Feminology- Woman abuse by Bassam. Imam - HTML preview

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-You should always be familiar with your surroundings. For example, when using public transportation every-so-often scan the area to make certain that no one appears unusual or has his/her eyes fixed on you. Your instincts may give you a clue

-Notice the people around you. Is there someone that you keep seeing over and over again in various places? If you start to notice a familiar face wherever you then it may be time to raise your guard. If this persists, you may have to notify the police but remember to document the times, places and dates of seeing this particular person. Take the information with you when you go to the police station

-Stalkers may call you excessively. Often-times, they’ll hang up the phone without saying a word

-Be careful before and after leaving your home, car, etc. Scan the area for the stalker’s presence

-Notice destruction of or rummaging through your property at home and your garbage. Take pictures of and an inventory of damaged property. Notify the police and don’t re-arrange or try to fix anything until after the police have done their work and give you the okay. The damage may be evidence for criminal action against the stalker

-Make absolutely certain that you lock your home door and car doors whenever you’re in them or when leaving

-In more extreme cases your more intimate personal actions may be monitored (emails, mail, phone calls, hidden video cameras, Global Positioning System (GPS)

-Watch out for and never accept gifts

-If you’re deemed to be stalked by the police don’t open any suspicious letters. Give them to the police and explain to them what has been happening. If you find any other pieces of evidence give them to the police

-Keep an eye out for prowler/s (the stalker) near and around your property. In extreme cases the stalker may enter your property. Thereafter, anything may happen

-You get the jittery jumps, the creeps or stressed out from being around the person

-The stalker may make inquiries about you to family and friends

-Stalkers may also pose a danger to your family and friends

-If you feel threatened by this person, or in immediate danger call 911; don’t be shy or embarrassed to make the call.

The police are there to help protect you

-Ask the police for further information on behaviour and safety tips

-If the stalking persists get a restraining order. You may have to follow up with a criminal complaint

-Don’t show affection to the stalker. Furthermore, communication of any sorts will likely worsen the situation

-Ask the police for phone numbers and addresses of stalker hotlines. In addition, ask the police for tips on what to do and what not to do

With little exception stalking victims are fearful, not knowing what to expect from the stalker who by all means is mentally unstable and perhaps planning a violent confrontation if he/she doesn’t get what is expected.

It’s estimated that 3 million people in the United States alone are stalked annually and women receive the brunt of victimization.

In January of 2011 President Obama issued a National Stalking Awareness Month proclamation.

According to Henry Schlieff president and general manager of Investigation Discovery ‘nearly 80 percent of women who were murdered by an intimate partner were stalked by that partner prior to their murder’.

Some perpetrators are considerably more dangerous than the average everyday stalker. These guys are the serial rapists, serial rapists and killers, killers of women and mass killers of women. Their actions are horrible but there’s no doubt that they have a bitter hatred of women and act out that hatred too:

-On December 6, 1989 a gunman (carrying a .22 calibre rifle) named Marc Lepine confronted 60 engineering students in their classroom.

After separating the men from the women, he orders the men to leave the classroom or else.

Thereafter, a massacre ensued. Lepine was after women, killing whomever of them that he could. The shooting rampage occurred on three separate floors and into several classrooms.

Lepine went so far as jumping over desks to shoot women who were hiding beneath.

Lepine made clear whom he wanted to kill when he yelled out ‘I want women’! ‘I hate feminists’!

In spite of at least one plea from at least one victim that they’re not feminists, just engineering students, it was to no avail.

After murdering 14 women and wounding at least one man in the process, Lepine placed his weapon in his mouth and fired. He died, likely instantly.

This sudden massacre shocked the entire school, families of the victims and much of the city of Montreal. This is the biggest massacre of students in the history of Canada. Hopefully it will stay that way; no one wants a repeat occurrence.

Andrei Chikatilo (October 16, 1936 February 14 1994) was born in Soviet Ukraine shortly after the horrible Ukraine famine, and he was no doubt the worst serial killer in the history of the Soviet Union. His nicknames ‘Butcher of Rostov’

‘The Rostov Ripper’ were indicative of how ruthless of a killer he was.

The killings, mutilations and sex crimes began in 1978 in the city of Rostov-a-don.

As a child Chikatilo was conveyed many gruesome stories by his mother of the Ukraine famine, in which cannibalism and other horrible acts occurred.

Chikatilo was married in 1963, and fathered a son and a daughter. But for the most part he was a wimpy husband. His wife often berated him.

The first of Chikatilo’s 52 documented victims was a 9 year-old girl whom he lured into an old house. He tried to rape her but couldn’t get an erection.

But like other rapists, the girl’s struggling aroused him. He strangled and stabbed her to death; the gore and excitement of the act caused him to ejaculate during the process.

Chikatilo preyed on boys and girls, prostitutes and homeless women. He raped many of them, terribly mutilating their bodies in the process, and even cannibalising some of them. He gouged out the eyes of many of