DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

Dr. Stone Speaks To Evil Entity Possessing Diane D’s Physical Body!


A week later, Diane D is inside Dr. Stone’s office lying face down on a psychiatrist couch with her face turned sideways. She is surrounded by her family members as her family members hold and try to comfort her with Nancy having her arm and hand beneath Diane D’s shirt massaging Diane D’s back. “Are you ready to be hypnotized again Diane?” Margarita asks.

“No not really Grandma,” Diane D says with puffy slightly teary eyes.

“You’re not?”

“No, but I’m ready to get all the help I need so people can finally stop being afraid of me.”

“You’re ready for the help again Diane?” Mary asks.

“Yeah Mom, I am.”

“Oh that’s good to hear baby.”

“That’s right Diane,” Margarita says, “we love you and we’re all here for you.”

“Thanks Grandma,” Diane D says.

“You’re welcome baby.” Margarita and Mary sadly smile at Diane D as Diane D

closes her eyes. Margarita gently strokes Diane D’s head.

Two hours later, Diane D is inside a bolted room lying face up on another psychiatrist couch with her eyes shut. She is under hypnosis again with one of her wrists handcuffed and chained to the side of the psychiatrist couch.

Dr. Stone, Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas are in another room watching Diane D

on a monitor. Dr. Stone then speaks to Diane D’s subconscious through a microphone and says, “Is there someone else there? If that is Diane there, wave your fingers two times. If that is someone else there who is NOT Diane, wave your fingers three times.”

Diane D waves her fingers three times.

“What!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“She waved her fingers three times!” Barry shouts. “That’s the other personality!”

“Oh no!” Margarita and Mary shout.

“It came out!” Tomas shouts.

“Oh my God!” Margarita shouts. “Please be careful Dr. Stone, please!”

“I’m gonna try,” Dr. Stone says. He then speaks to Diane D’s other personality and asks, “Are you the same evil, vicious entity who killed all those authority figures and a priest inside the hypnosis room last year?”

“Yes,” Diane D’s other personality says as Diane D’s eyes remain closed, “I’m the same one.”

“What!” Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Mary shout.

“You’re the same entity who killed all those authority figures and a priest inside the hypnosis room?!” Dr. Stone asks.

“Yes,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“Oh my God!” Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Mary shout.

“So you’re the same entity who kung fu kicked me and Dr. Kahn in our heads 182

knocking us both out?!” Dr. Stone asks.

“That’s right,” Diane D’s other personality says, “I’m the same one.”

“Oh nooo!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“And are you the same entity who kept coming into that little boy Marcus’ dreams and nightmares terrorizing him every night?!” Dr. Stone asks. “Are you the same entity who made yourself look exactly like Diane, pretending to be Diane, having Marcus think that it was Diane coming into his dreams and nightmares terrorizing him, when it was actually YOU coming into his dreams and nightmares terrorizing him?!”

“No,” Diane D’s other personality says, “it was the other one.”

“The other one? The other entity? It was the other entity coming into Marcus’

dreams and nightmares pretending to be Diane, terrorizing him?”


“Wow, I see that one of you are back! Have you still been coming around Diane?

Have you been coming around her soul, spirit and her physical body that you’re in right now?”

“Yes I have.”

“You have?”


“Oh nooo!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“Why?” Dr. Stone asks. “I thought you don’t come around or enter into Diane’s physical body if her family is around.”

“I don’t,” Diane D’s other personality says. “They’re not in here with this physical body now, are they?”

“No they’re not. Did you have something to do with that fellow Kurt’s dreams and nightmares? Are you the same entity that guy Kurt kept having dreams and nightmares about? Are you the same entity who made yourself look exactly like Diane or made yourself look exactly like her physical body, making yourself dressed exactly like Diane also pretending to be Diane just so Kurt can think it’s Diane he was seeing in his dreams and nightmares?”


“You’re the same entity who kept coming into Kurt’s dreams and nightmares?”

“Yes, I’m the same one.”

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“So you’re admitting that you made yourself look exactly like Diane or made yourself look exactly like her physical body pretending to be her, so Kurt can think it’s Diane invading his dreams and nightmares?” Dr. Stone asks.

“Yes,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“And you’re the same entity who Kurt saw handcuffed, shackled and chained down in the grass trapped in a contortionist position inside some creepy woods at night?”

“Yes, I’m the same one!”

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“Why did you invade Kurt’s dreams and nightmares pretending to be Diane?” Dr.

Stone asks.

“That’s just the way it is,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“That’s the way it is?”


“I see. Kurt claim that you told him some evil Being had you handcuffed, shackled 183

and chained down there in the grass trapped in a contortionist position and just left you like that. Is it true that some evil Being had you handcuffed, shackled and chained down in the grass trapped in a contortionist position and just left you there?”

“Yes it’s true.”

“Why did this evil Being do that to you? Why did it have you handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position and just left you down there in the grass?”

“It’s not for you to know.”

“It’s not for me to know? You don’t want to tell me the reason why this evil Being did that to you?”

“No I don’t!”

“Okay, moving right along. Kurt claim that he saw other entities or demons in his dreams and nightmares. He said that these other entities or demons look exactly like Diane also! He claim that there were multiple entities or demons that look exactly like Diane! He claim that they were all dressed exactly like Diane also! He said he saw around fifteen of these entities or demons altogether, including yourself! Did these other entities or demons make themselves look exactly like Diane also?”

“Yes, we all made ourselves look exactly like this physical body.”

“You all did?”

“Yes we did.”

“Oh no!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“Why?” Dr. Stone asks. “Why did you all chose Diane’s physical body to make yourselves look like?”

“That’s just the way it is!” Diane D’s other personality says.

“And these other entities or demons who made themselves look exactly like Diane are the same entities or demons who terrorized Kurt in his dreams and nightmares, bumped into him then chased him through the woods, attacked him, beat him with a large tree branch, tied him up and were about to set him on fire, right?”


“Kurt claimed at the beginning of his nightmares, he felt his soul or spirit being pulled right out of his physical body, and his soul or spirit was brought right into your spiritual underworld. He claimed that he had no control over his soul or spirit being pulled out of his physical body and brought into your spiritual underworld where he saw multiple entities or demons who look exactly like Diane!”

“Oh no!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“Did you and the other entities or demons who look exactly like Diane pull Kurt’s soul or spirit out of his physical body and brought his soul or spirit into your world?”

Dr. Stone asks.

“Yes we did,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“You did?”


“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“Why?” Dr. Stone asks. “Why did you all pull Kurt’s soul or spirit out of his physical body and brought his soul or spirit into your world?”

“That’s just the way it is,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“Oh yeah?”



“Why were those other entities or demons who look like Diane about to set Kurt on fire in the first place?”

“Because I told them to.”

“Because YOU told them to?!”


“Why did you tell those other entities or demons to do something so barbaric like that, and why did they all listen to you?! What are you, their ring leader or something?! Are you their puppet master?!”

“It’s not for you to know.”

“It’s not for me to know whether you’re their puppet master or not?!”


“Okay, we’ll leave it at that! Kurt claim that when he fell half asleep inside his hospital room, you and the other entities or demons that look like Diane suddenly appeared right inside his hospital room surrounding him, angrily staring him right in the face! Did you and the other entities or demons appear inside Kurt’s hospital room?”

“No we didn’t.”

“No? You all didn’t appear inside Kurt’s hospital room?”


“So how come he saw you all inside his hospital room surrounding him then?”

“Because he was half in our world and half in his world.”

“Half in your world and half in his world? In other words, he was caught between the two worlds and saw both of them at the same time?”


“I see. Why were you and the other entities or demons surrounding Kurt angrily staring him in the face?”

“We were watching him, waiting to see if he wakes back up in our world again after we pulled his soul or spirit into our world.”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“You were all watching Kurt, waiting to see if he wakes back up in your world after you all pulled his soul or spirit into your world?” Dr. Stone asks.

“Yes,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“Why did you all pull Kurt’s soul or spirit into your world again?”

“So we can finish the job of setting him on fire.”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“So you can finish the job of setting him on fire?!” Dr. Stone asks.

“That’s right,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shout.

“My God!” Dr. Stone shouts, “that is so cruel!”

“It sure is!” Barry shouts.

“But Kurt didn’t fully wake back up in your world because he quickly woke himself back up in THIS world!” Dr. Stone shouts to Diane D’s other personality. “If he hadn’t woke himself back up in this world, he would have been trapped in your world with you and the other entities or demons, then you all would have finished the job of setting him on fire!”

“You damn right we would have!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.

“Oh noooo!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“Thank God Kurt quickly woke himself back up in THIS world before you entities 185

got the chance to set him on fire or else I don’t think he would be alive today!” Dr.

Stone shouts.

“Oh noooo!”

“Kurt also claim that you kept stalking him throughout the woods in one of his dreams and nightmares! He said no matter where he ran off to and hid, you would somehow find him and approach him! Is that true too?”

“Yes it’s true,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“How did you wind up finding him?”

“I just did!”

“You just did? Okay. Why were you stalking him in the first place?”

“That’s just the way it is.”

“That’s just the way it is too? Okay. Kurt told his doctor that you claim if he ever come after Diane with a loaded gun again, not only will there be more chaos in his world, but there will be more deaths too! Did you say that to him?”

“Yep, I sure did.”

“What did you mean by more deaths too?”

“By more deaths!”

“Okay, Okay! Kurt claim you told him you had no problem with what you did to his father, that you do not regret with what you did, that you had no problem with it at all.

Did you tell him that?”

“Yep, I sure did.”

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Kurt also told his doctor that you told him not to come after Diane again, if he doesn’t want any more deaths,” Dr. Stone says. “Did you tell him that too?”

“Yes I told him that,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“So you would kill again?!”

“Of course I would!”

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Are you the same entity who entered Diane’s physical body when she had that fist fight with that guy Jeremy inside that hotel conference room?” Dr. Stone asks. “Are you the same entity who attacked Jeremy using Diane’s physical body by putting him in a choke hold while he was unconscious after Diane’s original soul, spirit and personality gave him a kung fu kick to the head?”

“Yes,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“You are?! You’re the same entity who attacked Jeremy?!”

“Yes, I’m the same one.”

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shout.

“How did you wind up entering Diane’s physical body during the middle of her fight with Jeremy?!” Dr. Stone asks.

“Simple!” Diane D’s other personality says. “I evicted her soul and spirit out of this physical body and entered it!”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“You evicted Diane’s original soul and spirit out of her physical body during the middle of the fight she had with Jeremy and entered her physical body then attacked Jeremy using her physical body?!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“That’s right!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.

“Then you attacked Jeremy’s family and the other victims’ family members by back-186

kicking them knocking some of them out and kung fu kicking water bottles and chairs back at them using Diane’s physical body again?”

“That’s right!”

“And you’re the same entity who kept slamming Jeremy’s head and body against the wall?”

“Yep, I’m the same one.”

“And you’re the same entity who put Jeremy’s body right in the line of fire causing him to get shot multiple times by the police guns?!”

“Yep, that’s me.”

“Why?! Why did you do that to Jeremy?!”

“Because he asked for it.”

“He asked for it?! How?! How did he ask for it?!”

“By going to attack Diane in the first place.”

“Oh by him going to attack Diane?”


“So you decided to step into Diane’s physical body to take care of Jeremy yourself!”

“Yep, you got it!”

“Do you know why Jeremy went to attack Diane in the first place? Because he accused her of killing his father, when her original soul, spirit or personality was not the one who actually killed his father, it was YOU who did that when you stepped into her physical body that fateful day!”

“You damn right I did!”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout. “Oh no!”

“Were you the same entity inside Diane’s physical body when Diane was laying in the hospital after the fight she had with Jeremy?” Dr. Stone asks. “When Diane opened her eyes and saw me inside the hospital room, she stared right at me, but as soon as she saw her family walk into the hospital room, she closed her eyes and went into a deep sleep right away and didn’t wake back up for a while like she wanted to avoid her family! But that wasn’t Diane’s original soul or spirit inside her physical body doing that! It was YOU inside her physical body doing that, right?”

“That’s right, it was me!”

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Why?” Dr. Stone asks. “Why when you opened your eyes and saw me, you stared at me, but as soon as you saw Diane’s family walk into the hospital room, you closed your eyes and went into a deep sleep right away?”

“I wanted to avoid her family,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“Oh, so you’re admitting that you wanted to avoid Diane’s family?”


“But why?”

“That’s just the way it is!”

“That’s just the way it is? I see. I heard about the last nightmare Kurt had about you! I heard that the evil Being had you sitting down on the grass in front of a tree handcuffed, shackled and chained to another chain that was wrapped around the trunk of the tree, then had his men try to destroy you by having you stoned! I heard that when Kurt was about to run to get out of harm’s way so he won’t get hit by the stones, you grabbed him by the ankles to keep him from running away, trapping him there, putting his body right in the line of fire, using him as a human shield so he can get hit 187

by the stones instead of you! How can you put Kurt's body right in the line of fire?!

How can you have his body hit by those stones after he came to your defense trying to block any more stones from hitting you and pleaded with those men to stop throwing any more stones at you?”

“When those soldiers started to throw the stones again, it was either him or me that those stones would have finished off! I chose him!”

“You chose him?! So you only lured Kurt to you with your cries for help so you can use him as a human shield to block any more stones from hitting you, protecting your own self from getting hit by the stones!”


“I see. Were you involved when Diane’s physical body was inside the examining room with the nurse interns? Did you have anything to do with Diane’s physical body throwing its legs up in the air back kicking at the nurses that were inside the examining room when the nurses were about to grab Diane’s physical body and transfer her physical body from the hospital bed onto the examining table?”


“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“You were involved in that too?” Dr. Stone asks.

“Yes I was,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“Oh no!” Diane D’s family shout.

“So you had something to do with Diane’s physical body back kicking two of the nurses in the jaw, injuring them when the nurses were about to grab Diane’s physical body a third time to transfer her physical body from the hospital bed to the examining table?!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Yes I had something to do with that,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“Oh no!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Why?!” Dr. Stone shouts. “Why did you cause Diane’s physical body to back kick at the nurses?”

“That’s just the way it is!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.



“Were you the same entity who woke up inside Diane’s physical body then lifted her head, turned her head around and looked right at two of the nurses who were inside the examining room when you heard shouting?!”

“Yes it was me.”

“That was you too?!”

“Yes it was.”

“Oh no!” Diane D’s family shout.

“So you were the entity inside Diane’s physical body that made the nurses scream and stop right in their tracks and quickly back up when they saw Diane’s physical eyes glaring at them!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Yes,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“You were inside Diane’s physical body when Amanda the head nurse was talking to Diane saying ‘hi’ and ‘how are you’ to her. Amanda claim she asked Diane was she okay’ telling Diane that she’s sorry to wake her, sorry to bother her, telling Diane that she and the others in the room were nurses. Amanda claim she introduced herself and the other nurses to Diane! She claim she told Diane that they didn’t mean to wake her, 188

that she and the other nurses were there to help her, asking Diane is there anything they can do for her, is there anything she needed! Amanda claim she told Diane that she and the other nurses saw her trying to break loose from those handcuffs and chain and told Diane that they thought she might be in distress because of it and asked Diane were the handcuffs and chain bothering her, does she need someone to help her get relief from them, but Diane did not answer. Amanda claimed she told Diane that if she want the handcuffs and chain removed from her, they will get removed, because her family and I were on our way up there, then asked Diane can she get her anything!

Amanda claim she asked Diane does she need any water, but Diane still did not answer her or say anything! Amanda claim she told Diane to say something, but all Diane did was jerk her arms, hands and wrists hard and made the metal bars at the head of the hospital bed jerk! Amanda claim she was saying all that stuff thinking she was talking to Diane’s original soul, spirit or personality, thinking that Diane’s original soul, spirit or personality was there, but it was YOU there instead! After a while, Amanda said she turned and head back across the examining room to the other nurses, then they all headed towards the door. Amanda claim that when she and the other nurses opened the door then turned their heads around and took one last look back at Diane, she was still glaring at them from across the examining room still not moving or saying anything, then they turned and left the room. Amanda claim after a while, she and the other nurses decided to go back to the examining room to check on Diane! Amanda claim that when she and the other nurses came back inside the examining room, they saw Diane pulling her socks off, then said that Diane threw her legs and lifted her body up in the air and did a hand stand right on top of the hospital bed and tried to walk on her hands while she was still in those handcuffs! Then she bent her entire body backwards into a contortionist position with her feet reaching past her head then past the head of the hospital bed to the tray that was there, grabs the key off the tray table with her toes, places the key right between her toes then bends her entire body more backwards until her feet reached past the tray table all the way to the lock on the other side of the second metal board, then she used her toes to put the key right into the lock, turn the key to unlock the lock, the lock opens! It falls right off the chain and drops to the floor! The chain becomes loose, so Diane winds up freeing herself from the handcuffs, lock and chain causing the nurses to scream and flee right out of the examining room! Did you have anything to do with that?! Did you somehow free Diane from those handcuffs, lock and chain?”

“Of course we did!”

“We? Who’s ‘we’? You mean the other entities or demons who made themselves look like Diane? They were inside the examining room too?!”


“Oh my God!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Why were the other entities or demons inside the examining room?!” Dr. Stone shouts. “What were they doing inside there?”

“We were surrounding Diane, moving and pulling her legs and feet to pick up the key to unlock the lock,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“What!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“You and the other entities or demons were surrounding Diane, moving and pulling her legs and feet to pick up the key to unlock the lock?!” Dr. Stone shouts. “You mean to tell me, that you were all inside the examining room tampering with Diane’s physical 189


“Yes we were,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Why?!” Dr. Stone shouts. “Why were you all inside the examining room tampering with Diane’s physical body, especially her legs and feet?!”

“So we can free her from the handcuffs, lock and chain!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“So you all can free Diane from the handcuffs, lock and chain?!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“That’s right!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.

“But I had the security guard put the handcuffs, lock and chain on Diane for a reason, because the nurse interns who were inside the examining room with her were afraid of her! Then you and your look-alike demons got the nerve to come along and decide to rescue Diane, by tampering with her legs and feet to remove the handcuffs, lock and chain from off her after I had the security guard put the handcuffs, lock and chain on her?!”

“Yep, you got it!”

“So all that time the nurses thought Diane was pulling herself into a contortionist position, reaching her legs and feet all the way to the lock to unlock it, freeing herself from the handcuffs, lock and chain in her sleep, you and the other entities or demons were the ones doing that!”

“That’s right, we were the ones.”

“Did Diane herself knew you and the other entities or demons were there inside that examining room? Did she know that you were all there inside that examining room tampering with her physical body?!”

“No she did not know.”

“She didn’t know?!”

“No she didn’t.”

“She didn’t feel you and the other entities or demons tampering with her physical body?!”

“Nope, she didn’t feel a thing.”

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Did the nurses see you and the other entities or demons inside the examining room?” Dr. Stone asks, “because they told me and everyone else everything that happened inside that examining room with Diane, but they never once mentioned seeing you and the other entities or demons inside the examining room around Diane!

Did the nurses see you and the other entities or demons inside the examining room around Diane tampering with her physical body?”

“No they did not see us,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“They didn’t? You mean they didn’t see you and the other entities or demons inside the examining room at all?”

“No they didn’t!”

“Why not? Why didn’t they see you all?!”

“Because they couldn’t see us!”

“They couldn’t see you?! They weren’t able to see you and the other entities or demons around Diane tampering with her physical body?!”



“Why not?”

“We were invisible to them.”

“Invisible to them? You all were invisible to the nurses?! You mean none of the nurses were able to see you and the other entities or demons inside the examining room?”

“No, but we all saw THEM.”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“You and the other entities or demons saw the nurses?!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Yep,” Diane D’s other personality says, “we sure did. We were looking right at them.”

“What!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“You and the other entities or demons were inside that examining room around Diane’s physical body looking at the nurses?!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Exactly,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“Those entities or demons probably seen and looked at a lot of people who’s been around Diane!” Barry shouts.

“I know!” Margarita shouts, “just like that entity admitted inside that hypnosis room that it’s seen all of us before! It already admitted that it knows of Dana, even though Dana doesn’t know anything about it!”

“I know,” Dr. Stone says. He gets back on the microphone and says to Diane D’s other personality, “Even though you and the other entities or demons were looking at the nurses, the nurses didn’t see you and were not aware of you all being inside the examining room around Diane?!”

“No, they had no idea we were there,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“No? They had no idea at all?”


“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“So in other words, you and the other entities or demons were all ghosts or spirits inside that examining room that the nurses were not able to see?!” Dr. Stone asks.

“That’s right,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“So they had no idea that you entities or demons were tampering with Diane’s physical body?!”

“No, they had no idea.”

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“All that time, the nurses thought Diane herself was pulling and putting her own body into a contortionist position then grabbing the key off the tray table putting the key into the lock with her toes then unlocking the lock freeing herself in her sleep, but it wasn’t Diane doing that, it was you entities or demons doing that to her!” Dr. Stone shouts. “The nurses were already afraid of Diane! They didn’t want to deal with her before they went inside the examining room! When they witnessed what was happening to her inside that examining room, it caused them to scream and flee right out of the examining room! Thanks to you entities or demons, those nurses are afraid of Diane even more now!”

“They sure are!” Barry shouts.

“I know!” Dr. Stone shouts. He gets back on the microphone and says to Diane D’s other personality, “When that evil Being had his men try to destroy you by having you 191

stoned, obvious it didn't work because your evil spirit is still around!”

“It's not that easy to get rid of me,” Diane D’s other personality says.

“I can see that, because I tried to get rid of you for a long time!”

“Be careful Dr. Stone!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“I tried to get you to stay away from Diane's soul, spirit and physical body and to leave her soul, spirit and physical body alone, but you just won’t stay away! You won't stop coming around her soul, spirit and physical body, you keep interfering in her life!

I don't know what else to do in order to get rid of you! I don't know what else to do in order for you and the other entities or demons to leave Diane's soul, spirit and physical body alone! I don't know what else to do in order for you and the other entities or demons to stop coming into Kurt’s dreams and nightmares! You seem to be very proud of what you do! Don’t you have any shame or remorse for what you did to people in this physical world?! You caused six deaths inside that hypnosis room and you caused countless of victims to be in the hospital! Don’t you have any shame that you destroyed all those victims’ families’ lives by what you did?!”

“No I do not!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.

“You don’t have any shame or any remorse at all?!”


“But you didn’t only destroy all the victims’ families’ lives, you destroyed Diane and her family’s lives as well! Do you at least care about that?!”

“Of course I care about Diane.”

“You do?”

“Yes I do.”

“But what about her family’s lives?”

“I care about that too.”

“You do?”

“Yes I do.”

“But not other families’ lives.”


“Okay listen to me, and listen to me good!”

“Please don’t get that entity angry Dr. Stone!” Margarita shouts.

“That’s right Dr. Stone!” Tomas shouts, “we remember what happened the last time you got that entity angry, giving it an ultimatum to leave Diane alone or else! Six lives were lost because of it! There wind up being bloodshed all over the place!”

“I know,” Dr. Stone says, “I’m not trying to get that entity angry. I’m just trying to get it to leave Diane’s physical body and not come back in her physical body nor come back around her physical body anymore!” Dr. Stone gets back on the microphone and says to Diane D’s other personality, “Now I want you to do Diane a big, big favor for her sake and her family’s sake, okay?”

“You want me to do Diane a big favor?” Diane D’s other personality asks. “Sure, I’ll do any favor for Diane.”

“You’ll do any favor for her?”

“Yes. What favor do you want me to do for her?”

“I want you to stay away from her, that’s what favor I want!”


“Oh oh,” Barry says.

“You want me to stay away from Diane?!”


“Yes!” Dr. Stone shouts. “I want you to leave Diane alone from now on, you got that?! Please leave her alone! Stay away from her soul, spirit and her physical body!

You’ve already caused enough damage in her life! You’ve already caused enough trouble in her life! You screwed up her and her family’s lives! You’re entering people’s dreams and nightmares pretending to be Diane screwing up her life by causing everyone to believe that she has the power to enter their dreams and nightmares causing people to be afraid of her! You’ve caused a lot of chaos in her life and in her family’s life! You’ve caused a lot of chaos in Marcus’ life also and in his family’s life!

You’ve cause enough chaos in the police officers’ lives and in the correction officers’

lives! You’ve caused enough chaos in the victims’ lives and in their families’ lives!

You’ve caused enough chaos in Kurt’s life and in his family’s life as well! You’ve caused enough chaos in all the victims’ lives and in their families’ lives, and now you’re causing chaos in the nurses’ lives and in their families’ lives as well! Do not bother Diane’s soul, spirit or her physical body ever again, do you understand that?! Do not bother that guy Kurt’s soul, spirit or physical body anymore either, leave him alone too! Stay out of his dreams and nightmares and do not enter his dreams or nightmares anymore, you got that?! And that goes for the rest of your look-alike gang, crew or soldiers! I want them to stay away from Diane’s soul, spirit and physical body also and I want them to stay out of Kurt’s dreams and nightmares as well! As a matter of fact, leave and get out of Diane’s physical body right now!”


“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“No?!” Dr. Stone asks. “What do you mean ‘no’?”

“We will not stay away from Diane!” Diane D’s other personality shouts.

“You won’t stay away from her?”


“Why not?!”

“That’s just the way it is!”

“That’s the way it is?! So you’re refusing to stay away from Diane?! You’re refusing to leave her soul, spirit and physical body alone?!”

“That’s right, I’m refusing!”

“But why?!”

“That’s just the way it is!”

“Okay, either you leave Diane’s soul, spirit and physical body alone, or I will have a Priest come right in here on the microphone to send you back to where you came from!”

“What! Send a Priest here?!”


“We’ll see about that, because I’m gonna come after you and destroy you before the Priest gets here!”

“What! Destroy me?! You’re gonna come after me and destroy me before the priest gets here?! What do you mean ‘destroy me’?!”

“I’m going to kill your ass!”

“What!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“You’re going to kill me?!” Dr. Stone asks. “So you would try to kill me again?!”

“Exactly!” Diane D’s other personality shouts. Her other personality becomes angry. It starts to become violent as it sits up on the psychiatrist couch and tries to 193

break loose from the handcuff wrapped around Diane D’s wrist as Diane D’s eyes remain shut!

“Oh no!” Margarita, Mary and Tomas shout.

“See Dr. Stone?!” Barry shouts. “See what we mean?!”

“Yes I see!” Dr. Stone shouts. He then shouts to Diane D’s other personality, “You can’t kill me, because you’re not able to get out of that bolted room! Even if you succeed in breaking loose from that handcuff, you won’t be able to break loose out of that room because the room and doors are bolted shut and you cannot escape!

Therefore, you won’t be able to break out of that room!”

“I won’t?!” Diane D’s other personality says as her other personality stops trying to break loose from the handcuff.

“No! So you might as well just leave from out of that physical body, now!”

“Leave from out if it?”

“That’s right, leave! And once you leave from out of that physical body, I don’t want you to ever come back and bother Diane’s soul, spirit or physical body ever again, and that goes for the other entities or demons in your world who made themselves look like Diane! I don’t want them to ever come and bother Diane’s soul, spirit or physical body again either, you got that?!”

“Very well then! I will leave from out of this physical body.”

“You will?! You agree to leave from out of Diane’s physical body?!”

“Yes, I agree to leave.”


Diane D’s other personality lays back down on the psychiatrist couch with Diane D’s eyes still remaining shut.