Collection of Short Stories by Rokesh Kapali - HTML preview

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I wasn't much of a mystery-loving guy and for sure I hated whatever mystery there was that was occurring with me. Now I abhor the word “mystery”. It has been almost a month; I have been waking up with the same fear which, now, I decided not to get involved with the case until I hear something from the cops. Because I realized, there is nothing I can do.

New Year had already passed. I decided to take a break from this case so I didn't bother to cause more headaches for myself. Braxton became closer than anyone on Earth the way I had never imagined a month before and now I am a regular customer in the cafe across the street. The cafe owner treated me with respect and I have stopped caring what anybody thinks about me. I called him Mr. Henry even though he preferred to be called by his first name. I have been a social guy for a while and also been invited for the wedding of his son that was quite a distraction for my mind.

It wasn’t even a week since the wedding had passed that a surprising letter was waiting for me inside my post box. The logo outside the envelope indicated the initials “GGD” of the company name, which stands for, “Go Green Digital Pvt. Ltd”. I tore the envelope and pulled out the letter. To my astonishment, I was offered a job in that company for the position of Chief Financial Officer. “Good Heavens!” I exclaimed.

I dialed the phone number mentioned in the letter to check if it was a scam. A man with a soft voice picked up the phone. I told him about the letter. I asked them if it's true or just a prank. I could hear him typing on his keyboard and guessed; maybe he was searching for details about me. We talked for a while. He hung up the phone after assigning me an appointment for the same day, if possible. I wondered who wanted to see me.

“I mustn’t run blind because anything can happen.” the first thought that crossed my mind when I was about to leave for that place.

“I must be cautious”.

I carried a bag; put a small folding knife in it along with some documents to look professional.

I arrived there 15 minutes before time. The company was situated on the 18th floor of a city street. I had a fear that they would identify the weapon I had inside my bag. As soon as the door of the elevator opened, the glass partitioning became visible making a circular path, the upper half of which was not visible due to the huge green decals with the name of the company.

I took a long breath and pushed the glass door. To my right was a white desk behind which a young man with a formal dress was sitting who, instantly, gave me a warm smile as soon as he saw me. I told him the purpose of my visit and he kindly asked me to take a seat until he called me.

After ten minutes, I was directed to the front room door by him. I hesitantly opened the door and found the room quite huge. There was an unknown face sitting by the table, with few papers in front of him, maybe waiting for me. He was in his tuxedo; the one looked like the one worn by Celebrated Businessmen. He was a tall and handsome fellow. When he gave me his hand to shake, I could see his golden ring. He seemed quite rich but who knows! I could see his name, Daniel Taylor, carved on a golden nameplate on his desk under which the title CEO was written.

After our greeting ceremony, I expressed my gratitude towards his offer. Then I asked the reason for such kindness. He was astounded to discover that I didn't recognize him. He tried his best to recall my memory but every setting in that room looked so fraudulent that I did not even believe half of what he said. At last he seemed to give up and pretending to be a professional, he placed a proposal letter in front of me to which I responded with a question, “Why such kindness towards me?”

He responded with some surprising words. He told me that he was giving me that offer because I have taken a great risk for him by killing a lady.

I stood up abruptly from where I was sitting. A web of darkness had already spread inside my brain. I felt my focus was dimming and was focusing on one point. “I did not kill anyone”, I answered.

After about 5 seconds of pause, he told me to calm down. I hesitated to sit anymore. Pressing both of my hands on the desk I asked him to clarify everything he knew.

He didn't seem panicked. He was calm like a dove with both of his hands with all his fingers touched on the side of his chair. He directed me to sit down while he clarified everything.

Every word he spoke created a sensation inside me. He began by saying, “I don't know how you don't remember anything but you used to work for me. As you know this is a Digital company now, but it wasn't before. We never used to sell software. We used to sell something else. Plants-that are worth $83K per unit. We sold tons of it.” He continued, “There was a lady reporter who was your wife’s friend. She, for her, popularity tried to expose us. You were the one who discovered it and finished all the business with her. If that doesn't ring any bell then nothing will.”

I knew I shouldn't take a sudden decision which might cost me my life as I already knew that the person I am dealing with is not an ordinary person. If these people can make someone dead, and still can have their own legit office, then they must be good. I don't know if I made a wise decision but I took his offer in order to save my time from those annoying police officers. I acted as if I recalled a few parts of my memory. He gave a grinning smile which looked natural on him.

I left his office.