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Best Places to Experience Paranormal Activity

Many people remain skeptical of paranormal activity because they haven't personally come into contact with spirits or inexplicable encounters firsthand. Yet, those who dare to have a more open mind can take a vacation to a hotspot known for paranormal spirits.

While there's no guarantee that spirits will manifest themselves, research shows that some places are more popular for ghosts than others. In this article, you'll read about the best places in America to experience paranormal phenomena.

Over 10,000 American soldiers died in the Battle of Gettysburg, which makes this Pennsylvania location an ideal place to experience paranormal phenomena. Many tourists report having met "Civil War re- enactors," even though there are no hired professionals at the park. During one investigation, the West Virginia Ghost Hunters captured several photos of an overall-wearing apparition in a field.

Another frequently sighted apparition is a sentry who stands guard, pacing back and forth in the cupola at the top of Pennsylvania Hall at Gettysburg College. White smoke and orbs often appear in photographs and tourists report sometimes smelling lilacs, which were used to cover up the smell of death and decay after the battles.

Many soldier apparitions have been spotted at Devil's Den, the site of a particularly gory battle, where bodies were moved by war correspondents for better photo ops. As Union Major General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain said in 1889, "In great deeds something abides. On great fields something stays. Forms change and pass; bodies disappear; but spirits linger, to consecrate ground for the vision-place of souls."

The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado is the inspiration for Stephen King's "The Shining." In fact, King wrote the book while staying at The Stanley one empty night before they closed for renovations.

The Atlantic Paranormal Society has filmed several incredible episodes of Ghost Hunters there, where cupboard doors unlocked, beds cracked right down the middle, apparitions ran through the hallways, and tables leapt in the air.

Witnesses have seen the apparitions of children and objects moving across the room, they've heard the piano playing or a ghostly party taking place in the ballroom, they've lost items and have seen ghosts walking through rooms in the middle of the night. Even those who didn't have the opportunity to experience paranormal events here say they had trouble sleeping just thinking of "The Shining."

Unfortunately, not all ghost stories stem from true stories. Amityville in New York is said to be one of the top places in the nation to experience paranormal entities, thanks to it being the site of a brutal family murder committed by 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo Jr., who shot his parents and four young siblings on November 14, 1974.

The next owners, George and Kathy Lutz and their four children, claim that the place was incredibly haunted. They experienced banging noises, footsteps, mysterious odors, jelly-like substances leaking from the walls and swarms of insects inside the house.

George became ill, went days without bathing and lost weight, while the children fought nonstop and Kathy had nightmares.

Paranormal investigator Dr. Stephen Kaplan later uncovered that the Lutz's story must have been a hoax stemming from their knowledge of the house's history and their preexisting obsession with mystery paranormal stories. How could there have been "demonic footprints in the snow" if weather records show there was, in fact, no snow on that date? Why did the family say they phoned the police if there are no police records of the calls? Why would they say parts of the home were damaged when they remain in tact? Perhaps it's the amateur ghost hunters that haunt the current residents of Amityville the most.


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