Collection of Short Stories by Rokesh Kapali - HTML preview

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Yes, certainly, I was suffering from more frustration than before. I started forgetting which household items I slammed on the floor and wonder when I did it.

Nothing seemed unusual when I started working in that company. They really had big deals. On my first day, I was provided with a ledger with all the transactions done by the company. One noteworthy deal was done with the country’s National bank worth $20000. For such a huge amount, this company built a core banking software for that bank. I don't know much about the software, the only thing I know is they make real money.

I remember, the era of Smartphone had already begun. By the time GGD has taken more than ten new projects at hand regarding something called android. Mr. Taylor always said, it is the future, it is the money. There were fifty, newly hired, Android programmers working for the company additional to ten old ones. The future of the company looked prosperous.

I was regular to my work and indulging with the financial matters and dealing with big people, as they said, I did not have time to worry about my case. I was excelling at my work. Meanwhile, I was waiting for the outcome of the police investigation.

For a few days I was busy at work and social gatherings with my colleagues circle. My social circle was expanding exponentially. People, slowly, began to know me. A month passed like a wind. And then another. Everything was going fine.

One day, while I was getting out of my house, I checked my post box which I do on a regular basis. To my surprise, there was an anonymous letter, even, without a date. There was nothing over the envelope. I was sure that it wasn't there for long time as I checked my letter box just the day before yesterday morning when it was empty. So someone might have placed it yesterday or on Wednesday after I left the house for work. Deciding to open it later I hustled towards my office.

I was eager to open the letter I had in my bag but I tried my best to maintain workplace discipline to not get diverted towards something else from work, while I was at work, even though I hadn't much to do that day. I waited until everyone waved goodbye and strayed towards their destinations. Holding my umbrella I approached a bus station where I had to wait for approximately 10 minutes to catch one.

While I was returning by bus, on the way, I felt I was being watched so I looked back and around but the people there were in their own world. I took out the envelope, tore it and pulled out the core and unfolded it.

Suddenly the bus jerked and I was thrown upwards because its tire stumbled on the crocodile cracking. Holding the letter firmly, I read the first line. The first line was:

“You haven’t killed anyone but someone close to you did and I cannot reveal my identity to you right now because I work in the same place as you do. And these people are dangerous. Sorry! ”

My mind went blank for a while and I almost missed my station but, fortunately, I didn't. I had queer feeling that someone around my neighboring was tracking me. I became conscious about each and every house around me leaving me insecure even inside my own house.

Throwing the wet umbrella to a corner, I rushed to close all the curtains and lightened all the bulbs inside my house. My blood pressure ascended, as I could feel every pulse around the back of my head, and I felt insecure and worried because of all these unknown occurrences. I didn't want to go to my workplace anymore.

Suddenly, my syndrome hit me back. I couldn’t breathe, I headed towards the kitchen and pulled out a whiskey and drank it, straight, from the bottle. After emptying half the bottle in single attempt, I took a long breath and said to myself, “I knew this. I did not kill anyone.” I again read the letter if there was any clue that I overlooked. I noticed a phrase “someone close to you” which gave me with an idea of enlisting every person I knew. First person was, obviously, Braxton. He didn't seem like a killer but who does. I don't know anything yet. I made a long list of everyone from the work.

Another thought crossed my mind. Maybe “Someone wants to focus my diversion towards the close people and maybe it wasn’t the close people but someone I have yet to recognize have something to do with it”. Several questions flooded my head with each question giving rise to a certain level of pressure. I don’t remember when I went unconscious.