How to Manifest Love -Attracting A Specific Person Using The Law Of Attraction by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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How to Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Love

The Science Behind the Law of Attraction

Quantum mechanics research shows us that the act of observing reality creates it. Focusing on something draws it to you and causes it to appear in your reality.

Here’s a quick summary of how quantum physics and the law of attraction relate:

  • Quantum physics is the study of the smallest particles of energy.
  • Physicists have discovered that energy particles behave differently when being observed (when we focus our attention on them).
  • Everything in the universe is connected according to the theory of quantum entanglement, which states that two particles act as one despite the distance that separates them. This physical phenomenon shows us all things in this world are linked together. One thing can’t be influenced without influencing the other, even if separated by great distances.
  • The Law of Attraction states that we attract what we focus on and what matches our vibration.
  • And so if energy behaves differently when observed and everything is connected, then the vibrational frequency of your thoughts (which are also energy) has the power to change your environment. In other words, you create what shows up in your reality with your thoughts or whatever you focus on.

So, what did you learn here today? That the Law of Attraction (the universal principle of magnetism) is actually very real and has the power to change your life.

Now let’s look at HOW it operates.

How the Law of Attraction Works

According to one of the 12 universal laws, the Law of Energy, everything in this universe is energy. EVERYTHING.

Every plant, animal, person, object, all the way down to the smallest particle moves and vibrates at a particular frequency.

Even your thoughts and emotions are energy.

And through the Law of Attraction, which simply states that ‘like attracts like’, you’re radiating a signal (or frequency) that in turn attracts anything that matches that signal.

We’re like magnets attracting whatever we give our energy, focus, and attention to — whether it’s negative or positive.

The universe is neutral. It’s only operating in accordance with these laws.

So, it’s not punishing you.

If life isn’t going the way you’d hoped and your love life has been more tragic and less happily-ever-after, then it’s because you’ve been unconsciously attracting low- vibrational circumstances into your life  through negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and lower-level emotions.

Now, let’s take a deeper look at how your vibrational frequency is affecting your manifestation and how to raise it.