Crown the Villain - Volume II: Bullet and Blade by D. Sharon - HTML preview

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Men of Midas

A Golden Key Can Open Any Door

A crime organization that exists for over a decade. Its members occasionally pull off robberies at small stores and businesses. Most of their income comes from drug trafficking. Even though they sell all kinds of drugs, from marijuana to heroin, due to the astounding popularity of Vexillum in recent years, they have been selling that drug mostly. Their drugs are imported from their associates in Cuba by shipments that come in through Herkin Port. The organization was first founded by Joseph Mallistrom, a former businessman who is considered by many to be brilliant, yet ruthless. They say Joseph had been making deals in every corner of Alataria, and to this day, not many people know all of his ventures in the business world. At age 50 Joseph decided to quit as the ringleader of the syndicate and let his son, Reus, take over instead.


- Ravenwey Burrows, Axfield, an abandoned factory.

- Oakneil, Waterchester, a two-story house, owned by Talimay's parents.


- Reus Mallistrom, a man just as ruthless as his father, though not necessarily as smart. Unlike his father, Reus refuses to involve himself with Men of Midas too much. He prefers to stay behind the curtains from the safety of his office, even though he receives protection from Alataria's Police Department by bribing its highest ranking officers, and mainly its Chief of Police, Jonah Dillard. Some say he's simply paranoid, afraid that one day his protection from the police might end for some reason, so he prefers not to have any evidence linking him to the organization.


- Connor Griffiths, a man in his 50's, who has demonstrated his loyalty to Men of Midas time and again. He is known among other things for his great caring for his men, which he insists on calling 'Brothers.' He sees Men of Midas as a brotherhood and a family, more than anything. Griffiths has a hard addiction to Vexillum and alcohol. He runs the Ravenwey Burrows outpost.

- Talimay Singh, also known as the Golden Marauder, a woman in her 20's. Talimay joined Men of Midas in the footsteps of her boyfriend, who later died at the hands of the Justicars. Talimay is harsh and fierce, and many describe her as being very driven and relentless. She runs the Oakneil outpost.