Crown the Villain - Volume II: Bullet and Blade by D. Sharon - HTML preview

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So Be It

The Ferals formed together many years ago, no one is sure exactly how many. Their orange Elastics first appeared two decades ago, but most people believe they have existed longer than that, simply being without a proper name for their band. They boast a large number of members, somewhere over 300 according to some people, all scattered around most districts of Alataria. They differ much from other mob gangs by not having any set outposts, no lieutenants and no kind of illegal business they practice in. What little income they make to sustain the group comes from money that was taken from their victims. Their group is comprised almost exclusively of mentally unstable rapists, arsonists, murderers and others of that like. Usually, they kidnap random, innocent civilians only so they could fulfill their deep, disgusting wishes and desires using them, which makes them perhaps the cruelest, most frightening mob gang in Alataria.


- Jegaar Hill, also known as the Wendigo. He claims to be the first member of the group. While he is considered the ringleader of the group, he never actually takes any of the responsibilities a ringleader should take. He does not care about his men's actions or their repercussions. Many would describe him as a lunatic and a demented, unreasonable man.