assignment  concerning  the  hazards  to  which they  are  exposed  and  the  precautions  required  to  protect  themselves  in  the  work environment. These personnel must also receive annual refresher training.

(5)    Ensures  that  all  unit  personnel  receive  initial  environmental  awareness  training within 90 days of assignment and refresher training annually thereafter.

(6)    Ensures   that   all   unit   personnel   have   received   HAZCOM   training   (OSHA requirement).

(7)    Ensures  that  all  environmental  training  is  properly  documented  and  records  are filed in the unit operations/training office.

(8)    Ensures that a self-inspection program is in effect for the unit. b.   The executive officer-

(1)  Serves as the commander's eyes and ears for environmental matters.

(2)  Conducts periodic unit self-assessment surveys.

(3)  Overses environmental integration into staff operations.

Figure J·1. Unit environmental SOP

c.    The ECO and HW/HM (MOS 9954) Marine-

(1)  Provides advice on environmental compliance to the commander.

(2)  Serves   as   a   link   between   the   unit   commander   and   higher/installation headquarters environmental staff.

(3)  Performs other duties as outlined in chapter 1 of this manual. d.   The maintenance officer-

(1)  Serves as the unit's HM/HW coordinator.

(2)  Serves as the unit's spill response coordinator. (3)  Ensures accountability for all HM and HW.

(4)  Ensures that HM and HW are stored and disposed of properly.

(5)  Ensures that HM and HW spills are immediately contained and reported to the fire department and the installation's environmental office.

(6)  Reports nonfunctional/inoperative treatment/collection facilities (oil/grease interceptors, floor drains, catch basins, and waste tanks) to the installation's environmental office via the unit's environmental compliance officer.

e.   The motor sergeant-

(1)  Establishes and maintains an HW accumulation (HW less than 55 gallons) area with proper separation of incompatible products.

(2)  Inspects HW accumulation areas weekly and documents results.

(3)  Ensures  that  leaking  containers  are  overpacked  and/or  the  uncontaminated contents containerized in functional containers.

(4)  Ensures that only waste oil is placed in the waste oil tank or drums.

(5)  Ensures  that  the  waste  oil  tank  or  drums  are pumped out when full or 90 days after previous pumping, whichever occurs first (check with installation environmental coordinator).

(6)  Ensures that the wash rack oil/water separator is clean and serviceable.

(7)  Maintains an inventory log of all stored waste products, to include exact location of each container.

(8)  Labels all HW containers properly as they are put in service and ensures turn-in and delivery to the DRMO or contractor and pick up within 90 days of accumulation start date (coordinate with the environmental management office).

f.     The unit supply sergeant-

(1)  Initiates and processes turn-in documents for the turn-in of HM and HW.

(2)  Maintains a suspense file and validates receipt copies of turn-in documents for all scrap, HM, and HW shipped to the DRMO.

g.   The  prescribed  load  list  clerk-requisitions  mercury  and  lithium  batteries  with  recoverability code "A" only upon turn-in of a like item and quantity.

h.   The CBRN NCO-

(1)  Inspects  all  possible  decontaminant  solution  2  (DS2)  and  super  tropical  bleach (STB)  accumulation  sites  (CONEXes,  wall  lockers,  and  POL  accumulation  area)  to ensure  that  these  products  have  been  properly  turned  over  to  DOL/supply  for consolidated storage.

(2)  If the unit is temporarily in possession of decontamination agents DS2 or STB:

(a)  Ensures that DS2 and STB are stored in separate locations.

Figure J·1. Unit environmental SOP (continued)

(b) Inspects containers monthly for leakage, and records results. Arranges for leakers to be overpacked and turned in to the DRMO.

(3)  Properly  disposes  of  CBRNE-related  training  material  that  is  classified  as  hazardous according to installation directives and DRMO policies.

i.     Mechanics-

(1)  Place HW in properly designated containers.

(2)  Never place HW in a dumpster; this is an illegal disposal.

(3)  Promptly  report  leaks/spills  to  the  motor  sergeant  and/or  maintenance  officer.  Report spills directly to the fire department and installation's environmental office, if necessary, to ensure prompt response.

(4)  Wear proper protective clothing when handling HM or HW.

(5)  Keep HM and HW accumulation containers closed except to add or remove product.

j.     Medics-

(1)  Segregate medical waste from nonmedical waste at the point of generation. (2)  Place medical waste in designated containers.

(3)  Wear proper protective clothing when handling medical waste. (4)  Store collected medical waste in a secure manner/area.

k.    Individual Soldiers and Marines-

(1)  Comply with the unit's environmental requirements and the installation's SOP. (2)  Maintain environmental awareness throughout daily activities.

(3)  Provide   recommendations   to   the   chain   of   command   on   techniques   to   ensure compliance with environmental regulatory requirements.

(4)  Identify the environmental risks associated with individual and team tasks. (5)  Support recycling programs.

(6)  Report HM and HW spills immediately to (phone number for spill reporting).

(7)  Make  sound  environmental  decisions  in  the  absence  of  a  supervisor  or  specific command guidance by considering the following:

(a)  Prior training.

(b)  General guidance from the chain of command. (c)  Concept of right and wrong.

(d)  Common sense.

(e)  Environmental ethic.

Figure J·1. Unit environmental SOP (continued)

4.   Safety.

a.  Material Safety Data Sheet. MSDSs provide critical information for safeguarding human health and protecting the environment. This information includes the hazardous characteristics of the substance, the appropriate PPE, spill response procedures, signs and symptoms of overexposure, and first aid procedures. MSDSs can be obtained through unit supply channels and should be maintained at each location where HM is being used. It is important to note that MSDSs are material- and manufacturer- specific, which means that each brand name of a chemical has a different MSDS.

b.  PPE. PPE is the primary means of safeguarding human health when handling HM/HW. The most important  aspect  when  choosing  the  appropriate  PPE  for  a  given  operation  is  the  hazardous characteristics  of  the  substance.  Always  refer  to  the  manufacturer's  MSDS  before  choosing  the appropriate PPE. If the prescribed PPE cannot be obtained during a field or contingency operation, field-expedient PPE should be used to help protect Soldiers and Marines when handling HM/HW or in the event of a spill. Leaders ensure that their Soldiers and Marines have the appropriate PPE when exposed to HM/HW during handling. Recommended field-expedient PPE is listed below:

HM/HW stream                             Field-expedient PPE

1.Fuel products                              1.Field gloves, goggles, and wet-weather gear

2.Oil products/lubricants                 2.Field gloves and goggles

3.Antifreeze                                     3.Field gloves and goggles

4.Acid batteries                       4.Double-lined field gloves, goggles, and wet-weather gear

5.Medical waste                              5.Field gloves, goggles, and wet-weather gear

6.Pesticides                                     6.Consult the MSDS and Preventive Medicine

NOTE:  Field-expedient PPE should only be used when the required PPE is not available since it does not provide the level of protection recommended by the manufacturer.  Additionally, field-expedient PPE that is used to handle HM/HW should not be used for normal operations after being used as PPE.


Figure J·1. Unit environmental SOP (continued)


1.   General.

a.   Select  maintenance  activity  sites  so  that  POL-contaminated  water  will  not  enter  a  storm drain.

b.   Conduct the following activities daily:

(1)  Check the level of used oil in storage tanks. Schedule for tanks to be picked up when 3/4 full.

(2)  Clean all foreign material from drip pans and aboveground oil tank screens. (3)  Empty refuse barrels when 3/4 full to prevent overflows.

c.    Procure,  store,  and  use  only  those  chemical  products  specifically  authorized  by  the appropriate TM or lubrication order for the level of maintenance performed.

d.   Keep MSDSs for all chemicals/solvents/materials used in work areas in a file that is readily accessible to personnel who work there. Brief personnel on chemical hazards, protective clothing requirements, first aid, and spill response before they use hazardous chemicals.

e.   Use products that are safe and biodegradable, when possible.

f.    Comply with the Army's oil analysis program as a method of reducing the amount of waste oil produced.

g.   Properly label, segregate, and store HM.

2.   Maintenance Bays.

a.   Conduct  maintenance  washing/steam  cleaning  at  the  motor  pool  wash  rack-not  in  the maintenance  bay.  (Maintenance  cleaning  in  the  bays  will  be  authorized  only  during  extended, below freezing temperatures that interfere with the vehicle maintenance mission [applicable only if equipped with an oil/water separator].)

b.   Do  not  wash  heavily  soiled  and/or  oily  maintenance  bay  floors  with  solvent  or  other unauthorized material. Clean up oil and fuel with dry sweep or rags only. Collect dry sweep and dirt in nonleaking containers as HW for disposal through the DRMO.

c.    Confine  solvent  use  to  solvent  washing  machines  that  meet  the  National  Fire  Prevention Association's safety regulation standards. Obtain approval for use of solvents, other than mineral spirits, from the installation's environmental office before use.

d.   Ensure that all solvent washing machines have lids that remain closed when not in use.

e.   Do not sweep or dump trash, garbage, nuts, bolts, and other solid waste into floor drains or mix with used dry sweep. Put such items into covered, leak-proof containers. Empty containers into dumpsters, as needed, to prevent spillover.

f.     Place drip pans under points of leakage on vehicles with known seeps and leaks to preclude discharges into wastewater collection systems. Drain all water from drip pans daily and dispose into a sanitary sewer drain protected by an oil separator.

g.   Use  the  exhaust  ventilation  system  whenever  a  stationary  vehicle  is  running  inside  the maintenance bay.

h.   Keep  catch  buckets  in  all  floor  drains  that  are  designed  for  them.  Inspect  and  empty  dry sweep  and  trash  daily.  In  bays  not  equipped  with  oil-water  separators,  keep  floor  drains permanently closed if HM/HW are handled or stored there.

i.     Use  the  exhaust  ventilation  system  whenever  a  stationary  vehicle  is  running  inside  the maintenance bay.

3.   Grease Racks/Pits.

a.   Use  approved  used  oil  tanks  to  collect  and  subsequently  recycle  used  oil.  (Grease  racks and maintenance or inspection pits are designed for oil change and vehicle lubrication only.)

b.   Introduce  only  uncontaminated  used  motor  oil  into  the  used  oil  tanks.  Use  separate containers  for  hydraulic,  transmission,  and  brake  fluids.  Do  not  place  solvent,  fuel,  water, antifreeze, dirt, dry sweep, hardware, or trash in used oil tanks.

c.    Dispose of used oil, transmission, and fuel filters in normal trash containers after draining for

24  hours  and  double  bagging  in  plastic.  (Units/installations  should  purchase  equipment  for pressing oil from filters and then recycling the metal.)

d.   Mark and position containers for new and used dry sweep at the grease rack to clean up spills or leaks.

e.   Keep floor of the grease rack and the immediate surrounding area free of POL buildup.

4.   Wash Racks.

a.   Use  wash  racks  for  light  exterior  washing  only.  Wash  extremely  soiled  vehicles  at  the installation's central vehicle wash facilities.

b.   Obtain authorization from the installation's environmental office for cleaners used in washing activities,  since  cleaners  will  drain  into  the  sanitary  sewer.  Post  readable  signs  to  indicate specific, authorized cleaners, solvents, or soaps.

c.    Do not use portable steam cleaners or clean engines at wash racks. These activities cause the  oil  to  suspend  in  the  water  and  the  separator  to  function  improperly.  Only  use  steam cleaners in designated areas.

d.   Do  not  pour  POL  products,  solvents,  antifreeze,  or  other  regulated  substances  into  wash rack drains.

e.   Position trash containers at wash racks for disposal of refuse generated during the washing process.

f.     Do not sweep dirt and trash resulting from washing vehicles into the wash rack or pile trash along the perimeter. Place trash in proper containers for disposal at the landfill. Report quantities of  dirt  in  excess  of  what  can  reasonably  be  placed  in  a  trash  container  to  the  installation  for disposal.

g.   To  prevent  pooling  and  possible  discharge  into  storm  drains,  immediately  discontinue washing  if  a  wash  rack  drain  becomes  clogged.  Notify  a  supervisor  to  call  in  a  work  order request immediately. Maintain wash rack as "out of service" until all necessary repairs are made.

h.   The motor sergeant will do the following on a daily basis:

(1)  Check  for  leaking  water  hydrants  and  report  leaks  to  the  DPW  or  facility  engineer work order desk.

(2)  Check for proper policing of the wash rack, and ensure that the area is free of trash, oil-soaked rags, and soil/sand.

(3)  Inspect drains and sand traps to ensure proper operation of the wash rack drainage system. Call the DPW work order section if plugged.

(4)  Inspect oil-water separator for proper operation.

5.   Parts/Material Requisitioning and Storage Areas.

a.   Requisition the minimum quantity required for mission accomplishment.

b.   Ensure that recoverability codes are used whenever applicable.

c.    Keep a copy of the applicable MSDS for each HM on hand in a binder in the parts storage area.

d.   Label and segregate all HM from nonhazardous items.

e.   Make special indications for any materials that have shelf life considerations.

f.    Consider alternative, nonhazardous substitutes whenever processing a request for HM. Check with the installation's environmental office for suggestions.

6.   POL Storage Areas.

a.   Store all POL products with secondary containment. Construct berms 1 1/2 times the volume of the largest container ("must contain the contents of the single largest tank plus sufficient freeboard for precipitation") stored in the storage area to preclude spillage outside the immediate area. Obtain exceptions to this policy from the installation's environmental office.

b.   Store all HM in a location protected from the elements to maintain container integrity (to prevent rusting and protect labels from fading).

c.    Inspect containers and labels weekly for leaks and incomplete/unreadable or out-of-date labels. Stop leaks in containers (overpack the container or place the contents in a nonleaking container). Maintain legible labels to reflect actual container contents.

d.   Maintain an inventory of POL products. Keep MSDSs on hand for any HM present. e.   Use POL and other HM stock on a first-in, first-out basis.

f.     Do not tip a drum on its side to issue POL products outside the POL storage area. Use transfer pumps (preferred method) for dispensing POL products.

g.   Place a drip box or pan under the supply valve when the drum is tipped on its side. Line boxes and pans with absorbent pads and maintain on a regular basis. Clean up spillage immediately using dry sweep in areas with concrete floors.

h.   Immediately report spills of any quantity that enter the environment (soil, water, or drain) to the unit's environmental compliance officer and the appropriate installation officials. (See tab A.)

i.     Keep used oil free of contamination (water, dry sweep, hardware, trash, solvent, antifreeze), and store only in approved used oil aboveground storage tanks.

j.     Use separate containers to store used brake fluid, solvents, and hydraulic and transmission oils. (Should mixing of waste streams occur, the product becomes "waste contaminated with an unknown substance" and will require analysis by the DRMO before disposal.)

k.    Contact DRMO for pumping or turn-in, whichever applies, when used oil tanks/barrels are 3/4 full. (Units may be required to go through the installation's environmental management office, who will contact the DRMO.)

l.     Discontinue accumulation of used oils if leaks in storage containers are detected. Immediately report   leaks   to   the   unit   environmental   compliance   officer   and   the   installation   environmental management office.

m.  Obtain approved containers from the DRMO for proper disposal of contaminated dry sweep and other accumulated HW. Clearly mark containers for proper waste disposal.

n.   Dispose of used filters for oil, transmission, and fuel as normal trash after draining for 24 hours and double bagging in plastic. (Units/installations should investigate equipment for pressing oil from filters and then recycling the metal.)

o.   Permanently close all floor drains in maintenance areas where HM/HW are handled or stored and  provide  for  secondary-containment,  single-wall  containers.  Do  not  store  HM  near  sanitary  or storm sewer drains. Immediately report any amount of POL spillage entering a floor or storm drain to the unit's environmental compliance officer and the installation's environmental management office.

p.   Place each HM container of 5 gallons or more accumulation capacity in a POL shed or portable secondary-containment device. (If these storage means are not available, the storage area will be bermed to contain 1 1/2 times the largest container volume in the event of a spill.)

7.   Fuel Dispensing and Storage Area.

a.   Two personnel perform the operation when filling any size container with fuel-one will run the pump, and the other will dispense the fuel. This procedure provides adequate manpower, to monitor the pump for leaks and shut off the pump in case of an emergency. It also prevents overfilling the container.

b.   Handle fuel contaminated with dirt and water as HW, and dispose through the DRMO.

c.    Dispose of oil-contaminated fuel, as a result of fuel cell leaks or other mechanical system failure, as HW through DRMO.

d.   Contact  the  direct  support  unit  for  assistance  and  guidance  if  tankers  or  fuel  pods  must  be purged.

8.   Procedures for Accumulation Site.

Provide  accumulation  sites  for  used  petroleum  products  and  HW.  Place  sites  aboveground  on  a nonpermeable,  bermed  hardstand;  label  them;  and  locate  them  50  feet  or  more  from  any  building. Leaking,  corroded,  or  otherwise  deteriorated  containers  must  be  overpacked  in  DOT-approved  drums. Coordinate  with  the  installation  environmental  management  office  for  assistance  in  determining  the appropriate  overpack  containers,  labeling/marking  requirements,  arranging  for  pick  up  of  used  oil,  and other HW/HM collection issues.

a.   Keep an accumulation log for each used oil or HW container in use. Specify as follows: (1)  Contents.

(2)  Date the container was opened.

(3)  Date and quantity of each addition to the container. (4)  Name of person adding to the container.

(5)  Date container is filled or closed.

(6)  Date the container is removed by DRMO.

b.   Store used oil and HW according to installation guidelines.

(1)  Place all accumulation of HW on a nonpermeable bermed hardstand. (2)  Label and locate the stand 50 feet or more from any building.

(3)  Protect the accumulated HW from the elements, including heat and cold.

(4)  Provide  an  enclosure  to  keep  containers  free  from  obscuring  snow  cover  to  allow  for routine visual inspections in areas prone to heavy snowfall.

(5)  Store  used  greases,  solvents,  brake  fluids,  hydraulic  fluid,  motor  oil,  and  antifreeze  in separate containers.

(6)   Keep  containers  (drums,  cans,  or  tanks)  closed,  except  when  depositing  waste,  as  a safeguard against spills and to prevent water from entering the containers.

(7)   Obtain a replacement through the prescribed load list section or the troop support office if

2 1/2- or 2 3/4-inch threaded caps on 55-gallon drums are missing.

(8)   Ensure that secondary containment is provided that is capable of containing 11/2 times the volume of the largest container stored in the storage area.

(9)   Do not accumulate HW in an open container; it is a serious violation of HW regulations.

c.  Leave the following headspace to prevent overflow due to expansion:

55-gallon drum ................................3 to 4 inches.

5-gallon cans...................................1 1/2 to 2 inches.

1-gallon can ....................................1 inch.

d.   Dispose of used oil in an appropriate aboveground container.

(1)  Label the storage tank(s) USED OIL ONLY (by type such as motor oil, transmission oil, or hydraulic oil), and make certain personnel are trained to place only used oil in the tanks. If a 55-gallon drum is needed, use NSN 8110-00-823-8121.

(2)  Ensure that waste oil tanks are pumped on a regular schedule. Notify the motor sergeant or the unit's HM/HW coordinator if the tank fills up before the scheduled pick up date or the tank is not pumped on schedule.

e.   Use vermiculite (NSN 7930-00-269-1272) or absorbent pads to soak up puddles and Safestep (NSN 7930-01-145-5797) or sawdust (NSN 7930-00-633-9849) to clean up hardstands if HM or HW is  spilled.  Place  all  contaminated  soil  and  absorbent  material  in  removable  head  drum(s)  (NSN 8110-00-082-2626   or   8110-00-292-8121)   and   turn   in   to   the   DRMO.   Notify   the   installation's environmental office (see tab A).

f.    Overpack chemical products and POL contained in leaking, corroded, or otherwise deteriorated containers  in  approved  drums,  and  dispose  of  them  as  HW  through  the  DRMO.  Contact  the installation's environmental office for assistance in determining the appropriate overpack containers.

(1)  To  be  accepted  for  turn-in,  waste  material  must  be  in  a  safe,  nonleaking,  durable container.

(a)  Overpack leaking containers in steel or plastic removable head overpack drums, available through the supply system.

(b)  Pack leaking containers of liquids in absorbent material (NSN 7930-00-269-1272), available  at  the  General  Services  Administration  (GSA)  store  or  through  GSA  or Defense Logistics Agency catalogs.

(c)  Overpack  a  leaking  55-gallon  drum  in  an  85-gallon  drum.  Place  an  absorbent material  all  around  a  leaking,  overpacked  container,  to  include  underneath  the container and with the maximum amount possible placed in the space between the overpack container and leaking container. There must be 6 inches of absorbent on the bottom and top of the interior container, with at least 2 inches around the sides (adjust for different-size drums and overpacks).

(d)  Overpack leaking containers of nonliquid HW in a serviceable container. Call the installation's  environmental  office  or  the  DRMO  when  in  doubt  as  to  the  type  of container to use since many liquids such as battery acid cannot be packed in steel containers.

(2)  Contact the installation's environmental office for a loaner if drums are not available for overpacking  an  emergency  spill.  Requisition  a  replacement  drum  for  the  installation's environmental  office.  Used  drums  are  frequently  available  at  the  DRMO.  Removable head 55-gallon drums (NSN 8110-00-082-2626) should be stocked by installation supply. Ensure that spill kits are procured for handling future spills.

(3)  Request assistance from the installation's environmental office on compatibility of waste, packing, and labeling of containers. Maintain this information in the waste-stream file for each waste.

Figure J·1. Unit environmental SOP (continued)

g.   Inspect HW weekly. Document results of the inspection on a log made accessible to state and federal inspectors. Identify description of the waste, location, quantity, date accumulation started, end of gO-day period, date removed to the DRMO or by contractor, remarks (condition