Chinese Dragon by Dave Barraclough - HTML preview

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Chapter Forty-one.


As I was leaving my apartment the next morning I walked straight into Inspector Lee Shi-hoo.

'I'd just like a word with you, sir?' he said, edging me back into the apartment. 'I shan't keep you a moment'.

'You'd better not', I said. 'I've an appointment in twenty minutes time'.

In the living room Mrs Kim was gathering my breakfast tray. 'Would the gentleman like a cup of tea, Mr Moon?' she inquired.

I told her the visitor wasn't staying and she took the hint.

'You wouldn't be able to get rid of a wife as easily as that', Lee said enviously when Mrs Kim had gone. 'There are times when I wish I was a bachelor again, sir'.

'Why? A policeman can always find an excuse for being out late. I should think you have the best of both worlds, Inspector'.

'Odd you should mention being out late', he said, lifting an eyebrow. 'What time did you get back last night, sir?'

'So that Park Warden did get the number of my car', I said urbanely. 'Well, what is it you want to know?'

'The name of the man you said you were going to drive to the hospital'.

'He was a friend of mine. I brought him back here. All he needed was a brandy'.

'According to our information he was badly beaten up. Do you know why he was beaten up, sir?'

'If I knew that, Inspector, the problem of juvenile delinquents would be solved'.

'Yobs, eh? That's what the Park Warden thought'. He eyed me quizzically.

'Quite a coincidence his being a friend of yours, wasn't it?''I'm plagued with coincidences. A man is murdered, and my fingerprints turn up on the door'. I laughed. 'That's the sort of coincidence I'm always running up against'.

'I shouldn't let it happen too often, sir. It could prove awkward'.

'Such as my being suspected of murder, for instance?'

'You're not under any suspicion in the Doyle murder, Mr Moon', he informed me somewhat reluctantly. 'Although we do think you know who did it'. He studied his hat-band carefully. 'It's a serious offence to withhold evidence that could assist the police in their inquiries'.

'What makes you think I would defy the police?'

'You seem to be very friendly with the lady who occupies the apartment where the body was found, Mr Moon. Women do tend to confide in . well, a rather special man, you know, sir'.

'I do know some of the facts of life, Inspector. But if there's any "special" man, as you so discreetly call it, in Miss Kim's life, it's the man she's engaged to'.

'I saw Mr Yun just before coming here. He tells me the engagement is broken off. I gathered he wasn't too happy about your friendship with Miss Kim'.

'That's strange . When he was here yesterday he gave me the impression that he thought you were being rather over-zealous in your visits to her . But I shouldn't let it worry you, Inspector'.

'I shan't', he assured me. 'Though you'd be surprised how careful a policeman has to be sometimes. A woman as attractive as Miss Kim, for instance, can lead you right up the garden path'.

'Well, I'm not a policeman . '

'You do mix with some rather strange people', he countered, and I presumed he was referring to I'm Sun-taek.

'I have many friends', I said. 'I don't always ask them how they earn theirliving'.

'As a policeman, it's the first thing I want to know. We're always interested in a man who has no known occupation'. He rubbed his chin. 'You fall into that category, sir'.

'For your police records I'm an engineer by profession, temporarily engaged in journalistic work. Does that satisfy you?'

'It doesn't explain why you have so much free time, Mr Moon. Or what you do with it'.

'What's all this leading up to?'

'Just this, sir. I suggest you leave police business to those who are paid todo it'.

'Why should you think I dabble in police business?' I challenged.

'You're too interested in the Doyle murder, sir. And if you'll take my advice, you'll  keep clear of it. Doyle was mixed up with some unpleasant characters who can be very nasty indeed with anyone who crosses their path. I'm warning you, Mr Moon'.

'Thanks, Inspector. By the way, did you ever trace this Bae you've been questioning us about?'

'We know that Bae Yeon-seok is the head of the North Korean diamond organisation that Doyle was working for. That's as far as we've got'. He gave me a

penetrating stare. 'Why did you ask that?'

'I was curious, that's all'.'Then I advise you to restrain your curiosity, sir'. He walked to the door, then turned. 'And if you do happen to get to know anything more about Bae, telephone me - at once! That's an order, Mr Moon! Otherwise you may find yourself charged with obstructing the police. I don't care who's behind you', he went on emphatically, 'I'll make it my business to see that you get six months! I mean that'.

From the look on his face I was sure that he did.

As I took a taxi to World Cup Buk-ro I wondered just how much pull Na had with the police - and whether or not he'd use it  on my behalf if it  came to a showdown. I had an unpleasant feeling that he wouldn't.