Manual English Spanish by Xu Chima Pérez - HTML preview

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Abandonar: to abandon, to leave.

Abrazar: to embrace.

Abrir: to open.

Absorber: to absorb.

Aburrir: to bore.

Acariciar: to caress.

Acceder: to agree (estar de acuerdo); to access (tener acceso a).

Aceptar: to accept.

Acertar: to succeed.

Aclarar: to clear up.

Acordar: to agree.

Acosar: to harass.

Acostarse: to go to bed (relativo a dormir).

Activar: to activate.

Acusar: to accuse.

Administrar: to manage, to administrate.

Adquirir: to acquire, to get.

Afanar: to toil.

Afanarse: to toil oneself.

Afectar: to affect.

Afeitar: to shave.

Afinar: to tune up.

Afirmar: to affirm.

Afligir: to afflict.

Aflojar: to loose, to loosen.

Agarrar: to catch, to get, to take.

Agitar: to shake, to agitate.

Agotar: to exhaust.

Agotarse: to get exhaust.

Agrandar: to enlarge.

Agredir: to attack.

Aguantar: to endure; to bear (soportar).

Ahogar: to drown.

Ahorrar: to save.

Ahuyentar: to scare away.

Ajustar: to adjust.

Alcanzar: to reach (llegar a…)

Alimentar: to feed.

Alinear: to align.

Aliviar: to alleviate.

Amar: to love.

Amarrar: to hitch, to tie.

Amparar: to project.

Ampliar: to expand.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

Analizar: to analyze.

Animar: to encourage, to cheer (relativo a Dar ánimo).

Apagar: to turn off, to turn out, to put off, to put out.

Aparentar: to pretend.

Aplicar: to apply.

Apoyar: to support.

Aprender: to learn.

Aprehender: to apprehend (rel. a tomar, asimilar…)

Apretar: to press; to tighten.

Archivar: to file, to archive.

Armar: to assemble.

Arreglar: to fix, to repair.

Arrojar: to trot.

Asegurar: to assure, to affirm.

Asfixiar: to suffocate.

Asistir: to attend, to assist.

Asombrar: to amaze; to astonish.

Asustar: to frighten.

Atar: to tie up, to tie.

Atender: to wait on, to attend.

Atrapar: to trap, to catch, to capture.

Aumentar: to enlarge, to increase.

Avisar: to notify; to inform; to warn; to report on.

Ayudar: to help.

Bailar: to dance.

Bajar: to climb down, to descend.

Balancear: to swing, to balance.

Balancearse: to swing oneself.

Bañar: to bathe.

Bañarse: to take a bath, to get bathed.

Barrer: to sweep.

Beber: to drink.

Besar: to kiss.

Bloquear: to block.

Borrar: to erase, to delete.

Botar: to throw away.

Brillar: to shine.

Brindar: to offer.

Bromear: to joke, to tease, to make a joke.

Broncearse: to get suntanned.

Bucear: to dive.

Buscar: to search, to look for, to search for, to seek.

Calentar: to heat.

Callar: to silence, to shut up.

Calumniar: to calumniate.

Cambiar: to change.

Caminar: to walk.

Camuflar: to camouflage.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

Cantar: to sing.

Capturar: to capture, to catch.

Cargar: to carry, to load, to enter.

Casar: to marry, to get marry.

Castigar: to punish.

Cazar: to hunt.

Centrar: to center.

Ceñir: to gird.

Cerrar: to close, to shut.

Charlar: to chat.

Chequear: to check.

Chillar: to scream.

Chismosear: to gossip.

Chupar: to suck.

Cocinar: to cook.

Coger: to catch, to take.

Colaborar: to collaborate.

Colgar: to hang.

Colocar: to put, to place.

Combinar: to combine.

Comenzar: to begin, to start.

Comer: to eat.

Comparar: to compare.

Compartir: to share.

Comprar: to buy.

Comprender: to comprehend, to understand.

Comunicar: to comunicate.

Conducir: to drive, to lead.

Confiar: to hope (rel. a tener esperanza), to trust (tener confianza en alguien).

Configurar: to configure.

Conquistar: to conquer.

Conseguir: to get, to obtain.

Conservar: to conserve, to keep.

Construir: to build.

Contar: to count, to tell.

Controlar: to control.

Convertir: to convert.

Cooperar: to cooperate.

Copiar: to copy.

Corregir: to correct.

Correr: to run.

Cortar: to cut.

Cosechar: to harvest.

Coser: to sew.

Crear: to create.

Creer: to believe, to think, to think so.

Cruzar: to cross.

Cultivar: to cultivate.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

Curar: to cure.

Dañar: to damage.

Dar: to give.

Deber: to must (de obligación), to owe (de deuda).

Debilitar: to weaken.

Decidir: to decide.

Decir: to say, to tell.

Declinar: to decline.

Deducir: to deduce.

Defecar: to do shit, to defecate.

Defender: to defend.

Dejar: to leave, to let, to abandon.

Derribar: to knock down.

Desactivar: to deactive.

Descansar: to rest, to take a rest.

Descomponer: to break down, to disassemble.

Desempacar: to unpack.

Desencriptar: to desencrypt.

Desenredar: to untangle.

Desenvolver: to unfold, to manage, to act.

Desgarrar: to tear off, to tear.

Deshacer: to undo.

Desinflar: to deflate.

Desinstalar: to uninstall.

Desintegrar: to desintegrate.

Deslizar: to slide.

Desmenuzar: to cut into pieces.

Desmontar: to disassemble, to climb down, to get down.

Desnudar: to strip.

Desnudarse: to strip oneself.

Desobedecer: to disobey.

Despedazar: to tear up, to tear off.

Destacar: to emphasize.

Destrozar: to destroy, to tear off

Destruir: to destroy.

Desvestir: to undress.

Desvestirse: to undress oneself.

Detener: to stop.

Dibujar: to draw.

Difamar: to defame.

Difundir: to diffuse, to cast

Digerir: to digest.

Dilatar: to dilate.

Disculpar: to excuse.

Discutir: to discuss.

Diseñar: to design.

Disfrutar: to enjoy

Disimular: to dissemble.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

Disminuir: to diminish, to reduce.

Disparar: to shoot.

Dispersar: to scatter.

Disponer: to arrange.

Distribuir: to distribute.

Divertir: to entertain.

Divertirse: to entertain oneself.

Dividir: to divide.

Doblar: to double, to turn

Donar: to donate.

Dormir: to sleep.

Drenar: to drain.

Durar: to last.

Echar: to throw, **Echar de menos (extrañar): to miss.

Editar: to edit.

Elaborar: to elaborate, to make.

Elegir: to elect, to choose.

Eliminar: to eliminate, to delete.

Elogiar: to praise.

Empacar: to pack.

Empañar: to blur.

Empaquetar: to package.

Empezar: to begin, to start.

Empujar: to push.

Emular: to rival.

Encabezar: to head.

Encender: to light, to put on, to take on.

Encerrar: to enclose.

Encoger: to shrink.

Encontrar: to find.

Encriptar: to encrypt.

Enfurecer: to enrage, to get furious, to get angry.

Engañar: to declive.

Enlistar: to enlist.

Enredar: to entangle.

Enseñar: to teach.

Ensuciar: to dirty, to do shit.

Entender: to understand.

Entrenar: to train.

Entristecer: to get sad.

Entristecerse: to get sad oneself.

Enviar: to send.

Envolver: to wrap.

Escapar: to escape.

Esconder: to hide.

Esconderse: to hide oneself.

Escribir: to write.

Escuchar: to listen.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

Espantar: to frighten.

Esperar: to wait for, to expect, to hope.

Espiar: to spy.

Esquiar: to ski.

Establecer: to stablish.

Estar: to be.

Estirar: to stretch.

Estirarse: to stretch oneself.

Estudiar: to study.

Evitar: to avoid.

Explorar: to explore.

Exponer: to expose.

Expresar: to express.

Exprimir: to squeeze.

Expulsar: to expel.

Extender: to extend.

Extenderse: to extend oneself.

Extraer: to extract.

Extrañar: to miss.

Fallar: to fail.

Favorecer: to favor.

Felicitar: to congratulate.

Finalizar: to finalize, to finish, to end.

Fingir: to pretend.

Firmar: to sign.

Flaquear: to become weakened.

Formatear: to format.

Formular: to formulate.

Fornicar: to make love, to fuck, to fornicate.

Fortalecer: to fortify.

Fragmentar: to fragment, to divide.

Frenar: to brake.

Ganar: to win, to gain.

Gastar: to spend

Gemir: to moan.

Generar: to generate.

Girar: to turn.

Golpear: to hit.

Grabar: to record, to tape.

Gritar: to shout.

Guardar: to keep.

Guiar: to lead, to drive, to guide.

Gustar: to like.

Haber: to have.

Habitar: to inhabit.

Hablar: to speak, to talk.

Hacer: to do, to make.

Herir: to hurt.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

Huir: to flee, to escape, to run away.

Iluminar: to illuminate.

Imaginar: to imagine.

Imprimir: to print.

Incomodar: to disturb, to annoy, to bother.

Inducir: to induce.

Inflar: to inflate.

Inhalar: to inhale.

Iniciar: to initiate, to begin.

Insertar: to insert.

Instalar: to install.

Instruir: to instruct, to teach.

Intercambiar: to exchange.

Interpretar: to interpret.

Ir: to go.

Jugar: to play, to gamble

Juntar: to join.

Juntarse: to join oneself.

Justificar: to justify.

Lanzar: to throw.

Leer: to read.

Liberar: to free.

Licuar: to liquefy.

Liderar: to lead.

Limpiar: to clean.

Llamar: to call.

Llegar: to arrive, to get.

Llenar: to fill.

Llevar: to carry, to take, to bring.

Llorar: to cry.

Luchar: to fight.

Manejar: to handle, to drive (a car…)

Mantener: to maintain, to keep.

Marcar: to mark.

Masticar: to chew.

Matar: to kill.

Matizar: to tint.

Maximizar: to maximize.

Mear: to do pis.

Mentir: to lie.

Meter: to put.

Minimizar: to minimize.

Mirar: to look, to look at.

Molestar: to bother, to annoy, to disturb, to tease.

Montar: to mount, to get on

Morder: to bite.

Mostrar: to show.

Multiplicar: to multiply.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

Murmurar: to whisper.

Nadar: to swim.

Narrar: to narrate, to tell.

Negar: to deny.

Notar: to note, to notice.

Obedecer: to obey.

Observar: to match, to observe.

Obtener: to obtain, to get.

Ocultar: to hide.

Ocupar: to occupy.

Ocurrir: to happen, to occur.

Odiar: to hate.

Oír: to hear.

Oler: to smell.

Olfatear: to smell, to sniff, to detect.

Operar: to operate.

Oprimir: to press.

Ordenar: to order.

Organizar: to organize.

Orinar: to urinate (relativo a oxidar), to do pis (relativo a mear).
