Tarot - The Psychic Journey by Maureen Dennis - HTML preview

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0 Zero the FOOLBeginnings.

Planet: Uranus

Key Points

Acting on impulse. Carefree. Change of direction. Complete faith. Continuous cycle. Daydreaming. Distraction. Doing the unexpected. Fresh start. Innocence. Letting go of expectations. New beginnings. New path. New phase. Stupidity.


Dog. Ice. Knap sack. Mountains. Rose. Sun.

Interpretation: When the Fool appears in your reading he is telling you to follow your heart and to believe in yourself. This is the start of a new adventure, with wonder and personal growth. It’s the beginning of a new journey or the entering of a new phase. No plans are made; he is innocent, eager and lives for the moment. You may need to let go of the traditional way of seeing and doing things, be open to new ideas and new ways of looking at things. If you are having a moment of doubt or facing a decision, you need to believe in yourself and follow your heart no matter how crazy or foolish your impulses may seem. This fresh start may have some dangers so be on the lookout for any obstacles that may be in your way. There may be a new relationship on the way or an unexpected opportunity may appear.

Reversed: Do not be impulsive, as the reversed Fool is not in the real world right now. Look where you are walking and do not take any risks. Take the whole situation into consideration as you may be feeling lost in the head, in hopes and in your imagination. You are on the edge of a cliff and about to fall off, so look before you leap.

1 I the MAGICIANJuggler. Shaman. Showman. Wizard.Planet: Mercury

Key Points

Application. Awareness. Creative ability. Cunning. Energy. Master of own destiny. Power. Produces magical results. Skill. Self confidence. Ultimate achiever. Unlimited potential.


Baton. Elements. Hand. Lemniscate. Lily. Scroll. Uroboros/Snake.

Interpretation: The Magician has absolute power over all his circumstances. He is in control of his own thoughts, the ruler of his own reality. When he shows up in your reading he is telling you that you have all the necessary tools to complete your tasks. The trick is to learn how to use your abilities in the best possible way so you can master new situations, create and make anything of your life. This is a good time to start new projects. You have more power and energy than you realise to change your circumstances. You have the ability to manipulate this energy. This card is a signal to act now, as long as you understand exactly what you want and are committed to getting it.

Reversed: You do not have the tools necessary to do the task at hand. You are not using your skills in the correct manner. There may be empty promises. What was possible becomes impossible; you may be made out to be the joker of the party. Everything you had is lost to you.

2 II the HIGH PRIESTESS Female Pope. Planet: Moon

Key Points

Knowing. Instincts. Looking beyond the obvious. Mystery. Psychic. Secret knowledge. Sixth sense. Unseen forces. Understanding. Using intuition. Wisdom.


Cross. Moon. Pillars. Pomegranates. Scroll. Water.

Interpretation: The High Priestess is usually present when things are a little uncertain. She tells you to look beyond the obvious, pay attention to your own inner voice and your dreams. Rely on your own gut instincts, your sixth sense rather than logical answers. She can represent a time of waiting and allowing. It is not always necessary to act to achieve your goals. You need patience, wait for the right time, the secrets will be revealed eventually, you may not be ready to understand them yet. The moon in this card is all about intuition and psychic forces. If you find yourself having hunches, ideas or impressions that come from nowhere, know that this is moon power. If it feels right to go ahead with something, do it, if it doesn’t, don’t. Go with your inner gut feelings.

Reversed: You may not be willing to listen to your true answers, your own truth. You need to pay proper attention to yourself and your deeper needs. There is a lot going on beneath the surface when the High Priestess appears upside down. You do not have all the facts and it would be best to withdraw from involvement, rather allow the events to proceed without any involvement. Watch out for hidden enemies lurking around.

3 III the EMPRESS Mother. Goddess. Planet: Venus

Key Points

Abundance. Action. Birth. Creativity. Fertility. Growth. Happiness. Harvest. Initiative. Love. Nature. Nourishment. Nurture. Pleasure. Sunshine.


Cross. Heart. Pomegranates. River/Waterfall. Shield. Throne. Trees. Wheat.

Interpretation: The Empress represents the fertile, life-giving mother who reigns over the bounty of nature and the rhythms of the Earth. From her come all the pleasures and joys of the senses and the abundance of new life in all its forms. The Empress expresses love, beauty, art, work, pleasure; this is a pregnant time with lavish abundance of all kinds. This is a time of giving birth. It could signify a pregnancy or actual birth, or a birth of some creative project or the dawning of a new idea. You are brimming over with creativity. This is a time to expand and grow. Financially and materially you will be provided for. If you are an artist of any kind you will be able to draw on practical energy. This is a ripe time to do whatever your creative impulses draw you to: cooking, gardening, exercise, painting or writing.

Reversed: The reversed Empress can signify a period of poverty, an unwanted child may be conceived, possibly an abortion. Your creativity and ability to bring things to fruition is blocked. There is no material reward.

4 IV the EMPEROR Father. Birth sign: Aries

Key Points

Authority. Blocked emotions. Boss. Control. Commanding. Creating order out of chaos. Firm structure. Go out and get. Leadership. Order. Position of strength. Power. Speaks his mind. Stability. Stern judgement. Taking a leadership role.


Ankh. Beard. Cloak. Crown. Ram. Globe/World. Mountains. Throne.

Interpretation: The Emperor is not someone who is easily influenced. In his eyes it is his duty to protect all that is his. His saying “doing” is the only method we have for “knowing”. There is no such word as can’t. Aries is the first birth sign, the infant. He is someone who is in control of his instincts, temper and his environment. He is often associated with legal matters, disciplinary actions, and everything official in all its forms. He is filled with energy, enthusiasm and aggression. He initiates projects, leadership and power. When you get him in your reading you may be getting a promotion, or a position where you will be in control, or a position in which you can advance. He can show up in your life as a strong male influence, a protector or a provider or as a successful and wealthy businessman. In partnership he is someone who usually gets what he wants and tends to dominate his partner. His partner may not feel loved or cherished as he does not show his emotions.

Reversed: The situation is chaotic. There is no organisation or control, as you may be feeling drained, vulnerable, threatened, incompetent or inferior. The reversed Emperor is a cold, calculating person who may be using you to achieve his own ends. He is not working within the legal system.

5 V the HIEROPHANT the Pope. Birth sign: Taurus

Key Points

Ancient secrets. Belief systems. Education. Hidden knowledge. High priest. Sacred mysteries. Spiritual knowledge. Traditions.


Crown. Hand. Keys. Pillars. Staff. Throne.

Interpretation: The Hierophant has a wealth of experience; you can seek his advice in difficult times. In a reading he often represents learning with experts or knowledgeable teachers. This card also stands for institutions and their values. In personality the Hierophant indicates someone who pays great attention to outer details. He plays by the rules. Marriage is another meaning of this card, the solemn ceremony, with it symbolic meaning, is a profoundly important ritual. It suggests the public joining of togetherness, of two families, two sexes, two destinies. You may feel a deep need for routine when this card is drawn, you may also want your routine clearly defined, whether at work, home or in a relationship. When referring to a situation, you need to be careful and play by the rules.

Reversed: You may want to break the rules, as they make you feel claustrophobic; you just do not see the point in them. You may be rebellious against your religious beliefs and seek your own truths. You may be judging a book by its cover. Do not rush into any agreements now as they will prove to be disappointing.

6 VI the LOVERS the Twins. Birth sign: Gemini

Key Points

Adam and Eve. Attraction. Choice. Communication. Love. Opposites. Passion. Personal beliefs. Physical union. Relationship. Romance. Romeo and Juliet. Sexual attraction. Soul mates. Temptation. Trust. Values.


Angel. Clouds. Mountains. Nudity. Snake. Sun.

Interpretation: The Lovers card is about finding of the other half of you. The urge for union is powerful for a fulfilling emotional bond. This could be an event, idea, person, religion, career or cause. It can be anything that completes you. It usually involves making a crucial decision or choice to go for that something so you can feel whole: romance, love, something spiritual, a sexual relationship, marriage or physical union. These issues should relate to respect, trust, commitment and devotion. Balance is essential. This is a card of choice especially if it involves a sacrifice. It might be a choice between two lovers’; one offering stability and the other excitement. It may also be when you are developing a partnership in business or regarding matters in friendship or family business. You have come to a cross road and need to follow your own path even if it means going against those who are urging you in another direction.

Reversed: Jealousy could be driving a poisonous wedge between two people. This could be sex without love, or adultery. It may be the end of a love affair. A family could be splitting up, because there is no communication. There is no love so it is not a good time to start a new relationship, or to have an affair.

7 VII the CHARIOT the Crab. Birth sign: Cancer

Key Points

Achievement. Balance. Conscious and unconscious. Determination. Driven. Mastering emotions. Night and day. Past and present. Self control. Showing authority. Skill. Victory through willpower.


Castle. Crown. Moon. Sphinx. Staff. Star.

Interpretation: When the Chariot thunders into your reading, it indicates someone who does not give up. He asserts hard control which is not brutal, but firm and direct. Steer a middle course between your conflicting thoughts and feelings, there is no need to charge, just move forward sideways, so you can control those inner and outer forces. The crab moves slowly and diagonally. You win by coming up alongside that which you wish to defeat. You need to find the right balance, come from a different angle or from the side to get a proper perspective to overcome any obstacles, or to give you a different plan of attack for success. It is your tremendous focus and strong will that controls the direction to your victory. If you do not succeed the first time, try and try again. The Chariot represents a vehicle and is the movement card. There could be travelling in the near future, or moving in an emotional direction. You have put in a lot of effort and hard work and victory is in sight.

Reversed: When the Chariot is reversed there is an over inflated ego, negative attitudes, no self control or a lack of self confidence. You have been reckless. This could be some kind of addiction, where drugs drink or eating is used to hide from reality. There could be frustration because things are delayed.

8 VIII STRENGTH the Lion. Birth sign: Leo

Key Points

Calmness. Certainty. Compassion. Courage. Eternity. Inner strength. Inner will. Patience. Purity. Self confidence. Soft control. Willpower.


Lemniscate. Lion. Mountains. Robe. Wreath.

Interpretation: The Strength card represents patience and compassion. Getting angry is easy when events turn sour, but dealing calmly with frustration takes great strength. So does accepting others and forgiving mistakes. We need strength to mould situations softly. When you draw the Strength card in your reading you have the courage and ability to cope with extreme pressure and win through any situation. You are filled with power and faith. This kind of Strength comes from a loving generous heart, its internal strength, nothing to do with big muscles and fighting. The Lion is your inner beast, the part of you that needs to be fed. The beast always needs more money, food, drugs, alcohol or recognition to feel at ease. You have the inner strength to triumph over all things when this card is pulled. Have faith in yourself so you can channel your animal passions. If you are having difficulty in a relationship, you need to open your heart and forgive. Strength overcomes all dark forces with the power of love.

Reversed: The beast cannot be controlled. This can be the alcoholic or drug addict, which needs rehab. They have lost their nerve, a coward who is weak willed. There is complete lack of backbone and loss of opportunities.

9 IX the HERMITBirth sign: Virgo

Key Points

Advice. Completion. Guidance. Harmony. Inner wisdom. Introspection. Isolation. Patience. Peace. Searching. Silence is golden. Solitude. Treason. Trickery.


Beard. Cloak. Ice. Lantern. Staff.

Interpretation: When the Hermit card shows up in your reading it suggests a need for time alone to withdraw from the world. To be still, be in your own space so you can seek a deeper understanding or the truth of a situation. Take walks on your own or find some time to meditate. Peace and quiet are important now. Turn your radio, phones and television off. It’s only when you turn the outside world off, that you hear the small inner voice from within that leads to higher awareness. The Hermit tells you that “Silence is golden” or “Seek and ye shall find.” He may enter your life as someone wise and kind who will guide you in the right direction. His advice will be worth its weight in gold. Don’t make hasty decisions, you do not yet know all the facts about something, be patience and they will be revealed.

Reversed: The reversed Hermit is a fool; he has lost his lantern and is left in the dark. He refuses to see what is available to him because his head is buried in the sand. He is feeling spiritually isolated and needs to lift his head up to see there is a light ahead of him.

10 X the WHEEL of FORTUNEPlanet: Jupiter

Key Points

Chance. Change. Circle of life. Destiny. Fate.

Law of karma. Life lessons. Luck.

Personal responsibility and vision. Things just happen.


Angel. Bird. Bull. Clouds. Snake. Sphinx. Wheel. Wolf.

Interpretation: As the Wheel of Fortune turns, you are reminded that everything changes and so you will experience twists of fate. There will be chance events that appear to be accidents although they are part of the greater plan. This is inner changes as the soul learns to balance all the elements within, intellectual, intuition, emotions and your physical senses. This is a time when fate takes a hand in your affairs and you have no control over these forces. This is not about good or bad, this is about the laws of karma. What goes around comes around. For every action there is a reaction. The Wheel is symbolic of the natural flow of energy; it indicates unexpected encounters coming your way. The Wheel is turning and you are caught in a cyclone that can deposit you anywhere, "Round and round and round she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows." This suggests that things will be going around in circles for a while.

Reversed: The Wheel is not turning, it’s stuck. You may have a stroke of bad luck but it will be temporary. You also have bad judgement when you pull the reversed Wheel so do not initiate any new projects, gamble or take any risks. This is a time of misfortune and unpleasant surprises.

11 XI JUSTICEthe Scales.Birth sign: Libra

Key Points

Balance. Cause and effect. Choice. Decision. Fairness. Harmony. Justice. Responsibility. Truth.


Cloak. Crown. Pillars. Scale. Sword.

Interpretation: This is the legal or justice card and this lady means business, no excuses or half truths here. This message is clear and straight from your conscience, which indicates the time has come when responsibilities must be accepted, and accounts settled. The past will continue to haunt you if you do not recognise your mistakes and make amends for them. You will need to weigh matters carefully and perhaps make important decisions about your future course. This may come as a nagging, irritating voice telling you to do the right thing. You cannot keep drinking or smoking without having health problems. Don’t make unreasonable demands or be greedy or nasty by putting your baggage on other people’s shoulders. Justice often appears when there is something connected to the law, important legal documents to sign, court cases, negotiations or people involved in law: accountants, union leaders, solicitors, judges anything to do with law and order. When this card is pulled it indicates justice will prevail. You can be sure justice will be served.

Reversed: Justice reversed tells you the scales are not in balance, there is no justice. There will be delays, unfair or bad judgement and maybe even criminal activities. If there are any legal proceedings they will be slow and painful. Justice will not be served. The truth has not been acknowledged.

12 XII the HANGED MANPlanet: Neptune

Key Points

In between. Intuition. Letting go. Limbo. No action.
Prophecy. Release. Self sacrifice.
Spiritual enlightenment. Submission.
Suspension. Transition. Wisdom.


Halo. Head. Legs. Rope.

Interpretation: The Hanged Man is the only naturally reversed card in the deck. This means something must be sacrificed to gain a new viewpoint, be it mentally, emotionally or spiritually. When you feel the need to force your will on someone that is when you should release. When you want to have your own way that is when you should sacrifice. When you most want to act, that is when you should wait. The irony is that by making these contradictory moves, you find what you are looking for. Look at what you need to give up in your life that is not serving you any longer. You need to surrender, take time to just be; the Hanged man shows us the strength and power of letting go. If you fight, struggle and insist on control. You will be met with road blocks every step of the way. This is the time to ease off from “doing” and just “be”. You may be caught between the old and the new or be stuck in a stalemate situation. This may be a job or relationship that is going nowhere. There will be new growth and major transformation after your waiting time.

Reversed: There are missed opportunities because you may be hanging on to what you got and failing to see opportunities when they arise. The Hangman warns you against material things and selfishness. There is no gain or insight as you are too scared to make sacrifices through lack of willpower.

13 XIII DEATHthe Grim Reaper.Birth sign: Scorpio

Key Points

Beginning. Corruption. Destruction.
Deterioration. Ending. Exposure. Letting go. Major change.
Termination. Transformation. Transition.


Armour. Flag. Horse. Pillars. Rose. Ship. Skull. Sun.

Interpretation: Death promises major change and transformation. It shows that you have to end one situation before a new one can begin. Some old and worn out part of you is dying, or coming to an end. When Death comes creeping into your reading it must not be taken lightly, there are major changes on your path ahead, there may be sadness and reluctance, but also relief and a sense of completion. You need to concentrate on what’s important and cut out what is unnecessary. This could be the shedding of old attitudes or the ending of circumstances, that’s been dragging on and on for far too long. It may signify a loss of some kind, a relationship fails, friendship ends, a change of job, moving home, marriage coming to a bitter end or divorce proceedings. Things may be difficult and painful to come to terms with, the best approach to take is to remember it’s out with the old and in with the new.

Reversed: Nothing seems to have changed for a very long time; everything seems to have lost its meaning. Life is boring, stalemate. You don’t want to let go for fear of change. You may be clinging to outdated situations and attitudes. There is no closure. You are waiting in an in-between state.

14 XIV TEMPERANCEHalf man, half horse.Birth sign: Sagittarius

Key Points

Alchemy. Balance. Blending. Chemistry. Flow. Grace.
Harmony. Merging. Moderation. Turning lead into gold.


Angel. Cups. Feet. Lily. Path. River. Sun. Triangle.

Interpretation: In Latin Temperance means to moderate, mix, blend or otherwise bring into harmony which urges you to bring more balance and moderation into your life. By combining and recombining, we come up with the ideal mixture or solution. The liquid flowing from cup to cup symbolises the flow of life. Male and female, conscious and unconscious each requires it’s opposite to form the whole. This is about blending opposites to bring about balance. When we pull the Temperance card it’s an indication that you are able to see both sides of an argument, choices, families, belief systems, you are able to sort out any disagreements or disputes whether personal or work wise. If you see no way to blend or unite, it means you are not taking the time, not measuring out the right amounts. If you want to merge something, it takes time, care and patience. You need to measure equal portions and experiment to turn water into wine. Temperance is the card of good health in all areas; physical, mental and emotional. When illness or dis-ease is a concern, Temperance holds out the promise of vitality and well-being.

Reversed: Temperance reversed warns that you may be wasting your energy and you are becoming unbalanced as a result. There is no harmony. You do not have the right measurements to mix lead into gold.

15 XV the DEVILLucifer. Prince of darkness. Satan.Birth sign: Capricorn

Key Points

Addiction. Blindness. Bondage. Ego. Enslavement. Extreme. Hopelessness. Ignorance. Materialism. Obsession. Pettiness. Shadow self. Temptation. Weakness.


Chains. Fire. Flame. Inverted five-pointed star. Nudity.

Interpretation: When the Devil card sneaks into your reading you need to know that you are caught in an unhealthy, unproductive situation. It lets you know this is serious enough to require attention. You may be in the dark about something, ignorant of the truth and its implications. You have got some serious examining to do. Here are temptations and obsessions that lure and capture you, leaving you feeling overburdened and trapped, and this is all of your own making. You may doubt yourself, feeling unworthy, so you blame others or turn to lust, drinking, addiction and smoking. This is your own devil been excessive, over indulging, your own lack of control. You have the key to your own chains, but you are refusing to escape these devils. This card reflects back the negativity that has made you doubt yourself and your future. It’s when these things are done in excess that the devil takes charge. He tells you to have a good look at your situation and find out what you are unable to break free from. Free yourself, take the key and loosen your chains and start been honest with yourself so you can take charge, take control and face your shadow self.

Reversed: No release has been found. There is a striving for more money or greater power, an abuse of sexual behaviour. You may feel unable to break away from a relationship even if you are unhappy. Watch out for blackmail.

16 XVI the TOWERMars represents energy and activity.Planet: Mars

Key Points

Disaster. Disruption. Drastic upheaval. Eruption. Foundations crumble. Necessary change. Release. Revelation. Sudden shifts.


Clouds. Falling. Fire. Ice. Lightning. Tower.

Interpretation: The Tower card comes crashing into your life to wake you up from yo