How to Manifest Love -Attracting A Specific Person Using The Law Of Attraction by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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This is an in-depth guide that reveals the secret to successfully attracting love and manifesting a specific person.

It’s time to write your own love story and start living it!

Alright, so you want to manifest a specific person. You’ve got your eye on a special someone who you can’t stop thinking about. You’re crushing hard!

This person makes your heart go pitter-patter. And you know with every fiber of your being that you’re meant to be with them. Your mind is absolutely made up and no one else is going to cut it.

It HAS to be this person.

Well, then my love-struck friend, this guide is your golden ticket to happily ever after with the prince or princess of your choice.

So, buckle up and get ready. Because that special someone you’ve been pining over is about to fall six ways to Sunday, head over heels in love with you!

Think of me as your fairy godmother, here to share with you how to attract love into your life with the Law of Attraction. And more specifically, how to manifest love with your  specific person.

Before we get started bibbidi bobbidi booing your wishes into reality with our magic wand, let’s answer the question that led you here to this article in the first place.

Is it really possible to manifest love with a specific person? Your ex, a crush, a friend you’d like to turn into your lover, or maybe someone that doesn’t even know you exist?

YES! You Can Absolutely Manifest A Specific Person!

First let me say that yes, it’s absolutely 100% possible to manifest your desired person. Because ALL THINGS ARE ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE. PERIOD.

Manifesting anything is easy. It’s our natural-born, God-given gift and we’re doing it all the time. Every second of every day.

But I’m not going to lie to you.

If you have a lot of self-sabotaging beliefs lurking in your subconscious, or find it hard to maintain high-vibrational emotions, there may be a bit of work you need to do before you’re able to successfully manifest exactly what you want.

You’ll need to commit yourself daily to developing new habits.

But once you clean up your vibration, clear out old limiting beliefs, and follow the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to manifest instantly.

Nothing in This Universe Is Coincidence

The universe operates on a set of laws. Laws that everything must follow. And when you understand how those laws work, choosing your reality and what you attract into it becomes a very practical concept.

Because nothing in this universe is coincidence. And so, there’s nothing woo-woo about attracting a specific person into your life.

When you stop to think about how reality works, it makes perfect sense.

We just never knew how to play the game before. How to use these universal laws to our advantage. No one ever sat us down and gave us a rule book.

Until now…

It’s been hidden from us for far too long. And it’s time you took back your power and start designing the reality you actually want…including who you want in it.

So, if you follow these steps, the person you have your eye on will have no choice but to be magnetically drawn to you. It’s the law.

No More Hope Manifesting

This is not about giving you false promises of overnight manifestations or a gimmicky technique.

I’m all about lasting results.

So, what I can promise you is no more failed or half- manifestations. I’m going to show you how to successfully and accurately manifest a loving relationship (perhaps even marriage, if that’s what you want) with the love of your life.

But you have to do the work.

If that’s what you’re looking for, then stick with me. Because in this article, we’re going deep guys!

First, we’ll cover all the necessary prep work you need to do before we even begin the 7-step process of manifesting your dream partner. And ask some hard-hitting questions like…

Are you really ready to invite your perfect partner into your life?

If so, we’ll move on to the next section where I’ll teach you step-by-step how to change your mindset, eliminate limiting beliefs that may be blocking your desire, properly set your intention, and become the perfect match to the love you desire.

Finally, I’ll reveal how to connect with the power of creation, properly visualize your desire for the most accurate results, and ignore your current reality until your desired relationship with your SP materializes before your very eyes.

And to make sure I answer all your questions, I’ve even included how to remove any third parties and how to look for signs that your manifestation is on its way.

Over time, manifesting a desire won’t be such a lengthy process. It’ll be as easy as setting an intention, relaxing into a meditative state, visualizing your desired end scene a few times…and voilà!

Just like in the movies, you’ll be aimlessly walking down the street or into a café and the love of your life will magically appear before you, sweep you off your feet, and fall head over heels in love with you.

But before you can manifest your ‘happily ever after’, we’ve got some work to do!


Click Here To Learn How To Become Irresistibly Attractive