DIANE D And The Other Personality by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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"You don't need to know."

"I don't?"


"How were you about to kill her?!

"By taking a hammer and bashing her in the head."

Margarita gasps! She then says, "By taking a hammer and bashing the young woman in the head?!"

"That's right."

"Oh my God! That is so cruel!"

"Don't worry. I didn't get to kill her because she had escaped and ran off in the stairwell before I got the chance to catch her."

"She escaped and ran off in the stairwell?!"


"Oh my God! That woman must have ran off because she probably saw you or should I say saw Dana coming after her with a hammer! Did the woman see Dana's physical body coming after her with a hammer?"


"She did?!"

"Yes, that's why she ran off."

"Oh my God! Just like when Marcus ran off and escaped from Diane or should I say escaped from YOU in the back stairwell of that school! So if that young woman hadn't escaped from you and you would have caught up to her, you would have tried to kill her with the hammer?!"

"Exactly. I would have bashed her right in the skull."

"You would have bashed her in the skull, using Dana's physical body?!"


"Oh nooo! So you were about to make Dana into a vicious murderer, just like you were about to make Diane into a vicious murderer when you had her physical body go after Marcus! Oh my God! Does Dana remember going after this young woman with a hammer when you used her physical body go after that woman?"

"No she doesn't."

"She doesn't remember?!"

"No, how can she remember? Her soul and spirit wasn't there."

"It wasn't?"


"Then where was it?"

"Wandering the universe."

"Wandering the universe too?! Who put her soul or spirit out there?!"

"I did."

"You did! So you snatched Dana's soul and spirit right out of her physical body, threw her soul and spirit out there in space wandering the universe for the time being just like you do Diane, then entered her physical body and used her physical body to do an attempted murder by going after that young woman in the stairwell with a hammer?!"


"And while Dana's soul and spirit was out there in space wandering the universe, she had no idea in this world, that her own physical body down here on earth was about to be used in an attempted murder?!"

"No she had no idea."

"Oh my God! Just like Diane had no idea that her own physical body was about to be used in an attempted murder! Oh my Goodness! So when Dana's original soul and spirit returned into her physical body, she had no memory of what went on with her physical body?!"

"No she had no memory of what went on."

"Oh my God! What drawned you to Dana's physical body that night anyway?"

"She was meditating with Diane earlier that evening."

"She was meditating with Diane earlier that evening? That's what made you drawned to her?!"


"Is that the only reason why you were drawned to Dana in the first place, because she was meditating with Diane earlier that evening?"

"Yes that's the only reason."

"Oh my God." Margarita frighteningly stares at Diane D's other personality.

"Now if you would excuse me, I will replace Diane's physical body back on the bed now and let her soul and spirit return to you."

"Oh. Okay, thank you! Thank you!" Margarita puzzled stares at Diane D's other personality.

Diane D's other personality continues to give Margarita a cold stare, waiting for Margarita to move out of the way.

Margarita then says, "I'll step out of your way." Margarita nervously backs up and steps out of the bathroom doorway.


Margarita hurries away from the bathroom doorway towards the hospital room door.

Diane D's other personality steps out the bathroom with the monitor wires still hooked to her and the long chain still hooked to her shackle dragging the long chain. Her other personality then stops and gives Margarita a cold stare again.

Margarita leans on the hospital room door frighteningly looking at Diane D's other personality.

Diane D's other personality then turns away from Margarita and heads to the hospital bed. Her other personality approaches the hospital bed. Her other personality then turns her head and gives Margarita another cold stare.

Margarita continues to lean on the hospital room door frighteningly looking at Diane D's other personality.

Diane D's other personality then turns back forward and sits on the hospital bed. Her other personality then lays down on the hospital bed. Her other personality then places the sheet and blanket over itself. It then looks back at Margarita.

Margarita frighteningly continues to watch Diane D's other personality.

Diane D's other personality then lays down on its back with its face up towards the ceiling. Her other personality then closes its eyes and goes to sleep.

Margarita frighteningly watches Diane D's other personality going to sleep. She stands there leaning against the door for a while. She then sees Diane D's other personality going into a deep sleep. She stands there leaning on the door for several seconds and starts to cry. She sees Diane D's other personality completely still, not moving. She then says, "Diane?" Margarita frighteningly leans off the door looking at Diane D's physical body. She then stands there and stares at Diane D's physical body. Then she slowly and nervously heads towards Diane D's physical body and says, "Diane? Are you back?" Margarity approaches Diane D's physical body as it lays on the hospital bed appearing to be in a deep sleep. Margarita looks at Diane D's physical face. She sees that Diane D's physical face is not pale anymore. She sees that the color has come back to Diane D's face. She sees Diane D's physical face back to normal! She becomes anxious and excited and shouts, "Diane!" Margarita grabs Diane D's physical body by the shoulders and starts to gently shake Diane D's physical body shouting, "Diane! Wake up baby! It's me! Wake up!" Margarita continues to gently shake Diane D by the shoulders and shouts, "Diane wake up baby! Wake up!" Margarita then shakes Diane D real hard desperately trying to bring Diane D's original soul and spirit back as she shouts, "Diane despierte! Voy a seguir molestando hasta que vuelvas, ahora se despierte! Despierte a Diane! Por favor despiértese!" Margarita starts to shake Diane D more harder! Suddenly Diane D starts moaning and groaning in pain. Margarita becomes excited and shouts, "Diane es que USTED?! Es usted vuelta?!" Margarita continues to roughly shake Diane D by the shoulders! Suddenly Diane D starts to moan and groan louder. "Diane!" Margarita excitingly shouts. "Oh mi Dios Diane, estás de vuelta?!"

Diane D gets a look of pain on her face and shouts, "Aahh!"

"Diane!" Margarita shouts. "Usted está gritando de dolor! Se siente el dolor?! Déjame saber si usted siente dolor! Se siente el dolor?!" Margarita continues to roughly shake Diane D's physical body by the shoulders and shouts, "Puedes sentir esto?!" She roughly shakes D's physical body by the shoulders again and shouts, "Puedes sentir eso?!"

"Aaah!" Diane D screams in pain again! She opens her eyes a little. She looks at Margarita and shouts, "Grandma! What are you doing?!"

"Oh Diane!" Margarita excitingly shouts and smiles as she looks at Diane D. "Usted está de vuelta!" Margarita lifts Diane D's physical body up a little and grabs her physical body holding Diane D very tightly giving Diane D a huge big hug.

"Grandma!" Diane D screams in pain again. "You're hurting me!"

"I'm hurting you?!"


"That means you feel pain! If you feel pain, that means it's YOU!! You're back!" Margarita cries and shouts. "My baby is back, my baby is back!" Margarita starts to cry real hard. She then turns her face to Diane D and starts kissing all over Diane D's head and face real hard. "You're back baby, you're back!" Margarita continues to cry real hard. She then holds, hugs and kisses on Diane D very tightly. She starts to gently rock Diane D as she leans her head against Diane D's head. She continues to cry. She then says, "It's okay baby, it's okay." Margarita turns her face towards Diane D and gives Diane D another kiss on the head. She then looks up in the air with tears in her eyes. She then whispers to the other soul, spirit and personality, "Thank you. Thank you for bringing her back." Margarita continues to stare in the air. She then looks back at Diane D and continues to hold, hug and kiss on Diane D very tight. She continues to gently rock Diane's physical body as she continues to cry.



The next morning, Margarita's family and relatives, doctors and hospital staff are standing in the hospital hallway anxiously and frighteningly surrounding Margarita. They just heard the news of Margarita having her own encounter with Diane D's other personality! "Oh my God Mom!" Barry shouts. "Are you alright?! First it was Nancy having an encounter with that other personality, now you! Who's going to be next?!"

"Are you alright Grandma?!" Michael hysterically asks. "Did Diane ... I mean did that other personality act like it wanted to hurt you or harm you?!"

"No, it didn't," Margarita nervously says with tears in her eyes.

"It didn't?"


"Thank goodness!"

"Are you okay Miss Margarita?" one of the doctors asks.

"No I'm not okay!" Margarita shouts. "I'm worried and upset about what's happening to my grandchild!"

"Oh Miss Margarita? It'll be okay! Don't cry! It's going to be okay! How's Diane D doing now?"

"She's still suffering in a lot of pain from that ordeal when she broke loose from the chains."

"You mean when her other personality broke the chains loose from the couch?"

"Yes. Her aunts and her other grandma are in the room with her trying to massage her aches and pains."

"Her aunts and her other grandmother?"

"Yes." Everyone tries to comfort Margarita.


Inside Diane D's hospital room, Diane D is laying chest down on her hospital bed unconscious with monitor wires still hooked to her with her arms all the way up to her head with both her upper arms, both her lower arms, both her wrists and both her hands still wrapped entirely in casts and bandages as she lays her head on top of her hands with her head facing her right with her eyes still swollen shut. There is a pillow beneath her head as her hair is in one long thick braid. Her muscular shoulders and muscular back are completely bare with the sheet and blanket covering her hips on down. There are bandages wrapped around the sides of her torso where it is slightly bruised as Aunt Jean stands near Diane D's left shoulder massaging her left shoulder and Aunt Celeste massages Diane D's bare back rubbing some mineral oil on her back. Aunt Laura stands to the side holding the mineral oil as Gracy fixes Diane D's sheet and blanket.

Dana and her sisters, Missy, Landa, Londa and Linda, suddenly enter the hospital room holding gifts, huge teddy bears and food as Missy says, "Hi everybody."

"Hey you all," Gracy and Aunt Jean say.

"We brought more gifts for Diane," Londa says.

"And we got her some soup too," Dana says.

"I don't think Diane is still able to eat right now Dana," Gracy says. "She was still in a lot of pain."

"That's why we brought soup for her so she can eat it whenever she feels better."

"I think that soup is gonna sit around a long time Dana. Diane is still unconscious."

"She is?"

"Yeah. They sedated her again."

"They did? Why?"

"Because of the pain she was in. So she's not going to able to eat that soup for a while. It's gonna get spoiled. So you girls might as well eat it."

"Okay Grandma." Dana, Missy, Landa, Londa and Linda put the food on the side. They then walk towards Diane D's hospital bed.

Dana and her sisters approach Diane D's hospital bed and look down at her. They sadly stare at Diane D as she continues to lay there on her chest unconscious with her face to the side. Missy turns to Gracy and asks, "How she doing Grandma?"

"She was still in a lot of pain Missy," Gracy says. "That's why they sedated her again."

"She's sedated again?"


"Oh." Missy, Dana, Landa, Londa and Linda continue to look at Diane D. They then look at the slight bruises on the side of her back underneath the bandages as Missy asks, "Why does she have slight bruises on her side? Where did those bruises come from?"

"It came from when she spun her body around holding the couch high up in the air while she still had the chains attached to her body. When the chains were swirling an spinning right along with her body, the chains wind up whipping her on the sides."

"It did?"

"Yes, but she still kept spinning her body around while the chains were whipping her. That's how she got the bruises on her sides. The bruises came from the chains."

"She didn't feel the chains whipping her?"

"I guess not. It didn't stop her from spinning her body around because she still kept spinning her body around while she was holding the couch high up in the air."

"She didn't realize what was happening with herself?

"No she didn't realize it at all."

"Wow, that is so sad."

"It is."

Landa then looks at Gracy, Aunt Celeste, Aunt Jean and Aunt Laura and says, "Did any of you see the hypnosis room yet since that incident?"

"No we haven't Landa," Aunt Celeste whispers.

"How come?"

"I don't know if we are able to see it."

"Why not? I want to see it."

"You want to see it?" Aunt Laura whispers.

"Sure. I heard it got real damaged in there. I heard there was blood everywhere."

"It was," Aunt Celeste whispers. "That's why you can't see it. I don't think they're going to allow anybody in that room."

"Why not?"

"Because it's a crime scene, that's why."

"What!" Missy, Landa, Londa and Linda whisper. "A crime scene?!"


"How is it a crime scene Aunt Celeste?" Missy whispers.

"Don't you know?! Three people died from that incident! Two police officers and a swat team member! They lost their life from what happened inside that hypnosis room, other authority figures got seriously injured! Who knows if more of them might pass away later on from that incident!" Missy, Landa, Londa and Linda shockingly look at Aunt Celeste with their mouths open. They then turn their heads towards the head of the bed and look at Diane D. They shockingly stare at her again. Then they turn their heads towards the foot of the bed and look at her feet. They see the long chain that's attached to her shackle. They see the other end of the chain attached to the metal bar of her hospital bed.

Linda turns to Gracy and whispers, "Does Diane know that anybody died from what she did?"

"No she still doesn't know anything yet Linda," Gracy whispers.

"She doesn't?"

"No! She's been sedated and unconscious back and forth since the doctors brought her out of hypnosis."

"What!" Londa whispers. "You mean to tell us, that she killed three people, and don't even know it?!"

"Well it wasn't her that did it Londa. It was her other personality who killed those people."

"Her other personality?"


"Oh gosh. Wow, that is messed up."

"It is."

"Has she eaten yet Grandma?" Missy asks.

"Well, they're feeding her through the IV needle right there Missy, that's how she's eating."

"Oh, I see."

"Where's your mom and dad?"

"They're on their way up."

"Okay." Gracy walks to the head of the bed near Diane D's right shoulder as Aunt Jean remains at Diane D's left shoulder massaging her left shoulder. Gracy looks at Diane D's head and says to Aunt Jean, "I think we should remove her arm and hand from underneath her head before her arm and hand lose circulation."

"Okay Mom," Aunt Jean says. Aunt Celeste approaches near Aunt Jean and reaches her hands underneath Diane D's head. She and Gracy gently lift Diane D's head a little as Aunt Jean gently removes Diane D's left arm and hand from underneath Diane D's head and Gracy removes Diane D's right arm and hand from underneath Diane D's head. Aunt Celeste and Gracy gently place Diane D's head back down on the pillow. Aunt Jean gently places Diane D's left elbow on the side of the pillow as Gracy places places Diane D's right elbow on the opposite side of the pillow. Diane D's head faces her left side now as she continues to lay unconscious with her shoulders and back still bare and hands folded above her head. They all sadly look at Diane D again as Aunt Jean continue to rub her left shoulder.

Aunt Jean finish rubbing Diane D's left shoulder. She Aunt Celeste and Gracy then take the sheet and blanket and bring the sheet and blanket all the way up to Diane D's shoulders covering her whole body as she continues to lay unconscious. They sadly look at Diane D again as Gracy gives Diane D a loving kiss on the head.













































Chapter 22


Another Officer Passes Away



The next day, Mrs. Peterson, her family and in-laws are inside a hospital room crying their eyes out as Mrs. Peterson shouts, "Why did this have to happen?! Why why whyyy?!" Mrs. Peterson continues to cry her eyes out.

The officer's mother and father approach Mrs. Peterson as his mother shouts, "My son is gone, my son is gone! How can this happen?!" The officer's mother and Mrs. Peterson start to cry on each other's shoulders.

Dr. Harvey approaches Mrs. Peterson and the officer's mother and says, "Mrs. Petersons. I'm so sorry for both of your loss."

"Sorry my foot Doctor Harvey!" Mrs. Peterson shouts as she looks at Dr. Harvey. "Diane D is a murderer! She killed my husband! She's a cop killer! She needs to be arrested and charged!"

"That's right Doctor Harvey!" the officer's father shouts. "When are they going to arrest Diane D! So far, her other personality just claimed its fourth victim here, my son! When are they going to arrest her Doctor Harvey?!"

"Diane is still in the hospital Mr. Peterson!" Dr. Harvey says. "They sort of do have her under arrest because she's laying in the hospital with a chain hooked to one of her shackles!"

"A chain hooked to one of her shackles?!"


"Oh what's that gonna do?! Huh?! If her other personality was capable of breaking loose from chains before, then her other personality can do it again and break loose from that chain that's attached to her shackle!"

"Well thank God her other personality is not there anymore Mr. Peterson, because Diane's original personality came back! If her other personality was still there, she would have been broke loose from that chain attached to her shackle!"

"Then her other personality would escape right out of the hospital and cause more chaos, then more police officers and a swat team would have to come after that other personality of hers with guns, then more deaths would occur! Wow! I cannot believe how vicious her other personality is! Throwing a couch across the room at authority figures slamming the couch right into their heads bashing them right in their heads knocking them out cold, causing some of their heads to split wide open, causing my son and another officer to get shot then die later on! That is so cruel Doctor Harvey! It really is! This is exactly why I never wanted my son to become a police officer, because we got crazy people like that other personality of Diane D's roaming the streets when they should be locked up! Diane D needs to be locked up for good Doctor Harvey, that way her other personality can't use her physical body to harm more people!"

"That's right Doctor Harvey!" Mrs. Peterson shouts. "Thanks to Diane D's other personality, both Mrs. Jenkins and I are now widows!"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Peterson," Dr. Harvey says. "I really am."

"Oh what do you know?!" Mr. Peterson shouts as he frustratedly turns and walks away from Dr. Harvey. Dr. Harvey sadly looks at Mr. Peterson. Then sadly looks at