Collection of Short Stories by Rokesh Kapali - HTML preview

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 It was a gloomy Friday. Millions of thoughts were torturing me one after another.

Maybe I told her to jump but she hesitated. Who knows what happened? Everyone now thinks I killed both of them. And I don't know the truth whether it was me or somebody else. And who is the second lady!!

Someone must be framing me profoundly and here I am helpless and holding up a damaged brain. I could hear that boy yelling why I didn’t save her. “It was an accident”. I threw a glass at the mirror whose annoying image was standing before me. I hated everyone and everything. Nobody liked me. Everyone thinks I am a murderer. Screaming at nights had become as usual as sleeping itself. I, forcibly, sat onto my bed and took a few shots of whiskey I had on the cupboard.

“I am not a murderer. I didn't kill anyone.'' I was murmuring to myself.

I finished the entire bottle of what I was drinking and fell asleep.

I was waiting for a headache to wake me up, which it did indeed, and all I could remember was the same question, “Why didn't I save her?”

I flipped up. I must solve it. I was determined. I remember Braxton telling me not to go to the cops as they weren’t my friend. I didn't care. I woke up. I noticed the blinking clock beside me. It was already 11 am. Without even brushing my teeth, I rushed towards the nearby police station.

Narrowing my brow, I went inside. I looked untidy. I directly went to the desk and said, “I have a few questions.” But before I could say anything after that, I saw their reaction to see me.

“I know you”, he said.

“But you know nothing about me”, I said, “I have been framed.”

“Wait for a while until I show you something and just take a seat.” the police was polite.

I waited for a while. One of the cops approached me with a large file. He sat to my right. Before even opening the file he told me, “I am going to show you what you did”.

He slowly opened the file. The first page contained all my details including the crime I had committed. The second page was filled up with pictures from the scene they have extracted. Pointing to one picture, “This is the lady that you killed. You may now say we are wrong and how the hell did we know that.” He said. He then showed me the picture of a weapon and told me, “that gun is with us and it has your fingerprints. She was killed when she was coming towards you, I guess, you know each other. And the most interesting thing about this case is, we could not extract any CCTV footage because it was hacked by someone, maybe you. After a few weeks, you had an accident where you survive but your wife didn’t. Maybe both of the ladies had something common that you wanted to erase. And you killed them both. So don't be clever with us and tell us everything that happened and remember whatever you say will be used against you.”

A cold chill passed my body. Then I took a long breath because I knew I had to remain calm to fight this.

I told him everything I remembered since the first day I opened my eyes in the hospital which I dearly regret now because they thought I was lying. Killing two women. My head began aching so bad, I couldn’t explain anything further. I went unconscious.

When I woke up, I was on a cold bench in the same police station. Holding my head on one side, I woke up. The same cop told me to go to my house and take rest until everything is settled. He also told me that they are thoroughly investigating everything they could and if I was a murderer I could even face life sentence.

That cop was good but I didn't like it when he told me I was under observation wherever I go so not to play hacker with him. After walking down the stairs towards the pavement, I took a cab.

I saw two missed calls from Braxton. I called him back and told him everything that happened that evening. I told him, “I am coming to your house because I can't sleep in mine”. He agreed.

“Thank god the cab driver doesn't know me otherwise he would have refused to take me in”, I told Braxton after reaching his home. On his instructions, I entered his house. “A masterpiece”, I described as soon as I entered. I told him,” you don't seem to work in any motorcycle workshop. Is this the first time I am visiting this place? Its colossal.” he giggled and told me, “No!”

The second thing he uttered, after we both took our seats, was, “why did you go to the cops after my restriction?”

“I was frustrated”, with a loud voice I replied.

“Alright. I can understand but they could have put you inside forever”, with his head tilting rightward which was quite familiar.

Without saying anything I got up and said, “Can we drink something? I really had a very long week.”