What Christmas Gotta Do with It? Any Time of the Year Gift Ideas by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Gift Buying:  Retro Relics


Enough cannot be said about retro relics.  There are just so many venues off-line and on-line where you can purchase retro relics.  What is meant by retro relics?  This is era merchandise which possesses certain charm and appeal.  Needless to say, persons young and more mature enjoy these treasures from the past.  Plus, in purchasing such items you can either a)  Start a particular collection of the item; b) Create a certain era style in the home environment by gathering various merchandise from the era; or c) Simply purchase one item which the recipient has always envisioned possessing. 


Retro style furniture and furnishings can also come in the form of new items however stylized relative to the decade they represent.  Some persons prefer to mix new replicas in with actual old items from the era.  For example, many persons dream of having a retro-style kitchen.  In this regard, it is possible to purchase newer appliances relative to the decade and then mix in other items that were used during the period.  Some persons have been fortunate enough to find an apartment or living arrangement where the stove or era refrigerator still sits in the kitchen:  all that is needed is to add other era items that will provide the kitchen with the “charm” of the era.


Persons have stylized certain rooms of their house to resemble a particular era.  One national publication pointed this out:  One apartment dweller decorated his living room to feel very 1940ish; another person living in a small abode brought back the 50's in her studio; while yet another individual took advantage of the fact time had stood still in his fifties-style kitchen.  All added pictures and other items in order to produce the vibe that prevailed during the era.  One couple even went so far as to dress the part when coming home to their totally decorated forties style house. 


Needless to say, you needn't supply your gift recipient with an entire lifestyle change with respect to retro style; however certain relics from the past will be appreciated—that is, if the receiver is into certain era styling.  Look on-line by typing in the keywords:  retro relics or style; or visit charity shops; and antique shops for treasures from the past.



Gift Giving:  Rhinestone Treasures


Ask many women and you'll find a good many like rhinestone jewelry.  Rhinestone jewelry had been around for decades and can be found in many different venues.  For instance, you can find rhinestone jewelry presented wholesale, where some of the pins and pieces look a good bit, style-wise, like antiques.  Also, you can find rhinestone treasures in the way of true antiques.  Era style jewelry such as your grandmother's brooch is many times highly prized.  For one thing, some of the rhinestones in these pins have a bit of a yellowish cast to them:  not extreme, mind you, but nevertheless interesting.  Also, the rhinestones in granny’s brooch are many times larger than what you might find in the newer versions of jewelery.


Additionally, many of the antique relics will prove to be heavier than their newer version cousins.  Regardless, if you can't find the rhinestones you like at the local antique dealer or old stuff emporium, you'll find rhinestone jewelry items awaiting purchase on the Internet.  Some persons like both old and new versions of rhinestone jewelry so if this is the case, you can't go wrong purchasing either, however, the antiquated items will generally feel heavier and appear old.


Needless to say, sometimes certain persons are in the mood for old-style jewelery that is essentially. . . well, old; and other times jewelry that has an old style to it but is reasonably new is preferred.  All of this has to do with the mood of the wearer as well as the circumstance.  Also, when considering rhinestone purchases make certain the person likes old jewelry if you aren't yet sure.  Some people like old jewelry and other individuals only like new; and there again, some individuals buy a little of both.  Regardless, if the jewelry is tied to an era or is new with vintage design, the receiver of your rhinestone gift must like rhinestones.  In example, if they dress in modern styling and wear little jewelry:  well, it is safe to assume they really don't care to wear jewelry. 


However, if you have caught them wearing the occasional broach or art nouveau style necklace, they may be open to wearing a sparkling broach from granny's storage trunk or a newer item with Victorian styling.  Gift giving is about providing a gift that you know will fit the tastes of the person for whom it is intended:  Don't purchase the gift just because you like rhinestones—your recipient must like them too.  Many times when we buy gifts, we share so much in common with certain individuals that we incorrectly assume they will like the same items we do.  Therefore, with respect to the preceding, before you head over to the antique shop, make certain the gift fits the recipient.



Roses and Chocolates


If you are wondering what to buy your girlfriend or wife for Valentine’s Day or even a special birthday there is always a standby option sure to work; flowers and chocolates.  Now this suggestion may involve travel on treacherous ground for some males; however, there is a way to approach giving this sentimental gift that always works.


Many men are, frankly, afraid to give chocolates since they remember their girlfriends lamenting how fat they feel, or making references as to how a certain clothing article makes them appear pounds heavier.  However, there are many men who still buy chocolates without hesitation and give them to their weight obsessed wives and girlfriends without even thinking one iota about the consequences.  Why is this so?  Because in effect, the women never complain. 


In fact, it makes the relationship all the more solid.  The key to giving chocolates and flowers is in the presentation.  First off, never present the item to someone you barely know.  Make certain the woman you give chocolates is chocolate and rose worthy.  This means you know them well and you really like them.  This can be someone you've dated for some time or your spouse. 


Always give a traditional card with the box of chocolates and the flowers.  The key, again, is in the presentation.  The traditional card is in keeping with the provincial theme.  Don't give your wife or girl a comic card with traditional theme based gifts.  This is inappropriate and spoils the entire effect of the presentation.  Don't be afraid to be expressive with your card.  Let the card speak your sentiment: this way you are off the hook verbally with regard to self-expression.  Further, the card is something she may refer to from time to time.  This is good for you in case you come across as inconsiderate now and then, even though you do not intend to be thoughtless. 


Always wrap the box of chocolates in stylish gift wrap, even if you give her the same gift on every holiday and birthday.  This is important.  Even if she knows it's the same standard gift, the gift-wrapping shows your intentions are honorable.  As long as you wrap the chocolates, and she seems to like what you picked, you can use this approach every Valentine's Day and birthday thereafter. 


Present the wrapped gift, and flowers (flora is optional) along with the card.  Address her by name when she is relaxed or at rest for the evening and say Happy Valentine's Day or Happy Birthday.  This is key to the entire presentation.  She will read the card first, which will warm her heart, and then the sentiment of the same chocolates will signal to her your continued dependability.  There is no better way to to win her over.



Gift Buying:  Tales from the Deep


Persons interested in finding nice standard jewelry for a spouse or special person in their life would do well to look toward mass retailers with regard to their purchase:  one item, in particular, is pearl jewelry. 


A pearl ring, bracelet, or necklace is just the right piece of jewelry for the person who prefers provincial style.  Additionally, you can buy a fairly nice piece of pearl jewelry and not rob your bank account in order to do it.


Many of the mass retailers with jewelry departments, who sell name-brand merchandise, offer pearl jewelry as well as other forms of jewelry at a terrific discount.  Not only does this include pearls but also name brand watches and other jewelry items.  The reason the mass retailers can offer such products at terrific discounts is not because the items are necessarily flawed — in  fact many of the items could easily sell at full retail—but due to the fact the mass retailer purchases in enormous quantity.


The mass retailers are located at various locations throughout the country.  Further these mass retailers will buy what other high-end retailers are unable to sell and they buy the merchandise in quantity.  Since they buy the jewelry in such mass their price is very low.  They have hordes of locations and they take advantage of the fact, stocking each location with plenty of inventory.  Therefore, this is why they can offer a watch that costs one-hundred twenty five dollars at full retail for ten dollars.  They pass the savings on to you.  Also, the same is true with our pearl jewelry item.


Further, generally, they are not going to pull out the original price from the box of the jewelry item, therefore, your jewelry comes with the name brand tag as well as the original price inside of it.  This provides a wonderful presentation once your recipient unwraps the box.  So you have basically killed two birds with one stone, so to speak.  You have attained a high-end piece of jewelry at a substantially reduced price; and a nice presentation box.  Further, if you are the type of individual who worries over the mechanics of whether a watch will keep proper time, you can still purchase a nice high end piece of jewelry that the recipient will be able to wear for years to come.  Plus you never need divulge your secret as to where you bought the merchandise.



Gift Giving:  Tea Time


Do you have friends who like a spot of tea?  Are they traditionalists?  If you know of a person who likes tea time or appreciates a good bedtime brew, you are remiss in not provisioning the individual with the popular beverage.  Certainly, there are all kinds of tea and ways to enjoy it; therefore you can take advantage of all the options by purchasing a nice variety.  There are English Breakfast teas as well as a nice selection of herbals.  You might even purchase a basket and basically produce a theme-based gift ensemble of the tea theme.


Inside your packaging you will want to include once again herbal blends; English teas; and all of the foodstuffs that are appropriate to have with the tea you have purchased.  In example, you might include items such as:  muffins, butter cookies, and tea cakes.  Do not forget to include a nice tea cup or even several porcelain cups, saucers and a tea pot.  You may wish to box up the pot and cups and provide plenty of tissue wrap inside the gift box to keep the breakables well protected. 


Then wrap everything up and present the boxes along with the gift basket.  Make certain your basket is the right size for the amount of tea and snacks you've included.  Further, you may wish to include items such as small jars of preserves as well as honey.  Place your products inside the basket and make certain everything fits well inside.  You'll want to attain some clear wrap in order to secure everything better once inside the basket. 


The best thing to do is go on-line and perform a keyword search on gift-basket supplies.  In so doing, you'll find websites which will provide you with information as to what you need in order to put together the perfect gift-basket.  That way you won't leave anything out with respect to your presentation.  You might also do an on-line search of tea sets.  You are sure to find several sites providing tea time items.  Attempt to fit the set relative to the recipient's personality.  If you aren't sure what to do with respect to sets, a nice English style old-fashioned porcelain tea set is always recommended.  If you think florals are overdoing it, then opt for white porcelain cups and saucers.  Also in your gift basket you might include a couple nice linen napkins.



Gift Giving:  The Autographed Item


Many fans of certain famous persons would be delight to get a gift item autographed by their hero. 


There is a certain appeal to an autographed item, and many autographs are worth a considerable amount of money.  So if you wish to bring the idea of the icon back, look for autographs of special persons from this decade as well as those preceding. 


Framed autographed pictures are well-received by the gift recipient.  Find out what sport the recipient is interested; and then locate the person and ask for an autographed picture.  Normally, celebrities have fan clubs and you can do a search on the Internet and find some.  In example, if the person you are thinking of supplying the gift is a big fan of golf, find the fan club of a professional golfer and ask for an autographed picture.  Also, there are specific publications dedicated to autographs and you'll be able to write or correspond with the fan club directly.


Generally, when you receive your picture, it will arrive in an eight and one-half by eleven manila envelope.  Take the picture out of its holder and immediately frame it.  If you can get the well-known person to briefly address the person you are giving gift to, all the better.  An autographed picture can be placed in a den or study and makes a nice wall decoration within a home library. 


Further, if the autographed picture is for a teenager, nothing is more thrilling for the young person than receiving an autographed picture from a famous athlete such as a well-recognized NBA star.  Imagine how thrilled a fan of a particular sports team is going to be in receiving an autographed picture from one of the team's star players. 


Also, for the movie buff in your family, you can receive autographed originals from favorite television and movie celebrities.  Plus, as the years go by, the autographed pictures just become more and more valuable.  Just think how much certain autographs from past decades may fetch in price nowadays.  So not only have you provided you recipient an autographed picture from his or her idol, you are also giving a gift that may be viewed as collectible in nature.



There's Nothing Quite Like a Good Cigar Box — Purse, That Is


If you are looking for an item for a lady that will surely delight, it may be said there is nothing that quite resembles the uniqueness of the cigar box purse.  Individuals who are familiar with the cigar purse concept will recognize why these antique-looking boutique style purses are truly an appreciated gift.


If your lady likes to carry around different satchels and is not averse to an antique-style looking purse, she'll adore your thoughtfulness in supplying her with this style of handbag.  It can be said the cigar box purse with its detailing and uniqueness is truly eye-catching.  The purse is an ideal gift item coming from either a man or a lady. 


Further, if you are handy in the area of arts and crafts, the Internet provides plenty of venues to buy supplies as well as instructions in making the purse.  However, if you do not have the time to do so, and you'd like a customized purse, there are certainly artisans presenting their wares with respect to this style of purse on-line.  Many of the artisans who have crafted this type of purse have sold replicas just like it to boutiques in Paris as well as department stores in London.  The purse is in a class by itself. 


You can purchase standard-sized purses as well as travel size varieties.  The handles come either beaded or in bamboo.  Further, there is usually the embellishment of brass adornment affixed to the corners of the cigar purse.  The purse is around $85.00 from most retailers; and if your lady hasn't ever come across a cigar purse she'll be highly impressed.  Many have beautiful old world looks and our beautifully lined.  Y


ou can request custom designs or allow shipment for what the retailer has in stock.  The larger travel size is generally more and not all sites offer travel size cigar purses.  Again, if you want to save some dollars you can craft the purse yourself.  There is a great deal of wholesale items available in order to put together the handbag.  However, if you don't have the time, the approximate eighty-five dollar investment for such a unique handbag is worth every penny. 


Also, it is possibly the perfect gift for the woman who already, or so it s

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