Crown the Villain - Volume II: Bullet and Blade by D. Sharon - HTML preview

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Harley nation

A gang of bikers who first came to Alataria in 2041. Their origins trace back to the United States, specifically to the state of Florida, where they were first founded in 2025 by a man named Gantel Riggs. Harley Nation grew widely over the years. 10 years ago, their outpost in the state of Georgia in the Unites States gained them much power and dominance and made them a force to be reckoned. 6 years after that, they branched out into Alataria, across the sea, starting an outpost in Hawksen, Brontspil.


- Hawksen, Brontspil, a clubhouse.


- Fane Hallstead, also known as the Red Rider. A man who's sole ambition is to see his gang grow and expand. He's wise enough to know that the war with Lady Dread is not something he can afford, which is why he sought to make peace with them, but he's also vengeful enough to strike back at them upon seeing his attempts fail.


- Darylon Holms, also known as Death Incarnate. One of the most deadly members of Harley Nation in Alataria. He is also one of the first members of the gang in the country.

- Sokhol Goddard, Fane's cousin. Following the execution of Fane's three previous lieutenants by Lady Dread, Fane promoted Sokhol to Lieutenant.