DIANE D And The Other Personality by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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"Is that what brought your soul or spirit into their home that night, because Diane had meditated earlier while she was upstairs in her bedroom?"


"Really? So in other words, Diane herself brought you there into that house by meditating?"


"Did she know that she brought you there by her meditating?"


"She didn't know that she brought you there?"


"Did she know that you had took over her physical body that night while her soul or spirit was out there in space wandering the universe?"


"She didn't know?"


"She didn't know that you took over this physical body, brought this physical body upstairs then you wind up running into her cousin Nancy in the upstairs hallway having an encounter with her cousin Nancy?"


"She didn't know any of that stuff at all?"


"Wow. I see. Does Diane ALWAYS attract you there into that house every time she meditates?"

"Most of the time."

"Most of the time?"


"Does she KNOW that she attracts you there into that house every time she meditates?"

"Sometimes she knows."

"She knows sometimes?"


"Wow. Does Diane attract you to the house itself whenever she meditates, or does she attract you to herself?"

"She attracts me to herself."

"She attracts you to herself?"


"Wow. So it's not the house itself that you're attracted to whenever Diane meditates, it's Diane herself who happens to BE inside that house that you're attracted to?"


"So if Diane is inside her family's organization, and she decides to sit right there on the floor to meditate, you will get drawn to her there?"

"Most of the time."

"Even if she's inside her family's organization?"


"Wow. So if Diane was inside a grocery store and she decides to sit right there on the floor to meditate, you will get drawn to her?"

"Most of the time."

"Even if she's inside a grocery store?"


"Wow. What if Diane was inside a church and she decides to sit right there on the floor to meditate, you will get drawn to her right inside the church?"

"Most of the time."

"Oh yeah? What if she was inside a movie theater and she decides to sit right there on the floor to meditate, you will get drawn to her right inside the movie theater?"

"Most of the time."

"My God. What if she was inside a park or at the beach and she decides to sit right there on the grass or sand to meditate, you will get drawn to her right there at the park or at the beach?"

"Most of the time."

"Wow. So it wouldn't matter where Diane is whenever she meditates, your soul or spirit will get drawn to her?"


"Does she know that?"

"Most of the time."

"She does?"


"Wow. So what happened after you told Nancy that whenever Diane meditates and leaves her physical body, you come into her body and take her place?"




Diane D's other personality continues to give Nancy a cold stare as Nancy frighteningly looks at her. Diane D's other personality then says, "Like I said, don't worry, Diane is okay. She'll be back." Diane D's other personality continues to give Nancy a cold stare. Her other personality then turns away from Nancy and continues to head to Diane D's bedroom.

Diane D's other personality reaches her bedroom door. Her other personality opens her bedroom door and goes inside her bedroom.


Diane D's other personality enters her bedroom closing the door behind itself. Her other personality turns towards the door and locks it. Diane D's other personality turns towards the inside of Diane D's room and looks around Diane D's room as the rain, thunder and lightning is heard outside the window. Diane D's other personality then looks at her bed. Her other personality then goes over to her bed.

Diane D's other personality gently lays on Diane D's bed face down. Her other personality then closes her eyes. Suddenly, there are banging sounds outside the bedroom door as Diane D's family's voices call out to her, "Diane! Diane! Diane, are you okay?!" Diane D's other personality quickly lifts her head up. "Diane! Are you okay?!" Diane D's family's voices shout from the other side of the door. Diane D's other personality does not answer. Her other personality angrily turns her head towards the bedroom door hearing the banging sounds of Diane D's family. Diane D's family is heard trying to open the bedroom door from the outside, but they cannot open it. It is locked. "I'm gonna get the Master Key!" Tomas' voice shouts. He is then heard rushing off.

"Hurry Tomas!" Margarita's voice shouts as she and the rest of the family continue to bang and try to open the bedroom door.

"Diane are you okay baby!" Barry's voice shouts through the door. "Open up!" Diane D's other personality still does not respond. Her other personality angrily stares at the bedroom door. "Nancy are you sure that's what she said to you?!" Barry's voice shouts to Nancy outside the door, "that 'Diane's not here right now'?!"

"Yes that's exactally what she said to me out here!" Nancy's voice shouts.

"And are you sure that she said to you, that 'she's not Diane'?!" Mary's voice shouts.

"Yes that's exactally what she told me out here too!"

"I got the Master key!" Tomas' voice shouts as he is heard quickly approaching the rest of Diane D's family outside the bedroom door. Diane D's other personality continues to angrily stare at the bedroom door. Tomas' voice then shouts, "Step aside everybody!" Everyone is heard stepping aside. The key is then heard going into the keyhole. Diane D's other personality angrily stares at the keyhole. The key is then heard turning the lock. Diane D's other personality angrily stares at the lock. The key is then heard unlocking the bedroom door! Diane D's other personality angrily and nervously stares at the bedroom door! Her other personality quickly turns her head away from the door! Her other personality lays her head back down and tightly shuts her eyes! The doorknob turns! Suddenly, Diane D's other personality leaves Diane D's physical body! It becomes a soul or spirit again as it hovers over Diane D's physical body. As the bedroom door swings open, the soul or spirit hovers higher in the air then quickly leaves Diane D's bedroom as Diane D's physical body becomes out of sight!




"Wow," Dr. Kahn says. "So your soul and spirit left this physical body just before Diane's family entered her bedroom?"

"Yes," Diane D's other personality says.

"In other words, you had left this physical body just in the nick of time! If you had stayed inside this physical body just a little bit longer, the rest of Diane's family would have had an encounter with you as well as her cousin Nancy did, right?


"So in other words, Diane's family just missed meeting you by an inch, didn't they?"



"Wow!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael whisper. They become shocked and look at each other. They then turn back and continue to listen to Dr. Kahn and Diane D's other personality.


"Is there a reason, why you didn't wait to have an encounter with the rest of Diane's family?" Dr. Kahn asks.

"My purpose was not to be there to meet or have an encounter with anybody," Diane D's other personality says. "My purpose was to get this physical body from off the floor downstairs, bring it up to Diane's bedroom, place it on her bed then leave. Once my mission was accomplished, there was no longer a need for me to stay there."

"It wasn't?"


"So you just picked up and left this physical body once you got this physical body placed on the bed."


"I see. Do you hover over Diane's physical body all the time?"

"No. Only when she meditates or gets angry."

"When she gets angry too?"


"May I ask why you come into this physical body and take over whenever Diane meditates or gets angry?"

"Because I look out for her."

"You look out for Diane?"


"What do you mean you look out for her?"

"I don't like anybody getting her angry."

"You don't like when anyone gets Diane angry?"


"Why not?"

"I just don't."

"Is that what happened inside that school hallway, when that little boy Marcus accused Diane of beating him up in there? Diane said she does not remember beating up that kid Marcus inside that school hallway and claims she had nothing to do with beating up Marcus and claims he's lying about it. He's saying one thing and Diane is saying another. What I need right now, is for you to answer this very important question that I'm about to ask you, okay? Since Diane's original soul, spirit and personality DOES NOT remember beating up or attacking that little boy Marcus inside that third floor school hallway, did your soul, spirit or personality have something to do with beating up Marcus inside that third floor school hallway that night Diane and her family came there? Did you use this physical body to beat up and attack that little boy Marcus with it?”



"What!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael whisper. They turn and shockingly look at each other. They then turn their heads back forward and shockingly look a Diane D's other personality!


Dr. Kahn and Dr. Stone shockingly look at each other. They shockingly look back at Diane D's other personality as Dr. Kahn shouts, "It was YOU?! It was YOU who beat up that kid Marcus inside that school hallway?!”

“Yes," Diane D's other personality says.

“Oh my God! Why?!”

"Why did you beat up Marcus?!" Dr. Stone asks.

“Because he lied to Diane and upsetted her," Diane D's other personality says.

“He lied to Diane and upsetted her?”


“What did he lie to her about?”

“He confessed to Diane in that school hallway, that the little boy who has leukemia didn't exist. He told her that he and his brother made that whole story up just to get her and her family to come to his school."

"He told Diane that he and his brother made that whole story up just to get her and her family to come to his school?" Dr. Kahn asks.


"That's when Diane realized that she was lied to?"


"Then what happened when Diane realized that Marcus lied to her?"

"She became shocked."

"She became shocked?"


"Then what happened?"

"She got sad and started to cry.

"Diane got sad and started to cry?"


"Then what happened?"

"She started backing away from him."

"Diane started backing away from Marcus?"


"Then what happened?"

"She got upset."

"She got upset?"

"Yes. Then she got angry at him."

"She got angry at Marcus?"


"Then what happened?"

"She was getting angrier and angrier at that kid."

"She was?"


"Go on. Tell us what happened after that."

"She got so angry at that kid that she wanted to beat the hell out of him."

"Diane wanted to beat the hell out of Marcus?"


"Then what happened?"

"She didn't do it!"

"Diane didn't beat up Marcus?"

"No, she decided not to beat him."

"Diane decided not to beat Marcus?"

"Yes she decided that."

"Why did she decide not to beat Marcus?"

"Because he's a kid."

"Because he's a kid?"

"Yes. She didn't believe in beating up a kid."

"Diane didn't believe in beating up a kid?"


"But I don't understand. How in the world, did Diane believe in NOT hitting or beating Marcus because he's a kid, then he winds up getting beat up by her anyway?"

"Because I decided to take over."

"What? YOU?! YOU decided to take over?"


"What do you mean YOU decided to take over?" Dr. Stone asks.

"I said if she doesn't do something about that kid and beat the hell out of him, I'm gonna do it."


"What!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael whisper. They turn and shockingly look at each other. They then turn their heads back forward and shockingly look back at Diane D's other personality.


"You said if Diane doesn't do something and beat the hell out of Marcus, you're gonna do it?!" Dr. Kahn asks.

"Exactly," Diane D's other personality says.

"How?! How did you wind up beating up Marcus?"

"By entering this physical body to do it!"

"What! You entered Diane's physical body while she was standing in the school hallway, just so that you can use her physical body to beat up and attack Marcus?!"


"How did you do that?! How were you able to enter this physical body while Diane was standing inside that school hallway?"

"I approached her physical body and pulled her soul and spirit out of it."


"What!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael whisper. They turn and shockingly look at each other. They then turn their heads back forward and shockingly look back at Diane D's other personality.


"You approached this physical body while Diane was standing inside the school hallway and just literally pulled her original soul and spirit out of it?!" Dr. Stone shouts. "Then she finds her soul and spirit wandering the universe and claims she didn't know why her soul or spirit was out there at the time and didn't know who or what put her soul or spirit there! It was YOU who did that to her?! It was YOU who pulled her original soul and spirit out of this physical body, then put her original soul or spirit out there in space wandering the universe?!"

"Yes," Diane D's other personality says.

"Why?! Why did you do that to Diane?"

"So I can use her physical body to beat the hell out of that kid!"

"What!" Dr. Kahn says. "So you can use her physical body to beat the hell out of Marcus?!"



"Because she refused to do it!"

"Because she refused to do it?! So you made a decision to pull Diane's soul and spirit right out of her physical body to enter it and beat up Marcus, because she didn't do it?!"


"How did you beat up Marcus?! By breaking his bones and everything?!"


"How can you say that? How can you beat up Marcus, he's just a kid!"

"I don't care if he's just a kid!"

"You don't care if he's just a kid?"


"But Diane cares that he's a kid! She claims she would never beat up or harm a child!"

"No she wouldn't beat up or harm a child! But I will!"

"You will?!"

"That's right!"

"You mean you would have the audacity to beat up a child?" Dr. Stone asks.

"If that child hurts Diane, yes!"

"But Marcus didn't mean to hurt Diane when he and his brother sent that false letter to her family's organization about the little boy who's dying of leukemia! It was just an innocent hoax that he and his brother pulled!"

"I don't caaare! He still hurted her!"

"Is that why Marcus keeps having nightmares about Diane coming after him in the back stairwell of that school? Marcus is claiming that he has nightmares about Diane coming after him in the back stairwell of that school almost every night! Now we already talked to Diane's orginal soul, spirit and personality about it. She claims she has nothing to do with Marcus' nightmares that she's not thinking about him and that she's moved on with her life. She says she has no control over what Marcus is dreaming about and says that she does not have the power to enter into his dreams or anybody's dreams or nightmares."

"She doesn't."

"She doesn't?"

"No. But I do."

"What!" Dr. Stone and Dr. Kahn shout.

"You have the power to do that?!" Dr. Kahn shouts. "You have the power to enter people's dream or nightmares?!"

"Yes I do," Diane D's other personality says.

"So you're entering Marcus's dreams and nightmares?!"

"Yes I am."

"Oh my God, how?! How are you able to do that?! Do you even have an appearance when you're not inside this physical body?!"

"No I don't."

"You don't have an appearance when you're NOT inside this physical body?"


"So if you don't have an appearance, why does Marcus see DIANE in his nightmares instead?!"

"Because I make myself up to look like her whenever I enter his dreams or nightmares."

"What!" Dr. Kahn and Dr. Stone shout.

"You make yourself up to look like Diane whenever you enter Marcus' dreams or nightmares?!" Dr. Stone shouts. "You mean you have the power to make yourself up into Diane's image whenever you enter Marcus' dreams or nightmares, so that he can think that it's Diane he's seeing?!"

"I can make myself look like anybody," Diane D's other personality says.

"What!" Dr. Kahn and Dr. Stone shout.

"You can?!" Dr. Stone shouts. "You have the power to do that?!"

"Yes I do," Diane D's other personality says.

"But when you enter Marcus' dreams and nightmares, you choose to make yourself look like Diane, right?!"

"That's right!"

"Why?! Why are you making yourself up to look like Diane?! If you're making yourself up to look like Diane so that Marcus can think that it's Diane he sees coming after him, he's gonna be afraid of HER forever! That's why he's afraid of her right now!"

"Too bad!"

"Why are you tormenting Marcus?!" Dr. Kahn shouts.

"He shouldn't have done what he did to Diane!"

"And what is that?!"

"He lied to her! He told her that there was a child dying of leukemia when he knew there wasn't, causing her to be attached to the child playing with her emotions! Then made her cry when he told her that the kid never existed!"

"We know what he did was wrong! But he's not bothering Diane anymore!"

"I don't caaare!"

"Diane has forgiven Marcus! Can't you forgive him too?"

"No! I will never forgive that kid for what he did to her!"

"Why not?!"

"Because he hurted her!"