The Women
According to a PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) report, ―Commercial sex workers in Central America are at high risk of HIV infection because their customers frequently do not use condoms. Sex workers often do not insist on the use of condoms since they underestimate the risk of infection, they do not have access to condoms, or they earn more money by providing unprotected sex.
Clients of sex workers act as a bridge between high-risk groups and the general population.‖155
In our 2000 survey, unsafe sex was high and 40% of the sample had practiced vaginal sex without a condom during the last year; 9% of the sample practiced anal sex without a condom; 14% had oral sex with ejaculation without a condom. (Table 10)
We see different self-taken polls and postings from chat rooms about condom use with sex workers. In the most recent one carried in 2005, almost 50% of the mongers admit having had sex with sex workers without a condom.
Have you ever had bbfs156 in CR with intent157, within the past 3 years?