DIANE D And The Other Personality by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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"You made yourself up to look like Diane again, just like you do when you enter Marcus' dreams and nightmares?!" Dr. Kahn shouts.

"Yes," Diane D's other personality says.

"That's why the photographer and his assistant saw two images of Diane, because one of those images of Diane was actually YOU who made yourself look like Diane?!"


"Wow! When the photographer kept trying to snap a photo of Diane, Diane's mom told us that Diane's eyes kept going off camera looking to the side when the photographer kept trying to snap her photo! What I need to know is, was it you who Diane was really looking at, when her eyes kept going off camera looking to the side?"



"What!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly whisper.


"It was YOU she was looking at?!" Dr. Stone shouts.

"Yes," Diane D's other personality says.

"That's why her eyes kept going off camera, because she was actually looking at YOU?!"


"So that means she saw you and knew you were there?"


"But nobody else in that room could see you?!"

"No they couldn't."

"Just her?!"


"But she didn't tell anybody that you were there, did she?"

"No she didn't."

"Instead, she just kept quiet about it and told everybody that she was bothered by a fly that was flying near her face!"


"Oh no!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly whisper.


"Is that why Diane seemed like she was getting annoyed when her eyes kept going off camera looking to the side," Dr. Kahn asks, "because she was actually annoyed by you?"

"Yes," Diane D's other personality says.

"Why was she annoyed by you?"

"She didn't want my image to appear in the picture."

"She didn't want your image to appear in the picture?!"


"Because she knew that if you were there, your image might somehow appear in the photo and she didn't want that, did she?"

"No she didn't."

"But your image appeared in the picture anyway."

"Not for long."

"Why didn't your image stay in that photo, by the time Diane's mom and everybody else in the room were looking at the camera?"

"Because Diane didn't want them to see my image in it!"

"So your image left the photo just in the nick of time, by the time Diane's mom and every one else in the room got to see it because Diane didn't want them to see it."

"No she didn't."


"My God!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly whisper.


"Why were you around Diane at that moment anyway?!" Dr. Stone asks.

"Because she had meditated earlier," Diane D's other personality says.

"That's what drawned you to her when she was at the photo shoot, because she had meditated earlier that day?"


"But when Diane had meditated earlier that day, she was secretly meditating at her other grandparents' house. And she was meditating inside one of the upstairs bedrooms with the door closed, but she wasn't alone inside that room while she was meditating. Her family caught her meditating with her cousin Dana. So since you were drawned to Diane at the time because she was meditating earlier and her cousin Dana was meditating right along with her, were you drawn to Dana as well?"



"What!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly whisper. "Oh no!!"


"You were drawn to ger cousin Dana too?!" Dr. Kahn shouts.

"Yes," Diane D's other personality says.

"Oh my goodness! Did Dana know that you were drawn to her, by her meditating with Diane?"


"She didn't know?!"


"Oh my God! Did anything strange or supernatural happen with Dana later on that day like it did with Diane?"

"You don't need to know."

"I don't?"


"Okay. Have you ever made yourself look like Dana, like you make yourself look like Diane?"


"You have?!"



"You don't need to know."

"Does Dana know that you make yourself look like her?!"


"She doesn't know?!"

"No she doesn't."

"How many times have you made yourself look like Dana?"

"You don't need to know."

"I don't need to know that either?"


"Does Dana even know about you?"

"Not really."

"Not really?"


"Okay. Have you ever entered Dana's physical body like you enter Diane's physical body?"



"What!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly whisper. "Oh nooo!!"


"You've entered Dana's physical body before?!" Dr. Stone shouts.

"Yes," Diane D's other personality says.


"By pulling her soul and spirit out of her physical body then enter her physical body like I do this one!"

"What!" Dr. Stone and Dr. Kahn shout.

"By pulling her soul and spirit out of her physical body then enter her physical body like you do Diane's?!" Dr. Stone shouts.

"Exactly!" Diane D's other personality shouts.

"Oh my goodness! That means you've POSSESSED BOTH Diane's and Dana's physical bodies!"

"That's correct."

"But right now, you're in Diane's physical body!"


"When have you entered into Dana's physical body?!"

"Only after she meditates with Diane or gets angry."

"Only after she meditates with Diane or gets angry too?!"


"How many times have you pulled Dana's original soul and spirit out of her physical body then enter it like you do Diane's?!"

"Whenever she meditates for gets angry."

"Whenever she meditates or gets angry just like Diane?!"


"Is that why Dana goes off and becomes violent and out of control at times like Diane and be in and out of mental instutions like Diane, is because it was actually you inside her physical body behaving violently?!"



"Oh my God!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly whisper. "Oh nooo!!"

"Now we know why Dana gets violent and out of control sometimes and gets superhuman strength!" Barry whispers, "because she is possessed by this thing or entity, just like Diane!"

"Oh Lord!" Michael shouts.


"I see," Dr. Stone says. "Were you ever inside Dana's physical body, while she was serving time in jail, prison or the mental institution?"

"Yes," Diane D's other personality says.


"What!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly whisper. "Oh nooo!!"


"You were inside Dana's physical body while she was serving time in jail, prison or the mental institution also, just like Diane?!" Dr. Stone asks.

"Yes," Diane D's other personality says.

"And the peope inside the jail, prison or the mental institution didn't know that it was another soul or spirit inside Dana?!"

"No they didn't."

"So they just assume that it's Dana's original soul and spirit inside her physical body, just like they assume that it's Diane's original soul and spirit inside her physical body!"

"That's correct."

"My God! Diane comes from a very large family, including two siblings, two parents, two sets of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and tons of other relatives. She comes from a very close-knit family who all love each other and always do things together! What I need to know is, have you ever entered anybody else in Diane's family's physical body before?!"


"You haven't?!"


"Why not? Even though the rest of Diane's family and relatives are NOT into meditation, I'm sure they all do get angry at times because we all get angry at some point in our lives. So how come you don't enter anybody else in Diane's family's physical body? Why just Dana?"

"Because she's the only one in the family who meditates with Diane."

"Because she's the only one who meditates with Diane?"


"I see! So if it wasn't for Dana meditating with Diane, you would have never pulled her original soul or spirit out of her physical body then enter into her physical body like you do Diane."

"No I wouldn't."

"So you only enter Dana's physical body because she meditates with Diane?"


"And you only enter Diane's physical body because she meditates period."


"My goodness!"

"Okay," Dr. Kahn says. "Now I'm going to ask you another important question that I'm about to ask you. Since you've admitted that you have used different people's physical bodies in the past to kill other people with throughout the centuries and throughout the world once every fifty years, and you have admitted that you were about to use Diane's physical body to kill that kid Marcus inside the back stairwell of that school, I need to ask you this very important question. Have you ever entered Dana's physical body and tried to use her physical body to kill someone?"

Diane D's other personality is about to answer. It suddenly pauses, then doesn't say anything. Her other personality suddenly becomes silent. Dr. Kahn and Dr. Stone puzzled stare at Diane D's other personality. Then they puzzled look at each other. They puzzled look back at Diane D's other personality.


Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly look at Diane D's other personality waiting for an answer.


Dr. Kahn and Dr. Stone continue to puzzled stare at Diane D's other personality waiting for a response. Dr. Kahn then says, "Have you ever used Dana's physical body to try and kill someone or have you ever used Dana's physical body and killed someone?"

Diane D's other personality still does not respond. Her other personality remains silent.


Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly stare at Diane D's other personality. They nervously look at each other as Marilyn whispers, "Oh oh. That other personality is not answering!" Marilyn, Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Nicolas and Michael nervously look back forward.


"Well aren't you going to answer the question?" Dr. Stone asks. "You answered everything else up to this point! We're going to ask you again. Have you ever used Dana's physical body to try and kill someone or have you ever used Dana's physical body to kill anybody?!"

Diane D's other personality is about to answer. It suddenly pauses again, but does not say a word. Her other personality remains silent again.


"Oh no!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael whisper.

"Why isn't that personality answering the question?!" Tomas whispers. Tomas, Margarita, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael frighteningly stare at Diane D's other personality.


"Are you still there?" Dr. Kahn asks. "Say something! We need you to answer the question! Have you ever used Dana's physical body to try and kill someone or have you ever used Dana's physical body to kill anybody?!"

Diane D's other personality still does not respond. Her other personality still remains silent.


"Oh no!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael whisper. "That personality is still not answering the question?!" Tomas whispers.

"Oh my God!" Barry whispers.

"Maybe that personality knows something, but doesn't want to get Dana in trouble!" Marilyn whispers.

"Oh nooo!" Mary whispers. Mary, Tomas, Margarita, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael frighteningly stare at Diane D's other personality!


"Why aren't you answering?" Dr. Stone asks. "We need to know! Have you ever used Dana's physical body to try and kill someone or have you ever used Dana's physical body to kill?!"

"No comment," Diane D's other personality suddenly says.

"No comment?! So you're not going to answer the question?"

"No comment! Next question please!"


"Oh my Lord!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael whisper.


"Okay," Dr. Kahn says. "Since you refuse to answer the last question, I need you to answer another very important question that I'm about to ask you, okay? When Diane and the Dianettes were performing at a park in Germany one night and Diane's body mysteriously levitated right over the stage in front of around five thousand spectators practically scaring them to death, did you have something to do with that? Did you have anything to do with this physical body levitating over the stage in Germany?"

"No," Diane D's other personality says.

"You didn't?"


"You didn't have anything to do with Diane's physical body levitating over the stage in Germany at all?"


"Well thank God for that!"

"It was the other spirit and personality who did that."

"What!" Dr. Kahn and Dr. Stone shout. "Other spirit and personality?!"

"What other spirit and personality?!" Dr. Kahn shouts.

"You mean there's another spirit and personality around this physical body also?!" Dr. Stone shouts.

"Yes," Diane D's other personality says.

"There is?!"


"My God!" Dr. Kahn shouts. "Well who are they?"

"I can't tell you."

"You can't?"


"Well why not?!"

"You will have to find out for yourself."

"We will have to find out for ourselves?"


"Okay we will! Thanks for that information!"

"My goodness!" Dr. Stone shouts. "We are going to send you back and try to bring out and talk to the soul, spirit and personality who caused Diane's body to levitate over that stage in Germany, but before you go, I would need you to identify some people that are in this room, okay?"


"What!" Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly whisper. They nervously look at each other as Marilyn whispers, "Oh no! He's going to have that other personality look at us and identify us!"

"Oh my Lord," Tonio nervously whispers. Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael nervously turn back forward as they continue to sit in the middle of the room watching Dr. Stone, Dr. Kahn and Diane D's other personality.


Dr. Stone then says, "When I count to three, I want you to open your eyes.” Diane D's other personality continues to lay on the couch with its eyes closed. Dr. Stone then says, “Now one ..... two ..... three! Open your eyes!" Diane D's other personality slowly opens its eyes. Her other personality suspiciously looks its eyeballs around with very puffy, swollen and sleepy eyes. Dr. Stone then says, “Hi there." Diane D's other personality looks at Dr. Stone as it continues to lay on the couch. Dr. Stone then says, “How are you feeling?" Diane D's other personality does not respond. It looks at Dr. Stone with an angry glare. "Are you feeling okay?" Dr. Stone asks. Diane D's other personality does not speak. It continues to glare at Dr. Stone.

Dr. Kahn looks at Diane D's other personality and says, “Hey." Diane D's other personality looks its eyeballs at Dr. Kahn. Dr. Kahn then says, "How are you?" Diane D's other personality glares at Dr. Kahn. Dr. Kahn then says, "How do you feel now?" Diane D's other personality does not respond. It continues to glare at Dr. Kahn. Dr. Kahn then says, "Well aren't you going to say 'hello' or anything?" Diane D's other personality still does not respond. It continues to glare at Dr. Kahn. Dr. Kahn then says, "Well, say something. Say anything." Diane D's other personality still does not respond. It continues to glare at Dr. Kahn. Dr. Kahn then says, "Wow. I see you're not a friendly one, are you?" Diane D's other personality continues to glare at Dr. Kahn.

Dr. Stone then says, "Okay." Diane D's other personality looks back at Dr. Stone as Dr. Sone says to it, "Now, I'm gonna lift the back of this couch up so you can see and identify some people that are in this room, okay?" Diane D's other personality closes its eyes again as Dr. Stone presses a button on the side. The back of the couch start to rise causing Diane D's physical body to sit up with the cuffs and chains still wrapped around her physical body.


Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael nervously look at Diane D's other personality as it sits up on the couch. They nervously look at each other. They turn back forward and continue to nervously look at Diane D's other personality.


Diane D's other personality is sitting up with its eyes still closed. Dr. Stone then says to it, "Okay, open your eyes again." Diane D's other personality opens its eyes and looks forward towards the back of the room. It looks slightly to the right and suddenly sees Diane D's family sitting in the middle of the room watching it. The other personality becomes shocked! It suddenly turns the other way and tries to jump right out of the seat, but is jerked and pulled back down by the cuffs and chains causing the chains to rattle and causing Dr. Stone, Dr. Kahn and Diane D's family to frighteningly jump out their seats and stand as Dr. Stone and Dr. Kahn nervously hold their hands out to Diane D's other personality with Dr. Stone saying, "Take it easy." Diane D's other personality puzzled looks down at the cuffs, chains and shackles. Her other personality turns her head to her right and glares at Dr. Stone! Dr. Stone asks, "Is everything alright?" Diane D's other personality continues to glare at Dr. Stone.

Dr. Kahn then asks, "Is everything okay?" Diane D's other personality then turns her head to her left and glares at Dr. Kahn! Dr. Stone and Dr. Kahn nervously look at Diane D's other personality.


Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael shockingly and nervously look at Diane D's other personality as they continue to frighteningly stand. Michael turns to them and nervously whispers, "Oh my God, did y'all see that?! It looked like she was getting ready to jump right off that couch and run right out of here when she saw us!"

"I know," Nicolas whispers.


Diane D's other personality looks back at Diane D's family again. Her other personality becomes shocked again! It turns the other way and tries to jump right out of the seat again, but is jerked and pulled back down by the cuffs and chains again causing the chains to rattle again and causing Dr. Stone, Dr. Kahn and Diane D's family to continue to stand there frightened as Dr. Stone and Dr. Kahn nervously hold their hands out to Diane D's other personality. Diane D's other personality puzzled looks back down at the cuffs chains and shackles. Her other personality turns her head and glares at Dr. Stone again! Dr. Stone then says, "Everything is gonna be alright." Diane D's other personality continues to glare at Dr. Stone!

Dr. Kahn then says, "Everything is gonna be okay." Diane D's other personality then turns her head back towards its left and glares at Dr. Kahn again! Dr. Kahn then says, "Just take it easy." Diane D's other personality continues to glare at Dr. Kahn! Dr. Stone and Dr. Kahn nervously look at Diane D's other personality. Diane D's other personality then turns her head back forward and looks back at Diane D's family. It starts to glare at Diane D's family.


Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael nervously look at Diane D's other personality as Nicolas nervously whispers, "Oh Oh. She's giving us the evil eye!"

"She sure is," Marilyn whispers. "Maybe it IS a good thing they chained her up!"

"Marilyn!" Margarita and the rest of the family shockingly whisper.

"I'm just saying!" Marilyn and the rest of the family all turn to each other and secretly whisper among themselves as Marilyn whispers, "That other personality did admit that it had killed many people in the past! That other personality is a murderer!"

"Not only that," Tonio whispers. "That other personality also admitted that they were planning to kill that little boy Marcus right in the back stairwell of that school! That's attempted murder that other personality have caused Diane to commit!"

"It sure is," Barry whispers. "And the bad thing is, that other personality STILL wants to kill Marcus!"

"Not only that," Michael whispers. "That other personality said that they would have killed anybody they had found hiding inside that storage room, even if that person had nothing to do with spying on Diane!"

"That's true!" Margarita whispers. "That personality also admitted that it killed a person every fifty years! Not only that, it admitted that it will kill again n