Paranormal Investigation - A Beginners Guide To Paranormal Investigation by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Paranormal Investigation Techniques and Tools

Paranormal investigation techniques vary somewhat dependent upon what is being investigated. Many investigators choose to specialize in their own areas of expertise, enabling them to concentrate on one aspect of the paranormal.

For the Spirit World, paranormal investigation techniques involve electronic voice phenomena, as well as video recordings in empty rooms where activity has been noted. Much of the investigation takes place at night, usually overnight.

This ensures quiet, little to no outside light or sound to interfere with the evidence collection, and less human interaction. Spirits tend to be more active at night, and truth be told, it is always spookier at night, when we can't see into the darkness. Recording equipment is set up, with the data collected to be analyzed the next morning for any unusual occurrences. Results may take several nights, but in a more active haunting, could happen within minutes of all the lights going out.

UFO and Alien related paranormal investigation techniques can take place at any time of the day or night. Some sightings happen in broad daylight in front of several witnesses, some occur in the wee hours of the morning and are noted by one or two people.

When multiple sightings have taken place over a period of days, seen by multiple people in different locations, it is what is known as a "flap" for UFO activity. Conducting a paranormal investigation in these zones is easier than a singular sighting, since video and other equipment can be set up by the investigative team in advance.

In both cases, the evidence collection begins with the witness statements, and sadly most of them end there as well. Photographic, video and audio evidence may turn up something, but until it has all been scientifically analyzed, it is of little use as far as proof.

There are hundreds of UFO and ghost photos available to be seen, however, many have been proven to be hoaxes, which in turn renders any others as dismissed by the mainstream media and scientific communities. Audio and video recordings have a tendency to be interpreted differently by those who hear or see it, with each having their own opinion as to what is really there.

Until the day when positive proof is found, paranormal investigations will be considered a hobby at best by the scientific community at large, with little to no respect for the efforts of the investigators given.

Conducting paranormal research requires several specialized tools to capture all the data observed when hunting for ghosts. It is always best to track and record every finding in an organized manner to compile reports and look for solutions to handle paranormal phenomena.

How Paranormal Research Tools Can Help You

Most professional ghost hunting experts will carry around various equipment to increase their chances of detecting some form of paranormal activity. Below is a list of tools that most serious paranormal investigators use.

High quality video camera

A sure way of recording evidence of ghost activity in your home or elsewhere is by using a video camera. Since most of paranormal activities happen during the night, ensure that your camcorder has the best night mode settings to record accurately.

A high definition camcorder is ideal for top quality videos, also get the accompanying software to isolate shots and print photos from the recordings.

Infrared Thermometer

Ghosts and other paranormal beings emit heat and energy which is best tracked using an infrared thermometer. It is better than a regular thermometer because it does not require contact with the being or body to record temperature. Place an infrared thermometer in the room with suspicious activity, or buy a handheld infrared thermometer to hold in front of you while tracking the heat emissions.

EMF Detector

Another essential tool is the EMF detector, a device that is highly sensitive to electrical currents. A common indicator of paranormal activity is interruptions in electrical flow where the lights go on and off. An EMF detector can find the source of the electrical interruptions accurately, leading to more detailed paranormal research findings. The detector comes with different levels of electrical strength shown by a meter.

Sound or Voice Recorder

One more essential parts of your tools collection is a sound recorder. Since it is especially made to record sounds or voices, it is a better solution than relying on the camcorder for the same purpose. Always have the sound recorder running right from the start of the investigation for additional evidence.

Using Paranormal Research Tools

Once you have finished with your investigation it can be a good idea to process all of your findings with some software. There are programs online that can make the whole analysis process a lot easier and increase your chances of detecting some form of paranormal activity.

Use all these paranormal research tools for every ghost citing in the home, workplace or even in the outdoors. These items can be easily purchased online so get started on hunting ghosts as accurately as possible.