Feminology- Woman abuse by Bassam. Imam - HTML preview

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As with any other serious eating disorder, if you suspect that you have a problem please seek help immediately. There are professionals out there who`ll care about you and can help you cope with your problem.

If you have a family member or a friend who you suspect of having an eating disorder, be calm and polite; speak to him or her about your suspicions. Don`t take any chances, extreme danger for this person may be lurking in the shadows. The person you care about may actually need and want to talk to someone about his/her problem; indeed you may be her number one choice.

Don`t belittle or blame the person. Understand that treating and curing eating disorders takes much dedication and work. Tell her that you care and want the best for her.

If a family member or friend admits to having a problem, don`t try to treat or diagnose it. Seek professional help.

Eating disorders can affect young girls in grade school, sometimes as young as eight or nine, and perhaps younger still. There’s something terribly wrong here. Large scale action must be taken before this problem worsens.

At the other end of the scale is obesity. Obesity is tough for anyone.

A recent study by Utah State University found that girls who are obese are likely to endure lifelong lower income, lower socioeconomic status and are less likely to earn a bachelors degree than their non-obese counterparts.

Changing or altering the way obese people are treated will take much work. It should begin in grade. Fatness is disliked, but obesity is mocked and disrespected at the very least.

Better and healthier diets for kids are a good start, but the fact is some people are genetically predisposed to be obese. They have more fat cells than most people and their metabolism may be considerably slower.

Obesity is increasing in the United States. It’s worse for females because they have less muscle mass than men and naturally have more fat deposits on their chests, buttocks and thighs. Not to mention the weight gain resulting from pregnancy. Furthermore, society’s ‘beauty standard’ though used on both sexes is more intense for females. There’s more pressure for a girl or a woman to look beautiful.

Obese women are often rejected for jobs based on their appearance. The interviewer may not personally have any prejudices of his or her own, however any front desk or public service job requires looking presentable.

A study conducted by the University of Texas at Austin found obese girls are only half as likely to attend college as non-obese girls.

If obesity is uncommon in the high school the obese girl attended the likelihood of attending college drops below the 50 percent mark.

Obese girls are more likely to suffer from medical and psychological conditions than their non-obese counterparts. The likelihood of abusing alcohol, drugs, contemplating suicide and suffering from low self-esteem are also heightened. Worse yet, regardless of the obese female’s age, she’ll be teased and mocked in public; that’s a fact.

But in all fairness, let’s not blame all of this on just being obese. Society as a whole can be really ruthless to obese people. Being teased and mocked at is often another excuse to eat more junk food.

Obese boys are more likely to be bullied. However, in numerous studies obese girls have been shown to be more likely to become bullies.

A recent study conducted by Queen’s University published in the European Journal of Obesity found that obese girls were three times more likely to be bullies (non-physical bullying) than their non-obese peers.

Several years ago I saw an obese woman walking in the mall. With every single step she took she panted heavily. Furthermore, she was sweating profusely. But what shocked me the most is the number of people that were frowning, glaring staring at her.

Thankfully, the obese woman was unaware of what was happening around her; or maybe she was good at pretending that she wasn’t aware; practice makes perfect.

Obesity affects females more than males regarding college attendance. Body image, though tough on both sexes is more important for girls.

Sometimes, obesity can become so profound the behaviour of the person can be saddening. Oftentimes, it can be extremely tough to carry all that extra weight.

While living in the dorms during my school years in Des Moines I knew of a certain undergrad student, a very obese woman who was so lazy she drove from the women’s dormitory to the men’s. The two building were almost beside each other. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t been a resident of the dorms.

But this woman, as told to me by a fellow student who was from her hometown, she’d apparently lost 60 lbs. just before coming to school.

One day, while the woman was lying down on her friend’s dorm room bed she got the urge to pee. She was too lazy to get up and go to the restroom, which was down the hall.

The woman peed in her underwear and pants while she was still lying on her friend’s bed. Wow, I don’t know what to say.

Further back, during my high school days I remember some of townies (NOT ME!) used to call this one obese girl and her obese friend ‘Russian Tank’ and ‘German Tank’.

Referring back to the woman who urinated on her underwear and pants, I remember a guy who made reference to this girl; he put all the blame on her inability to control her eating; ‘all she has to do is stop eating junk food’! He said to me.

This guy had a lightning-fast metabolism. I used to see him eating junk foods like Hostess snacks, candy bars, chips, pizza, burgers, and more. While he made his statement to me regarding the woman he was munching on a Hostess snack, and he had the rest of the carton beside him, like umm he was going to eat the whole box’s worth. He couldn’t see the hypocrisy of his talk. I’m almost certain that he didn’t have the will power to stop eating junk food. Most of us who have plenty of food to eat (including myself) fall into this category. Let’s be honest, most junk food tastes great.

When a person deliberately cuts herself with a sharp object piercing the skin and resulting in noticeable cuts or abrasions that