Chinese Dragon by Dave Barraclough - HTML preview

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Chapter Forty-two


Kong So-ra was talking to Jaw-long when I arrived at The Golden Sun, and as she caught sight of me the smile faded from her face. He followed her eyes and, turning quickly, hurried behind the counter.

I crossed to her table and sat down. As I did so Jaw-long left the counter and quickly locked the door, deftly switching the 'Open' sign to 'Closed'.

As I watched him I heard Kong So-ra saying: 'Would you like a tea, Mr Moon?'

'No, thank you', I replied, still keeping a wary eye on Jaw-long. Without a glance at us he returned to the counter. 'Well, what is it you want to see me about?' I asked Kong.

She dropped a lump of sugar into her strong tea, and stirred it slowly. 'I'm worried about Su-mi', she replied, with a rueful smile. 'She's broken off her engagement'.

'Why should that worry you?' I asked, making no effort to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

'Hyeok's making such a nuisance of himself, running her nerves ragged, trying to get her to change her mind'.

'How did you expect him to take it?'

'I thought you might talk to Su-mi', she said. 'She listens to you. If you can just convince her she's done the right thing . '

I regarded her with some amusement. 'Is that why you asked me here this morning, simply to persuade me to boost your friend's morale?'

Her eyes hardened. 'It wasn't the main reason'.

'Then why don't we come to the main reason?'

She glanced across at Jaw-long, then lowered her voice. 'I want the diamonds', she said coolly.

I effected a look of surprise. 'What diamonds?'

'Let's not play games', she replied, her tone hardening. 'I know you have the Doyle diamonds'.

I laughed incredulously. 'What the hell's got into you, Kong? Do you mean to say Doyle really was carrying diamonds?'

'You know he was'. She looked over to Jaw-long and nodded. 'All right, Jaw-long'.

He reached under the counter and produced a tape recorder, then pressed the starting switch. I recognised No Jung-jong's voice immediately.

'How much do you want for them, Moon?'

'Not a middle-man's price. But I'll do a deal with your boss'.

'Who said I had a boss?'


I listened to a little more of that familiar conversation, then Kong So-ra nodded to Jaw-long once more and he obediently switched off the tape recorder. There was a pause.

'So you didn't trust No Jung-jong', I said at last.

'Bae didn't. But then Bae Yeon-seok doesn't trust anyone. Not even me'.

'Apparently he trusts you to buy diamonds for him', I said. 'Well, Kong, how much are you prepared to pay?'

'I'm not prepared to pay anything', she said coldly. 'Just hand them over to me, and we'll consider the matter closed'.

'And supposing I don't hand them over, Kong?'

She shrugged. 'We'll simply tell the police you have them. That, coupled with the fact that your fingerprints were found in Su-mi's flat, will put you really on the spot'.

'As Doyle's murderer, you mean?' I said. 'Is that what you're trying to pin on me? Play through the rest of that tape. Then you'll hear how I happened to be in the apartment'.

'I have played it through, Han-sang. Do you think the police will swallow that story of the key being slipped under the door?'

'How would I have got in otherwise?'

'The same way Doyle got in - via the balcony'.

'And why would he go up that way?' I said incredulously. 'Somebody inside the apartment let him in'.

So Su-mi hasn't told you what really did happen?' She gave a short laugh. 'Then I'll tell you. You see, Doyle had a sideline to his diamond smuggling'.'Blackmail?'

She nodded. 'He picked up your camera at  the Chinese  Dragon, probably accidentally. Then when he'd run the film through, he thought he had a video he could use to blackmail Su-mi. He'd discovered she had a jealous fiance who'd be livid when he knew another man had taken such an interest in her'.

'There's a perfectly innocent explanation. Hasn't Su-mi told you?'

'About you wanting an attractive girl in your pictures of Shanghai?' She laughed again. 'Su-mi's a damn little idiot to fall for that! But to get back to Doyle - he phoned Su-mi to find out how much she'd pay for the video. She thought he was crazy and refused to buy the film from him. So he entered her apartment by way of the balcony to try and scare her into doing a deal'.

'How do you know all this?' I countered. 'Were you there at the time?'

'It's obvious. Su-mi went to Hyeok's - you followed Doyle and went in via the balcony after him. You knew he had the diamonds on him. You told No Jung- jong as much, and it's on the tape recorder, don't forget. You can't wriggle out this time'.

I'm was right. It had been a mistake to tell No Jung-jong I was in the apartment that night. 'I was  there', I admitted, 'but Doyle was  already dead. He was murdered by whoever slipped the key to me'.

'Who'll believe that? Not the police, you can be sure. You give me the diamonds and I'll have that tape recording erased'.

'You work for Bae', I said. 'I dragged that out of No Jung-jong yesterday evening, after he'd been beaten up'. I glanced at my watch. No Jung-jong would be on his way to Vancouver by now. 'Yes', I said guiltily, 'I was in the apartment, and I answered the phone when you rang to warn Su-mi that someone was curious about Bae Yeon-seok and World Cup Buk-ro'.

She nodded. 'But the "someone" was Yun Hyeok. Don't try to pin anything on Su- mi, Han-sang. She's just a damn little fool who can't make up her mind'.

'Then why that call about Bae? If she's not mixed up with him, why the warning?'

'Bae has seen me with Kim Su-mi. He's fallen for her, and he wanted me to arrange for him to meet her here at The Golden Sun. Yun came into the gallery one day while Su-mi was out, and said he'd overheard her making arrangements to meet someone. That's why I phoned Su-mi on the night of the murder - to warn her that Yun was getting suspicious'.

'Tell me - did Su-mi ever meet Bae?' I asked.

'Never', she said emphatically. 'Nor does she know anything about the diamond set-up'.

Though I was far from satisfied I didn't want any further argument. 'All right, Kong', I said, 'I'll accept your explanation. But you can tell Bae that I want twelve million won for those diamonds. They're worth a great deal more, and I've no doubt he'll make a nice profit. I want twelve million, nothing less and I want it from Bae himself'.She stared at me suspiciously. 'You wouldn't be working for the police, would you, Han-sang?'

'Does it sound like it', I retorted  quickly, 'when I'm offering blood diamonds for sale? But if Bae Yeon-seok doesn't come through with  twelve million I'll tip the police off about you. So you'd better do some fast talking'.

She considered this for a few minutes, then said: 'I'll try to arrange for Bae to meet you, I promise you that'. Then her mouth tightened. 'But I promise you something else. You'll get a beating up later that will make you think No Jung- jong's was fun and games with the kindergarten class'.

I made it obvious that this threat didn't bother me at all. As I moved to the door I took Jaw-long aside.

'You'd better think up an alibi for eleven o'clock last night'. I advised. 'The police are looking for the thugs who beat up a man on Namsan Park at about that time. Before I go to meet Bae I shall write a letter to Inspector Lee Shi-hoo telling him to call in here if I should be away from my apartment for longer than twenty– four hours. You might keep that in mind, Jaw-long'.

'He can have a tea on the house', Jaw-long said threateningly. 'While he's listening to that tape recording, Mr Moon'.

'Then maybe he'll let you hear a recording of my conversation with No Jung-jong after he was beaten up last night', I said, grinning at him. 'Your name crops up in it several times . I'll leave the "Closed" notice on the door', I said casually as I put my hand on the latch. 'I've an idea it'll be there for a long, long time. Good morning, Jaw-long'.

I  went out, reflecting with some amusement that, for a Chinese, Jaw-long's command of obscene Korean was remarkable.