Beckoning The Crab Man by Blake Steidler - HTML preview

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The Crab Man Chapter 10

The response time of Detective Winters and Dr. Kedson had Shawna and Eddie a little freaked out.

Had they been staking out possibly in an unmarked van across the street? How had they arrived to Eddie’s BMW so soon?

The trunk remained popped open and Detective Winters asked that Shawna leave the bird trail Hershey kisses alone until EVERYTHING was photographed. Both the detective and the psychiatrist wasted no time putting on latex gloves before vetting the inside of Eddie’s trunk.

Winters bent over the trunk then quickly paused remembering protocol.

“And we do have permission to search your trunk is that correct Eddie?”

Eddie nodded. “Yes of course detective. Shawna and I have nothing to hide.”

Detective Winters clicked a flashlight and shone it brightly inside the trunk then gaped in horror.

“Ohhhh I’m afraid we have a body in here. Yup. Wrapped yet again in another black trash bag.”

Shawna cupped her mouth and stepped back a little. Bile was rising up in her throat and it made her sick just how close she had managed to get to Dirty Bird. “Is there another crab pin in there?” She asked.

“Not that I see yet but that’s not to say it’s not pinned to something in there.”

Winters ever so slowly unfurled the top portion of the trash bag to ID the body. He was careful not to muss the short brown curly hair as he exposed the female’s head.

Eddie groaned. “Oh my gosh! That’s Miss Amy! Miss Amy from the bank! I know that woman!”

Winters shined the light on the white out to read what Dirty Bird had written on the bag. Once again three big letters RBF. He poked at the bag a little to discover yet another hand written message on the trash bag.

Bitch purposely hid the blueberry flavored K-cups the message had said.

Eddie couldn’t take it. He shook his head in disbelief. “Aww! Nah-nah-nah! Telling me Dirty Bird took this sweet Lil lady out cuz he thinks she was purposely hiding his favorite flavored coffee?”

Winters didn’t know how to respond. Instead he kept quiet letting Eddie answer his own question while he continued to vet the trunk. He noticed something. Something white and latex looking. The detective plucked his pen from his shirt pocket and used it like tweezers to pick something from the side of the trunk. A white sticky unfurled finger condom. He held it out towards Eddie while trying to keep a straight face.

“This belong to you Eddie?”

Before he could answer Shawna couldn’t help but chuckle and answer for her man. “Hey Eddie the detective here wants to know if that finger condom belong to you. I don’t even think I could roll that Lil thing on my pinky.”

Eddie managed a chuckle. “Get that thing away from me I don’t know nuthn about some Tweety bird condom. What’s that yellow shit leaking from it?

Don’t tell me Bob had his way with Miss Amy?”

The Psychiatrist immediately ended the humor. “We don’t know yet if the subject raped the victim but if he did he definitely didn’t do it with that. That appears to be egg yolk inside of that finger condom. They sell those things in the first aide section at every Walmart. I think Bob is just trying to get inside our heads.”

Eddie acted tough. “Ain’t no Dirty Bird getting inside of mine.”

Shawna agreed “Me neither”.

Dr. Kedson took over the conversation while the detective took notes and incessant photographs of the crime scene.

“Can I see the card?” Asked Kedson.

“Sure”. Eddie went inside his BMW and grabbed the homemade card from his front seat then handed it to the psychiatrist. Kedson adjusted his glasses before reading it carefully.

“The card didn’t startle you?”

“No.” Said Eddie. “That’s Shawna’s handwriting.”

Shawna walked over to look at the card. “Babe I didn’t write this. What you think it’s your birthday or sumthn?”

Kedson interrupted. “We know you didn’t write this. This guy is clever I’m sure he thought of something. It’s not hard these days to steal someone’s handwriting.”

Kedson whipped out a magnifying glass to inspect the handwriting on the card.

“And look. It doesn’t appear to be written on at all. This was printed on with a printer.”

Kedson handed back Eddie the card. “The weapon. Shawna said he dropped his weapon after running away. May I take a look at his homemade weapon?”

“Sure” Shawna raced over to the sidewall she had propped up the Stanley Super Soaker Crab Killer and brought it over to Kedson. “He must have access to some pretty good tools to build a weapon like this” she said as she handed it over.

The Stanley Super Soaker was quite a well crafted high powered squirt gun quite capable of killing crabs. Three vacuum sealed thermoses had been welded together with a homemade pump followed by a Rambo looking shoulder strap that mimicked one belonging to an AK-47.

The investigation was interrupted by flashing lights as paramedics arrived to check on Eddie. A white ambulance nosed it’s way on up in their direction and four attractive paramedics in their twenties and early thirties jumped out of the van and set up a stretcher for Eddie not knowing how much medical attention he would need but also not wanting to be under prepared. A young brunette paramedic with a long pony tail insisted Eddie sit on the gurney while she nurtured his burns.

“Oh my gosh!” She said. “What happened? These look like third degree burns!”

Eddie liked the attention but could sense Shawna didn’t want him getting too flirty.

“I got attacked by some Dirty Bird with a squirt gun that’s all. The real damage is in the trunk.”

The paramedic wrapped his wounds in gauze with a look of concern on her face. “Yeah we heard on the radio. Something very sick is going on.”

The fourth paramedic was a young blonde haired man feeling left out from the work load so he decided to go smoke a cigarette off in the distance while the alphabet team did their thing. He didn’t really like coming out to these parts of the city but by now he had gotten used to it. Despite being a health care worker he found that smoking a cigarette often deterred the street bums from bum rushing and often led them to believe he was a newer employee most likely reluctant to share his weekly paycheck with them for their drug needs.

Matthew continued to saunter farther and farther away from the ambulance so the rest of the team could not see him smoking. He was walking along when he felt something crunch beneath his feet. He looked down. A pair of glasses. A pair of black framed glasses as a matter of fact. He picked them up to inspect them more closely when he realized it was actually a lot more than just a regular pair of glasses.

He raced them over to the detective and the psychiatrist.

“Look! Look what I found! Did somebody drop a pair of Google glasses? These things are rather expensive!”