What Christmas Gotta Do with It? Any Time of the Year Gift Ideas by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Also, each month he or she is able to add to his or her collection while gaining a grasp of what various eras were like within the United States as well as other countries.  It is advised that when you purchase the initial collection that you purchase the world stamp version.  This will supply your child with stamps from different periods of time from all over the world.  These images as well as associative rulers make learning all the more enjoyable.


It is never a mistake to give your child the gift of education; and there is no excuse he or she lack in knowledge when learning is supplied to him or her in the preceding manner.  He or she will be learning about a past world; and the process of learning about it will not even be noticed.  Your child will be too involved collecting all types of interesting stamps and affixing them to his or her stamp album to realize the amount of knowledge he or she is absorbing.  You too may enjoy the process. Stamp collecting is something you and your child can enjoy together.



Gift Giving:  Good Earth Fundamentals


Do you know someone who appreciates plants or has a knack for gardening?  A perfect gift item for the individual who likes flowering plants would be an item for the garden.  This can be in the way of an inside garden inclusive of a number of flower pots, potting soil and seeds; or if he or she has a patch of land you may wish to wrap up the essential outside tools.


If they've expressed interest in planting a garden this provides you with the perfect gift-giving opportunity.  Even if you don't supply them with seeds, pick up a couple of how-to gardening books so that they can plan their garden.  Needless to say, there are all types of gardens and even plants that can be grown inside if the person is an apartment dweller.  Anyone who likes to grow plants will appreciate receiving books on gardening, or the necessary tools and seeds in order to grow plants and flowers.


If this is a beginner-type of situation, you may wish to provide the aspiring gardener with everything he or she may deem essential for gardening including a full set of hand gardening tools, seeds or plants and watering cans.  This isn't to say you need to throw in a pitchfork and rake. Just give them enough to get them started.  And for those persons who are sensitive to the sun, you might also include a nice floppy gardening hat and some sun block.


Another good item for the gardener is a good set of knee pads. Additionally, a pad can be purchased which the gardener can simply kneel on.  This can normally be picked up at many dollar store venues during gardening season. 


You might even go so far as wrapping up a small statuary item, although this gift may prove to be a bit heavy.  It may be best to save it for after the garden has started to bloom. The nature of the garden arrangement is what will determine what statuary is appropriate:  sometimes a pink flamingo lawn ornament is suitable, though some people love gnomes.  Regardless, giving gardening tools and seeds is fun.  If you think your recipient would prefer to plan the garden, then include the garden idea books with the gardening items.



Gift Giving:  Buy Jewelry Wholesale


It may be said, there are a number of terrific venues where to find unique and fashionable items of jewelry within the world:  One area of the world where production of jewelry has been perfected is India.  You can go to certain sites and purchase wholesale.  This concept can also be effected within other regions of the world as well.


Generally, at many of the sites, you are required to purchase a minimum amount.  Such sites, also, normally provide options.  For instance, one site visited, indicated minimums were at the $200 level.  Within the requirements, the purchaser buys so much of a particular style.  Another option, allows the buyer to purchase at a lower price level; and one item of each style. 


When you go on-line, you are going to find different wholesalers providing different minimums.  You can easily pay cash for the deep discounted prices; and the price is relative to what you may have paid for one fashionable item at retail. 


If you wish, you can even go into the fashion jewelry retail business on the side and create additional income for yourself.  You might as well give yourself the gift of income while you give gifts to all the special people in your life. 


Also, you can effect wholesale pricing for higher-end items of jewelry.  This includes gold and silver.  This is a good purchase option because in down economies or if times get tough, you can always sell your gold trinkets for close to what you purchased them at wholesale pricing levels.  In other words, practicality, as well, can be built into your gift-giving.


Again, the principle to remember when buying wholesale is that you are going to need to buy a minimum amount.  Many of the costume jewelery sites and some of the higher-end jewelry sites will offer one item per style.  In this way, you aren't stuck with six to a dozen necklaces or bracelets of the same style.  However, if you are wishing to retail the jewelery items on the side you might not mind purchasing six of the same style.  The minimums are generally set somewhere between seventy-five United States dollars and two-hundred dollar price points.  Its kind of like having your cake and eating it too:  and very savvy on your part.  Keep your wholesaling buying under wraps and you are sure to please every person on your gift list without emptying your pocketbook in order to do it.



Just a Little Domestic Responsibility


Many people actually appreciate a practical gift; one they can use as part of their domestic responsibilities.  The trick behind giving such a gift is not to make it a habit.  In other words, supply the person with fun gifts in addition to practical items.  (Examples of fun items you can purchase in addition to practical products include:  bracelets, and rings for women; and sports related fare for men.)


Again, people do not mind gifts that help them to get their housework completed, especially if they do not wish to fork out the money.  It may be said, when many of us are through working all day the last thing we want to purchase is a product with which to implement a household chore.  However, if the tool helps to make life easier and is something that she does not have, it will be very likely appreciated, especially as she won’t then have to outlay the money for it herself.


There are many people who dress well and have good jobs, yet their domestic chore tools that are in disrepair or so old they hardly work.  Their vacuum cleans are patched up and carpet sweepers held together with electrician's tape.  This hideous ensemble goes unnoticed by the owner year-after-year.  Now it's time for you to step in and take care of all of that:  You can do so by purchasing such an individual a “noiseless” sweeper – otherwise known as a carpet sweeper.


What is meant by a “noiseless” sweeper?  Some persons may remember or know that before electric vacuum cleaners became fashionable, persons employed household sweeping one step up from a broom by way of a noiseless vacuum cleaner:  however, at the time, they weren't referred to as “noiseless”.  This application still exists.  What is great about it, even if you have a good electric vacuum cleaner and a reasonable broom; is it is preferred over the broom for sweeping chores in particular environments and you do not need to risk waking anyone up if you have to sweep later in the evening or at night.


It is nice to have a carpet sweeper when you wish to hurry up and sweep something up off the carpeting, and don't want to drag the vacuum cleaner out.  Probably the best way to look it up on the Internet is to use the keywords:  Non-electric Vacuum Cleaners.  Also, there are broom and brush dealers that have been around for awhile that sell this type of vacuum.  It is incredibly light and you needn't worry about tiring yourself further at the end of a long work day.  If need be, your children can sweep up crumbs and messes they create.  Needless to say, this is one household item, many persons will appreciate your purchasing.



Gift Giving:  Mixing it Up


Persons looking for unique gift ideas for aspiring cooks need to think basic.  In other words, it is not a good idea to start the “want-to-be” home master chef out with a blender or food processor.  When it comes to addressing the needs of an aspiring cook, it is best to get back to the basics.  Remember your first day in Home Economics class when you were a kid?  Did the teacher introduce you to the food processor?  The most successful method to approach cooking is to start out simply.


Therefore in order to get your young cook started and on the right foot, you'll want to purchase a nice set of mixing bowls. You'll need to trek to the nearest mass retailer or if you prefer buy some retro bowls.  You can probably pick some good era bowls up at a local thrift or charity shop. It just depends on how open-minded the cook is as to your selection of purchase.  Some persons do not wish to use bowls that were purchased at thrift stores even though the era mystique makes them unique. 


If this is the case with your cook, you are better off heading for one of the huge retailers who sells mixing bowls cheap. Regardless where you make your purchase, add some wooden spoons as well as spatulas.  You might also purchase several boxes of your favorite cake mixes.  After all, you will want to reap some reward from the aspiring cook's enthusiasm.


Match the bowls for purchase with the recipient's kitchen.  In this regard, if the person has a seventies era style kitchen, then a nice color choice would be gold or olive green;  colors relative to that era.  Additionally, if your recipient has a 50s era kitchen, then you will want to look for aqua-colored bowls.  If they have a modern kitchen with stainless steel sink then opt for a metal look mixing bowl.  In fact, the metal bowls are the style most bakers prefer and are used in many restaurants and institutional settings. 


Make certain you place the bowls in a box if they aren't in a box already Ensure you take off the price tag or mark it out.  Also, make certain your wrap is very nice.  Always wrap your gifts to the best of your ability and make the presentation as professional as possible.  In other words, do not show any signs on your outside wrap that you were in some sort of hurry.  The idea behind all types of gift giving is thoughtfulness.


Lastly, if you use a gift bag: always have the package inside wrapped.  The gift bag is not designed to save you the ordeal of wrapping.  If you employ the preceding mindset you'll take no shortcuts in presentation, and your gift will always be perceived as a practical and thoughtful gift.



Gift Giving:  Money in the Bank


What are we talking about with reference to the title here?  Are we inferring that by putting money in the bank, you are some way providing some type of gift?  Well . . . sort of. . . however, not really.  What is being intended here is to give you some information about highly collectible items in the way of old style collectible banks.  These are not the piggy bank; however they once were a place where persons stored their change.


Many employ colorful characters and the banks are really more of a collectible than a place where you can start disbursing your penny jar.  They come in way of antiquated items and as well are presented as old time bank collectible items in the form of replicas.  They are absolutely irresistible and charming and in your subsequent purchase, you may have placed the recipient on the road to collectible bliss. 


One area many gift-givers do not think about when purchasing a gift is introducing a person to the world of collecting.  And if the person likes the collectible, this can be your brand of gift on every birthday; or special celebrated occasion thereafter.  Of course, you will vary the item of purchase each year; but if the person likes his or her collectible bank and finds the uniqueness and charm in it; then, naturally they'll look forward to receiving one on every birthday or every holiday. 


This also beats just flying into your nearest retail establishment and making a last minute decision as to what to buy the gift recipient.  The recipient of your package, wrapped in a hurry, might hope you hadn't bothered and this is certainly not your objective when giving a gift.  You don't want to make things appear as if giving the recipient a gift is somehow an obligation.


By providing a collectible, you needn't spend a great deal of time laboring over what to buy.  You already know what category wherein you are going to make your purchase.  (This applies to any collectible you plan on purchasing for the recipient.)  Rulers of countries, historically, have applied this approach to gift giving with respect to their spouses (from centuries past).  If it works for an Imperial family year-after-year, just imagine how well it will work for you.


Introduce your receiver to a collectible such as the old-style charming banks and if they like what you provide, this can be an item you can purchase for years to come.  Plus each time you provide it, you'll be adding to their collection.  This is something a good many persons do not consider when giving a gift; and by employing the approach, you may consider yourself a bit of a gift giving maverick.



Gift Giving:  Moon River Revisited


The advent of the Internet has certainly provided us with many reliable options as far as enjoying music.  We can now download music on our Ipods and pretty much dictate what it is we prefer to listen.  However, another option exists that is sure to add charm and a certain touch of vintage to your house and this is in the way of the old-time record player.  It isn't absolutely essential that when purchasing the vintage-style that you buy an old record player per se as there are plenty of replicas on the market.  The trick of the matter, however, is locating the old style records to play on them.


Such collections of old style records can be found on-line, at certain estate sales, at auctions, and even at old book shops and charity shops.  Don't neglect looking for them at any of these venues.  In fact, you can call up auction houses prior to certain auction dates and ask if any will be available for purchase.


Further, you can convey to certain charity shops you'd be interested in buying the old-style records if they ever acquire them.  Just keep your eyes and ears open and you are sure to find them.  Also scour the penny saver advertisements in your local area and see if anyone is selling a collection.  For sure, purchasing the old-style records along with a replica records player is sure to delight the individual who likes music and remembers using records and the older-style player.  Certainly, it will not be the same quality as digital recordings; however, there's something to be said about the charm it will add to the home environment of the recipient.


If you can find the old style record player and not a replica all the better.  It may be necessary you take it to a television or record repair shop to ensure it is in good condition.  If you've acquired it for a low price at a charity shop and have found it to still be in satisfactory condition, then you have purchased a true gem.  Add to this the accompaniment of records and it's certain to be appreciated by the person who likes vintage players, records and music.


When searching out collections, determine whether the recipient's style is:  a) Easy listening, (In example, Andy Williams); b) Old-time country music (such as sung by Merle Haggard, or Johnny Cash); or c) Rock and Roll.  If your recipient likes variety, you may wish to include several selections from each category.  Whatever the case, put some thought into music selections.  Also, once you get home, play the record to determine its condition.  It is hoped you do not purchase the record for a great deal of money, because quite frankly sound associated with some will not be all that satisfactory.  If you do receive less than adequate sound, take it back to the shop if there is a return policy, or if it was a cheap-enough purchase, then simply throw it away:  one thing is for sure, no one else will enjoy it either. 


You do need to realize, however, the sound is not going to be perfect so don't create too high of standard for the old recordings.    Nevertheless, the sound should be good enough where you can reasonably enjoy it; and oh yes, record skips are allowed:  they are part of the charm of the old record and record player.



Gift Giving:  Nested Treasures


Many persons when giving gifts are not aware of a wonderful gift i