DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 21

Evil Entity Threatens To Go After Dana’s Physical Body To Cause Chaos!

As Diane D’s other personality lays back down on the psychiatrist couch, she then says, “Since I can’t take this physical body out of this room, I’ll just go after Dana’s physical body!”

“What!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“Go after Dana’s physical body?” Dr. Stone asks. “You’ll go after Dana’s physical body?!”

“That’s what I just said!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.

“What do you mean go after Dana’s physical body?”

“Just like I said, go after it!”

“Why?! Why would you go after Dana’s physical body?”

“So that I can evict her soul or spirit out of it!”


“What!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“So you can evict Dana’s soul or spirit out of her physical body?!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Exactly!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.

“But why?! Why do you want to evict Dana’s soul or spirit out of her physical body?!”

“So that I can enter her physical body!”

“So that you can enter her physical body?!”

“That’s right!”

“Why in the world do you want to enter into Dana’s physical body?!”

“So that I can use her physical body to come back here and kill you!”

“What!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“So you can use her physical body to come back here and kill me?!” Dr. Stone asks.

“Exactly!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.

“So you’re willing to commit murder again using Dana’s physical body?! Are you planning to make Dana commit a homicide?! You already caused Diane to commit a multiple homicide last year, now you’re going to cause Dana to commit a homicide too?!”


“Oh no!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“Do you even know Dana?!” Dr. Stone asks.

“Yes I do know her!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.

“You do?!”


“Does she know you?!”

“No she doesn’t know me!”

“Dana doesn’t know you at all?!”


“Oh no!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“So how are you going to enter into her physical body if she doesn’t know you?!” Dr.

Stone asks.

“She doesn’t have to know me,” Diane D’s other personality says, “all I need, is to know her!”

“All you need is to know her?! But you know Diane’s other family members as well!

Can I ask why you don’t plan to enter their physical bodies?!”

“Because they never meditated with Diane, but Dana has!”

“But Dana has?”


“So are you saying that Dana somehow unknowingly opened doors for you to enter into her physical body just because she meditates with Diane?”


“Oh no!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“How are you going to enter into Dana’s physical body anyway while you’re already inside Diane’s physical body?!” Dr. Stone asks.

“Simple!” Diane D’s other personality shouts, “all I have to do, is leave this physical body, then approach Dana’s physical body!”

“What!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“By leaving Diane’s physical body then approach Dana’s physical body?!” Dr. Stone 195


“Yes!” Diane D’s other personality shouts, “it’s that simple.”

“What!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout. “Oh no!”

“Do you even know where Dana is?” Dr. Stone asks.

“Of course I know where she is,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“You do?”

“Yes! So if you will excuse me, I will leave out of this physical body right now, then I’m going to approach Dana’s physical body. Once I approach her physical body, I am going to evict her soul or spirit right out of it.”

“What!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“Evict her soul or spirit out of it?!” Dr. Stone shouts. “You’re going to evict Dana’s soul or spirit out of her physical body?!”

“That’s right!” Diane D’s other personality shouts. “And once I evict her soul or spirit out of her physical body, I’m going to move in, enter into her physical body and use her physical body to come back here and kill your ass! You’ll be seeing Dana’s physical body coming here for you very shortly.”

“What!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“I will?!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Yes,” Diane D’s other personality says. “Bye, for now. I’ll see you later.” Diane D’s other personality stops moving. It then goes into a deep sleep. Diane D’s physical body lays there completely still not moving. Her physical body lays there motionless. The entity appears to have left Diane D’s physical body. It appears to have left the building.

Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family frighteningly stare at Diane D’s physical body!

“I think that entity left!” Tomas shouts.

“I think so too!” Mary shouts.

Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas turn and frighteningly look at each other. They then turn to Dr. Stone as Margarita shouts, “Did you hear what that entity or other personality just said Dr. Stone?! It said it’s going to go after Dana, enter Dana’s physical body then come back here to kill you! That means that Dana is going to show up here!”

“I know!” Dr. Stone shouts. “I fear that entity is going to use Dana’s physical body to kill and cause chaos just like it used Diane’s physical body to kill and cause chaos last year!”

“So what are we gonna do?!” Mary shouts.

“Some of you have to hurry and find Dana and get to her before that evil entity does while the rest of you stay here and keep an eye on Diane’s physical body!”

“Okay!” Margarita shouts. She turns to Barry and Tomas and shouts, “You guys go and stop Dana while we stay here with Diane!”

“Okay Ma!” Barry shouts.

“We’ll get the rest of the guys!” Tomas shouts as he and Barry turn and hurry towards the door! They quickly leave out of the monitor room desperate to find Dana and get to her before it’s too late as Margarita, Mary and Dr. Stone stay inside the monitor room worriedly watching over Diane D’s physical body on the monitor.

Thirty minutes later, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Michael rush into the monitor room! Margarita, Mary and Dr. Stone quickly turn and look at them as 196

Margarita shouts, “What are you guys doing back here so soon?! Did you find Dana?!”

“No!” Barry shouts. “When we called Dana’s cell phone, she didn’t pick up! We kept calling and calling her phone, but she still never picked up! We called mom and dad and asked them where is Dana! They said they didn’t know because Dana was asleep at first!”

“She was asleep?” Mary asks.

“Yeah! Then mom and dad said all of a sudden, she woke up, sat up on the bed and looked around, then she jumped off the bed!”

“She jumped off the bed?!”

“Yeah, then she took a quick look in the mirror then turned and ran out the room then ran down the stairs and headed to the closet, then she grabbed a baseball bat out of the closet then ran right into the living room pass everyone then ran to the front door, opens the front door then ran out of the house!”

“She ran out of the house?!” Dr. Stone asks.

“Yeah, then she got in her car and just drove out of there like a bat out of hell without saying anything!”

“What!” Dr. Stone, Mary and Margarita shout.

“Dana got in her car and just drove out of there and didn’t say anything?!”

Margarita shouts.

“That’s what they said!” Nicolas shouts.

“How long ago did this all happen?”

“Several minutes ago!”

“Several minutes ago?”


“So they don’t know where Dana went?”

“No they don’t know! Maybe she’s on her way here!”

“Oh nooo!” everyone else shouts.

“If she’s on her way here, that means she’s on her way over here to kill me just like that entity said!” Dr. Stone shouts. “I fear that Dana might kill just like Diane and wind up not remembering any of it!”

“Not remember any of it?!” Tonio shouts. “You really think so Dr. Stone?!”

“I know so!”

“So what are we gonna do?” Mary shouts.

“We have to stop her!” They all rush to the monitor to check on Diane D.

“How’s Diane doing?!” Michael asks.

“Her physical body is still out of it right now,” Dr. Stone says as he looks at Diane D

on the monitor. They all worriedly watch Diane D’s physical body on the monitor.

Around an hour later, suddenly there is a loud bang! Everyone becomes startled.

They turn their heads to look around. They suddenly hear the loud bang again! Dr.

Stone looks at the monitor. He then says, “It sounds like that banging sound is coming from the monitor! I think it’s coming from where Diane is!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“Coming from where Diane is?!” Michael shouts.

“Yes!” Dr. Stone shouts.

Diane D’s family turn and look at the monitor. “But Diane’s not making that 197

banging sound!” Nicolas shouts. “She’s still out of it!”

“But I have a feeling that’s where Dana is! I think she’s here!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“I think she’s the one making that banging sound!”

“Oh no!”

“It sounds like she’s trying to break into that bolted room where Diane is!”

“What! Oh no!”

“We got to get to that window of the bolted room!” Dr. Stone rushes to the door as everyone else turns and hurries after him. He then rushes out of the room as everyone else hurries after him!

Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family rush into the hallway! They then rush around the corner of the hallway!

Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family rush down the other hallway then rush to the right to the window at the top of the bolted room where Diane D’s physical body is still laying and out of it. They see and hear banging outside the bolted room door as if someone is trying to break into the bolted room. “Is someone trying to break in Dr. Stone?!” Barry shouts.

“I think so!” Dr. Stone shouts. “That’s most likely Dana!”

“Dana?!!” everyone else shouts. “Oh noooo!”

“Well we just can’t stand here!” Tomas shouts, “we gotto go get Diane! Even if it is Dana, we still can’t take any chances!”

“That’s right!” Mary shouts. “What if Dana hurts Diane and not remember it like you said?!”

“I’m going to stop that before it happens!” Dr. Stone shouts. He and Diane D’s family continue to hear banging outside the door. They see the door breaking open!

“Oh my God!” Michael shouts, “the door is breaking!” The bolted room door suddenly breaks open! Dana suddenly busts into the bolted room right where Diane D’s physical body is swinging the baseball bat with her eyes shut!

“Oh my God!” Margarita shouts, “that IS Dana! She came here just like that entity said she would!”

“And her eyes are shut just like Diane’s!” Mary shouts.

“That’s because that IS the entity, inside her body!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Oh noooo!” everyone else shouts.

Inside the bolted room, Dana swings the baseball bat at the equipment knocking a lot of stuff down!

“Oh no!” Barry shouts. “She might get close to Diane and hit her with that bat! We have to stop her!”

“I’ll stop her!” Dr. Stone shouts. He gets on the microphone outside the bolted room window and shouts to the entity inside Dana’s physical body, “I command you to stop! I command you to stop right now!”


Back inside the bolted room, Dana’s physical body suddenly falls backward out on the floor with the baseball bat! Her physical body lays on the floor unconscious!

Back out inside the hallway, Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family frighteningly stare at Dana’s physical body! “Did you see that?!” Nicolas shouts. “Dana fell out, just like that!”

“I know!” Barry shouts. He and the rest of Diane D’s family continue to frighteningly stare at Dana’s physical body!