How to Manifest Love -Attracting A Specific Person Using The Law Of Attraction by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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How to Remove A Third Party

If your specific person is dating someone else, already married, or maybe they’re just hung up on someone other than you, you can still manifest them into your life.

It’s actually very simple.

Don’t Focus On the Third Party

If you’ve been paying attention, you know that we create our own reality. And we do that by attracting that which we focus on.

So, if you want to remove a third party, all you have to do is NOT focus on them.

If you see your SP with someone else, don’t freak out. Because when you obsess over your specific person being with another person, you’re creating an obstacle to your desire.

And every time you react in a negative way to this third party person, you’re cementing them into your reality. More of what you DON’T WANT is showing up.

Only focus on the end. You with your specific person. That’s the only way to take the third party out of the equation entirely.

Don’t give them any attention whatsoever. You’re not wishing them any harm. Only that they don’t exist in YOUR reality.

Don’t Let The Third Party Into Your Imaginal Act

And under no circumstances should they show up in your imaginal act!

You should only be imagining after having received your desire anyway. So, they should not be anywhere in the picture. Not even a thought in your mind.

If you’re truly living from the end, you know that you’re already with your specific person. And if your SP is already in love with you and only has eyes for you, then why would be upset or even think about this third party?

They shouldn’t even be an issue.

Now, that’s not to say that if you bump into this third party person or have actual physical contact with them in your current reality, that you should literally ignore them. That will only throw up more roadblocks to your manifestation.

Just act normal. But don’t think about them, give them negative attention, or allow them to enter into your mental space where you’re living in the end.

It’s that simple.

Ok, I can feel you chomping at the bit. Now that you’ve done all the work (you’ve crossed all your t’s and dotted all your i’s), you’re wondering if there will be signs when your manifestation is close.

I can assure you that, yes, there will absolutely be signs. So, let’s discuss some of them.


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