DIANE D And The Other Personality by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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"What's up Dana?" Charlotte says.

"What's up?" Dana says. She puzzled looks at Charlotte and Nancy and says, "What's wrong with y'all? Are you two alright?"

"Yeah," Nancy says. "We were just worried about where did Diane go? She never came back in the other room."

"She was supposed to come back in there?"


"Well she went downstairs."

"She did?"

"Yeah. I told her that I was going to make her some chicken soup so she went downstairs to the kitchen to wait for me."

"Oh she's downstairs in the kitchen?"


"Are you going down there now?"

"In a few minutes. Why, what's wrong?"

"Diane was supposed to go in Grandma Gracy and Grandpa Mike's room to get her crutches and come back into the room with us. She never came back. We went and checked Grandma Gracy and Grandpa Mike's room, she's not in there either so we got worried."

"You got worried?"


"You don't have to worry, she's downstairs in the kitchen." Dana continues to stack the boxes.

"Is anybody down in the kitchen with her, or is she alone down there?"

"I think she's alone down there."

"What!" Charlotte and Nancy shout. "Alone down there?!"

"Are you able to go down there now to check on her Dana?" Charlotte asks. "Nancy and I just want to put our mind at ease and make sure she's okay."

"Put your mind at ease?" Dana asks.


"Well if you want to put your mind at ease, just go down to the kitchen and check on her, simple as that."

"Well can you go down to the kitchen and check on her for us Dana? We're kind of afraid to go down there."

Dana stops stacking the boxes as she turns to Charlotte and says, "You're afraid to go down to the kitchen?"

"Well yeah."


"Because Diane could be secretly meditating while she's down in the kitchen waiting for you!"

"So what. What's wrong with her meditating?"

"What's wrong with her meditating?!" Charlotte and Nancy shout.

"Dana don't you know that strange things usually occur whenever Diane meditates?!" Nancy shouts.

"Yeah," Dana says. "But those strange things have nothing to do with her meditating."

"What!" Nancy and Charlotte shouts.

"It doesn't?" Charlotte asks."

"No," Dana says.

"So what do you think it is then?"

"I think they're coincidences."

"Coincidences!" Charlotte and Nancy shout.

"You think when Diane gets into these state of trances during her meditation, it's a coincidence?" Charlotte asks.

"Yeah," Dana says.

"Wow. Well could you go downstairs to check on her? We don't want to run into that other personality of hers just in case it emerges out of her again."

"That other personality? Is that what's bothering y'all?"

"Yeah, aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid of what?"

"The other personality."


"You're not!" Charlotte and Nancy shockingly shout.


"Why not?!" Charlotte shouts.

"Because there's no such thing."

"What!" Charlotte and Nancy shout. "There's no such thing?!"

"You don't believe in split personalities Dana?" Nancy worriedly asks.

"No," Dana says.

"You don't believe that another personality caused Diane to attack the doctors, a priest, security guards, police officers and a swat team?!"


"Then what do you believe happened then?"

"I believe Diane attacked them and got so angry that she forgot she did it."

"What!" Nancy and Charlotte shout.

"You believe her original personality attacked those people and she simply forgot?" Charlotte asks.

"Yeah because she was so angry that she blocked it out," Dana says. "That could happen to anybody."

"It could?! Something like that?!"


"A person cannot forget something like that Dana."

"Yes they could, if they get mad enough and wind up blocking it out. That's what I believe happened to Diane."

"So you don't believe it was another personality?" Nancy asks.


"What about when Diane broke loose from those chains she was wrapped in breaking it loose from the couch she was chained to? Then lifting that heavy couch and throwing it across the room?! You don't think it was another personality?"

"No I don't. Like I said, coincidences, coincidences."

"So you don't believe in split personalities at all?"

"No I don't believe in that."

"Wow, neither does Diane! She doesn't believe in split personalities either and yet SHE'S the one who's actually suffering from it! Oh my goodness." Nancy and Charlotte worriedly look at each other. Then they worriedly look at Dana. Nancy then says, "Well could you just go downstairs to check on Diane anyway?"

"Hold on. I'm coming." Dana pushes the boxes way in the back of the upper shelf. She turns towards Charlotte and Nancy and starts to head towards them.

Dana approaches Charlotte and Nancy and says, "Let's go." She then goes past Charlotte and Nancy and heads out the doorway as Nancy and Charlotte turn and follow her.


Dana is walking in the upstairs hallway towards the stairs. Nancy and Charlotte rush to Dana and hold on to her arms and shoulders as they hide their faces behind her back and shoulders. Dana stops and says to them, "What's the matter?"

"We're scared," Charlotte says.

"Scared? Scared of what?"

"That other personality!"

"I told you, there's no such thing."

"Listen Dana," Nancy says. "I saw and met that other personality face to face, and I do not want to see or meet that other personality again. We have to get to Diane before she decides to secretly meditate while no one is watching her."

Dana continues to go forward as Charlotta and Nancy continue to hold on to her.


A minute later, Dana is having difficulty walking down the stairs with Charlotte and Nancy walking behind her holding tightly and nervously on to her arms and shoulders continuing to hide their faces behind her back and shoulders.


Dana comes down the bottom of the stairs with Nancy and Charlotte still holding on to her hiding their faces behind her back and shoulders. She, Nancy and Charlotte walk to the living room then enter the living room.


Dana, Nancy and Charlotte are in the living room as Nancy and Charlotte peek their faces from behind Dana and look around. They see Nicolas sleeping on the sofa. They then turn and head to the kitchen.


Dana, Nancy and Charlotte enter the kitchen. Dana then calls out, "Diane!" Nancy and Charlotte peek their faces from behind Dana's shoulders and look around. They do not see Diane D anywhere.

"Where is she?" Charlotte worriedly asks.

"Maybe she's in the basement," Dana says.

"Basement?!" Charlotte and Nancy worriedly shout.

"Oh no!" Charlotte shouts. "She's probably down there right now meditating! Can you go down the basement and check Dana? I'm scared to go down there."

"Yeah me too," Nancy says.

"Okay," Dana says. "I'll go down there."

"Okay good. But you can't go down there alone Dana. We're not allowed to have you and Diane alone just in case she tries to get you to meditate with her."

"Is that what you're worried about?"

"Yeah. That's what we're all worried about Dana."

"Okay. If it makes you feel better, I won't meditate with Diane."

"You won't?"


"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Promise you won't meditate with Diane, even if she tries to get you to meditate with her."

"I promise I won't meditate with her, even if she tries to get me to do it."

"Are you sure Dana?"

"I'm sure."

"Good." Nancy and Charlotte let go of Dana's arms and shoulders.

Dana turns to them and says, "Don't worry girls. I'll be back."

"Okay Dana."

Dana turns and starts to head to the basement steps. She approaches the basement steps then goes down the dark basement steps. Charlotte and Nancy nervously watch Dana go down the basement steps.


Fifteen minutes later, Charlotte and Nancy are in the kitchen sitting down at the table chit-chatting as Charlotte says to Nancy, "So you think Dana is in denial?"

"Of course she's in denial Charlotte," Nancy says. "After all, she does meditate right along with Diane."

"Well maybe that's why she sees nothing wrong with it. You think she was saying all those things are coincidences to throw off our suspicion?"

"Of course she wants to throw off our suspicion because she has been caught being in a state of trance right along with Diane and I don't think she be aware of herself being in a state of trance either."

"She doesn't?"

"No. When Grandma Gracy, Uncle Willie and Nicolas told Dana that they saw her in a state of trance right along with Diane, Dana didn't seem to remember it."

"She didn't?"

"No. She had no idea what Grandma Gracy, Uncle Willie and Nicolas were talking about."


"That's why Grandma wants her to be watched as well."

"Is Grandma still planning to make arrangements for Dana to get counseling?"

"Oh yeeaahh. She and Grandpa were on the phone talking with Grandma Gracy and Grandpa Mike this afternoon."

"They were?"

"Yeah. They were all talking about making arrangements for Dana to have counseling."

"Oh boy!" Charlotte looks towards the kitchen doorway. She then whispers, "Oh oh, now Dana is taking a while to come back up here!" Charlotte and Nancy frighteningly look at each other. They then look towards the kitchen doorway.

"Oh no!" Nancy whispers. "Not her too! This is why Grandma says that Dana needs to be watched at all times while she's with Diane! Now we have to call out to her and hope she answers!"

"Okay! Ready? One two three."

"Dana!" Charlotte and Nancy shout. They do not hear a response.

"She's not answering either!" Charlotte nervously shouts. "And I'm sure she could hear us from the basement!"

"Let's try it again," Nancy says.

"Okay. One two three."

"Dana!" Charlotte and Nancy shout again. They still do not hear a response.

"She's still not answering!" Charlotte nervously shouts.

"I know!" Nancy nervously shouts. "First Diane disappears right inside this house, now Dana does! I mean what the hell is going on?!"

"I don't know! Diane can't get too far with that ankle monitor on her foot!"

"I know!"

"You think when Dana went downstairs, she probably caught Diane secretly meditating or caught her in a state of trance and is trying to snap her out of the trance before we and the rest of the family get suspicious and find out about it?"

"It's a possibility Charlotte. Maybe that's why she's taking a while to come back up the stairs, unless, Diane succeeded in influencing Dana to meditate right along with her again and Dana just went along with it and meditated with Diane anyway because she sees nothing wrong with it."

"But Dana made a promise that she wouldn't meditate with Diane! I hope she didn't lie to me about it just to keep me quiet."

"I hope not either. If Dana doesn't hurry and show up with Diane, then we have to go in the living room to wake Nicolas up to go get them." Nancy and Charlotte suddenly hear a couple of footsteps and voices coming up the basement steps. They nervously look at each other. "I think I hear their footsteps coming," Nancy whispers.

"I hear it too. I think Dana found Diane." Charlotte and Nancy hear the voices coming towards the kitchen. They look towards the kitchen entryway and see Dana entering the kitchen.

"Dana!" Charlotte and Nancy shout.

"Diane's coming," Dana says as she enters the kitchen. She turns to Nancy and Charlotte and says, "Are you two okay now?"

"Yeah we're fine Dana," Charlotte smiles and says.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah we're sure Dana," Nancy smiles and says. "We're fine. Thanks."

"Okay." Dana turns and heads towards the stove.

Charlotte and Nancy look towards the kitchen entryway again and see Diane D who appears to be normal entering the kitchen. They become excited and shout, "Diane!"

"Hey girls!" Diane D says as she limps into the kitchen.

"My goodness Diane!" Nancy says. "Where have you been?!"

"I'm sorry it took so long for me to come back upstairs to the room, but I was down in the basement talking with Michael, Mickey and Uncle Willie."

"What?" Nancy and Charlotte say.

"Michael, Mickey and Uncle Willie?" Charlotte says. "They're down in the basement?"

"Yeah," Diane D says.

"Oh, we didn't know they were down there."

"Yeah they are."

"Wow," Nancy says. "You seem normal Diane."

"I seem normal? What do you mean 'I seem normal'?"

"You still seem like yourself."

"I still seem like myself?"


"Well why wouldn't I be myself?"

"Oh never mind. I'm just happy that you're okay."

"I feel okay Nancy."

Nancy and Charlotte laugh and both give a sigh of relief. Nancy then says to Diane D, "You haven't secretly meditated lately have you?"

"No I haven't secretly meditated lately because you know why? First of all, Grandma and Grandpa forbid me from meditating anymore and second, even if I want to secretly meditate, I can't, not with the way Grandma have everyone in the family watching my every move."

Nancy and Charlotte laugh again. Michael, Mickey and Uncle Willie suddenly enter the kitchen as Michael says, "Good evening Nancy and Charlotte."

"Hey Michael, Mickey, Uncle Willie," Charlotte and Nancy say.

"Hey girls," Uncle Willie says. "Why didn't you two come down the stairs with Dana?"

"Yeah," Mickey says. "We were watching the game."

"Y'all were?" Charlotte asks.

"Yeah." Mickey looks towards Dana and says, "I decided to have some Gumbo soup too Dana."

"Yeah me too," Uncle Willie says.

"Okay," Dana says as she puts a large pot on the stove. Uncle Willie, Mickey and Michael start to sit at the table and chit chat with Diane D, Nancy and Charlotte. Dana turns to Nancy and Charlotte and asks, "You two want some Gumbo soup?"

"Gumbo soup?" Charlotte says. "I thought you were gonna make chicken soup."

"I was but I changed my mind because Diane decided she wants Gumbo soup instead of chicken soup."

"Oh. Okay. I guess I'll have some Gumbo soup too."

"Me too," Nancy says.

Nicolas suddenly enters the kitchen awoken from his sleep in the living room as he stretches his arms. "Hey Nicolas," everyone says.

"What's going on?" Nicolas asks.

"I'm getting ready to make Gumbo for everybody," Dana says. "You want some?"

"Gumbo soup sounds good. Yeah I'll have some Dana, thanks."

"Are there any crackers in the house?" Nancy asks.

"Yeah," Dana says. "It's in the cabinet."

"Okay, I'll get it." Nancy gets up from the chair. She turns to Diane D and says, "You want some crackers Diane?"

"Sure," Diane D says. "Why not." Diane D and Nancy chit-chat as they turn and walk towards the cabinet with Diane D still slightly limping.



Three days later, Gracy and Nicolas are in the kitchen preparing breakfast as Grandpa Mike, Aunt Celeste, Aunt Laura, Aunt Jean, Uncle Willie and Mickey sit at the large kitchen table. Nicolas turns to Grandpa Mike and says, "You ready for your coffee Grandpa?"

"Yes I'm ready Nicolas," Grandpa Mike says as he sits at the end of the table. "Are the girls coming down for breakfast?"

"Yeah. Missy, Landa and Londa are all still upstairs trying on some new make-up. They want to try the new make-up on Dana."

"Oh yeah?" Aunt Celeste says. "Dana doesn't wear make-up."

"The girls know that. That's why they want to try the new make-up on her to see how it looks on her."

"I see." Suddenly the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it," Nicolas says. He turns and heads towards the livingroom.


Nicolas goes through the livingroom to the front door. He approaches the front door and looks through the peephole. He opens the front door and sees Teresa standing outside of it. "Hey Teresa," he says.

"Hey Nicolas," Teresa says. "How are you?"

"I'm okay and yourself?"

"Pretty good. I just want to know if it's alright if I visit Diane?"

"I'm not sure if Diane is allowed anybody to visit her while she's on house arrest Teresa."


"But let me ask my grandparents. Hold on." Nicolas closes the front door. He turns and heads back towards the kitchen.


Nicolas enters the kitchen and says, "Grandma Grandpa, Teresa is at the door. She wants to know if she can visit Diane."

"Diane is on house arrest Nicolas, "Grandpa Mike says. "She's not allowed any visitors. If they're not family, they cannot come in here and visit her."

"Well Teresa might not be family," Gracy says, "but she has been a friend of Diane's and Dana's for a long time. I guess it won't hurt if she sees Diane real quick."

"Okay. She can visit Diane real quick, but she cannot stay too long."

"Okay Grandpa," Nicolas says.

"Before you let her in, go upstairs and let Diane know that she's out there and see if it's okay with her for Teresa to come in and visit her."

"Okay Grandpa." Nicolas turns and heads back out the kitchen.


Three minutes later, Nicolas comes back into the kitchen. He says, "Diane says okay. She says Teresa can visit her real quick."

"Are you sure it's alright with her Nicolas?" Grandpa Mike asks.

"Yeah she says it's alright only for a few minutes because she says she's not really up to any visitors anyway, but Teresa can come up real quick."

"Okay, let her in, but she cannot stay too long."

"Okay Grandpa." Nicolas turns and heads back towards the front door.


Nicolas opens the front door and says, "Come in Teresa." Nicolas lets Teresa in. Teresa nervously enters the house as Nicolas says to her, "You can visit Diane real quick, but not for long because she's still under house arrest."

"Does she still have that ankle monitor wrapped around her ankle?" Teresa asks.

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