Save on Taxes by Wayne M. Davies - HTML preview

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Now that’s why I’ve decided to "change the risk around" and put the risk on ME!

Let me explain.

Right now, as you’re reading this, if you were to purchase the Tax Reduction Toolkit, you would be taking a risk. I mean you don’t know me from Adam. I could be some crazy "mad bomber" living in Montana or something. (No offense if that’s where you live. It sure is beautiful out there.)

Seriously though. That’s why I want to "REVERSE" THE RISK!


I KNOW this is the best available package of tax-saving information for ANY Small Business Owner. I truly believe in the information I’ve put together.

Heck . . . I’ve personally witnessed literally dozens of Small Business Owners who have saved literally thousands of dollars in taxes each and every year -- and they put this money in their pockets by using this SAME information.

( You better believe I’m going to GUARANTEE this stuff !)
So here are my TWO
"RISK FREE" and "THE RISK’S ON ME" Guarantees:


1) A Flat-Out, Unconditional, NO-RISK, Iron Clad, 90 Day, No-Questions-Asked, Money-Back GUARANTEE, Period.

I just flat out know that the material you’re gonna get from either my Tax Reduction Toolkit is SO GOOD, that once you’ve read and see what I’m talking about you’re gonna be blown away! I want you to have absolutely NO RISK involved in this decision.

Which brings us to the second Guarantee:

2) An UNHEARD of -- the "RISK’S ON ME" -- if my material doesn’t enable you to save at least $2,000 in taxes, I’ll give you ALL your money back, plus an additional new, crisp $20 bill for taking the time to "check me out." (This is a "conditional" guarantee - see below for details.)

That’s right. I’m accepting all the risk here. Not you! But I accept the risk here on one condition. YOU GOTTA USE MY MATERIAL!

If you just do SOMETHING that I tell you to do in the Toolkit, or you use an income tax return critique or a specific strategy I give you from our private phone consultation, and afterward you’re NOT happy with the results (and you think me and all of my material is a bunch of baloney), then I want you to have the option to get your money back!

So I am guaranteeing that using my information will save you at least $2,000 in taxes.You are guaranteed to . . .SAVE A BUNDLE OR YOU DON’T PAY ME A DIME!

Think about it -- if you invest in the Toolkit, I am guaranteeing that by spending $97 $29 you’ll get at least $2,000 back -- at least SIXTY times your investment!

Plus, chances are that when I show you how to save $2,000 (or more) in taxes, this is likely to be a tax savings that is repeatable year after year after year. So when I show you how to save at least $2,000 in the first year, and you continue to use this strategy for the next 5 or 10 years (or whatever), you will actually end up saving $10,000 or $20,000 (not just the original $2,000).

That’s right. I’m putting all the pressure on me to "put YOUR money where MY mouth is"!!! If my material doesn’t reduce your taxes by at least $2,000 -- then I want you to send everything back!

Just mail or fax me a letter, "looking me in the eye" on paper and telling me YOU USED MY MATERIAL and you’re not happy with the results because my information did not reduce your taxes by $2,000 and I’ll send you all your money back plus a crisp $20 bill for your trouble. Now do you see what I mean when I say "Risk Reversal?"

I’ve taken all the risk out of your decision to drastically reduce your taxes and I’ve put that risk on me. Now I’ve got to produce and help you get some positive results for your business or I’m up a creek without a paddle!

I’ve put the "pressure" on me. So there’s NO reason, if you’re a Small Business Owner or Self-Employed Person, not to order the Toolkit ASAP!

What I’m guaranteeing is unheard of! Do you know of anyone else that would give a guarantee like this? I don’t. By the way, if you do know of anyone offering a tax information package for Small Business Owners with a better guarantee than mine, I’ll send you $10 bucks just to see it! (Fax me a copy of the company’s written guarantee.)

By the way, my conditional guarantee is VALID from the date of purchase for 12 months!


With Two Guarantees Like That, Why Would Any Small Business Owner / Self-Employed Person Turn His Or Her Back On This Opportunity?

You requested this eBook. You’ve read this far. You would not have done that unless you know "there must be a better way" to deal with The Tax Man. You want to reduce your taxes the way I’ve described here. Still, there is a temptation to procrastinate. Or to delay. Or to worry over this. Then let it slip out of your thoughts, get buried beneath paperwork. To forget about it.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

You see, you can’t gain anything by doing nothing. There’s a very good chance -supported by the enclosed PROOF -- that you WILL gain by acting on this opportunity. Thanks to my guarantees, there’s no way you can lose by acting. Given those facts, there’s simply no good reason to "worry over this." You can and should fill out and MAIL or FAX in your Order Form right this minute. Or for an immediate download of the Toolkit, go to my website and click on "Tax Reduction Toolkit" -- you can order online and download the Toolkit immediately!

Now real quickly, let’s summarize what all of this means to you and your business.

1. You’ll SLASH YOUR TAXES by at least $2,000
2. You’ll TRULY be one of the handful of Small Business Owners who know how to stand up to the IRS and say (legally), "Enough is enough! I’m not taking it anymore!"
3. You’ll sleep well at night knowing that you reduced your taxes legally, without any fear of an IRS audit.
4. You’ll have an "on-going" relationship with someone (ME) who has helped dozens of other Small Business Owners reduce their taxes.
5. And finally, you have TWO GUARANTEES, one "Risk-Free" for you and the other puts ALL the "Risk on Me!"
(A no lose situation for you.)

Here’s how to order the Tax Reduction Toolkit:
To order ONLINE via our secure server, go to:


You’ll end up on a web page that contains information similar to what you are reading now.


Go to the bottom of this web page -


and click where it says:


Click here for an instant download of the Tax Reduction Toolkit

Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download the Toolkit along with your FREE Bonuses. You will be downloading and reading the Tax Reduction Toolkit and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes...and using it to save thousands in taxes immediately!

I look forward to hearing from you soon!



Wayne M. Davies, President
A Division of Wayne M. Davies Inc.

P.S. Think about it. If you only get one "Legal Loophole" from ALL this info that reduces your taxes $2,000 (or more!) -- what would that mean to you? It would mean at the VERY LEAST you would get back SIXTY times your money! And that’s at the very, very, very, low end. (Because if you use a strategy that saves your $2,000 for 5 straight years, now you’ve saved over $10,000 bucks!) You’ve got some serious "TAXSLASHING" tools that are just a phone call (or fax) away. And they are EVEN GUARANTEED up to 12 months!

And that’s not even the best part. My "DOUBLE" GUARANTEE not only takes the risk off you, but puts it ALL on ME! (I’m even putting my money where my mouth is. One crisp, new $20 bill.)

P.P.S. Now just for a second, forget about how much money you’re going to save. Just picture yourself when you realized how much money you had to pay the IRS last year on April 15. Do you remember all the frustration and anger you felt?

Now let me ask you a question. How much is it worth to you, to be able to finally "beat the Tax Man" at his own game? How good will it feel next year when you have paid literally thousands of dollars less -- legally!

P.P.P.S. Oh, and one last thing. Remember, as a Small Business Owner / Self-Employed Person you have a choice. Keep doing your tax returns the same ’ol way and expect to get different results. (Good luck. That’s the definition of insanity if you ask me.) Or, take one of the BEST "No Risk" deals you’ll ever see in your life and do what you’ve ALWAYS