Tarot - The Psychic Journey by Maureen Dennis - HTML preview

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Key Points

Anxiety. Challenges. Clarity. Conflict. Courage. Excessive power. Focus. Mental force.

New beginnings. New idea’s. Powerful forces. Raw power. Unstoppable hurricane. Vision.


Cloud. Crown. Hand. Mountains.

Interpretation: The Ace of Swords deals with thought and awareness, which indicates challenges or conflict in your life. You need fresh ways of thinking for these mental changes. There is no room for excuses it demands full honesty. You need to simplify your situation, take a stand and focus on these issues by listening to your own inner guidance. The erect sword visually mimics the number one, meaning new projects, ideas, thoughts or relationships are on the horizon. Be clear of your intentions before starting these new ventures. The Ace of Swords has excessive power, like an unstoppable hurricane sweeping through your life; everything that’s not rooted will be destroyed. What you have sown so shall you reap. This card also stands for justice in legal or tax matters and also court cases.

Reversed: Things seem very unfair as if some one is pulling your strings, delighting in destroying your plans and your expectations. Is it you or someone else using cutting words that is achieving all this hurt?

TWO of SWORDS (Libra)

Key Points

Being of two minds. Blindfolded. Blocked emotions. Clash of ideas. Conflict. Deceptive. Doubt. Justice. Secretive. Split decisions. Stalemate. Tense balance. Tension. Uneasy peace.


Bench. Blindfold. Mountains. Moon. River.

Interpretation: Are you hiding from the issues at hand or waiting for something to happen before you take action. You cannot hold out forever. You may be in a crisis and cannot see which path to choose so you resolutely stick to your guns. Maybe you feel the need to keep a tight rein on your emotions to avoid looking at your feelings. Messy and uncontrollable emotions may be lurking beneath the surface of the situation and you are ignoring them. You are unwilling to confront these issues, fearing arguments, separations or other imbalances. You need to take your blindfold off and confront these issues and your feelings. You will remain trapped in this situation until you can confront your fears. The Two of Swords signifies that justice will be done.

Reversed: There are lies and deceit going on. Someone maybe trying to take advantage of you, or they are not giving you the best advice. Don’t sign anything until you’ve read the small print. The stalemate situation is over and it is time to move forward. Strong emotions have come to the surface and you can now deal with them. Take other people’s feelings into consideration; it’s not always about you.


Key Points

A bleeding heart. Betrayal. Deceived. Heartache. Heart of the matter. Inner conflict. Necessary cutting. Painful situation. Pay attention. Self examination.


Clouds. Heart. Rain.

Interpretation: The Three of Swords indicates inner conflict, hurtful tension, sadness and emotional pain; there may be three people in a relationship or you may have something to mourn over. This could be a relationship on rocky ground or it may be coming to an end, its inevitable separation, could be in your career, maybe disruption at work, a period of illness, some kind of surgery may be required. When you see the Three of Swords through the eyes of honesty, it’s a signal for you to wake up, pay attention this is a card of necessary cutting. Your heart has been pierced; take some time for self examination to reveal the truth, so you can clearly see into the heart of the matter.

Reversed: It may feel like there is no relief from a bleeding heart, only chaos, disorder and upheaval with your emotions and practical matters but the major heartache is over. There is still a lot to deal with before all is in order, but the healing process has begun. Remember this pain has been huge so it may linger for a while. Allow the poison to drip out so you can get on with your life.


Key Points

Gestation. Inactive. Meditation. Peace. Quiet time. Recharging energy. Recuperation. Rest. Retreat. Stillness. Solitary. Soul hibernation. Withdrawal.


Stained glass. Tomb/Coffin.

Interpretation: In the Four of Swords, the one Sword on its own stands for one issue, one thought dominating your energy. The three down-pointing swords focus on that one thought. You may have gone through difficult times and need to take quiet time to gather your thoughts. Switch off your radio and phone. Withdraw from the world for a time so you can relax, recharge and recuperate, before you burn yourself out. Step back from your daily routine and look at what’s causing you this emotional stress. There has been extreme mental pressure, arguments, misunderstandings or verbal abuse, maybe someone is in hospital or someone has been ill or injured.

Reversed: The time of rest is over, it’s time to take action now, get back to the daily grind and resume your daily routines. There may be a nervous exhaustion or a mild depression which could cause physical problems, find new interests, friends or activities.


Key Points

Action. Change. Faith. Inner reflection. Limitation. Meeting the challenge. Victory by surrender. Wounded pride.


Backs turned. Clouds. Ocean.

Interpretation: The Five of Swords indicates there may be gossiping, lies, trickery, cruelty or self sacrifice. The point has been put across and the challenge has been won. The enemy has surrendered and you have come out victorious. You have had some challenges or long standing oppositions that have now been conquered. What are your needs, faith or beliefs that should be cast off, amputated or amended? They no longer serve a purpose or goal. You have come to a crossroad in your life now and need to choose your direction. You have come from a place of deep inner reflection to meet these challenges and you are standing firm; you have the confidence in your position. You or someone around you are so concerned with winning that you may be acting in a destructive manner and not considering the feelings of other people.

Reversed: This is an air card, the fight has been about lies, words and gossip, but the time of attack is over. The way has been cleared with honest communication. The battle has been won, stop putting energy on things that are finished and start accepting things as they are. Let sleeping dogs lie.


Key Points

Adrift. Been lead. Compromise. Distancing. Easing of stress. Escaping troubled waters. Temporary relief. Transition.


Backs turned. Boat. Child. Ocean. Tree.

Interpretation: When the Six of Swords drifts into your reading it signifies a moving away from troubled waters, away from the hard times which have been emotional; you are taking action to smooth the raging waters in your life to calmer waters. Are the Six of Swords in the front of this boat plugging up your leaks, which are your self-deluding stories, the ones you tell yourself and others. Plugging the ineffective solutions into a problem is only a temporary fix. The Six of Swords card can also indicate that you could be running away from past events, or are you moving away from the past into a more hopeful future. There is a small light at the end of the tunnel and remember you are not alone, there are others to consider. There is some kind of travel bringing the end of hard times.

Reversed: Don't abandon hope, you may be feeling stuck and unable to move forward. This is not a defeat card, victory is still possible. There are still obstacles to overcome; it may require some kind of sacrifice by facing these difficulties to find a solution so you can move forward.

SEVEN of SWORDS (Cancer)

Key Points

Betrayal. Blind indirection. Choices. Dishonest. Fear of been trapped. Ignorance. Impulsive. Instability. Irrational. Lack of conviction. Mistrust. Mixed signals. Of two minds. Shrewdness. Sneak thief. Theft. Trickery. Unsure.


Back turned. City/Village. Flag.

Interpretation: Someone is sneaking around, stealing something, ideas, time, honour, maybe spreading gossip, someone is trying to deceive you. You may be feeling cheated on or uneasy about something that you have done. This is not the time for self-defeating behaviour; you could become your own worst enemy. The Seven of Swords is the sneak thief card. Is it you who is stealing in order to gain their goal, if not you have to take control? To catch a thief you must be a thief. The Charioteer directs his horse’s sideways like a crab. He doesn’t run charging in, that will give the thief a chance to play innocent. This is not a time for sitting on the fence. Your plans are not working out. This card occasionally indicates an actual theft. You may need professional advice to clarify the situation.

Reversed: Do not believe a word you hear or read there are false promises or compliments when you pull the reversed Seven of Swords, its main message is one of superficiality, especially true of the written or spoken word. You are in danger of been manipulated with false advice or you may be talked into some kind of scheme which you will regret later.

EIGHT of SWORDS (Strength and Justice)

Key Points

Blocked. Bondage. Crisis. Fear. Helplessness. Illusion. Isolation. Lack of movement. No choice. Paralysed. Stuck in a rut. The trapped card.


Blindfold. Castle. Mountains. River.

Interpretation: The Eight of Swords is the trapped card. You are afraid to move because you will get hurt, so you are refusing to see. The blindfold that is over your eyes is your own fears. Standing in dirty, unclear waters, signifies emotional waste, you have surrounded yourself with the worst kind of misleading thoughts. When this goes unchecked it breeds horrible fears and insecurities. This is leaving you afraid to move, you are afraid of been hurt or cut. It may not be possible to take control right now, but the situation must be faced square in the face. There is a lot of mental energy going to waste. Eights are about taking action and moving so do not waste this energy. You need to find the strength to move, say something and do something otherwise your situation will only get worse.

Reversed: A restrictive situation or way of thinking is passing out of your life. Renewed confidence and a sense of relaxation will enable you to solve problems, and move forward once again. A great deal of hard thinking has preceded this release; it has not come about through luck or circumstance.


Key Points

Agony. Anxiety. Confusion. Contradiction. Dark night of the soul. Denial. Extreme stress. Fear. Self-delusion. The nightmare card. Worry.



Interpretation: When the Nine of Swords comes yawning at you its showing that you are unwilling to face your fears. This is the “nightmare” card, or the “dark night of the soul” card. Your sleep has been disturbed by nightmares and high anxiety. Things have been blown way out of proportion and turned monstrous, they are out of control. The issues are real, it may be sickness, a painful love relationship, a recent bereavement, leaving you plagued by doubt and worry, but you need to face these unhealthy deeper thoughts that you are trying to avoid. Stop shoving them beneath the surface. You have been harbouring them over a long period of time, so they are often deeply rooted. You owe it to yourself to acknowledge them and then cleanse them out of your system. Things always look clearer in the light of the day.

Reversed: The nightmare is over. There is hope and light at the end of the tunnel. You may still be suffering, but you have the strength and faith to carry on. The process will not be an easy one. It demands honesty and patience. Release yourself from this mental fear and harmony will be restored.


Key Points

Back stabbed. Battle. Consequence. Death. Defeat. Disaster. Final end. Mind conflict. Release. Renewal. Ruin. Sorrow. Surrender. The most doom-laden card.


Back turned. Mountains. Oceans.

Interpretation: When the Ten of Swords assaults your reading its showing you are fear-driven by your thoughts. This is a mind unchecked, pin cushioned and leading you down the path of destruction. Be careful of whom you confide in, it would be better to say nothing. This card warns of lies. Don’t trust any written word either, think twice before signing any documents. Here is also an ending of something it may be a job, relationship, a set of beliefs, watch out for muggings or even robbery. Your plans are not working out and you have reached rock bottom. Endings are always painful, understanding and courage is needed now. Things are as bad as you fear, but the swords have done the worst, you cannot be any deader, it is over. Things can only get better from here.

Reversed: There is always a rainbow after the storm. Good news is coming at last, the worst is over. You have overcome your negative thought patterns, the enemy within has been beaten.


Key Points

Communication. Dreamer with a clever mind. Genius. Growth. Improvement. Insightful. Intelligence. News. Quick thinker. Sly. Trickster.


Birds. Clouds. Oceans. Tree.

Interpretation: The Page of Swords brings news and communication from a bright young person with an excellent mind, quick to learn, good at puzzles, diplomatic, enjoys gossiping and skilled with the ability to work out the true nature of things. He can negotiate expertly on behalf of his peers. He can also be a trickster and a bit sly, or the most aggravating kid on the block because whatever you tell him to do, he will argue about it. If you are about to enter into an agreement or contract, do not commit or sign anything until you weigh the pros and cons, you need to understand all the possible consequences before you commit to anything. It may be best to call on professional help.

Reversed: Here you have spiteful gossip, been hurtful and telling lies, a two-faced, cunning and vindictive person, he’s always on the lookout for people who are weak and you’ll always find him snooping in other people’s affairs. He is devious. Be on the lookout for unforeseen events, illness, or plans been overtaken by underhanded methods.


Key Points

Arrogant. Cunning. Deeds and action speak louder than words. Highly sexed. Noble causes. Physically restless. Quick thinker. Sharp and accurate. Takes action. Victory.


Armour. Clouds. Horse. Mountain. Tree.

Interpretation: The Knight of Swords says its action time. Take your reigns and move. This is a time to follow your head rather than your heart. This guy argues just for the sake of arguing. He is out to change the world with his knowledge, cleverness and quick tongue. He could be in or out of your life for either the better or worse. He is clever, skilful, courageous, active and strong. He is always at his best in a difficult situation. The Knight of Swords suggests you are heading into a situation where there is conflict, but this is a fast moving card so the conflict will be short lived. Once it is over you may be left wondering what on earth it was all about. Expect your life to be active and chaotic now. You need to be strong and decisive and approach the situation with a clear and firm goal in mind.

Reversed: When the reversed Knight of Swords appears you must know he is sly and deceitful, you need to watch your words and thoughts. He is secretive and will betray your trust. This is not a good time to initiate new projects. You may be lacking in focus and concentration, your sarcasm or hard words could land you in a situation with conflict. He is a starter of things but not a finisher.


Key Points

Alone. Authority. Demanding. Dominating. Driven. Head over heart. Independent. Intelligent. Intuition. Justice. Manipulation. Mental chaos. Obsessed. Proud. Respect. Solitary. Strong will.


Angel. Butterfly. Clouds. Crown. Hand. Tree. Throne. Waterfall.

Interpretation: The Queen of Swords tells you to get your affairs in order, stand up for yourself and be clear about your needs and goals. You need to focus on intellectual matters and put your emotions aside. Justice is this Queens aim. She has a gift for seeing all dishonesty and injustice. She will pull it out at the roots, extinguish it and have order restored. She is respected in her authority as Queen. She rewards loyalty with her kindness. She loves the social life, and needs stimulation of other people’s ideas. In her friendships she enjoys variety, but they rarely run deep, she prefers her friendships to skim the surface. If she does form a lasting relationship she is very loyal.

Reversed: Your thoughts are in turmoil. Watch out for half truths and gossip. This is someone who is narrow-minded, cruel, deceitful, sly, and intolerant. They will use information and will not consider other people’s feelings or the damage they may cause.


Key Points

Authority. Clever. Logical. Quick witted. Sound advice. The judge. Truthful. Wise.


Birds. Butterfly. Clouds. Crown. Throne. Tree.

Interpretation: The King of Swords is the judge. He is a fair and clever man who has patient and is well-educated. He often stands for an accountant, doctor, lawyer or teacher, someone with special knowledge or skills. This king is the ruler, the law-maker, someone with a rational, alert and inventive mind. He is an advocate of law and order, an achiever in what he does. He also sees the larger picture and will give a non-biased judgement in a situation. If you have been waiting for a decision, it will be coming soon and you can be sure it will be fair and just. In love he can be a little chilly, he feels emotions but he cannot express them.

Reversed: Here is an abuse of power and authority. The reversed King of Swords is a calculating and obstinate man capable of utmost evil to achieve his goals. He will censor or manipulate evidence to keep himself in power even if it destroys others. He is a malicious man, a bully who misuses his power. He is a disloyal and a secretive man.


Key Points

Creative path. Expansion. Fertility. Initiative. Inspiration. Invention. New beginnings. New direction. New ideas. Passion. Positive encouragement. Positive energy. Power.


Castle. Clouds. Hand. Mountains. Tree.

Interpretation: The Ace of Wands is all about creative insight, new beginnings, new ideas, new inspirations and passion, energy and career opportunities. When you pull this card you are in for an incredible adventure in a new direction. This card shows up many times when you may have gone through a time of stagnation, a situation where you feel stuck. This is a fire card, it has fast moving energy and you have all the energy you need now to fulfil your ambitions. Open yourself up to new inspirations. This is a good time for innovation, invention and new business plans. You may get an intuitive idea, a challenging new project, job, interest or hobby. You may even want to travel, study, write, paint, climb a mountain or play a musical instrument.

Reversed: The reversed Ace of Wands warns of creative blocks, something is going to fall though. You are letting your wants and desires control you. You do not have the energy as you did in the beginning of the project and its leaving you feeling powerless and frustrated. There could be over confidence that ends in tears. All your efforts for pulling something off are in vain. In a woman’s spread this card may indicate trouble with men.

TWO of WANDS (High Priestess)

Key Points

Advantage. Ambition. Creative ideas. Decisions. Insight. Leadership. Negotiations. Preparation. Taking charge.


Cloak. Globe/World. House. Mountains. Rose. Walls.

Interpretation: You may be feeling restless and preparing for change. You have the world in your hands; the Two of Wands is about making intuitive choices. Einstein says, “Nothing happens until something moves.” Follow your instincts. Standing around waiting is not always the best way to deal with things. You need to be energetic and take charge of whatever needs to be done. Wands are about passion, a productive meeting of the mind. This is a time when deals will work out in your favour. You may make more money than you expected. This is the best time for selling properties or signing contracts. Everything related to business is under favourable influences.

Reversed: Be prepared for delays in property transactions. The reversed Two of Wands indicates self doubt and loss of faith in oneself. You may hear bad news about a project. If you are considering taking in a new partner, take it slow and consider the matter carefully. You need to have patience because delays and setbacks are imminent.


Key Points

Advantage. Adventure. Calm. Confidence. Contemplate. Creative growth. Insight. Journey. Observe. Opportunities. Planning. Progress. Success. Time. Waiting.


Mountains. Ship.

Interpretation: The Three of Wands is the watcher card. Your plans have been set in motion, now is the time to observe their fruits. It’s waiting for the ships to come in. This is a card of progress, new opportunities, new career, a big move, a promotion, an increase in profits, or the entering of the next phase of a project; an established business could become more successful. Your plans are active and thriving. There is still work to be done. Now would be a good time to promote yourself.

Reversed: Dreams are still born. There is failure of a project or to put plans into action. You may be striving for unattainable goals. Opportunities may be lost. Your stubbornness jeopardises job offers or other career possibilities.


Key Points

Abundant harvest. Celebrations. Firm foundations. Growth. Homecoming. Partnership. Prosperity. Rest. Security.


Arch. Castle. Flowers. Grape/grapevines.

Interpretation: This is a positive and happy card which is showing the celebration of an achievement. It is a time of well-earned rest, sit back and enjoy the fruits of your effort and hard work. This card also signifies the putting down of roots, firm foundations upon which to build, buying or moving into a new house, or acquiring a second home, entering a committed relationship, it may be a new romance or even marriage. In relation to career, property, theatre, entertainment, music and dance you can lay down firm foundations for the future.

Reversed: The reversed Four of Wands denotes anxiety and nervous energy. In property you need patience, you may have nervous energy and it’s causing difficulties which are unnecessary. Any kind of completion or conclusion is likely to be delayed; you need to be patience for a little while.


Key Points

Challenge. Conflict. Defence. Disagreements. Healthy competition. Irritation. Mock battle. Strong leadership. Testing time. War games.


Backs turned. Green grass.

Interpretation: When the Five of Wands comes hitting itself into the reading ask yourself what ideas and opinions are you defending. Do you always need to be right in a conversation? It is hard to lead with all this heated debate. Strong leadership is required in a group effort for the purpose of ideas, opinions and thoughts. Look where you can find common ground in this conflict. Arguments can arise because views differ so sparks may fly. Take initiative, you may be dealing with rivalry and competition soon. There may be someone who is after the same prize as you. It could be a business deal or a potential relationship. This is a time of testing. Problems simply cannot be avoided, there may be minor irritations, but just know if you fear the competition and run from it, you will never succeed at anything.

Reversed: Here is spiteful conversation and unnecessary competition, causing hurt, ruin and pain. There is no faith in winning a struggle, so don’t even try. You have inner conflict and an inability to reach a decision. Watch out for fraud and trickery.


Key Points

Accomplishment. Action. Excellent news. Grace. Honour. Leadership. Pride. Recognition. Reward. Success. Triumph. Victory.


Cloak. Horse. Wreath.

Interpretation: You have achieved success and victory. It has not been easily won its taken hard work and effort, leaving you feeling satisfied. You have taken the right action and you are about to reap the rewards. The Six of Wands suggests successful negotiations, or some form of recognition or reward for work well done; this could come in the form of a well-deserved promotion, or the arrival of fantastic good news for you or another. Whatever the nature of the question, this card indicates both success and reward.

Reversed: There may be fear about the outcome of a situation. Delayed news or rewards, trouble at work, difficulties caused by other people, failed promises and bad news. Do not go ahead, bide your time and do what you can until the situation improves.


Key Points

Cautionary action. Challenge. Do not give up. High ground. Position of advantage. Pressured. Stand up for your rights. Staying on top. Sure footed. Take a stand.


Mountains. Water.

Interpretation: The Seven of Wands may appear when someone is just about to give up, you feel you cannot carry on; but you need a little more effort. Success is assured in the near future, victory is in sight. This will take honesty and enthusiasm. You are on a high vantage point but notice the water near the feet, do not take action from an over-emotional state. This is a time of great opportunities; it requires much skill, courage and determination in order to succeed. Whatever conflict you are experiencing is coming to a point, you may be feeling pressured, you need to call on your inner strength to help you through to the final round. You do have the advantage even if you don’t realize it. You are dealing with strong and powerful competition. Do not abandon your struggle when you receive the seven of Wands.

Reversed: He who hesitates is lost