Crown the Villain - Volume II: Bullet and Blade by D. Sharon - HTML preview

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Lady Dread

Fear Only Two

A syndicate almost as old as Men of Midas. It is feared throughout Alataria for their cruel torture methods and their mercilessness. They deal in loan-sharking, mostly to new businesses trying to get up on their feet, and whenever a client can't return his debt, he gets to learn his lesson painfully, either by the members of the syndicate, or worse, by its lieutenants. Other than that, Lady Dread deals in human trafficking, specifically in young woman and even underage girls. They smuggle them through Herkin Port and then sell them to various clients, most notoriously to the Godly Succubi as prostitutes. It was first founded by Henrick Trife, a man who many claim to have brought the violence and viciousness of the crime life in Alataria to a whole new level. After his sudden passing from a heart attack at age 47, his daughter, Sunyula, took over the organization.


- Framstead, Northstock, a facility owned by Sunyula.

- Garnicel, Brontspil, a facility owned by Sunyula.


- Sunyula Trife, also known as Lady Dread, a woman most feared in Alataria. She never hinders from violence or torture, and on some occasions, even encourages it. Most people know her as ruthless and merciless, much more than her father.


- Richard Lane, also known as Richard of the Dementia. He used to serve Henrick and went on to serve Sunyula. His torture methods include the use of psychological drugs.

- Jeffery Carter, also known as Jeffery of the Ravage. He used to serve Henrick and went on to serve Sunyula. He prefers to rape and sexually abuse his victims, without differentiating if they are young or old, or if they are male or female, which causes many to believe he is bisexual, even though he always refrained from confirming it.

- Samuel Butler, also known as Samuel of the Shatter. He is the only lieutenant who was promoted to his position by Sunyula and not Henrick. He is also the youngest of her lieutenants. His torture methods include physical pain, bone breaking, and limb-dismembering among other things.