Save on Taxes by Wayne M. Davies - HTML preview

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wanted to do: "Slash Your Taxes, Fight Back Against the IRS, And Stop The IRS From Taking So Much Of Your Money!" It’s your call ...

P.P.P.P.S. I can think of at least two reasons why you may NOT want to respond to this offer. .
REASON #1: You already have an accountant. Maybe you are reluctant to contact me because you already have an accountant. Please think about this: Does your accountant provide you with specific ways to reduce your taxes, or does he/she just "do the tax return"? I don’t just "do tax returns" -- I help small business owners like you to pay less tax and save money!

Surveys tell us that about 25% of people love their accountant, 25% dislike their accountant, and the other 50% really don’t care that much about their accountant one way or the other. Even if you’re "in love" with your accountant, here’s a chance to get a "second opinion" at absolutely no risk to you. If you’re part of the large majority who either dislike their accountant or are indifferent about their accountant, isn’t my offer a "NO-BRAINER"? -- here’s your chance to work with someone who can help you save a bundle on your taxes, again at no risk to you!

REASON #2: You do your tax returns all by yourself and you’re thinking, "I’m already doing everything I know how to do to minimize my taxes." Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to get "a second opinion" from an experienced professional who does nothing all day but help small business owners like yourself. If you are doing your own business tax returns AND running your own business, you may just not have enough time to keep up on all the latest tax changes and legal loopholes available to you. Here’s the perfect opportunity for you to get some professional help that could put literally thousands of dollars in your pocket! With my "risk-free" offer, what do you have to lose?