Beckoning The Crab Man by Blake Steidler - HTML preview

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All four of them could feel the eerie ambience in the air. Tigra, Eddie, and Simon chit chatted amongst each other while the Chiropractor processed things as quickly as she could. She knew from her college studies that schizophrenics were drawn to bodies of water and power so some of this was starting to make sense. The power plant, the Deleware river, but the most interesting part that caught her attention? The jurisdiction issue.

What a Dirty Dirty bird Spyder Woman thought to herself, You’re just known for contingency plans aren’t you Bob?

Spyder Woman stopped the group and pointed towards the power plant spewing up smoke rings into the clouds.

“That power plant over there is actually in New Jersey isn’t it?”

Tigra quickly checked Google maps on her phone. “It is as a matter of fact”.

The chiropractor pondered a little while longer then pointed up north.

“And Pennsylvania is literally only a few miles that way yet we’re standing in Deleware.”

Eddie and Simon didn’t seem to understand where Spyder Woman was going with her Sherlock Holmes theory but Tigra seemed interested and figured out where she was going with her hypothesis.

“We’re within an earshot of all three states. I guess if someone spotted Bob it would be difficult to know which state troopers to call. PA, Deleware or Jersey?”

Said Tigra

“My thoughts exactly.” Replied Spyder Woman. She then pointed towards the rock peninsula protruding into the river. “And those big rocks. Occasionally fisherman come out there to fish but it’s dangerous hopping those rocks and I’ll bet takes a good twenty minutes to get across them.”

“So nobody could creep up on him.” Added Tigra.

Eddie cut them off. “Let’s check out the rocks later. First let’s have Simon show us his doodles in the Port-a-Potty that got Dirty Bird all in a ruckus.”

Just along the hedge row of bushes was two port-a- potties. Simon had no trouble remembering which one he had doodled in with his sharpie. Each Port-a- Potty had an outside sticker on it that said Property Of St. Agustine Beach.

Eddie pulled on the Green door and shined a flashlight inside. It didn’t take him long to see Simon’s Crab Man caricature scrawled in black ink. Above was Simon’s writing “Fear The Crab Man”

EVERYBODY chuckled except for the chiropractor. That’s what made her so smart. One had to say something exceptionally funny to get a doctor to laugh. Spyder Woman recognized my writing immediately.

“Look Simon! It looks like Bob left some words for your uncle right above it. Says Birds eat crabs.” She recognized it to definitely be Bob’s handwriting.

The timing was perfect. It was enough to startle the entire group. A huge bird flew over top of them with a crab in it’s mouth. Goosebumps trickled down the napes of their necks as the bird flew away with the tasty crab treat in it’s mouth. Eddie shut the door to the Port-a-potty and led them towards the secret rendezvous point at the rocks meant for Dirty Bird and Spyder Woman to furtively exchange information.

As they made their way towards the secret place at the rocks Eddie couldn’t help but ask a curious question to the chiropractor.

“So Spyder Woman. This place meant a lot to Dirty Bird until I allegedly encroached upon it. You telling me that this is your first time here? You and Bob never actually met here?”

Tigra and Spyder Woman laughed simultaneously. “I’ve never met Bob outside of my clinic. Bob was as delusional as they come. That mysterious look in his eyes over and over. It was quite obvious he was hiding something very deep.”

Eddie struggled a little bit but Simon seemed to have the most easiest time getting across the big huge rocks that led out into the water. Hopping the rocks was fun but even the Scribble kid found himself a little confused about how the rocks came into play. “So what are we doing here at the rocks? We looking for something Spyder Woman?”

The chiropractor chuckled. “I think Dirty Bob had more important intentions of just handing over his document for his spider comic fantasies. Bob was on the terror watchlist for some runups with the Feds years ago. He knew he was always under the watchful eye.”

“So what are you suggesting?” Asked Simon.

The Chiropractor took the flashlight and shone it deep between the rocks until she noticed something metallic and shiny. “Hmm ..looks like someone dropped their watch down there between these rocks.”

Spyder Woman tried to reach under the rock as far as she could and groped around until she felt some fishing string. She tugged on the fishing line and noticed it was tied to the Rolex deep within the cracks. Eddie knew his jewelry. Just seeing that crown printed on the Rolex got him all excited.

“Ha ha!” Cheered The Crab Man, “Looks like we just located Dirty Bird’s Terror funds!”

The Chiropractor pulled on the line to reel up the Rolex between the rocks but it got stuck between the big huge rocks. “Uh-oh! If I pull any harder on this fishing line it will snap and that ten thousand dollar Rolex will be gone.”

Tigra was fascinated. “So this is why this place at the rocks was such a secret! I wonder how many Rolexes he hid between these rocks?”

The chiropractor had no choice but to remain holding the fishing line at the same exact tension. If she eased up on the line the watch would fall deeper between the rocks possibly getting pinched in a harder spot. She eyed up Eddie’s big pincher claws.

“Hey Eddie. How much torque you got in those pinchers of yours?”

It was time for Eddie to shine. He clasped his pincher claw in the air showing off it’s pincher ability. “There’s more torque in these pinchers than a tow motor!”

"I need your pincher Mr. Crab Man! I need you to separate these rocks so I can pull up this Rolex. We’re taking Dirty Bird’s Terror funds. And we’re taking all of it!

Eddie rammed his giant pincher in between the rocks more than eager to help. “I do like my jewelry! Ole Dirty Bird sure had good taste in expensive watches!”

The Crab Man used his crab pincher strength to separate the rocks. "E-r-r-r-r! He growled like biblical Sampson.

Tigra cheered for him. “Come on Mr. Crab Man! Get us a shiny piece!”

“E-r-r-r-r!” A big huge rock began to separate and Spyder Woman had no problems reeling up the $10,000 Rolex.

She handed it over to Eddie. “This is a man’s Rolex. Would look good on you Eddie. Except just one problem.”

Eddie caught his breath and wiped the sweat away from his forehead with his shirt showing off his six pack abs.

Spyder Woman chuckled. “How you gonna wrap it around that big massive claw?”

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