Ask the River by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

The canteen was empty apart from the small group occupying the table in the far corner.

“... and because the intel on previous visits shows he’s got extensive CCTV it’s going to be difficult to get someone in the back garden so I’ve arranged for a drone with thermal imaging to box that aspect off. Any questions?” Thurstan sat back.

Degsy took a mouthful of mineral water. “As a plan, it’s as good as any but are we sure we don’t need firearms support at the scene?”

Thurstan poured the sugar sachet into his cup and stirred. “Well, there’s no intel to suggest he has a weapon in the house and anyway, Derek, in my previous dealings with him he’s never given me any trouble. He’s too fly for that sort of thing. We’ll keep it low key, just us and the two search teams to the premises but I’ll ask for a couple of ARVs out of sight at the end of the road if it makes you all feel better.” He saw the consensus of opinion.

 “Right, we’ll do that then and I’ll have the search warrant to put him on his back foot, then when we’re in, we’ll arrest him on suspicion.” 

“Wouldn’t it be better if one of the search teams were fully kitted up and brought a door opener, Boss, just in case? It won’t take them long to de-kit for the search once we’re in.”  Spud looked at him cautiously. “It’s just my experience, Boss.  Best practice.”

The DCI sipped his coffee. “Actually, Alison, that’s not a bad idea. We’ll do that. ”

“So, what are the timings?”

“Eleven o’clock briefing, Derek, in the office then, we visit Mister Fenton at midnight if he keeps to his recent schedule.”


The door opened and Mickey Fenton stared at the four MIT Officers walking towards him, the entry team trailing behind. He shook his head slowly and affected a sad look. “I thought I’d open the door in case you all got over excited and decided to trash it. You must be struggling for something to do if you have to come calling on me, Mister Baddeley. I was just about to go to bed. Can’t it wait ‘til the morning?”

Thurstan produced the warrant and looked at his watch. “Technically Mickey, it is the morning. I have a warrant.”

Fenton smiled. “Ah, the magic piece of paper. You’d better come in then. Oh, and tell that lot to wipe their feet. You’ve not got anyone lurking in my garden, have you?”

“No, Mickey. I thought you’d appreciate it if we kept it low key.”

“Low key is when you just stick a note through the door and leave the circus behind.” A sarcastic smile. “You after anything in particular? My porn stash is in the garage if that’s what you want, although I’d have thought, on your wages, you could afford to buy your own, to be honest, or is it just another fishing trip?”

“Neither, Mickey. I’m arresting you on suspicion of murdering Stanley John Brannan. You might remember him? He was your accountant. Now, after this Officer has said some special words to you, you might be kind enough to show DC Randalph, here, where your computer is. “He turned to his DS. “Caution him, Alison.”