DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

Dr. Stone Tests The Nurses’ Memory About Diane D In Examining Room

The following day, Dr. Stone is out in the hospital hallway talking to the nurse interns Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina as he says to them, “How do you all feel after that ordeal you all went through with Diane inside the examining room?”

“How do we feel about it?” Amanda asks.


“We’re still traumatized by it Dr. Stone!”

“You are?”

“Of course we are! That’s something we’re never going to forget or get over, seeing Diane D’s body appearing to move completely on its own without her doing it or without her being aware of it! It was very creepy!”


“It sure was Dr. Stone!” Suzie shouts. “Can you blame us for fleeing out of that examining room?!”

“I can imagine!” Dr. Stone shouts. “Are you all sure Diane’s body was moving completely on its own without her doing it or without her being aware of it?”

“It sure was!” Francine shouts. “Diane D’s body was moving on its own putting itself into a contortionist position, then her legs and feet were moving all the way pass the head of the hospital bed completely on its own to grab the key off the tray table then bring the key all the way to the lock that was behind the second metal board to unlock it freeing her from those handcuffs, lock and chain!”

“Wow! And you say Diane herself was asleep the entire time this was happening?”

“She sure was!”

“You didn’t see any hidden wires or anything secretly lifting Diane’s body up pulling and putting her body into a contortionist position, did you?”

“No!” Suzie shouts, “we didn’t see any hidden wires or anything secretly lifting Diane D’s body up!”

“You didn’t?”

“No, we didn’t see anything unusual like that at all!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes we’re sure!”

“Why would we see something like that anyway Dr. Stone?!” Amanda asks.

“I’m just trying to rule out any possibility of how Diane’s body was able to move on its own without her doing it or without her being aware of it,” Dr. Stone says. “What about orbs?”

“What about orbs? What about them?”

“Did any of you see any orbs around Diane inside the examining room?”

“Did any of us see any orbs? You mean spirits?!”

“Well sort of.”

“What! I don’t remember seeing any orbs or spirits around Diane D when we were inside the examining room with her!”

“You don’t?”

“No! Why?!”

“I was just wondering because something made Diane’s body move on its own without her doing it herself or without her being aware of it!”

“And you think it could be the work of orbs or spirits doing that to her?!”

“You think that orbs or spirits were helping Diane D free from those handcuffs lock and chain Dr. Stone?!” Suzie shouts. “Because I would hate to know that we were actually inside that examining room with ghosts or spirits! ”

“I would hate to know that too!” Annette shouts.

“Me too!” Francine shouts. “The possibility of being inside that examining room with Diane D’s other personality is bad enough, then you’re asking us if we saw any orbs or spirits around her?!”

“I’m just asking you if any of you saw anything unusual or suspicious around Diane or around her hospital bed when you all were inside the examining room with her,” Dr.

Stone says.

“No, we didn’t see anything unusual or suspicious around Diane D or around her hospital bed when we were inside the examining room with her!”

“No? You didn’t see anything unusual or suspicious around Diane or around her 206

hospital bed at all?!”

“No! If there was anything unusual or suspicious around Diane D or around her hospital bed, we didn’t see it!”

“You didn’t?”

“No! At least I know I didn’t see it!”

“I didn’t see anything unusual or suspicious around Diane D or around her hospital bed either!” Annette shouts.

“Neither did I!” Amanda shouts. “Why do you want to know if any of us saw any orbs or spirits around Diane D Dr. Stone? Were there spirits around Diane D inside that examining room that we didn’t know about?! Were there spirits around her that we didn’t see or couldn’t see? Is her body haunted?!”

“I’m not saying that,” Dr. Stone says.

“You’re not?!”

“No! I’m just trying to ask a curious question so that I can rule out any possibility of how Diane’s body was able to put itself into a contortionist position and reach its legs and feet all the way to the lock on the other side of the second metal board to unlock the lock on its own without her knowingly or willingly doing it, that’s all. If none of you saw anything unusual or suspicious around Diane or around her hospital bed, that’s good to know.”

“Oh yeah?”


“Okay then. Dr. Stone, is it alright if we take our coffee break now?”

“Sure. You ladies go right ahead.”

“Thanks.” Amanda turns around to the other nurses and says, “Come on ladies, let’s go take our coffee break now.”

“Okay,” Elaina says.

Amanda and the other nurses turn and walk away down the hallway as Paula says,

“Wow, imagine, being inside the same room with ghosts or spirits and don’t even know it or can’t see them!”

“I know!” Francine shouts. “Scary isn’t it?”

“It sure is!” the other nurses say.

Dr. Stone nervously and worriedly looks at the nurses as they head down the hallway.

Around an hour later, Dr. Stone, Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas are talking in the hospital hallway as Margarita says to Dr. Stone, “Did you ask the nurse interns if they saw anything unusual inside the examining room when they were inside there with Diane?”

“Yes I asked them that,” Dr. Stone says.

“You did? What did they say?”

“They said they didn’t see anything unusual or suspicious around Diane or around her hospital bed when they were inside the examining room with her.”

“They didn’t? They didn’t see anything unusual or suspicious around Diane at all?”

“According to them they didn’t! I asked them did they see any hidden wires or anything lifting Diane’s body up pulling and putting her body into a contortionist position. They said they didn’t see anything unusual like that and asked me why would 207

they see something like that anyway. I told them I was just asking them if any of them saw anything unusual or suspicious around Diane or around her hospital bed when they were inside the examining room with her. I told them I was just trying to rule out any possibility of how Diane’s body was able to move on its own without her doing it or without her being aware of it! Then I asked them about orbs.”

“You asked them about orbs?” Barry asks.

“Yeah. I asked them did any of them see any orbs around Diane. They asked did I mean spirits.”

“What!” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas shout.

“They asked did you mean spirits?” Mary asks.

“Yeah,” Dr. Stone says.

“What did you tell them?”

“I told them sort of. They said they don’t remember seeing any orbs or spirits around Diane when they were inside the examining room with her, then they asked

‘why’. I told them I was just wondering because something made Diane’s body move on its own without her doing it herself or without her being aware of it. Then they asked me do I think it could be the work of orbs or spirits doing that to Diane and do I think that orbs or spirits were helping Diane free from those handcuffs, lock and chain because they said they would hate to know that they were actually inside the same room with ghosts or spirits!”

“They would hate to know that they were inside the same room with ghosts or spirits?” Barry asks.

“That’s what they said. They said the possibility of being inside that examining room with Diane’s other personality is bad enough, then I’m asking them about seeing orbs or spirits around her. They said if there was anything unusual or suspicious around Diane or around her hospital bed, they didn’t see it. Then they asked why do I want to know if they saw any orbs or spirits around Diane, then asked me were there spirits around Diane inside the examining room that they didn’t see or couldn’t see.”

“They asked you that?” Tomas asks.

“Yes, then they asked me was Diane’s body haunted.”

“What!” Tomas, Barry, Mary and Margarita shout.

“The nurse interns asked you was Diane’s body haunted?!” Margarita shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says. “I told them I was just trying to find out how Diane’s body was able to move and reach all the way to the lock to unlock the lock on its own without her knowingly or willingly doing it.”

“You didn’t want to tell them about what Diane’s other personality said to you about it and the other entities being inside the examining room around Diane tampering with her physical body and looking right at THEM?”

“No, of course not! I couldn’t tell them what Diane’s other personality said to me!

If the nurse interns find out that they were actually inside the same room with ghosts or spirits and couldn’t see them, especially evil ghosts or spirits that were looking right at them, it would definitely frighten the hell out of them! They would be devastated!

They definitely would not want to step foot back inside that examining room ever again, not only that, they would not want to step foot back inside this hospital ever again, they would quit right away like those two male hospital employees who witnessed Diane’s other personality kung fu kick that stuck storage room door at the other hospital wide open!” Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Mary worriedly and 208

frighteningly look at Dr. Stone.


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