DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

Diane D And Dana Both Lay Unconscious Inside Mental Hospital!

A few hours later, Diane D is lying face up unconscious on the hospital bed in the 202

hospital emergency room with her eyes puffy and swollen shut. She is hooked to IV

tubes and monitors. She is surrounded by Dr. Stone, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Mary, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Tonio, Marilyn, Aunt Laura, Aunt Jean, Aunt Celeste, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael and Dr. Turk again as Dr. Turk shines the flashlight into Diane D’s left eye. He then moves to Diane D’s right eye and shines the flashlight into her right eye.

“Will she be okay Doctor?” Grandpa Mike asks.

“Yes,” Dr. Turk says, “she’s in a deep sleep right now.”

“A deep sleep?” Margarita asks. “That happened before and she hasn’t come out of it for over a week and wind up having missing time!”

“Yeah!” Mary shouts. “I sure hope that doesn’t happen again!”

“I hope not either,” Dr. Turk says. He tries to wake Diane D up and says, “Diane?

Wake up. Wake up Diane.” Diane D does not respond. She remains in a deep sleep.

“Diane wake up,” Dr. Stone says. “Your family is here, wake up.” Diane D still does not respond.

“When is she going to wake back up Dr. Stone?” Gracy asks.

“I don’t know, hopefully soon.”

“Will she remember what happened Dr. Stone?” Tomas asks. “Will she remember what went on with her and Dana inside the bolted room?”

“No, most likely she won’t remember any of that stuff, neither will Dana.”

“What!” the family shouts.

“Dana won’t remember it either?” Barry asks.

“I doubt she will,” Dr. Stone says. “That was the entity inside her physical body!”

“Oh no!” the family shouts. Diane D’s family, Dr. Stone and Dr. Turk sadly look down at Diane D as she remains in a deep sleep.

Several minutes later, Dana is lying face up unconscious on the hospital bed in the emergency room with her eyes swollen shut. She is hooked to IV tubes and monitors.

She is surrounded by her parents Christine and David, three of her siblings Sammy, Thomas and Missy, Dr. Stone, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Mary, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Tonio, Marilyn, Aunt Laura, Aunt Jean, Aunt Celeste, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael and Dr.

Turk as Dr. Turk shines the flashlight into Dana’s left eye. Dr. Turk then moves to Dana’s right eye and shines the flashlight into her right eye. “Is she going to be okay Doctor?” Christine asks.

“Yes she’s going to be okay,” Dr. Turk says, “she’s just unconscious right now like Diane.”

“When is she going to wake back up?” David asks.

“I’m not sure, hopefully soon.” Dr. Turk and Dana’s family and relatives sadly look down at Dana as she remains in a deep sleep. Dr. Turk tries to wake Dana up and says,

“Dana? Wake up Dana. Dana?” Dana does not respond. She remains in a deep sleep.

“Dana?” Dr. Stone says. “Wake up Dana, your family is here.” Dana still does not respond.

“So you’re saying that she won’t have any memory of what happened inside that bolted room either?” Grandpa Mike asks.

“No I’m afraid she won’t.”

“So she’s not gonna remember waking up, sitting up on the bed at home, looking around the room, then jumping up off the bed, taking a quick look in the mirror, then 203

turn and run out the room then run down the stairs and headed to the closet, grabbing a baseball bat out of there then runs right into the living room right pass everyone then runs to the front door, opens the front door then runs out of the house, then she gets in her car and just drove out of there without saying anything! She’s not going to remember any of that stuff at all?!”

“Most likely she’s not going to remember it, because it wasn’t her original personality that was doing all of that stuff, it was that entity doing it, the same entity that takes over Diane’s physical body!”

“You mean it was that entity who came in our home and just took Dana out of our house?!” Gracy shouts.

“I’m afraid it was.”

“Oh no!” the family shouts.

“So from now on whenever Dana just busts out of our house like that, we have to wonder if it’s that evil entity?!” Gracy shouts.

“It’s a possibility,” Dr. Stone says.

“Oh no!” the family shouts.

“That means that evil entity has gotten a hold of two of my granddaughters!”

Grandpa Mike shouts.

“Oh no!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives, Dr. Stone and Dr. Turk sadly look down at Dana as she remains in a deep sleep.

Several hours later, Diane D is still lying face up unconscious in the hospital room on the hospital bed with her eyes still puffy and swollen shut surrounded by Dr. Stone, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Mary, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Tonio, Marilyn, Aunt Laura, Aunt Jean, Aunt Celeste, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael and Dr. Turk as they sadly look at her.

Several minutes later, Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family and relatives are out in the hallway. Dr. Stone then says to Diane D’s family and relatives, “You know this other personality of Diane’s can’t keep going on. It’s literally destroying her and is willing to cause destruction, chaos and murder by any means necessary, and now Dana is being affected by this entity, and you all witnessed I was about to become a victim again by that vicious entity! I was already threatened by that evil entity twice! When I told that entity inside the hypnosis room last year to stay away from Diane, it got so angry then threatened me, then it broke loose from the chains wrapped around Diane’s physical body, then it followed up on its threat, came after me and kung fu kicked both me and Doctor Kahn right in our heads knocking us both out, causing Dr. Kahn to wind up closing his practice! This time when I told that entity to stay away from Diane, it got angry again, then threatened me again, then tried to break loose from the handcuff and chain wrapped around Diane’s wrist, then it was about to follow up on its threat when it was about to use Dana’s physical body to come after me and beat me with that baseball bat to kill me!”

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Last year that vicious entity used Diane’s physical body on me, this time it was about to use Dana’s physical body on me!”

“Well you need to hurry and get rid of that evil entity or demon Dr. Stone!” Gracy 204

shouts, “and you need to get rid of that evil entity or demon pronto and get it out of all of our lives!”

“I’ve tried to get rid of that entity or demon, but nothing seems to work!

Hypnotizing Diane brings that entity or demon out of her more, but telling that entity to stay away from her then trying to get rid of it only seems to get it angry more! And Dana got affected by that entity because she meditates with Diane! I warned you all before that Dana should have never been meditating with Diane in the first place, look where it’s gotten her! Now she’s a victim of this evil vicious entity also! Neither Diane or Dana needs meditation! If anything, they need medication, not meditation! Where did you all say that Diane learned her meditation skills from?”

“She learned meditation from those instructors in Asia when our organization traveled there,” Margarita says.

“That’s who she learned it from, the instructors in Asia?”


“Well in that case, those instructors in Asia might be the only hope for Diane to reverse the power of her meditation skills, because I sure can’t seem to do it!”

“But Diane hasn’t meditate for a while Dr. Stone!” Mary shouts. “She doesn’t meditate anymore because we all keep a close eye on her to make sure she doesn’t meditate anymore!”

“That’s right!” Barry shouts.

“Well if she’s not meditating anymore, it doesn’t seem to stop these evil vicious entities or demons from coming around her!” Dr. Stone shouts. “As far as we know, these evil vicious entities are still coming around her even though she’s not meditating anymore! They’re just not coming around her when any of you are there!”

Diane D’s family and relatives worriedly and frighteningly look at Dr. Stone.